J’ai mal chanson Learning Objectives: •I can name 5/7/9 parts of the body from memory •I can use colours to describe body parts I can write several sentences about my partner using “Il a…” Steps to Success: • Be able to recognise the body parts when you hear them • Be able to say them to a partner • Understand about using adjectives in French •I have made a positive contribution to the class (ECM) Look, cover, write, check. Les cheveux Les yeux Les oreilles La nez La bouche Le ventre Le bras La main La jambe Le pied - Hair Eyes Ears Nose Mouth Stomach Arm Hand Leg Foot Now in your teams • Draw round the outline of someone in your team. • When I call out the body part draw an arrow and write down the French. • Two points for correct (including el/la/los/las) • One point for nearly right. What two things do we need to remember when using adjectives in Spanish? Using adjectives in Spanish • What two things do we need to remember when using adjectives in French? • 1. • 2. • How do we say he has green eyes? • Il a + body part + colour • Il a les yeux verts. Comment-est ton ami? Learning Objectives: •I have made my own wild self •I can write several sentences about my wild self using “j’ai” + body part + colour (and or other adjective) •I have reviewed my partner’s work and given to stars and a wish Steps to Success: • Share the laptops with your partner (give equal time) • Use what we have learned and the handout to write your own sentences. • Make sure the adjectives agree. 1. Ilalescheveuxnoirslesyeuxvertsetuneboucherouge 2.Iladeuxmainspetitsetdeuxpiedsgrandsetjaunes 3. J’ailanezgrisetdeuxjambesgrandesetlesyeuxrouges 4. J’aiunventredeuxoreillesetlescheveuxbruns Moi, l’animal J’ai les cheveux courts et bruns. J’ai les yeux grands et oranges. J’ai les oreilles gris. J’ai les bras longs et jaunes. J’ai les jambes poilus comme un lion. J’ai une queue verte, des cornes gris et les ailes d’une chauvesouris. What did you think of my wild self? 1. What was good? 2. What could we do better next time? 3. What do we need to include? Now make your own wild self. • You have 20 minutes to finish on the laptops 1. Turn off the sound on your laptop 2. Log on to buildyourwildself.com 3. Create your wild self 4. Email to rachel.beckford@walbottlecampus.newcastle.sch.uk 5. Repeat for your partner. 6. Start writing about your wild self. Remember the success criteria! Link Words Animals et And Un lion aussi As well mais En plus Colours Las ailes wings Rouge Red Une chauve- A bat souris Une queue A tail Jaune Yellow But Un serpent A snake Les pattes Paws Rose Pink also Une tortue A turtle Vert Green Cependen However t Un lapin A rabbit Poilu(s) Hairy Violet Purple Parceque Un rat A rat Écailluex(e use) Scaly Orange Orange Duveteux( Fluffy Bleu Blue Because A lion Animal Body parts Animal Adjectives • Read your partner’s monster description • Give two stars and a wish. • (Two things you like and one thing to work on)