ch11 workbook

Middle Adulthood:
Ages 40 through 65
Physical Changes During Middle Adulthood
Activity A
Chapter 11
Complete the table by listing changes that may occur during middle adulthood. In the first two rows,
list any physical changes specific to men or women.
Sensory skills
Muscle mass and
bone density
Health concerns
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Lifespan Development Workbook
Memories, Memories, Memories
Activity B
Chapter 11
The statements below describe episodic or semantic memories. In the blank before each statement,
write an E if the statement is an example of an episodic memory or an S if it is an example of a
semantic memory. Then, respond to the question that follows.
1. the first day of school
2. how to use the Internet
3. how to make chocolate chip cookies
4. where the flashlight is located
5. how to count money
6. how to play an instrument
7. where you left your homework
8. the state capital
9. the location of your classes at school
10. your graduation
11. math calculations
12. your locker combination
13. laws and regulations
14. your friend’s birthday party
15. your neighbor’s name
16. How does the ability to remember in middle adulthood change when compared with early
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Chapter 11
Middle Adulthood: Ages 40 through 65
Moral Development Throughout the Lifespan
Activity C
Chapter 11
By the time people reach middle adulthood, many have experienced the different levels of moral
development. Complete the following table by describing Kohlberg’s three levels of moral development. Then, read the scenario that follows and identify how a person in each stage of moral development might respond.
Level of Moral Development
Stage in the Lifespan
Preconventional morality
Preschoolers, early years in
middle childhood
Conventional morality
Latter years in middle childhood,
Postconventional morality
Deshi is at a clothing store purchasing a few new items for the fall season. This particular
clothing store is somewhat expensive, but Deshi prefers these styles and clothing brands. He does
not have much money, but has saved for weeks to make these purchases. The cashier says the total
is $95.00. Deshi hands the cashier $100.00 to pay the bill. Instead of giving Deshi $5.00 in change,
the cashier hands him $15.00. How might a person in each stage of moral development respond to
this situation?
1. Preconventional morality response:
2. Conventional morality response:
3. Postconventional morality response:
Copyright by The Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Lifespan Development Workbook
Activity D
Chapter 11
According to theorist Erik Erikson, middle-aged adults are in the socio-emotional stage of development, generativity versus stagnation. Read the scenarios and determine which type of generativity is
being described. Explain how you came to each conclusion.
1. Dakarai is 45 and has worked in an auto repair shop for years. As a manager of the automotive
services section, he teaches the newer, younger employees the routine of each maintenance repair
appointment. Although he does not have to, Dakarai also gives additional tips for providing the
best service, informs them about trends in the industry, and talks with them about how they can
improve their careers. The younger employees often enjoy learning from Dakarai.
Type of generativity:
2. During the third year of Emma and Max’s marriage, Emma gave birth to two healthy, happy
twin boys. The boys recently turned 10 years old. Emma and Max have decided to spend some
evenings teaching the boys how to cook. Cooking is important in the family and both Emma and
Max are beginning to pass down their culinary traditions. Max was also 10 years old when he
started to learn how to cook.
Type of generativity:
3. Ravi’s uncle, Nikhil, is an excellent golfer. Nikhil has been golfing for years and has even entered
some local competitions and won trophies. About twice a month, Nikhil takes Ravi to the golf
range. Nikhil has been teaching him different techniques and is preparing Ravi for golf tryouts
for the high school team.
Type of generativity:
4. Miranda and Sarah created an online video series about skills they learned when making
clothing. Both have worked in the fashion and apparel industry. Miranda and Sarah provide tips
for selecting colors, fabrics, and creating unique styles. They post their videos on a public website,
which many people view.
Type of generativity:
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Chapter 11
Middle Adulthood: Ages 40 through 65
Emotional Changes in Middle Adulthood
Activity E
Chapter 11
Complete the following table by listing the emotional changes middle-aged adults may experience
for each lifetime milestone shown. Then, list the emotional changes that other family members may
be feeling in relation to this change. For example, if middle-aged adults are in the sandwich generation, what changes might older adults experience?
Becoming a part of the
sandwich generation
Experiencing an empty nest
Becoming a grandparent
Preparing for retirement
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Emotional Changes for
Middle Adulthood
Emotional Changes for
Others Relating to Event
Lifespan Development Workbook
Cultural Influences
Activity F
Chapter 11
People who are born in a similar time in history are called generational cohorts. Use reliable online or
print sources to research significant social, political, and economic events that occurred during
specific times in history. Record your findings in the table below. In the last row of the table, identify what you think the generation name should be for those born after 1995 and list any significant
events that have already occurred.
Generational Cohorts
Significant Social, Political, and Economic Events
The Baby Boomer Generation
Generation X
The Millennial Generation
Generation name for those born
after 1995
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