« We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. » John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1962). Acknowledgment This research project would not have been possible without the support of many people. As team members, we wish to express our gratitude to our supervisor, Dr. Hassi who was abundantly helpful and offered invaluable assistance, support and guidance. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the SBA faculty who helped reaching this level. Many thanks to Mr. Khalid Benchekroun, Director of Human Resources and upstream agricultural at COSUMAR for providing us with significant information that helped us proceed in our project. Executive summary: This project is a diagnostic analysis of one of the major operators in the economy of Morocco; COSUMAR is the leading company in the sugar industry since 1929 with a dominant position in the market. However, the agriculture sector is unstable in term of sugar production in order to satisfy the local demand and the growing rate of consumption. Accordingly, COSUMAR should use the internal forces in order to respond effectively to the opportunities of improving the potential capacity of local production and minimize the cost of imports from the international market. The position of COSUMAR is safe in the market, but the company needs to take into consideration new strategies that would allow further growth and expansion. Based on the internal and external assessment of the current performance of COSUMAR, the suggested strategies are developed to improve the overall growth and achieve the objectives and the vision of COSUMAR as the main supplier of sugar in Morocco. The first strategy is the implementation of regional plans for the development of sugar crops planting in Morocco. The strategy aims to increase the annual returns of agriculture harvest by adopting new technologies of irrigation system that will improve the productivity of sugar crops per hectare. In addition, COSUMAR will exploit more land in the different regions of the country in terms of quantity and quality using the Monogerm. The second strategy is unrelated diversification, which will push COSUMAR to penetrate the market of fuels by producing ethanol and supply manufacturing industries in Morocco. Finally, COSUMAR provides a variety of product line that could be improved. Hence, COSUMAR can introduce an alternative new organic whole sugar, which is unrefined and healthy for consumption. The company can diversify its products in order to target more people concerned about their health. Company Overview The year 1929 witnessed the rise of COSUMAR, a refinery in Casablanca that was created by the French company St. Louis Marseille. This company was producing only 100 tons of sugar per day, exclusively in the form of sugar loaves. In 1967, the Moroccan state bought 50% stake and COSUMA became COSUMAR. Ten years later, in 1985, the ONA Group took control of the capital of COSUMAR. Since that time, COSUMAR witnessed a major development in 1993 by acquiring the sugar refineries of Zemamra and Sidi Bennour. Later, in 2005, four national sugar companies, SUNABEL, SURAC, SUTA, and SUCRAFOR, became the sole operator of the national sugar industry. COSUMAR Group is one of ONA group subsidiaries. It is the only Moroccan company operating in the sugar industry. COSUMAR has developed its expertise mainly in three sectors which are the extraction of sugar from sugarcane and sugar beet, the importation of raw sugar and packaging in different varieties. COSUMAR Group produces a range of sugar in form of loaves, granulated sugar, sugar cubes and also in forms of ingots. Mission: The existing mission of COSUMAR: “COSUMAR is specialized in the production, packaging and marketing of several sugar forms: loaf, lump, cub and granulated. The production is carried out in two ways: · Processing of sugar cane and sugar beet plants to white sugar · Refining of imported raw sugar The five subsidiaries of COSUMAR: COSUMAR SA, SURAC, SUNABEL, SUTA and SUCRAFOR are established all over the Moroccan Kingdom.” Although a successful company, COSUMAR’s mission statement does neither effectively reflect the company’s objectives nor its strategies. COSUMAR’s mission lacks many components. In fact, it is only focusing on the specialization of the company such as the production, the marketing and the packaging. It cites the different forms of sugar that the company produces. Without denying the fact that the mission statement of COSUMAR states the two ways production is carried out. In addition, the mission statement of COSUMAR contains its five subsidiaries. For that matter, we suggested a new revised mission statement for COSUMAR that contains the nine essential components of a complete mission a vision statements which as follows. Revised Mission: “Since 1929, COSUMAR has been the leading company in the sugar industry in Morocco. Our mission is to satisfy the Moroccan consumer by improving the production and the quality of sugar. The development of the human resources and innovative technology is a priority in our organization in order to achieve a potential growth and profitability. Our duty is to be responsible toward the environment by encouraging the production of the local farmers. Ethics and integrity are fundamental values of the organizational culture of operating from top managerial lines to the single employees”. Vision COSUMAR’s vision is the following: We are looking forward to being the leader and diversified agricultural industry in Africa. We decided to keep the same vision statement, however we recommend the company to put it on the website along with the mission statement. Current Objectives: As a leading company COSUMAR’s ambitions are to acquire stakes in sugar companies operating in Africa and even in Brazil, the largest producer of sugar. COSUMAR is planning to take a series of measures to reduce expenses, particularly through control of energy consumption or improving extracting proportion of sugar compared to the amount of raw materials. Besides, COSUMAR is studying recently, several cases of partnership particularly sub-Saharan Africa. In fact, the objective of this project is to build a partnership with one or more operators already in market, support the industrial upgrading in these countries and also serve the domestic markets of these regions. The aim is to boost the contribution of domestic production, today 45% to 55% in the coverage of raw material needs. The operator has set itself five years to achieve this goal. COSUMAR’s future strategy is primarily focused on lowering the cost with the implementation of investment for rationalizing the consumption of certain raw materials and to automate certain mechanical tasks. Another focus of the strategy is developing of a partnership with upstream to further reduce the dependence on imports. Besides, COSUMAR, in partnership with the Regional Agricultural Investment (loukkos), and the association of the producers of sugar plants in Loukkos, aims to achieve, by 2014, an area of 8,000 ha cultivated beet, against 5,140 ha currently, and 6,500 ha planted with sugarcane, against 2,800 ha during the last agricultural season. Current Strategies: As a matter of fact, after buying the sugar units which were in the public sector, Cosumar started for some time a new development plan focused on the restructuring of its production and the sustainability of its raw material supplies. Moreover, to ensure the supply of raw materials of local origin, Cosumar introduced a device which is more effective and allow training activities for the benefit of its suppliers, for 80,000 farmers who supply 3.8 million tons today between beet and cane sugar. The main strategy of the group for the coming years, it aims to improve the group’s competitiveness based on the establishment of a training plan in line with the company’s strategic orientation, and on the other hand, on the recruitment of new skills. External analysis: I. Industry analysis: Morocco is an emergent market that provides opportunities for investment in the different fields of industry. According to the Ministry of Industry, more than 7,828 firms are operating in the Moroccan market, which contribute effectively to the GDP of the country with a growth of 4.2% approximately. The industry in Morocco is very limited to some sectors such as food industry, textile industry, chemical industry, mechanical industry and electronic industry. Each of these sectors progresses differently depending on the importance and use of the industry in the local market as well as the global demand of the substance. Source: Ministry of Industry In addition, Morocco has opened the doors for foreign direct investment by improving the business environment to encourage investors. Therefore, the foreign direct investment generated an amount of at least 18 Million Euros, and created more than 250,000 jobs. The FDI is considered as engine of development in the Moroccan economy. Investment Incentives and the Free Zone Benefits: Taxation: • Corporate tax: 0% during 5 years, then 8.75% during 20 years • Income tax: 0% during 5 years, then 80% decreases during 20 years Change: • No restriction in capital repatriation and convertibility • Free transactions in foreign currencies Sugar Industry in Morocco: Worldwide, sugar has been a very important substance used in the daily consumption of people in a variety of products. It is used as a primary material and also used in the production of many other derived products, which justify the high demand of sugar in the international market. The sugar industry in Morocco has a particular interest from the government given its strategic role in the economic and social development. According to the ministry of agriculture, sugar crops contribute substantially to improve the incomes of 80,000 farmers and create more than 9 million days per year for seasonal work." Furthermore, these crops cover 45% of the country's sugar needs and contribute to food security, given a high domestic demand that rises steadily. Two years ago, Morocco has begun a new national strategy that aims to modernize agriculture and to get integrated in the national development of this sector. Therefore, the strategy will tend to confront the international competitiveness as well as the issue of food security in the country. The main objective is to achieve a production of 675,000 t of sugar against approximately 450,000 t in 2008, and to satisfy 55% of domestic needs of sugar by 2013. In 2010, the annual consumption of sugar in Morocco is around 700,000 in which 60% can be covered by domestic production (420,000 tons) basically in case of good harvest. The rest amount of the consumption (250,000 tons) is covered by imports of raw sugar in bulk from several countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Costa Rica and France. In addition, the prices of sugar fluctuate in the market depending on the law of demand and supply. 