Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review: Water Resources

Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review
Glaciers at the North & South poles hold most of
Earth’s fresh water.
Less than 1% of all water on Earth is surface water,
which is found in lakes, rivers, and streams.
Surface water percolates through the soil to form
ground water.
Water management projects have diverted water to
many parts of the world that do not have fresh water
to make them habitable.
Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review
The Mississippi River is the largest U.S. watershed.
Most large cities get their water from rivers/lakes.
Adding chlorine to water kills bacteria and prevents
future bacterial growth.
Industry uses fresh water in manufacturing
processes, to generate power, and for waste
Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review
Runoff from agricultural feedlots is an example
of nonpoint-source pollution.
Pathogens are a type of water pollution.
Polluted groundwater is difficult to clean
-deep in the ground
-dispersed through large areas of rocks
-cling to materials in the aquifer
-recycling takes hundreds of thousands of years
Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review
An underground leaking tank is an example of
point-source pollution.
Most of the pollutants in the ocean come from
activities on land.
Tankers in U.S. waterways must be double hulled
by this year according to the 1990 Oil Pol. Act.
Excessive phosphates in lakes may begin the
process that causes fish to suffocate.
Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review
The amount of space between the particles that
make up a rock determines its porosity. (like
water being held in the pores of a sponge)
Aquifers are hard to purify because the water
collects in spaces in the sand and rock.
The effects of water pollution on ecosystems can
magnify over time within food chains.
Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review
Water is a renewable source that is continually
recycled. Water that is used ends up in rivers,
lakes, & oceans where it evaporates and returns
to Earth as precipitation by the water cycle.
Across the Earth’s surface water is not evenly
distributed. Flood, drought areas, aquifers are
being depleted by pumped out faster than water
can be replaced, and other water is polluted.
(potable water not available to everyone)
Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review
Thermal pollution is the un-natural heating of
water from point-sources such as power plants
and other industries. A nonpoint-source would
be removing natural shade/tree removal over a
large area.
Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review
Short answers
List benefits and problems resulting from the
building of a dam.
Why are some countries using the expensive
method of desalination for obtaining fresh water.
Plus others….
Environmental Science Chapter 11 Review
Word bank for fill-ins.
Recharge zone
Artificial Eutrophication
Nonpoint-source pollution