Multiple Intelligences Brainstormer – List of activities you can choose from for family tree project Verbal/Linguistic •Word jumbles of different family members and their match •Interpret another famous family •Compare two families (Venn Diagram?) •poem Logical/Mathematical •Dividing a pizza among your family members- how many pieces would each eat? •Making a graph of different number of family members of kids in the grade Bodily/Kinesthetic Interpersonal •Teaching the class- have kids draw your tree as you dictate it to them •Family book with descriptions and pictures/illustrations •Poster visually representing your family tree (DO NOT USE A TREE- choose another image that relates to your family better… a ski mountain, a pool, a foosball table??) Musical/Rhythmic •Make a song or beats to remember and teach the class members of your family with their titles •Playing an instrument while a slideshow plays of your family with description •Read out loud a poem about family •Rap or make a melody or choose a famous song to describe your family •Act out a skit where you are ALL members of your immediate family •Make up a dance that represents your family culture and explain why •Make up gestures for each Spanish name for family vocabulary •Interview for wanting to become part of your family. Do you have what it takes? •Team games or activities your family does that the class can do together, too! •Make up fake telephone conversation that happens between two family members Visual/Spatial Intrapersonal •Write some diary entries about daily life in your crazy family. •Find an article about family life in a Spanish speaking country. Do they have bigger or smaller families? Respond •Acrostic poetry, illustrations with each line Naturalist •Focus on outdoor vacations your family does and what you do on them •If each family member was a part of nature what would they be? Describe. •Including pets on your project