1. Political, Governmental and Legal forces: Moroccan sugar production is the result of strong political forces: it relies entirely on the intervention of the State, a massive program of public investment in irrigation and processing facilities, a combined system of high protection border and strict control of prices and marketing procedures. Indeed, to avoid the possibility of under supply of sugar, the state imposed the mandatory crop rotation system: farmers received irrigation infrastructure financed by public funds so they are subject to the Code of Investment of 1969 which allow the state to "define the standards by which the operation must be conducted" (Article 30)1. Certainly, the government intervention at all levels of the sector has set up an impressive agro-industrial multifaceted domain that embodies the power of the Moroccan agricultural and is the torch of the state power. 2. Economical forces: In 2009 the Agriculture represented 15 % of the GDP and therefore brunt seriously on enhancing the economy as a whole. Nearly the agribusiness sectors generate 40 % of the labor force. COSUMAR has consolidated its position as a major player involved in development of the regional economy also works to upgrade the sugar industry by putting all its resources and expertise to serve the 80,000 farmer which are their main partners. As an industrial model, COSUMAR succeeded, with the business plan “Indimage 2012”, achieving at 2010 an extensive plan of investment. The company invested 2.3 billion of dirham to strengthen its industrial capacity and increase its competitiveness. 3. Social, cultural, environmental and demographic forces: The importance of sugar is represented as a symbolic form allows communication and exposure about the person and group identities which is meanly true in regard to Berber culture and tradition and also different occasions. Throughout the history of Morocco, sugar has been proven to be present heavily as social relevance in identifying culture and beliefs. Furthermore, the power of sugar is measured by the yearly consumption exceeds 35kg per capita and the importance of controlling the price change since it represents a sensitive key factor for avoiding any social reactions. As result, enhancing quantity of the product outcome to satisfy customer domestic demand for corporate social responsibility it highlights and describes the pressure of COSUMAR to achieve one of the major serious terms of maintaining a proper lifestyle that suits the needs of customers. Sugar production in COSUMAR, during processing and refining is affecting the environment. The water quality in Morocco is discussed along with ways that represent a real issue and result for example to heavy metal contamination and parasitic and bacterial infections so the company has to develop some techniques to overcome the issue. 4. Technological forces: Technological advancements represent major opportunities that must be considered by COSUMAR. The technological forces used can be seen as competitive advantage that is more powerful than existing advantages. COSUMAR need a reversal in thinking in this factor because the industry of sugar relies on complex machines to take out sugar and to ensure high productivity satisfaction of customers and result to a good management of value chain. 5. Competitive forces: The only operator in sugar industry in Morocco is COSUMAR since 2005 after the acquisition of four national sugar companies in this field. The control of prices by the Moroccan government slow down the restructuring directions to reach successful opportunities and stand as an obstacle to the gains that might be seen or expected to reform a growth opportunities. II. Porter’s Five Forces Model: 1. Rivalry among competing firms: The sugar industry in Morocco is composed of 5 companies belonging to the group COSUMAR, treating beet or cane sugar and has a production capacity of 600,000 tons of sugar a year. The five subsidiaries of the group are: COSUMAR SA, SUNABEL, SURAC, SUTA and SUCRAFOR. Thanks to its five subsidiaries, COSUMAR is present all over the national territory in order to be able to satisfy the local demand. However, we can also find the French sugar “Saint Louis” on the Moroccan market, but since this latter is more expensive (35 dh on average) than COSUMAR’s sugar and has an insignificant market share, it is not considered as potential competitor. Since COSUMAR is the only sugar operator in Morocco, the rivalry among competing firms is low. 2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Actually, the main supplies in sugar are produced locally in agricultural lands by farmers. About 80,000 farmers operate in areas not exceeding an average of one hectare. However, sugar crops contribute significantly in improving the farmer’s incomes and generate a significant impact on employment through the creation of nearly 9 million seasonal days per year. Thus, the production of sugar crops is vital for the Moroccan farmers. The second source of supply in sugar comes from international imports. Actually, Brazil is the most important producer of sugar cane and the first sugar exporter in the world. In addition, Brazil is the country that proposed the most interesting prices and quotas during the last five years. COSUMAR compares sugar prices on the international market and the quotations, and then it can choose its supplier. Since, the suppliers at the international level also have a low bargaining power; we can say that the overall bargaining power of suppliers is low. 3. Bargaining Power of Consumers: It is a fact; Moroccan people are huge sugar consumers. Actually, sugar consumption is estimated at 35 kilos per habitant/ year. Furthermore, 1.8 million tons of sugar has been absorbed in the Moroccan market by the year 2010, of which 32% was produced by COSUMAR. (L’Economiste, 2011). Since Moroccans tend to consume significant amounts of sugar in their daily lives, and COSUMAR is the only sugar producer in Morocco, consumers have a low bargaining power. 4. Threat of New entrants: The barriers to new entry in the sugar industry are very high, which makes it very hard for potential competitors to enter this market. In fact, this type of agricultural sector is regulated by the Moroccan state. This latter protects the sugar industry and the group COSUMAR since it plays a major role as a structuring actor of the Moroccan sugar sector and as an aggregator of more than 80,000 farmers. In fact, the Moroccan state controls the sugar plants prices, the custom duties as well as the sugar’s prices on the market. Another factor that is considered as a strong barrier to entry is the level of investment needed to open a sugar company. According to the Head of Human Resources and Upstream Agriculture Coordination, Mr. Khalid Benchekroun: “In order to invest in a sugar company, one should invest about 130 billion centimes”. In addition to the large investment needed for a sugar company, the new investor should also borrow lands from farmers in order to be able to produce sugar cane and beet or employ farmers with their lands. However, COSUMAR is already exploiting most of the agricultural lands that could be used for sugar production. Moreover, COSUMAR seeks to have a good relationship with its employees (farmers), thus, it follows their activities regularly and make sure that they are earning profit by cultivating sugar plants for COSUMAR. The expertise of COSUMAR in the sugar industry, its accomplishments and its accreditations and certifications can also represent a barrier to potential new entries. In fact, COSUMAR benefits from the first mover advantage with 80 years of experience in the sector. 5. Threat of substitute products: There are no real substitute products for sugar. One could consider the artificial sugar for the diabetics as well as the new plant “Stevia rebaudiana” that knows a great success at an international scale and that can be a potential substitute product. However, sugar is a commodity product that is heavily used amongst the Moroccan population; therefore, the threat of substitute products is low. III. SWOT Analysis: 1. Opportunities: The sugar industry has a growing market in the world as well as in Morocco. Consequently, the available opportunities can be considered as future investment to the companies in order to take advantage of business environment. First of all, one of the primary objectives of the government is to develop agricultural production and progress its evolution. The sector could be better exploited to provide the necessary raw materials such as "sugar canes" and decrease the reliance on imports from the international market. In addition, there is a high demand of the substance in the national and international market; it could be turned into a strategic opportunity for COSUMAR to increase its capacity of production first to satisfy the Moroccan market's need and in the long term to look for new markets. COSUMAR is basically the only producer of sugar in Morocco with a monopoly in the market. The lack of direct competitors is an opportunity for COSUMAR to exploit full capacity and become a major player in the field. 2. Threats: The first threat that COSUMAR Group is facing is that the sugar industry depends heavily on agricultural harvest. Unfortunately, the group is unable to satisfy the local market with its local production which makes it dependent on the international imports. On the other hand, Concerning According to The United States Department of Agriculture, importation tariffs will be eliminated by 2013 which can give the chance to potential competitors to dominate the Moroccan market. In other words, this may threaten COSUMAR’s position as a monopole in the market. The cost of imported sugar varies from one year to another depending on the international demand and supply and there is a chance the government may stop helping COSUMAR and not guaranteeing a fixed price of the imports. The agricultural sector in Morocco is a strategic since it contributes to the development of the economy. It is highly recommended that farmers use modern equipment and replace the traditional and manual tools by adapting to more mechanized strategies. IV. EFE MATRIX: (See Appendix n°1) In the EFE Matrix, COSUMAR scores 2.59 on total, which is an above average score. In other words, COSUMAR is doing well while taking advantage of its opportunities and avoiding the threats. However, COSUMAR needs to give more attention to certain factors. Among the opportunities that the group should seize, is the fact that there is a growing rate of sugar consumption in Morocco. This is the main reason behind assigning a weight of 0.12 for the importance in the industry sector as well as a rate of 3 with regard to the company. Unfortunately, COSUMAR has some major weaknesses such as the fact that it depends on harvest rainfalls as well as their dependency on imports from the international market which prevent them from predicting the amount of raw sugar to be imported. Therefore, we have attributed a weight of 0.12 to both factors and a rating of 3 and 2 respectively. Internal Analysis: I. Internal audit: 1. Management: 2006 was a pivotal year for COSUMAR. Indeed it was the first year that the company actually operates as a whole, after it acquired the four national sugar companies privatized in 2005. This new configuration has required constructive work of analysis by restructuring the business and making the human resource management function more complex to control. This position gives the company the responsibility to take the entire sugar sector to excellence. For this, COSUMAR has implemented an action plan called INDIMAGE 2012, which aims to implement synergies and develop best practices in industry and agriculture upstream. So the company decided to manage the HR function by establishing an administrative service center, and building teams by hiring new skills labor and providing several senior managers and executives with training courses by SNI. Finally, COSUMAR materialized its commitment to implement a process base on evaluating and managing the quality, analyzing the food safety and showing the engagement in environmental safety. 