Beam Extrapolation Fit Peter Litchfield An update on the method I described at the September meeting Objective; To fit all data, nc and cc combined, with the minimum of cuts To use the beam MC extrapolation parameters event by event to produce a far detector prediction from the near detector data Not to need beam, cross-section and/or reconstruction error fitting Status John Marshall is developing an independent program on the same lines. John (Mark) is reporting his results in the cc session I have used MDC MC both raw and tweaked to develop and verify my program I will show that it works, at least on MC data Reminder of the method GNuMI Beam particle Near MC truth event Near MC reco E - Es Far MC truth event E - y Weight: Oscillation Beam extrapolation Gen/Extrapolated ratio Far flattening weight Xsec ratio many beam particles Predicted Far reco E - Es distribution Weight: near data reco/ near MC reco compare Far MC truth event weighted Far data reco E - Es distribution Far MC reco event E - Es Data All data is MC, I have not looked (for a long time) at any real data MDC data, R18.2 reconstruction Pure MC, no tweaking, far data oscillated (original MDC) Near “data” 385 files : 0.03955 1020 pot Near MC 382 files : 0.03934 1020 pot Far “data” 100 files : 102.7 1020 pot Far MC 177 files : 514.2 1020 pot Tweaked MC, far data oscillated (MDC3) Near “data” 396 files : 0.3996 1020 pot Near MC 379 files : 0.3893 1020 pot Far “data” 100 files : 103.2 1020 pot Far MC 177 files : 514.2 1020 pot Near detector E v Eshw weight Untweaked MC Plot reconstructed E v Eshw Only cut is that the reconstructed vertex should be in the fiducial volume No nc/cc separation Sign of E is that of the reconstructed One bin for events with no Bins of 1 GeV 0-10 Gev, 10 GeV 10-60 GeV Tweaked “data” Near detector E v Eshw weight Weight the beam MC event by the ratio of near data to near mc in the bin of E v Eshw For untweaked MC should be 1, Could do with more statistics Ratio near data/near mc Eshw (GeV) -ve momentum E (GeV) +ve momentum Tweaked Near E v Eshw weight Tweaked MC, ratio different from 1 Ratio near data/near mc Weights the near MC to allow for beam, cross-section and reconstruction differences Eshw (GeV) -ve momentum E (GeV) +ve momentum Extrapolation to the far detector Near-far extrapolation is done with only truth quantities Each near detector mc event has a truth energy that a neutrino hitting the far detector from the same beam particle decay would have, together with the probabilities that the near and far detectors are hit. Use far detector mc events with the same truth characteristics as the extrapolated near detector event Problem: the far detector energy is different from the near therefore cannot use E and Eshw. Instead extrapolate in truth E and y which should at least approximately scale. Select events with the same truth initial state (nc,cc,qel,dis etc) and in the same bin of E v y Apply the far detector reconstructed fiducial volume cut and plot the reconstructed E v Eshw distribution with the weights on the next slide Again the only cut is on the reconstructed fiducial volume Far detector extrapolation Each selected far detector MC event has the following weights applied The ratio of the probability of the neutrino hitting the far detector to the probability of hitting the near detector The ratio of the far to near fiducial volumes The ratio of the pot in the far and near detector samples The ratio of the cross section at the energy of the far detector event to that at the energy of the near detector event A weight to flatten the far detector events as a function of E and y. Necessary to remove the cross-section dependence in the far MC A weight to allow for the difference in truth distributions of accepted events in the near and far detectors (see next slides) The near detector data/MC weight An oscillation weight, dependent on m2, sin22, fs Far detector extrapolation `Problem: the truth MC distributions in the far detector are not the same as the extrapolated MC near detector spectrum Truth E Far MC All events -60.0 Extrapolated ND 0.0 E 60.0 `Due to split and superimposed events in the near detector MC truth finder usually associates bigger MC event with the event Split events, the MC event gets extrapolated twice Superimposed events, the bigger event gets extrapolated twice, the smaller event is lost Far detector extrapolation `Effect bigger for vertex selected events, Differences in reconstruction efficiencies? Non uniform vertex distribution in near detector + vertex resolution? ? Weight events with the ratio far/near of events in the E-y bin Selected events -60.0 Far MC Extrapolated ND 0.0 E 60.0 Far detector weight The extrapolation weight for the near to far truth should be close to 1.0 Far MC/Near MC projected Could do with more statistics y E (Gev) Raw MC fit No oscillations Fit to oscillated but untweaked MC, test that the program works. Far data Extrapolated near data nc Use the MDC MC, oscillated with parameters m2=0.0238, sin22=0.93 Fitted to E v Eshw but difficult to see effects, project onto E No cc/nc selection but plot E for data divided into nc/cc by Niki’s ann cc -60.0 0.0 E 60.0 Raw MC fit True oscillated parameters within the 68% confidence contour MC statistics is lacking, still contributions to likelihood from MC nc m2 0.0025 Oscillated 0.002 cc -60.0 0.0 E 60.0 68 and 90% contours 0.9 0.95 ▲ truth sin22 1.0 * best fit point Tweaked MC, Near data/MC Note ratio now generally > 1. Ratio near data/near mc MDC3 data. Eshw (GeV) -ve momentum E (GeV) +ve momentum Tweaked MC , no oscillations No oscillations Far data Extrapolated near data nc Prediction from near data includes correction for tweaking Truth oscillations have different parameters cc -60.0 0.0 E 60.0 Tweaked MC, best fit nc cc -60.0 0.0 E 60.0 0.0025 m2 0.003 Oscillated 0.75 ▲ truth 0.80 sin22 0.85 * best fit point Include sterile oscillations Fits well with no sterile component, therefore don’t expect much in fit ▲ Summary and Conclusions The beam event-by-event extrapolation works. It works (on MC) without beam or cross-section fitting/adjustments It works (on MC) without any cuts except a fiducial volume cut. It works (on MC) for a fit to m2, sin22 and fs It should work for a CPT separated and fit Fitting to reconstructed E v Eshw includes the detector resolution in a simple manner I haven’t thought much about systematics but since it makes very few assumptions and cuts, the systematic errors should be small It will work as far as there are no effects unique to one detector which are not represented by the MC Need to compare far and near detector data to check that no such effects are present.