Biological Basis Behavior { Neural Processing and Endocrine System 8-10 % of AP Exam Micro-Macro Introduction Neuron Sensory Neuron Motor Neuron Interneurons Neural Communication Axon/Myelin Sheath Cell Body Dendrites The Neuron Action Potential Does learning the fact that everything we do and think are chemical processes in the brain, affect your perception of the world? Answer this Synapse Synaptic gap (synaptic cleft) Neurotransmitters Neuron Communication How Neurons Communicate Acetylcholine (AcH) Dopamine Serotonin Norepinephrine GABA Glutamate Endorphins WHY DOES THIS MATTER Agonists and Antagonists Brain and spinal cord Neural networks Spinal cord Reflex Central Nervous System Hormones Adrenal glands Epinephrine and norepinephrine Fight or flight response Pituitary gland Endocrine System History Recording Brain Activity Electrocephalogram Cat Scan PET Scan MRI The Braiiiiiiiiinnnnnn Brainstem Medulla Pons Reticular formation Older Braaaaaain Structures Cerebellum FMRI “Its Just you don’t get excited” Why can’t we tickle ourselves? Cerebral Cortex Motor Cortex Mapping Neural Prosthetics Motor Functions Sensory Functions Frontal lobes Phineas Gage Parietal lobes Temporal lobes Association Areas Aphasia Broca’s area Wernicke’s area Language Vogel and Bogen Corpus-callosum Split brain Myers and Gazzaniga Splitting the Brain Hemispheric Specialization Perceptual tasks Language Sense of self Right-Left Diffrences Awareness of Self and Environment Cognitive Neuroscience Dual Processing Priming Conciousnes s Quiz Which type of brain scan takes x-rays of the brain? What is the function of the pararietal lobe? If a person damaged their Amydala, in what way would they most likely react? What is the function of the hypothalamus? Behavior genetics Heredity versus the environment Genetics, Evolutionary Psychology and Behavior Separated Twin Studies Similar Life Choices Case Studies Twins Evolutionary psychology Natural selection Mutation Adaptation Fitness Evolutionary psychology Genetic traits which helped our ancestors survive may harm us today Evolutionary Psychology Chromosome DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) Genes Active (expressed) vs. inactive Genome Genes Studies suggesting men have a stronger tendency towards sex Nature Vs. Nurture Sexual Evolution Rules Groups of 4 or 5 Each group picks a playing card each round, the highest card in the round goes first and the other groups subsequently take the order given by the cards. Chapter 1,2,3 Review Game of Deathhhhhh Before Vocabulary Term is randomly, given students in group must pick one person to answer the term. If the other students call out an answer, they will skip a turn. Other possible violations include deductions of points Once they pick that person, he or she can’t go again until everyone from the group has answered a word. Chapter 1,2,3 Review Game of Deathhhhhh Student must provide a clear and concise answer for points to be given Each group has access to one life line that they have 30 seconds to look for a response in their notes and only their notes, not the book, If they go over the time, they will be deducted points. Chapter 1,2,3 Review Game of Deathhhhhh A Round is completed when all the groups have gone once and cards will be picked again to determine the order of the next round. Chapter 1,2,3 Review Game of Deathhhhhh