2. Marketing: COSUMAR falls sustainably as a major player in the Moroccan agricultural sector. Agriculture in Morocco has always been a strategic sector for the socio-economic and symbol in different occasions. However, the marketing department places little importance on what people in Morocco think is something vital for daily consumption by assigning only a budget of 10 million DH per year which used for social Policies. COSUMAR plays its full role as an aggregator of the sugar industry in each region of the Kingdom accompanying the performance of its partner framers, modernizing its industry but without an improvement in its distributing channels since the company is offering same products at fixed price with no segmentation of the market with low quality of packaging so COSUMAR has to improve the quality of its products more and must ensure a development of expertise packaging and also expand its circuit of commercialization and Strengthen partnership with customers by optimizing the delivery logistics from various industrial places. In the sense of marketing, and when you're the only operator in the domestic market, the marketing policy is somewhat different from being a competitor in a competitive market. Being a producer of a product whose price is fixed by the government, COSUMAR does not advertise in the media, but has a policy of communication with the supermarkets and hypermarkets and wholesalers. 3. Operation and production: COSUMAR has developed its expertise in three key businesses: the extraction of sugar from sugar crops harvested in five agricultural areas, refining imported raw sugar, packaging and distributing the products throughout the Kingdom. Furthermore, the company is negotiating the procurement agreements of all the inputs needed in the production of beet and sugar cane: seeds, fertilizers products and also the modernizing process of its industrial base especially in developing the irrigation systems of water and improving its distribution channels, COSUMAR plays its full role as an aggregator of the sugar industry as a whole. COSUMAR is applying sustained efforts for the sustainability of the agricultural upstream in order to face their major issues. The first issue is related to their logistics, managers became aware of the costs of inefficient logistics of the company: expectations for shipments to refineries lasted for many hours, the deterioration of the sugar products was obvious because of their heavy merchandises, and also the number of transport vacuum was very important. In addition, the second issue as for the upstream agricultural has to do with inventory since COSUMAR launched a new storage logistics platform project in Casablanca; increases storage with area of 12,280m2 with a capacity of 20,000 T. As result COSUMAR encourages and supports farmers in improving their performance through the promotion and widespread use of good practices. As far as production is a concern, COSUMAR is heavily involved in the mechanization of cultures in terms of crops, the perimeter of Tadla and Doukkala (beet) showed a significant breakthrough in mechanization of culture by using some harvesting machines which ware recently introduced. The mechanic machines for harvesting cane cultivation has, meanwhile, met with success, particularly at Loukkos from 58% in 2006 to 90% of the area harvested in 2011. 4. Human Resources Safety: All the sugar sites of COSUMAR have certified their system of management of the safety and security during workforce according to NM 00.5 801 (OHSAS 18001 version 2007). The latter specifies the rules for managing health and safety in the workplace. It can analyze and assess risks to achieve regulatory compliance. The company also seeks to adopt the latest improvements for safety equipment and personal protective equipment. Each year, COSUMAR is committed to educate and train employees and new recruits to reduce workplace hazards and increase safety. 5. Management information system Since 2006, the Company initiated a restructuring project called “Indimage 2012” This is to set up various development plans for all components of the company (human resources, information systems, modernization of production ...). The information system records positioning studies for the launch of new products by gathering information about their customers which are conducted with specialist firms. Managers apply the information system for deliberating future plans, human resources management, customer service and determination of the better quality of crops made by the farmer. In addition, the role of this direction is the use of IT tools, software and new technology (AS 400) to manage its internal network to the level of communication to ensure the following tasks: email, fax, customer care, and telephony. She is also responsible for managing system security, administration, backups, and control on the one hand, and for communication with other sites and other external agencies. 6. Research and development: The aim of this federation of all stakeholders in the sugar industry favored the efforts of research and development to improve agricultural and industrial competitiveness of the sugar industry as a whole. For instance, as part of increasing its market potential through diversification of products and by looking for alternative crops with high added value for agricultural producers, COSUMAR has also successfully tested on the planting of sweet sorghum in the region Gharb trough the research and development process. To drive research and development activities COSUMAR is committed to the employees by social policy, an upgrade cycle at the level of giving advices to the farmers about the use of extension or vulgarization techniques with the objective of facilitating technology transfer. Anticipating market liberalization and the introduction of competitors, these improvements went notably through the development of new technologies for the manufacture of sugar the optimization of production facilities and improved water conservation and energy and the launching some new products to meet customer expectations. 7. Financial Analysis: CURRENT RATIO: The current ratio of COSUMAR noticed a decrease between 2005 and 2006 as you can see below, which was due to one major reason. In 2005 COSUMAR made a huge investment; the company gets hold of five new companies in the group in addition to these enormous investments the company had to deal meanly with the difficulties of the five companies especially the obligations that pushed the current ratio more down to 1.05. The current ratio of COSUMAR is not bellow 1 (current assets exceed current liabilities), then we can say that COSUMAR, the only actor on sugar market, may not have problems paying its bills in time. For 2011 with a current ratio of 1.05 this ratio shows that company has a surplus of 5% referring that its currents assets are exceeding its current liabilities. Current Ratio 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 current ratio 0.60 0.40 0.20 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 PROFIT MARGIN: COSUMAR in one of the major player in the stock exchange on Casablanca, the company is considered a source of gold by investors. From the day of acquisition of the five other companies in 2005, the net profit margin is increasing indicates a high margin of safety and result in a net profit. In 2006 its profit margin went up to 1.62% because of the very high profitability resulted from the stability and finding solution to the difficulties of the newly acquired companies. As we know, the net profit margin provides clues to the company’s pricing of dividends. In addition, the higher the margin is the more effective is COSUMAR. This can be seen clearly starting 2007, the net profit margin increased more and more for instance in 2011 it reached 12%, significantly COSUMAR built a strong relationship with the investors and shareholders since the dividends were increased accordingly from 40 in 2005 to 100 in 2011. Profit Margin 14% 12% 10% 8% profil margin 6% 4% 2% 0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 DEBT TO TOTAL ASSET: From the chart, the debt of COSUMAR is at very low rate. In 2005, the debt ratio was very high because the company decided to borrow money in order to enhance the productivity of the newly acquired companies which considerably raised the debt ratio to 14%. One year later the money owing has a huge and very important effect on the debt ratio; there were a clear change in debt weights between 2005 and 2011.The debt ratio decreased by to 10% (14% - 4%) in 2011 as illustrated in the chart below. Therefore, the company will not face any problem raising long term capital investments for a considerable minor of debt and encourage the maintain of trust by the investors also this situation divulges the good standing of the financial management of COSUMAR. The company will not be in danger if the creditors start to ask for repayment of debt” lowly leveraged”. Debt to Total Assets 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% debt to total assets 6% 4% 2% 0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 See the rest of financial ratio analysis in Appendix n°(2) II. SWOT ANALYSIS: 1. Strengths Since it is the leading company in the sugar industry in Morocco since 80 years; COSUMAR has a long history and a good managerial expertise in this domain of sugar with a 100% market share in Morocco thanks to the absence of competitors in the market which allows COSUMAR to play as Monopole in the local market. Cosumar provides the Moroccan consumer with a variety of products such as sugar Loaf, sugar into ingots, sugar cubes, and granulated sugar. Also, it has five subsidiaries: COSUMAR SA, SURAC, SUNABEL, SUTA and SUCRAFOR that are established all over the Moroccan Kingdom such as Oujda, Nador, Fes, Meknes, Marrakech, Agadir, Kenitra, and Casablanca. All those subsidiaries constitute important distribution networks that allow COSUMAR to satisfy the needs of the consumer in all different sugar types. COSUMAR has huge production capacity because there are about 80,000 farmers who work on