Ma famille et moi WALT: Describing yourself, your family and friends and being able to use possessive adjectives WILF: • Be able to give a basic description of your family – grade G • Be able to give a detailed description of your family and yourself and give your opinion – grade F • Be able to give a detailed description of your family and yourself, give your opinion and justify it – grade E How much do you remember? 1. In your exercise book, match up the question and the answers in French 2. Translate both the questions and answers in English Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? Quel âge as-tu? Tu es de quelle taille? Tu as les cheveux de quelle couleur? Tu as les yeux de quelle couleur? a) b) c) d) e) J’ai les cheveux noirs et frisés J’ai les yeux bleus Mon anniversaire c’est le 13 février J’ai quinze ans Je suis grand et mince Les yeux et les cheveux Tu es comment? J’ai les yeux marron J’ai les yeux bleus J’ai les yeux verts TO COPY AND TRANSLATE IN YOUR BOOK! J’ai les cheveux blonds J’ai les cheveux châtains J’ai les cheveux bruns J’ai les cheveux noirs J’ai les cheveux roux TO COPY AND TRANSLATE IN YOUR BOOK! J’ai les cheveux raides J’ai les cheveux ondulés J’ai les cheveux frisés J’ai les cheveux rasés TO COPY AND TRANSLATE IN YOUR BOOK! J’ai les cheveux courts J’ai les cheveux mi-longs J’ai les cheveux longs TO COPY AND TRANSLATE IN YOUR BOOK! J’ai les yeux Je suis chauve marron bleus verts J’ai les cheveux J’ai une barbe J’ai une moustache bruns blonds noirs roux gris CHECK IF ALL THIS IS IN BOOK! IF NOT MAKE SURE IT IS!! et courts longs raides J’ai des tâches de rousseurs Je porte des lunnettes frisés ondulés Don’t forget to use connectives such as et (and), mais (but), aussi (also)…can you list anymore? Write in your exercise book a description of yourself and two members of your class. Example: J’ai les yeux bleus. J’ai les cheveux blonds et longs mais frisés. J’ai….. Jack a… Ellie a… TO COPY IN BOOK! Remember: J’ai = I have Tu as = you bbbhave Il / elle a = he/she has Nous avons = we have A bit more about physical description… Look at the following slides copy them in your book and translate. Remember to use Je suis grand. Je suis petit. Je suis grande. Je suis petite. Je suis mince. Je suis rondelé. Je suis mince. Je suis rondelette. Je suis de taille moyenne. Je suis beau. Je suis moche. Je suis belle. Je suis moche. Now, in your book, add on to the descriptions of yourself and your friends to make them more detailed… Try and use GCSE ways to start your sentences: Je dirais que – I would say that Je pense que – I think that Je crois que – I believe that À mon avis – it is my opinion that J’ai….. Je suis…. Jack a… il est…. Ellie a… elle est… TO COPY IN BOOK! TO COPY IN BOOK! Remember: Je suis = I am Tu es = you are Il/elle est= he/she is Nous sommes = we are Ils/elles sont = they are Je n’aime pas… J’adore… Je déteste…. REMEMBER! J’aime… Remember ! Expressing like and dislike means you can achieve up to level 3! TO COPY IN YOUR BOOK! Extension tasks Describe the following celebrities in as much detail as you can including opinions and justifying them to achieve up to grade E Remember Parce que = because Adjectives • • • • • • • • • • • • • Find more adjectives, don’t forget to use Big Small Fast Slow Nasty Good Intelligent Fierce Nice calm/quiet Stupid Bad copy them in your book and translate. In your book, describe these people in detail, giving your opinion and justifying it Bethany CLAUDE TO COPY IN BOOK! active big boring busy crazy fast funny happy intelligent messy neat nervous quiet sad serious slow small worried Actif/ active Grand/ grande Ennuyeux/ ennuyeuse Occupé/ occupée Fou/ folle Rapide Amusant/ amusante Joyeux/ joyeuse Intelligent/ intelligente Désordonné/ désordonnée Ordonné/ ordonnée Nerveux/ nerveuse calme triste Sérieux/ sérieuse Lent/ lente Petit/ petite Préoccupé/ préoccupée Remember! Use the adjective in bleu when describing a boy, pink when describing a girl. The adjectvive in black works for both gender! More ____________ than = plus _______________ que For example: Claude is more worried than Bethany – Claude est plus préoccupé que Bethany TO COPY IN BOOK! Now write 5 comparisons between Claude and Bethany or between some of your classmates Grade booster!!! Using the comparative will help you achieve higher grades A & B Online practice Log onto Complete the following section: Click on French key stage 4 Games Appearance