2015-2016 Operating Plan and Budget Request Narrative

Provost Area
Division Head Directions for Preparation of
2015-2016 Operating Plan and Budget Request
Each Division Head is responsible for developing a Division level process to ensure the completion of the 2015-2016 Division
Operating Plan Narrative, Summary Charts and Pre-Merit Budget Request Sheets. Instructions for the submission of the Operating
Plan Narrative and Summary Charts are provided below. Technical instructions for completing the Pre-Merit Budget Request Sheets
and associated details will be provided by the Business Office and can be found on the Budget Website
http://www.uwgb.edu/pboffice/annual.htm a copy of this document is also located at http://blog.uwgb.edu/asstvc/academicaffairs-budgets/
This document provides the format, required summary chart templates (use ONLY the Excel forms provided), and instructions for
preparing your 2015-2016 Division Operating Plan and Budget Request. The completed document will represent your Division’s
official Operating Plan and Budget Request for the 2015-2016 fiscal year (FY 2016). The Operating Plan should be a clear, concise,
and comprehensive description of how you intend to allocate your Division’s resources to accomplish established goals and
Your Division Operating Plan and Budget Request must be approved by the Provost before it is submitted to the Controller’s
Office for reconciliation.
September 15
Sept 15, 2014
The following items will be available on the budgsub drive:
 Pre-Merit Request Spreadsheets
 Master Fee Schedule (for changes to existing fees)
 Compensation Process Guidelines & Request Forms
- Career Progressions and Title Changes (Academic Staff & Limited Appointments) (Announcement will
be sent by HR to all unclassified staff)
- Base Rate Adjustments (Faculty, Academic Staff & Limited Appointments)
The following items are available on the Annual Budget Process webpage:
 Fee Change Request Form (for new fees or change requests exceeding allowable threshold requiring
Chancellor approval)
 Budget Timeline
 Budget Instructions
Due Date TBD
Unit chairs/directors submit their draft 2015-2016 Operating Plan and Budget Request to the Division Head. The
format and due date for this submission is determined by the Division Head but should not be later that
October 10
SUFAC review of student fee-funded auxiliary budgets.
October 11
Unit chairs/directors submit requests for faculty base rate adjustments and limited employee/academic staff
career progressions, title changes, and base rate adjustments to the Division Head.
October 17
Division Heads communicate to unit chairs/directors support/non-support
of career progressions, title changes, and base rate adjustments and forward approved requests to the Provost
Office (c/o Dan McCollum).
Oct. 20-24
Division Heads who have submitted requests for career progressions, title
changes and base rate adjustments meet with Provost to discuss requests.
October 27
Provost Office notifies Division Heads of approved base rate adjustment requests and forwards requests and
documentation to Human Resources.
November 7
Unit Chairs/directors submit Laboratory/Classroom Modernization requests to Assistant Vice Chancellor for
Academic Administration.
November 10
Draft Division Operating Plan and Budget Request Narrative submitted to the Provost (c/o Dan McCollum). See
pages 5 and 6 below for a description of the format you should use when submitting your draft plan.
September 18, 2014
Nov. 11-17
Division Heads meet individually with Provost to discuss the division draft Operating Plan/Budget Request.
November 18
Unit chair/directors requests for fee increases are submitted to the Division
Head on the appropriate form.
December 1
All requests for fee increases approved by the Division Head are submitted
to the Provost’s Office (c/o Dan McCollum) on the appropriate form.
December 8
Requests for Career Progression, Base Adjustments, etc. are reviewed by Human Resources Office and the
Compensation Review Committee. Provost Office notifies division heads if request has been
approved/not approved/modified by the Compensation Review Committee.
December 13
Compensation Review Committee forwards approved requests for limited employee/academic staff
progressions, title changes, and base adjustments; and faculty base rate adjustments to the Chancellor.
All requests for fee increases approved by the Provost and needing Chancellor approval are forwarded to his
attention by the Budget Office.
December 30
Chancellor approves fee changes, compensation adjustments & faculty promotions.
January 9
Division Heads submit final Division Operating Plan and Budget Request Narrative (See description of format
below.) to the Provost Office (c/o Dan McCollum) Division Heads complete all budget request sheets for review
by Provost Office prior to lockdown.
January 10
Following the Chancellor’s approval, Provost notifies Division Heads regarding the status of all requests for limited
employee/academic staff career progressions, title changes, and base adjustments; and faculty base salary
Division Heads are informed of fee change requests approved by the Chancellor.
September 18, 2014
January 19
Lockout begins. Controller’s Office begins checking Pre-Merit Request Sheet entries. Estimated increases in the
segregated fees, housing and meal plan rates submitted to UW System.
January 19
Division Heads submit requests to move operations and/or personnel, remodel existing space, or acquire
additional space to the Provost.
January 17 –
March 14
Technical review of pre-merit budget requests.
Budget staff review of department submissions, verify request matches allocation
Manual entry of campus operating budget into the UW System’s 3270 budget software:
o FTE & Personnel Changes – add new staff, delete terminated employees, add/update vacant positions,
faculty promotions, career progressions, title changes
o Fringe benefits for non-GPR funds
o Supplies & Expenses, Capital, Sales Credits, Aid to Individuals, Provisional lines for salary increases, etc.
o Distribution of Recruitment & Retention funds, unclassified staff pay plan and Chancellor 10% (*
Assumes approved pay plan rates are known)
o Update budget request sheets as needed
Preliminary reconciliation of the budget:
o By Department
o By Fund
o By Division
o By FTE
January 27
Provost submits 2013-2014 Area Operating Plan/Budget Request to Business Office.