producing sugar beet and sugar cane that represents 10 million workdays a year in five main regions in Morocco that are Doukkala, Gharb, Loukkos, Tadla, and Moulouya. Therefore, the agricultural investment of Cosumar is enhancing the production capacity. Being on the stock exchange of Casablanca means that Cosumar has a good financial status that allows it to raise funds from its shareholders and invest more in its different divisions. Also, Cosumar has 100% of the Moroccan market, and there are no competitors, so the company is making huge profits from sugar production. COSUMAR is a subsidiary of L’ONA holding which is powerful group. The fact that the group belongs to such a group reduces the threat of entry of new competitors on the Moroccan market. COSUMAR multiplies its actions that serve quality, security and the environment and reinforced its QSE path. In addition, the group received several certifications and accreditations for its subsidiaries. Among those, we can find: Certification of Surac MBK (according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001), Accreditation of the laboratory Sunabel KEK for receiving beet, according to the norm ISO 17025 version 2005, organization of Takdir price for the reward of structures and people that demonstrated the most implication in the QSE Management. The Sugar industry in Morocco is a protected industry as most of the sugar industries in the world that produces sugar beet. Since agriculture in Morocco has always been a strategic sector for the socio-economic development of the country, the government is willing to support the agriculture via the economic development of this sector. An example of the government support is its contract with the government to fix the price of sugar crops imports in order to protect COSUMAR from the increase of prices on the international market. Additional strength of the group is its social responsiveness. The group COSUMAR is engaged in several actions alongside the civil society and brings its support to a multitude of social and humanitarian associations such as: “L’Heure Joyeuse, INSAAF, SOS Village, etc. Moreover, the group has introduced insurance for the protection and guarantee of farmers’ revenues. 2. Weaknesses: Since there is no competition in the Moroccan market, COSUMAR is not focusing on advertising and promotions. Thus, the company is giving less attention to the consumer, but it is focusing more on the production. Being a production driven company can be harmful for COSUMAR in case a new sugar company attempts to enter the Moroccan market. Since COSUMAR is a company that has more than 80 years old of experience, its major problem is with the age of its employees that is above 45. This can be a real issue for the company since there will be a lack of dynamism in the sales force. Also, employees won’t take major changes in improving the company and will not come up with innovative ideas in terms of advertising and communication. Even though COSUMAR is a privately-owned company, it evolves in an industry that is controlled by the Moroccan government. Mr. Khalid Benchekroun describes COSUMAR as a company that is continuously accompanied by the government at every level. Hence, COSUMAR cannot impose its own prices on sugar since the prices are regulated by the Moroccan market, thus, the company cannot choose to increase its prices if it decides it should make more profit. In other words, COSUMAR is in the agricultural industry, an industry that is highly controlled by the government, thus, it is not free. One of the national strategies undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture concerned the equipment mechanization within the framework of “Le plan Maroc Vert”. Even if COSUMAR is going through the process of mechanization of the sugar loaf production, in order to replace the traditional and manual processes of making bread that dated from more than half a century, it is still using 40% of old equipment. One of the major weaknesses of Cosumar is that it relies on international imports in order to satisfy the local demand. The Local production of sugar beet and sugar cane can satisfy only 45% approximately of the local demand and the remaining is usually imported from Brazil. Another problem that the company is facing is its inability to predict the amount of raw sugar to be imported because the local production depends on harvest rainfalls. Actually, COSUMAR has sugar plants areas in 5 regions: Doukkala, Tadla, Loukkos, Gharb, Moulouya. However, these five regions are dedicated to the production of sugar beet and only two of them (loukkos and the Gharb) are dedicated to sugar cane production. COSUMAR should find more lands for the production of sugar cane in order to increase its supply at the national level. With the agricultural production of sugar cane and sugar beet and after going through the industrial transformation, COSUMAR ends up with 4 types of finished products which are sugar loafs, sugar lumps and granulated sugar. COSUMAR only produces sugar on different forms that serves the basic needs of the population. The company could invest in some other types of sugar that are healthier or produce unrelated products such as Ethanol (can be made from sugar cane or sugar beet plant) for other purposes. III. IFE Matrix: ( See Appendix n° 3) The IFE matrix shows that Cosumar has a score of 2.58. This score is above average (2.50) which indicates that the Company has a good internal position. The main strength that was considered important is that COSUMAR has a long managerial expertise in sugar industry and the fact that it is the leader in Morocco with 100% of the market share. These factors obtained the highest ratings of 4. This judgment was based on the fact that the company is a major player since it has been present for more than 80 years. On the other hand, we obtained three major weaknesses: “Lack of advertisement”, “Inability to determine the expected production” as well as the “Inability to satisfy the local demand with the local production”. The last two factors are related to each other since the company is obliged to import from international markets to overcome these weaknesses. Therefore, we attributed a weight of 0.07 to factor 5 and 0.08 to factor 7 and we gave it a 1 in the rating. Lack of advertising affects brand awareness, since not all consumers are aware of the brand name of the sugar they are consuming; this represents a weakness for the company since they have a weak positioning in the customer’s mind. Issues: I. Major issue : The main issues of COSUMAR is the limitation related to the development of sugar crops to satisfy the needs of the local demand an reach a important control over the imports of sugar and to take action in a competitive manner, broaden its horizons with new products as well as have a visibility for the future. II. Minor Issues: Pulling out the tariffs from the agriculture sector in 2013 will be seen as prospective event to notice some entry of competitors, so the company has to promote a sustainable performance for its business related to the development of its brand by developing innovative goods following a related diversification strategy. An additional issue that can directly affect COSUMAR is the risk of a decrease in the supply from the most producer of sugar around the globe. So COSUMAR can face a hazard issue of death to suppliers of raw sugar for instance Brazil in the long run. Furthermore, a deficiency allied to the difficulty exploitation of the technology in agriculture sector setting as an obstacle for the development of the sugar production and fulfilling the needs of high range of population. Moreover, the lack of finding trustworthy solution due to lack in the development and research department with foremost problem of setting further new mechanizations techniques to minimize the issue of rainfall that create trouble for COSUMAR’S production. Long Term Objectives: In a changing environment, the implementation of regional plans for the development of sugar crops for the horizon of 2019 is one of the most important long term objectives for COSUMAR by increasing production from 4000000T to 8010000T and fulfills the needs of 90% of the population in relation with the program “plan Maroc Vert”. The company has to enhance the irrigation by Geomombran system to facilitate the tour and use of water between farmers at a low cost with high production and introducing the Momogerm which is potentially more efficient. Furthermore an objective as a support for long run, COSUMAR can reduce the lapse of time between sugar cane maturity and harvesting because our farmers wait among 6 to12 month which will result to high output in a short time. Another long term objective is the modernization and promotion of the sugar market following a related diversified strategy concerning the introduction of new product to be created by COSUMAR in market of 100% monopoly. COSUMAR has to develop an organic whole sugar cane as an alternative product of white sugar in the growth areas of sugar attracting new segment of customer. Regardless of the comfy situation at the moment, COSUMAR must introduce the mechanization machines to increase the productivity of bio-ethanol seen as a solution to face the increasing prices of gasoline for the long term so the company has to boost the research and development ways irritating to huge extraction amount of liters from sugar beets. Alternative Strategies I. SWOT MATRIX: ( See Appendix n° 4) Using the SWOT Matrix, nine potential strategies were developed: Two SO (Strength/Opportunities) Strategies: 1- The implementation of regional plans for the development of sugar crops: This strategy is related to “Plan Maroc Vert” for the development of the sugar industry to confront the international competitiveness, the opening of foreign markets, and the fulfillment of domestic sugar market taking advantage from the long managerial expertise in sugar industry. Also this program will measure as part the efforts made by the various operators to optimize and upgrade the sugar industry meanly the government support. 2- Organic whole sugar cane as an alternative product of white sugar: COSUMAR is the only operator and the leader of sugar industry in Morocco. This position gives the company responsibility to help and make the entire sugar industry toward excellence. According to CIA Factbook, the Moroccan population is growing by 1.054% for 2012. Therefore, developing a new product as an alternative to the white sugar will enlarge more the prosperity of COSUMAR, taking in to consideration the program of quality, security, and environment will bring to life harmonizing view of sweetness sugar and attractive one as it should be. The introduction of an organic whole sugar cane as an alternative product of white sugar illustrates how COSUMAR act responsible toward the Moroccan population even though people suffering from diabetes to take care of them. Two WO (Weaknesses/Opportunities) Strategies: 1- Rising sugarcane production and output through well-organized farm operations Only 20 000Ha of sugarcane is harvested to which 20% of sugarcane is used locally while 80% is imported according to the annual report of 2010. COSUMAR need to take advantage from the new Moroccan agriculture program” Plan Maroc Vert”. There is an existence of a significant amount of lands that can be subject to consolidating, trenching, and stone removal so COSUMAR can fulfill the gap between consumption and production of sugarcane. Besides, COSUMAR improve the agriculture sector of sugarcane by implementing a line of attack to reduce time lapse between cane maturity and harvesting because our farmers wait between 6-12 months before sugar cane is harvested a way to rise the sugarcane production and output through well-organized farm operations. 