RCM - Maintenance Philosophy of the Future? by Peter Ormond, Strategic Corp., Australia Reliability Centred Maintenance Original paper by Nowlan and Heap, 1978 Major re-work in RCM II by John Moubray SAE Standard JA1011 in 1999 Maintenance Philosophies Breakdown Maintenance Industrial Revolution Preventive or Change-out Maintenance Second World War Predictive or Condition Based Maintenance Reliability Centred Maintenance Mid ’60’s Mid ’80’s BHP’s Experience Steel Industry World Wide Review Man-hours per Liquid Tonne of Steel Four Best Practice Organisations Biggest difference – Maintenance treated as a PROFIT CENTRE BHP was managing Maintenance as COST CENTRE BHP Action Plan Understand Problem Set Overall Target Target 40% Reduce in Maint. Cost Per Tonne in 5 years Develop Approach for Solution 7 Step Plan BHP’s 7 Step Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Re-Education Re-Define Roles & Responsibilities Re-Develop Measurements Provide Processes and Systems Apply Strategy Based Maintenance Formalise Continuous Improvement Focus on Waste Reduction Education Develop a new technique for applying training - SBL Develop a high level training package Introduction to Maintenance and its Management Apply training package to ALL employees BHP’s 7 Step Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Re-Education Re-Define Roles & Responsibilities Re-Develop Measurements Provide Processes and Systems Apply Strategy Based Maintenance Formalise Continuous Improvement Focus on Waste Reduction Roles & Responsibilities New understandings required new definitions Some changes to organisational structure Once-off exercise BHP’s 7 Step Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Re-Education Re-Define Roles & Responsibilities Re-Develop Measurements Provide Processes and Systems Apply Strategy Based Maintenance Formalise Continuous Improvement Focus on Waste Reduction Measurements The only way to make permanent change is to change the way things are measured Split measurements between KPI’s and the PI’s that feed them KPI’s are ALL Historical, Summary and UNCONTROLLABLE Measuring is not enough, interpreting the measures is the important step BHP’s 7 Step Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Re-Education Re-Define Roles & Responsibilities Re-Develop Measurements Provide Processes and Systems Apply Strategy Based Maintenance Formalise Continuous Improvement Focus on Waste Reduction Processes and Systems Follow-on from all the previous steps Includes fully developed processes, procedures, documentation, etc. Also includes adequate computer systems, both hard and software, as well as appropriate training BHP’s 7 Step Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Re-Education Re-Define Roles & Responsibilities Re-Develop Measurements Provide Processes and Systems Apply Strategy Based Maintenance Formalise Continuous Improvement Focus on Waste Reduction Strategy Based Maintenance Understand Profit Centre Maintenance Travel World looking for solutions RCM recognised as fitting exactly with required philosophy Love results – Hate effort required Develop Methodology to enhance RCM (RCM Turbo) BHP’s 7 Step Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Re-Education Re-Define Roles & Responsibilities Re-Develop Measurements Provide Processes and Systems Apply Strategy Based Maintenance Formalise Continuous Improvement Focus on Waste Reduction Continuous Maintenance Improvement Appoint responsibility Formalise process Recognise shortcomings of P-D-C-A Change Act to AUTHORISE BHP’s 7 Step Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Re-Education Re-Define Roles & Responsibilities Re-Develop Measurements Provide Processes and Systems Apply Strategy Based Maintenance Formalise Continuous Improvement Focus on Waste Reduction Waste Reduction Very similar to Continuous Maintenance Improvement Look outside ‘normal’ Maintenance sphere Same structure but less frequent BHP Steel’s Results Achieved 50% reduction in 6 years Pointed to two factors having greater impact than anticipated: Re-Education of all employees into common understanding of Maintenance Implementation of RCM (RCM Turbo) World Wide View Late ’80’s Paper based analyses Several successful exercises No PC Tools Almost no-one had heard of RCM World Wide View Mid’90’s Many heard of RCM but few knowledgeable Several Tools ‘Other’ systems claiming to be RCM SAE Standard JA1011 World Wide View Current 2000+ Few organisation not heard of RCM Most organisations have some-one with detailed knowledge Many organisations have Reliability Group Many others trying to start projects RCM Incorporated into University Courses How does it all fit together? Business Plan Plant Strategy Operating requirements Inventory plant items Life Plans for critical plant items (RCM analysis) CMMS Task lists Maintenance plans Work orders Document Retrieval System Work instructions Improvement Steps RCM-Turbo The Versatile Tool Review KPI Scheduling Resource Bal Grp Tasks Opt Freq Task Analysis Fail Analysis Equip Codes Reactive Maintenance Systems Maturity Proactive Improvement Steps RCM-Turbo The Versatile Tool Review KPI Scheduling Resource Bal Grp Tasks Opt Freq Task Analysis CMMS Fail Analysis Equip Codes Reactive Maintenance Systems Maturity Proactive Improvement Steps RCM-Turbo The Versatile Tool Review KPI RCM Scheduling Resource Bal Grp Tasks Opt Freq Task Analysis CMMS Fail Analysis Equip Codes Reactive Maintenance Systems Maturity Proactive RCM-Turbo The Versatile Tool Improvement Steps RCM-Turbo RCMTurbo Review KPI RCM Scheduling Resource Bal Grp Tasks Opt Freq Task Analysis CMMS Fail Analysis Equip Codes Reactive Maintenance Systems Maturity Proactive Frequency Optimisation MTBF Total Annual Business Cost of Maint. Cost of Failure Cost of Inspection Time Optimum Frequency FTM - Optimum Frequency based on Probability of Failure in MTBF Warning Time P F1 F 70% Confidence non-failure 92% Confidence non-failure Warning Time Frequency Optimisation MTBF Total Annual Business Cost of Maint. Cost of Failure Cost of Planned Repair Cost of Inspection Time Optimum Frequency Warning Time CBM - Optimum Frequency based on Confidence of non Failure in Warning Time Frequency Optimisation Graph Benefits Obtained from Frequency Optimisation Many Tasks Increase in Frequency – Increasing Reliability Many Tasks Reduce in Frequency – Reduced Costs without Compromising Reliability Average Cost Reduction 10% – 15% Assists ‘What If..?’ Scenario Testing Justification of Maintenance Decisions Benefits of RCM Changing Organisations to Profit Centre rather than Cost Centre Maintenance A Methodology to apply Business Decision to Maintenance Planning Supports all Current Maintenance Techniques Consistent with and sub-part of TPM Title Question RCM – Maintenance Philosophy of the Future? YES !