Merit worksheets available to Area Leaders for distribution of pay plan funds (Assuming pay plan rates are
February 7
Division Heads are notified by the Provost regarding the approval/denial of requests to move operations, remodel
existing space or acquire additional space.
September 18, 2014
March 15
Auxiliary rates (segregated fees, housing and meal plan rates) submitted to UW System.
March 14
Provost notifies Division Heads regarding the status of all Laboratory/Classroom Modernization requests.
Mar 17 – 21
Final reconciliation of campus operating budget and required report.
April 1
Budget and required reports submitted to UW System.
April 30
Division Heads submit a current listing of all positions that may be available for approval or reallocation beginning
with the 2015-2016 academic year and a proposal for how each position should be allocated, as well as a list of
“special” temporary or project appointments that division heads would like to affect or amalgamate in the
following year, for which no numbered position is available.
Division Heads submit to the Provost, requests, in priority order, for new faculty and staff positions in their area.
May 16
Provost notifies all Division Heads regarding the status of new, continuing, and reallocation of position requests.
May 23
Provost notifies Faculty and Academic Staff of approved progressions, Promotions and base rate increases
Board of Regents approval of Faculty promotions
September 18, 2014
2015-2016 Operating Plan and Budget Request Narrative
Division Heads should electronically submit their draft Operating Plan and Budget Request Narrative to the Provost (c/o Dan
McCollum) no later than Monday, November 10. Final Operating Plan and Budget Request Narratives are due January 9.
Overview/Executive Summary
This section should provide a brief (1 page) overview of your division’s proposed Operating Plan and Budget Request for 2014-2015.
Strategic Goals, Strategies and Initiatives for 2015-2016
Provide a description of your division’s strategic initiatives and major goals/objectives for 2015-2016 in this section.
Continuing Allocation
This section should include a description of how you propose to use your continuing budget allocation to support the strategic
initiatives and associated goals/objectives established for 2015-2016. This narrative should include the following sections.
1. 2015-2016 Budget Request Summary
Provide a succinct description of how you propose to use your continuing allocation of GPR, Auxiliary and other funds to
support your division’s strategic initiatives and goals/objectives in 2015-2016. A single table should be included that
summarizes total salary and S&E allocations for each Department (UDDS) in your division.
2. Proposed Changes from 2014-2015
Provide a description, and complete the appropriate chart, for of all proposed organizational changes, personnel changes,
and reallocations being proposed within your division.
September 18, 2014
Organizational Changes – complete Chart A, provide a description and brief rationale for requesting the creation,
elimination or change in names of departments, programs, institutes, etc. in your division.
Personnel Changes – complete charts B-1, B-2, B-3 and C and provide a listing and brief rationale for any requested
personnel changes involving current employees (i.e., promotions, changes in time, base salary adjustments,
reclassifications & new titles, DCAs) and, if applicable, any sabbaticals that have been awarded within your division.
Reorganizations/Reallocations – complete charts D, E, F and G and describe any reorganizations/reallocations being
proposed for 2015-2016. This should include changes in departmental responsibilities and/or the movement of
positions and other resources across departments within your division. If applicable, include specific information
regarding FTE and salary dollar reallocations.
Fee Changes – complete chart H and describe any proposed fee changes. Also complete the Fee Change Request
form for each proposed new fee or a change in an existing fee.
Unbudgeted Expenses
This section should include a description of any unbudgeted expenses that you know your division will be incurring during the 20152016 fiscal year. Include a description of the expense, an explanation of why it cannot be covered through reallocation of existing
funds and the consequences of not receiving funding to cover the expense.
Strategic Planning Needs
This section should include a listing of budget needs (in order of importance) that would enhance your division’s ability to address
the University’s and your division’s strategic goals and objectives. Each item should include a description of the need, its potential
impact on one or more strategic goals or objectives and the amount of funding needed.
Division Funded Facility Requests
Complete Chart I and describe any proposed facility remodeling plans or requests to move operations and/or personnel, remodel
existing space, or needs for additional space and that will be paid for from your Division’s continuing budget allocation.
September 18, 2014
Facility Needs that require Additional Funding
Describe any anticipated facility needs that cannot be paid for using your Division’s continuing budget allocation, but are needed to
support your Division’s ongoing programs and services.
Operating Plan and Budget Request Summary Charts
Division Heads should electronically submit the Operating Plan/Budget Request Summary Charts as described below to the Provost
Office (c/o Dan McCollum) along with their submission of the division’s proposed Operating Plan/Budget Request to the Provost no
later than January 9, 2015.
The information contained in the summary charts should be complete and accurately reflect the proposed 2015-2016 Operating
Plan and Budget Request including the additions/changes made to the 2014-2015 approved budget. This would include
adjustments that occurred as a result of the continuing 2013-14 budget cut. I have attached Excel versions of the tables below.
Please complete and submit the Excel version only.
Chart A
Chart B-1
Chart B-2
Chart B-3
Chart C
Chart D
Chart E
Chart F
Chart G
Chart H
Chart I
September 18, 2014
Proposed Organizational Changes
Faculty and Academic Staff Promotions, Title Changes and
Base Salary Adjustments
Faculty, Academic Staff and Classified Staff Changes in Time
or Funding Source
Other Faculty, Academic Staff and Classified Staff Position Changes
Salary Transfer Across Program Codes and Divisions
Supplies and Expenses Transfers Across Program Codes
Salary to Supplies and Expenses Transfers
FTE Transfers Across Positions or UDDS
Fee Change Requests
Capital Priorities/Facilities Request