2- Product Diversification: According to the annual report of COSUMAR, 2010, there is high consumption of sugar in Morocco over 35kg per capital/year. So COSUMAR need to take profit of its currently situation as a leader and the nix of existing competitors in the market, before the elimination of tariffs for the agriculture sector in 2013 and develop it’s sugar crops products. COSUMAR has to enlarge more it prosperity of production, adding new products to segment new consumers, meaning the increase in the amount for marketing to create some advertisement for old product or trying to promote some new one and came to life with harmonizing view of sweetness sugar and attractive one as it should be. One ST (Strengths/Threats) Strategies: 1- Enhance the irrigation mechanisms to develop the agriculture of sugar: Improving irrigation efficiency is one the mind critical problems in Morocco since the industry is depending heavily on the rainfall and COSUMAR is trying hardly to introduce the mechanization processes in the sector since the lack of new transferring technologies in the whole field. Nowadays farmers remember the drip irrigation and the sprinkler system of irrigation both of them used mainly to save water for long run cultivation but using the Geomembran system is an additional solution for low cost and it has a government support which will allow COSUMAR get benefit from. Four WT (Weaknesses/Threats) Strategies: 1- Get into a capital of a Brazilian company that produce raw sugar: The group should think about the sugar industry in Brazil. COSUMAR must study all the possible folders to see the opportunity to get to the capital of a Brazilian company that manufactures sugar around the globe to secure a significant share of imports raw sugar and allow COSUMAR increase the perimeters of its activity. One thing is certain, if this partnership result to successful ending; it will show the loyalty of the company and recognition of the efforts played by COSUMAR to upgrade and enhance the size of the national sugar industry and celebrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the hard work to follow the world development. This partnership will strengthen the position of COSUMAR as an active player in the globe and especially African knowing that our Kingdom is already the fifth largest consumer and fourth largest importer of Africa but the government control of the prices will stand as an obstacle to allow COSUMAR get profit from the changing prices in the sugar industry market. 2- Increase brand awareness of COSUMAR’S brands using advertising and promotion strategy: According to customer satisfaction survey made by the company in 2010, showed a fulfillment of the satisfaction for the customers, the level varies between 50% and 80%. Form the finding COSUMAR is facing a critical situation related to its 100% control of the market meaning that satisfying a range between 50% and 80% is not enough. As result, the company has to embark and a conduct a designed and structured plot to see the places of interest for enhancing the contractual relationship with its customers reducing its engagement in social marketing to customer-focuses marketing. Moreover, according to the USDA, Moroccan importation tariffs on sugar will be eliminated in 2013 Moroccan sugar industry, COSUMAR, will probably face some new competitors and has to promote a sustainable performance for its business also COSUMAR must set up methods to develop its marketing department and meanly the awareness of its product around the kingdom. 3- Increase COSUMAR’s internal production capacity: Sugar, the powerful sector in Morocco, has become the symbol of a successful policy of import pursued by the kingdom since the independence, a sugar industry that enables Morocco today to meet 45% of national needs. This percentage is seen as threat since COSUMAR has inability to satisfy the local demand with the local production, it goes to the solution of importing which is extensively subsidized through massive intervention by the government at all levels of the industry costing a huge amount of money. According to the annual report of 2010 we have 9 units that produce sugar, those units use machines that are valued to be an old technology (40% of machines are ancient) consequently, there is complications to determine the expected production, sometimes. As a fundamental objective, COSUMAR needs to increase its internal production capacity dealing with some upright solutions to improve competitiveness of sugar industry. 4- Producing bio-ethanol from sugar beets: In our country, COSUMAR can take the lead to start producing bio-ethanol from sugar beet theoretically the company will open a relatively competitive vision in Africa and can make end to its lack of diversifying strategies and also provide the market with more efficient and reliable product which can be a competitor to the high price of gasoline in the Moroccan market due to the high demand of the substance and the imported level of gasoline which is 100%. Recommendations I. SPACE MATRIX: (See Appendix n°5) After doing the internal and external strategic position analysis of COSUMAR, the space matrix directional vector coordinates resulted in: (X= 2.56; Y=1.7). These coordinates put the company in the aggressive profile that consists of taking a set of strategies that are: Market development: - It can find some African markets to export sugar production since there is a period of drought and they will be less focusing on sugar production. (Such as: Mali …) Diversification: - Introducing sugar syrup, sugar crème, sugar caramel as new products into the market. Backward integration: - It consists of investing more in the agricultural sector of sugar in order to reduce the dependency on the imported of refined sugar from Brazil. II. Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM): (See Appendix n° 6) The Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) is an important tool for the assessment of the strategies suggested to improve the company’s position in the market. QSPM developed about COSUMAR consists of evaluating three main strategies that are (1)the implementation of regional plans for the development of sugar crops, (2)bio-ethanol production from the sugar beets, and (3) organic whole Sugar as an alternative product of white sugar. The total attractiveness scores were 4.96 versus 5.04 and 5.12 for strategies 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Therefore, COSUMAR should adapt the third strategy since it consists of diversifying the production of sugar to organic whole sugar. The main opportunities supporting this strategy are that the Moroccan market has no competitors, and the fact that there is a high consumption rate of sugar that is estimated by 35kg/year. Besides, this strategy is effective since the production of organic whole sugar which targets the part of the population that cares about their health and their consumption. This third strategy will take advantage of COSUMAR’s important strengths, which is mainly being the leader in sugar industry with an expertise of 80 years. Finally, the organic whole-cane sugar will allow COSUMAR to take advantage of its opportunities which are the high consumption rate of sugar among the Moroccan population and the growing rate of people suffering from diabetes. III. Grand Strategy Matrix: (See Appendix n°7): Based on the balance sheet, the annual sales growth of the company exceeded 5% since the sales the growth during the years 2010 and 2011 were 10.64% and 10.49% respectively. This means that COSUMAR’s has a rapid market growth. This explains that they have excessive resources and they are using effective strategies. Concerning the competitive position of the company, COSUMAR is a monopole in the sugar industry in Morocco and it has a 100% of market share, this give the company a strong competitive position in the Moroccan Sugar market. Based on the Grand Strategy matrix, COSUMAR is positioned in Quadrant I, this means that the firm is able to take advantage of the available external opportunities and they can reduce threats aggressively when necessary. For that matter, and according the Grand Strategy matrix, the main strategies that COSUMAR can consider are: market development, market penetration, product Development, Forward/Backward/Horizontal integration and related diversification. Implementation: I. Strategy 1: The implementation of regional plans for the development of sugar crops: Target growth: The objective from this strategy is improving performance to achieve a high returns in the agriculture of sugar crops for 2019 (59T/Ha for beets and 81.50T/Ha for sugar cane against 51T/ha and 66tT/Ha currently). In addition, the company must develop the proportion of particular new harvesting manners predominantly using Monogerm for 25,000 Ha in a long run against 4900 in 2008. Also COSUMAR has to improve the management of the available irrigation systems mainly through the rehabilitation and maintenance of hydro agriculture equipment and the improvement of 50,000 Ha using the Geomambran system to save water at low cost of production allowing a reduce of the percentage of importance by 45% for 2019. 1- Objective one: Description: Sugar, the powerful sector in Morocco, has become the symbol of a successful policy of import pursued by the kingdom since the independence, a sugar industry that enables Morocco today to meet 45% of national needs. Extensively subsidized through massive intervention by the government at all levels of the industry, Fimasucre (Federation Interprofessionel Marocaine du Sucre) and the government signed a contract to upgrade this sector. According to the annual report of 2010 we have 9 units that produce 45% of national need (80% comes from beets while 20% of sugarcane is produced locally) until now. As fundamental objective for the length of 2019 is very clear to cover more than 45% of the needs of the population and attain 90% of satisfied demand locally. Project characteristics: As one of the fundamental perspectives is to increase production, by enhancing the superficies to 123400 Ha for 2019 against 80000 Ha in 2010 implicates an increase of 35% of the usage of the available areas. While using this huge hectares, the farmers have to increase the production per one hectare by 9T moving from 50T to 59T for the beets that will allow generating a production of 5369000T (59T*91000Ha). For the sugar canes is to produce 81.50T/Ha so this process will generate 2640600T (81.50T*32400Ha) In addition, COSUMAR needs to improve competitiveness of sugar industry since it will require the promotion in research and development via the establishment of a Centre of Research and Development of sugar crops. Latter will have a mission to lead research and transferring the technologies. In order to achieve and measure the increase of the production per one Hectare the company has to implement and buy some new technologies meeting the concerns of the farmers. Cost: In order to ameliorate the performance of the farmers’ lands the company has to implement the dissemination of the seeds with a single nucleus and the introduction of three mechanisms for the drilling of sugar beet, and a mechanism for the maintenance of wet spitting dryly. The cost of the project include renewing the contract with the farmers through additional gain in the income of 1000Dh/Ha (from 3000 to 4000 Dh/Ha) also the cost will include buying 16 new machines from Belgium (Kompass) since one machine can treat 7000 Ha according to the agency development of agriculture for extracting the sugar: BM 300/330 : optimal preparation of the crop = 842.352 MAD*4=3369408MAD FT300 : for a perfect cutting => 22T is produced smoothly and they are scalped precisely = 758.117 MAD*4=3032468 MAD FM300: a good cleaning for a better harvest => harvest up to 10% higher per hectare, 842.352 MAD*4=3369408 MAD ROOSTSTER 604/804/904: the versatile harvester = 1.010.820 MAD*4= 4043280 MAD In addition, COSUMAR will have to increase the storage capacity by investing 1290000 MAD to store the added production for each unit. The income of the farmers: 4000*123400Ha= 493600000MAD Between September and October = 30days to develop or to increase by 35% the usage of the lands for beets and as we know that 60dh/day/each worker and we expect to have 80 worker for 1400Ha according to ministry of agriculture and the sea fishing so we need (123400*80)/1400= 7000 employees that will cost 7000*60dh/day=420000dh/day so the total cost for 30 days 420000*30=12600000MAD. Sea transportation: 4469.84MAD = > 4469.84*4= 5879.36MAD. Land transportation: 1216.26MAD=>216.26*4= 865.04 MAD. The devices will be transported by the company’s own trucks with a general cost of 216.23MAD. Tariffs 15 %( including TVA 12.5%, and importing rights 2.5%). = 518046.15MAD (Régime d'importation Maroc 2006) The cost of the project including land and the new machines and renewing the contracts with the farmers is 521.829.571 MAD. 2- Objective two: Description: The perimeter of Gharb has several strengths and potentials that make it the major sugaroriented region in Morocco. It also has the advantage of producing both sugar beet and sugar cane; however, current performance levels of sugar beets remain below potential in the region. Project characteristics: The soil of Gharb (25000 Ha is fine and deep) need the use of tools with teeth (chisel plowing) more appropriate. These tools help to undermine the soil more profoundly (30-35 inch) with a pulling force. Regarding the preparation of the seedbed, should be done hardly for a good fragmentation of the land deeply and in the surface by using a rotary cultivator (rotary tiller) then the widespread cultivation of seeds (Monogerm) at the level of the region Gharb. To improve the production of this region COSUMAR has to buy a machine for the seeders (semoir pneumatique a plat) furthermore, COSUMAR need to recruit people capable of understanding the sector of agriculture because of the seeding operation requires the presence of the farmer in the field to control the depth and density of planting (133.000grains/Ha). We must also note that the favorable period for seeding is between September and October which is a seasonal work and during the seeding operation it is imperatively important to embed all types of insects from the ground to protect the seeding operation from soil pests. Moreover, it is recommended that farmers must participate massively and attain the awareness days organized regularly by the industry during the sugar beet campaigns to master the techniques to control the sugar beets in Gharb. Cost: The cost of seeding operation for 25.000 Ha (the region of Gharb): The planting require 133000 grains/Ha for the region of Gharb according to “La Vie eco”. So we need to 3325000000 grains for 25000Ha According to “bulletin official” n°5556 du 16 Chaabane 1428 (30 aout 2007), the article n°1 mentioned that the cost of 1 unit which correspond to 100000 grains of Monogerm is 700MAD. So, we need to buy 33250 units at a cost of 23275000 MAD ( 700*33250) In addition COSUMAR need to buy a 2 machines for the seeders ACCORD I-DRILL PRO for 23500EURO => 261.375MAD*2 = 522750MAD 1EURO=11.1223 MAD Rotary tiller: ACCORD SEMI 61/84 => 305685MAD*2= 611370MAD And we will need 1400 employees for 25000Ha (80employees for 1400Ha) according to an investigation in the MOULLOYA which will cost 84000MAD per day and in order to cultivate the Monogerm in Gharb it will take 30 days. It will cost a total of 588000MAD. Sea transportation: 4469.84MAD = > 4469.84*2= 8939.68MAD Land transportation: 1216.26MAD=>216.26*2= 432.52 MAD The devices will be transported by the company’s own trucks with a general cost of 216.23MAD Tariffs 15 %( including TVA 12.5%, and importing rights 2.5%). = 170118.MAD The cost of developing the seeding of Monogerm including the new machines and buy the units of gains, is 25.176.610MAD. 3- Objective Three: Description: Morocco is characterized by erratic rainfall in time and space, which is the origin of change in output. Such conditions have made irrigation a requirement and a necessity as technique that has gained over the years of undeniable interest from different farmers. For their part, farmers have tried to improve their performance in the development of the system of irrigation, but their experiences were not enough and the results were limited. However the solution can be found only in a collective work, between COSUMAR, the government and the farmers by developing more the irrigation system of Geomambran. The project characteristics: So it is suggested that COSUMAR need to develop the irrigation of water for 50000Ha in DOUKKALA by using Geomambran system. So the Geomambran irrigation can lead to a low cost of implementation with reducing the problem of wasted water and also result to interesting output for sugar from the lands. As additional information, the Geomambran contains approximately 97.5% polymer and 2.5% of black carbon. It is an antioxidant and thermally stable. It does not contain additives that can harm human health over the years. For the development and the implementation of Geomambran system COSUMAR will have to take in to account the following settings: 1. The cost of installation of the Geomambran 2. The annual depreciation which depends on the cost of investment and the amortization 3. Operating expenses According to l’observateur, the cost of investment is 60dh/m2, and lapse of time for the amortization is 20 years moreover the average workforce for labor is 60dh/day/each worker finally it was estimated that the cost per each hectare is 28000DH/Ha from the agency of agriculture development. Financing: The cost of the developing the Geomambran irrigation system is 28000*50000ha = 1.400.000.000 MAD Units Quantity Price per Total price unit Using the Geomembran 50000 28000 1.400.000.000 Ha system Cost of 12.000.000 installation ( company SOTRAFA) from the website of the company Cost of 12.000.000 evaluation according to the research and development department of COSUMAR Total (DH) 1.424.000.000MAD 28000 DH/Ha (According to Investigation in MOULLOYA) The government will help us by 70% with the condition that the amount does not go above 11200DH/Ha (11200Dh * 50.000T) = 560.000.000MAD so we will have to invest only 864.000.000MAD according to The Minister of Agriculture and sea fisheries web site. The average loss of water using the irrigation system by Geomambran for 50000Ha in DOUKKALA is estimated to be 160.000.000MAD/ year for cultivating the sugar crops. SO THE TOTAL COST FOR THE FIRST STRATEGY IS 1.411.006.181MAD Financing the Project according to the EPS/EBIT analysis COSUMAR should use Common stock to raise capital in recession economic conditions but should use debt financing under normal or boom conditions. 1- Debt: 1.411.006.181 MAD Investment in MAD 1.411.006.181MAD Interestt rates 6.4% Periods of 10 years 10 Annual payments in MAD 195.360.073 MAD Forecast for the next 3 coming periods starting 2010-2014: see excel sheet (forecasting for strategy one) For the strategy evaluation I can say that the strategy will reach its objectives by 2019 from the forecast of the income statement that shows an increase in the profit margin each year. ( see the excel sheet forecasting for strategy one ). Strategy Evaluation Balanced Scorecard Area of Objectives Measure or Target Time Expectation Primary Responsibility Increase Profit Revenues 15 % each years Implemantation of regional plans for the development of sugar crops Increase sales Sales 15% each year Reducing the imports of sugar from 55% to 10% for 2019 Financial: Operations/ processes: Increase the production of lands Untapped the performance of lands 2013 :15% 2014 :25% 2015_2017 : 65% 2017-2019 : 80% Introduce mechanization in the sugar industry II. Strategy II: The use of Ethanol in fireplace (B2B) supplying Alfra Ethanol is a renewable energy that is made of corn, sugar, and sometimes wheat. It can be stored easily in small bottles. Ethanol has many usages; for instance, it can replace the fossil fuel. It can also be used in fireplaces instead of wood. Therefore, ethanol is an environmentally friend energy. For that matter, COSUMAR can benefit from the advantage of Ethanol since it produces sugar beet that is the main basic component of producing ethanol. COSUMAR can go for a B2B strategy by producing Ethanol and supplying it to ALFRA Company that manufactures fireplaces consisting of the use of Ethanol instead of wood. In Morocco, according to Driss Oukassou - the head of the division of forest Economics, Department of Water and Forests- declared that 1.3 Million tons of wood fuel is consumed each year. Therefore, the Moroccan forests are undermined. The Administration of Forestry in Morocco conducted a study of consumption of firewood in Casablanca and it showed that there is a consumption of 300,000 tons biomass (agricultural waste used as a fuel or energy source) per year, where 75% is from the forest. Therefore, Ethanol would be a good investment for COSUMAR since it is going to enhance its brand image as an environmentally responsible company. Project characteristics: COSUMAR can respond to the opportunity by developing the production line of Ethanol as an alternative to gasoline in many fields moreover it is less costly to the internal industry of fuels in Morocco. The total capacity of COSUMAR is 80.000 hectares dedicated to the production of sugar beet. In order to produce Ethanol, we suggest at first time that COSUMAR will use only 5000 hectares of land, which estimated to produce 24 125 000 kg of ethanol. 1 acre 1930 kg of ethanol 1 acre 0.4 hectare 5000 hectares 24, 125, 000 kg of ethanol According to the economics article “Turn Corn Stover to Low Cost Pasture” of Jack Kyle Objectives: COSUMAR can expand its operations by producing Bio ethanol from sugar beet. This related diversification is aimed to allocate 12.5% of the production of sugar beet to produce 48,250, 000 kg ethanol by 2016. Cost Estimation: According to “Ethanol from Sugar Beets: A Process and Economic Analysis” article of 2010, and based on the simulation of United States Department of Agriculture Department (USAD), the cost of producing ethanol is as follows: it costs 16 million dollars to transform sugar beet to ethanol the utility costs of producing ethanol is $23 million The cost of Feedstock for beets per gallon is $1.66 Costs contributions of yeast, lime, and solvents are $0.10 per gallon Utilities like chilled cooling water system, chilled water and steam costs The total cost for producing one gallon (1 gallon = 3.8 liters=2.98Kg) of ethanol from sugar beets is $2.30. Price in euro Price in dirham Price in dollar Equipment cost 12.0640 Million 134,429 Million 16 million Utility cost 17.3420 Million 193,241Million 23 million Feedstock 1.2516 13.95 1.66 Costs contributions 0.0754 0.84 0.10 Cost of utilities 0.4298 4.79 0.57 Total cost of 1.7342 19.32 2.30 production / gallon 24, 125, 000 kg 8,095,637.6 gallons 8,095,637.6 gallons* 19.32 MAD = 156,407,718.12 MAD Investment cost: 484,077,738 MAD The table above shows the cost of production of sugar is 19.32 dirham per gallon; and one gallon is 3.8 liters, which means that the cost of each liter will cost 5.085 dirhams. Financing: COSUMAR should use Common stock to raise capital in recession economic conditions but should use debt financing under normal or boom conditions. Investment in MAD 484,077,738 MAD Interest rates 6.4% Periods of 10 years 10 Annual payments in MAD 67,022,713.15 MAD The price of ethanol in the international market fluctuates between $2.2 and $3.5 per gallon during the last year. Hence, we assume that the price of ethanol in Morocco is $3, which is equivalent to 25.2 MAD per gallon. Among the objectives is to increase the revenues by 5% each year. The projection of 5-year forecast of the income statement Sales in 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 8,095,637.60 8,500,419.48 8,925,440.45 9,371,712.48 9,840,298.10 25.20 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.2 gallons Price of 1 galloon in DHs Sales in 204,010,067.50 214,210,570.90 224,921,099.40 236,167,154 247,975,512 19.32 19.32 19.32 172,439,510 181,061,485 190,114,559 Dhs 19.32 Cost of 1 19.32 galloon Cost of 156,407,718.40 164,228,104.40 goods sold 47,602,349.10 49,982,466.50 52,481,589.80 55,105,669 57,860,953.00 Tax 25% 11,900,587.28 12495616.63 13120397.45 13776417.25 14465238.25 Net income 35,701,761.83 37,486,849.88 39,361,192.35 41,329,252 43,395,714.75 Income before tax Target segment: This project consists of establishing a B2B strategy by supplying companies that manufacture fireplaces. There are many companies in Morocco that manufactures fireplaces using bioethanol. One example could be ALFRA, a French company that owns a subsidiary in Casablanca and manufactures and sells bio fireplaces and heaters. Another potential company COSUMAR can supply ethanol to and that manufactures in the same sector, is NARBIO a company located in Tangier. There is also KAIZEN a Moroccan company located in Casablanca. Marketing strategy: Single Market Strategy: One of the main marketing strategies that will be implemented by COSUMAR is to build a green brand image since the Bio Ethanol is a renewable energy that preserves the environment. By producing Ethanol, COSUMAR will be partially contributing in stopping deforestation in Morocco. In fact, by focusing on a single target market such as heaters manufacturers will allow COSUMAR focus on their operations and have control on its logistics system. Therefore, the single market strategy will allow COSUMAR to concentrate its effort in a single segment. Online Marketing Strategy: COSUMAR group should consider online marketing by writing an article this new investment. This article should contain a description of the project and its utility in the short and long term in order to attract potential target segments that are the fireplace manufacturers. This is not a costly strategy; however, it will contribute in increasing the brand awareness of the company’s product. III. Strategy 3: Organic Whole-cane sugar as an alternative for refined sugar The production of an organic whole sugar cane could be a good opportunity for COSUMAR to provide an alternative product in the Moroccan market that might replace at some point the huge consumption of white sugar, which is the main product category of the company. Unrefined sugar has many attributes and advantages that could be exploited in order to develop a new product in the market that will increase the capacity of COSUMAR to satisfy the local demand of sugar. In the other hand, COSUMAR can take the advantage and introduce an organic whole sugar in the market with different attributes and target a specific segment that cares about healthy consumption habits. The product is considered as a healthy product that will attract a large number of consumers. In addition, in term of production, the whole sugar cane will cost the same for COSUMAR since the product is unrefined, which requires a shorter flow of manufacturing process. Strategic objectives: Objective-1: Increase the sales revenues by 15% each year Ojbective-2: Increase the production of organic whole sugar as an alternative to white sugar to reach a level of production of (30% organic whole sugar and 70% of white sugar) Refined Versus Unrefined Sugar: Why unrefined sugar could be a better alternative product? Unrefined sugar preserves all the nutrient components of the substance, while refined sugar loses its vitamins and minerals during the refinement process. Unrefined sugar is more natural, healthy and easy to digest, moreover it contains only fewer calories. Refined sugar affects the body with undesirable calories, which is a major cause of obesity. While the unrefined sugar contains many vitamins and proteins. During the production of refined sugar it gets mixed with some chemical elements that might be harmful such as sulfur dioxide and other acids. According to "organic lifestyle magazine." The Production Level: The production process of unrefined sugar Raw materials Sugar canes Unrefined Sugar Crashing Machine Capacity of 300kg/h Sugar Juice Filtering Machine Boiling Machine The Estimated Production of "Organic whole sugar cane": The annual total sugar production of COSUMAR is approximately 500 000 tons based on the production of 2010. In order to apply the strategy of introducing the new product of the organic unrefined sugar to the Moroccan, we tend to dedicate a proportion of the total annual production to develop the organic whole sugar cane which is estimated to be 20% during the first year with an incremented amount during the next 5 years to reach 30% to total production. Total production 500 000 * 20% = 100 000 tons 100 000 tons of sugar canes will be dedicated to the production of unrefined sugar. The Estimated Cost in MAD Equipment and machines: 34, 330, 800 MAD Starting expenses: 14, 914, 200 MAD Operating costs: 93, 726, 800 MAD The total cost: 142, 971, 800 MAD The account of equipment and machines include: the crashing machines, filtering machines, boiling machines and plastic containers each one has a capacity of 250 liters, and 5 KW steam-powered generators. The account of operating expenses includes all the costs of: Raw materials (around 100,000 tons per year), the production cost, and shipment of the product to the distributor, wages of approximately 500 employees, utilities, and amortization. The Estimated Production Level: Crashing machine 5HP can process average of (300 Kg per hour). The turning rate of 100 kg of sugar cane will produce 85 liters of sugar juice, which will give 48.5 of unrefined sugar as a final product. 100 Kg (sugar canes) 85 liters (sugar juice) 48.5(unrefined sugar). The general rate to consider for production is 48.5 % from the raw materials to the final good. Therefore the total production of unrefined sugar is estimated to be (100,000* 48.5%) = 48,500 tons of refined sugar per year. Financing: COSUMAR should use combination Financing to raise capital in recession, normal, and boom conditions of 50% coming from debt and 50% from common stock. 5-Year projection of organic whole sugar production: We estimate an increase of the unrefined sugar production by 5% each year. Raw material 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 100,000 105,000 110,250 115,762.5 121,550.6 tons (sugar canes in Tons) The final good 48,500 50,925 53,472 56,144.8 58,952.05 (unrefined sugar) tons Marketing Strategy: The organic whole sugar cane is considered to be a new product in the Moroccan market. COSUMAR has to take advantage of the first mover to provide the market with such alternative product. Therefore, COSUMAR has to build a strategy that would deliver a better value to customers than the existing products of white sugar. In addition, marketing effort has to introduce the product in a better way that suits consumers' preferences knowing that Moroccans are more familiar and addicted to the current white sugar. The organic whole sugar product is an unrefined sugar cane that is healthy and retains natural sugar components and vitamins after processing. The product could be an alternative product of white sugar, which can be used in a different ways and uses such as sweetener for the making of cereals and beverages. It could be used also the regular daily products like bread, cake, candies, cookies, and desserts in general. The price of Sugar in Morocco is very sensitive to changes especially that the government is responsible to set the price of sugar. However, the price of the organic whole sugar will be higher than the white sugar since the product will have specific segments. COSUMAR has an important distribution network that covers all the major places and regions of the country. At the beginning, the organic whole sugar cane will be launched only in the main cities of Morocco such as Casablanca, Rabat, Fez, Tangier and Marrakech. Then, for further stages it will reach all the distribution places. The promotion of the organic whole sugar should reach the potential customers which are very large in term of numbers. However, taking into consideration the characteristics of the product, we will tend to promote a good image about the attributes of the product "organic, healthy, and natural sugar". The advertisement on Moroccan TVs "2m and RTM" would be necessary to introduce the product in the market. Target Segments: Segment 1: The consumers of the final good, basically we will target a psychographic segment about people from the middle and high class who care more about their health and eating habits since the whole sugar cane is organic and healthy. Segment 2: B to B, COSUMAR is the major supplier of raw sugar to other manufacturing companies. We will be targeting the companies that would like to produce bio-organic food using organic sugar. New Packaging for new product: In order to be in accordance with its new approach “Customer Focus”, COSUMAR is looking forward to strengthen its market position and become closer to the consumers by giving renewal to the visual identity of its brands. As a consequence, we should also create a new look to our new product: “Organic whole-cane sugar” to make it visually more attractive for consumers and to be in line with the new strategy of COSUMAR. The figure above shows our packaging proposition for our new product. As shown in the figure, the new packaging is made up of a zip-top plastic bag that will prevent air or even ants from getting in touch with sugar. This plastic can be opened and closed as many times as necessary without causing any damage to the sugar content. Advertising expenses for the diffusion of a 30s commercial on prime time: On 2M: 13,333.59 MAD On TVM: 11,690.85 MAD Frequency Cost of 1 spot Cost/ day The annual cost 133, 335.9 MAD 38000924 MAD 116, 908.5 MAD 32087060 MAD 250244.4 MAD 70087984 MAD of advertisement 2M 10/day 13,333.59 MAD RTM 10/day 11,690.85 MAD Total cost Forecasting It is very difficult to predict the expected agricultural production of raw materials (sugar canes and sugars beets) based on the historical data of the annual reports because it fluctuates between local production and imports from the international market. The agricultural harvest depends heavily on the rainfall, which is a significant success factor of production. Therefore, the financial forecast will be based only on the performance of the last three years 2008, 2009, 2010 in order to have an overview about the strategy implementation and impact on COSUMAR net contribution. The price of sugar in general is fixed by the government. However, if COSUMAR succeeds to provide a developed organic sugar, it could benefit from a margin by increasing the prices. Overall, the whole sugar cane is less costly in production but we will estimate the cost of production as the same since COSUMAR has already an established manufacturing process for white sugar that can be used again for the process of the organic whole sugar. We estimate the revenues of the organic whole sugar to grow by the same rate of the organic food market, which is 7.7% worldwide according to the industry analysis since we could not find the current market growth of organic food in Morocco. In addition, During the 3 coming years, we expect an average growth of operating income to increase by 13.73%. The Forecast of next 3 periods 2008 2009 2010 Year-1 Year-2 Year-3 4 044 095 4 241 920 4 511 829 4 859 240 5 233 402 5 636 374 462,22 127,19 785,81 678 211 181 1 635 735 1 730 416 1 849 333 1 965 471 2 088 903 2 220 086 817,98 552,00 448,00 589 204 326 44 092 52 074 38 235 36 591 454 35 043 33 561 688,47 965,17 585,33 636.31 290.49 Total operating 5 866 264 6 176 815 6 426 615 6 861 303 7 257 349 7 856 460 income 803,12 732,91 804,27 721 051.31 507.49 Cost of goods sold 4 283 921 4 511 407 4 770 883 5 034 713 5 313 132 5 606 949 443,21 716.19 372,66 222 864 111 373 056 362 403 350 953 347 857 332 607 327 389 856,64 416.68 147,55 224.08 388.29 774.55 16 138 16 966 16 813 17 115 17 392 17 456 192,08 551.42 190,65 084.12 082.88 004.32 Others operating 1 040 1 140 2 420 3 872 4 196 5 913 expenses 000,00 610.45 324,82 519.712 031.54 650.46 Total operating 5 207 126 5 458 943 5 738 476 6 022 531 6 320 646 6 833 518 expenses 946,38 212,52 517,24 105 394 391 Operating Income 659 137 857 778 772 895 702 657 1 022 942 Revenues of sales Gants holding Other incomes Personnal expenses Taxes 717 872 520 688 139 287 616 116 Strategic evaluation: From the forecasting method of income statement we can see that in the long run we can increase the sales revenues by 15% each year and also we are able to reach an enhance in the production of organic whole sugar as an alternative to white sugar to reach a level of production of (30% organic whole sugar and 70% of white sugar) Balanced Scorecard Area of Objectives Measure or Target Time Expectation Primary Responsibility Increase Production Revenues 15 % each year 30% organic sugar/70% white sugar Increase sales Sales 15% each years Untapped Market 15% each year Construct diversified product for our customers. 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Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_minimum_wages_by_country Appendices: Appendix n° (1): EFE MATRIX Key External Factors weight Rating weighted score Opportunities 1• A high demand of sugar in the international market 0.07 1 0.07 2 • A high consumption rate and need of sugar in Morocco 35kg/year 0.12 3 0.36 3 • No competitors in the market 0.07 4 0.28 4• The potential to improve the agriculture harvest. 0.09 3 0.27 5 • The government support of the sugar sector and agriculture in general 0.08 4 0.32 0.1 1 0.1 1 • The industry depends heavily on agricultural harvest "Rainfall" 0.12 3 0.36 2 • High proportion of sugar canes is imported ( 55% approximately ) 0.12 2 0.24 3• Potential entry of competitors in the long run 0.06 2 0.12 4.• Price fluctuation of the substance in the international market "Imports" 0.04 2 0.08 5• Difficult exploitation of technology in agriculture sector 0.08 3 0.24 6. moroccan market is saturated 0.05 3 0.15 6 • Growing niche for diabetes people (6.6% of population) Threats Total 1 2.59 Appendix n°(2): Financial ratio analysis: 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 current ratio 1.12 1.05 1.33 1.31 1.27 1.08 1.05 quick ratio 75% 69% 92% 75% 76% 75% 73% assets 55% 64% 59% 58% 61% 62% 64% profil margin 1% 2% 5% 6% 7% 7% 12% return on equity 6% 8% 19% 21% 22% 21% 29% return on assets 2% 2% 7% 8% 9% 8% 10% debt to total assets 14% 12% 10% 9% 11% 7% 4% fixed assets turnover 2.54 2.83 2.13 1.87 1.62 1.47 1.34 total assets turover 0.85 1.01 0.91 0.95 0.84 0.82 0.85 0.78% 8.26% 6.77% 4.32% -0.05% 10.64% 10.49% net income growth -73.39% -2.43% 6.74% 10.58% 6.57% 12.55% 8.14% earning per share 22.26 39.2 102.4 119.3 132.3 137.8 148.41 dividend per share 40 40 80 86 86 86 100 debt to equity 387.66 182.97 148.12 142.29 158.91 163.59 185.85 net working capital ratio 15.44 19.22 11.84 10.07 9.11 3.58 1.35 inventory ratio 5.77 5.89 6.37 5.99 5.17 5.32 5.70 total liabilities to total sale growth Appendix n°(3): IFE MATRIX: Key Internal Factors Weight Rating weighted score Strenghts 1. The leader of sugar industry in Morocco with 100% of the market share 0.1 4 0.4 0.12 4 0.48 0.05 4 0.2 0.05 3 0.15 0.08 4 0.32 management 0.06 3 0.18 7. Cosumar is involved in a protected industry 0.05 3 0.15 8. Social responsability 0.04 3 0.12 1. Lack of advertisement 0.06 1 0.06 2. The government control of the prices 0.06 2 0.12 3. The average age of employees is 45 years 0.02 2 0.04 machines are ancient ) 0.05 1 0.05 5. Inability to determine the expected production 0.07 1 0.07 6. Small regions dedicated to sugar canes planting 0.06 1 0.06 production 0.08 1 0.08 8. Lack of diversified products 0.05 2 0.1 2. A long managerial expertise in sugar industry (80 years) 3. Good financial situation in Casablanca stock exchanges 4. Important distribution network all over the kingdom of Morocco 5. ONA holding owns more than 63% of Cosumar's capital 6. Accreditation of quality ISO 9001 and QSE Weaknesses 4. Cosumar is using an old technology (40% of 7. Inability to satisfy the local demand with local Total 1 2.58 Appendix n°(4): SWOT MATRIX (See SWOT MATRIX on the Excel software document) Appendix n° (5) : SPACE MATRIX Internal Strategic Position Financial Strength External Strategic Position Rating Environmental stability Rating Return on investment 5 Technological changes -2 Leverage 4 Rate of inflation -3 Liquidity 4 Demand variability -1 Price range of competing Working capital 4 products -1 Cash Flow 3 Barriers to entry to the market -5 Inventory turnover 5 Competitive pressure -1 Earnings per share 5 Ease of exit from market -6 Price earnings ratio 4 Price elasticity of demand -1 Risk involved in business -3 - 4.25 Competitive advantage 2.555556 Industry Strength (IS) Market share -1 Growth potential 4 product quality -2 Profit potential 5 product life cycle -1 Financial stability 5 Customer loyalty -1 Technological know-how 3 utilization -1 Resource utilization 5 Technological know-how -3 Ease of entry into market 2 Control over supplier and Productivity capacity Competitions capacity distribution -2 utilization 5 1.57142857 4.142857 Appendix n° (6): QSPM MATRIX Strategy 1 Weights Strategy 2 AS TAS AS - _ - Strategy 3 TAS AS TAS Key External Factors 1• A high demand of sugar in the international market 0.07 2 • A high consumption rate and need of sugar in Morocco 35kg/year 0.12 3 0.36 3 0.36 4 0.48 3 • No competitors in the market 0.07 2 0.14 3 0.21 4 0.28 4 • The potential to improve the agriculture harvest. 0.09 4 0.36 4 0.36 1 0.09 0.08 4 3 0.24 2 0.1 1 0.1 3 0.3 4 0.4 7 • The industry depends heavily on agricultural harvest "Rainfall" 0.12 4 0.48 3 0.36 2 0.24 8 • High proportion of raw sugar is imported ( 55% approximately mainly from 0.12 3 0.36 3 0.36 2 Brazil ) 9 • Potential entry of competitors in the long run 0.06 2 0.12 3 0.18 3 0.18 10• Price fluctuation of the substance in the international market "Imports" 0.04 11• Difficult exploitation of technology in agriculture sector 0.08 4 0.32 4 0.32 3 0.24 12, Moroccan Market Saturated 0.05 1 0.05 3 0.15 3 0.15 4 0.4 4 0.4 4 2 0.24 3 0.36 3 0.36 2 0.1 5 • The government support of the sugar sector and agriculture in general "plan vert" 6• Growing niche for diabetes people (6.6% of population) _ 0.32 _ - _ 0.16 0.24 _ Key Internal Factors 1. The leader of sugar industry in Morocco with 100% of the market share 0.1 2. A long managerial expertise in sugar industry (80 years) 0.12 3. Good financial situation in Casablanca stock exchanges 0.05 4. Important distribution network all over the kingdom of Morocco 0.05 3 5. ONA holding owns more than 63% of Cosumar's capital 0.08 6. Accreditation of quality ISO 9001 and QSE management _ _ _ 0.4 _ 0.15 2 _ _ _ 0.06 2 0.12 3 0.18 4 0.24 7. Cosumar benefits from government support 0.05 3 0.15 2 0.1 2 0.1 8. Social responsability 0.04 3 0.12 2 0.08 4 0.16 9. Lack of advertisement 0.06 1 0.06 2 0.12 4 0.24 10. The government control of the prices 0.06 2 0.12 3 0.18 3 0.18 11. The average age of employees is 45 years 0.02 _ _ _ 12. Cosumar is using an old technology (40% of machines are ancient ) 0.05 4 0.2 4 0.2 3 0.15 13. Inability to determine the expected production 0.07 3 0.21 3 0.21 2 0.14 14. Small regions dedicated to sugar canes planting 0.06 4 0.24 3 0.18 2 0.12 15. Inability to satisfy the local demand with local production 0.08 3 0.24 3 0.24 4 0.32 16. Lack of diversified product 0.05 2 0.1 3 0.15 3 0.15 TOTAL 4.96 0.1 _ _ 5.04 5.12 Appendix n° (7): Grand Strategy Matrix