
Chris LaGrow
Assistant Director
Career Development Office
Upcoming Events
10/20, 4pm: First Investors
10/20, 6pm: Disney College Program
10/26, 3:30pm: SellingHive
11/1, 6pm: Interviewing
Resume Deadlines:
10/20: Geico (interviews at CDO 10/28)
10/20: Drescher Malecki (interviews at CDO 10/27)
11/2: First Investors (interviews at CDO 11/9
11/16, 3-6pm: JobQuest Job & Internship Fair
Frequent updates in Quest.
Get it Critiqued!
Call the office at 673-3327; identify
yourself as a Leadership student
Bring resume & cover letter
Don’t wait, our schedules are already
filling fast!
What We Do
CDO Services
 Internships!
 Resume/cover letter review
 Practice interviews/InterviewStream
 Job search/grad school assistance
 Quest (jobs, internships and events)
A Word about resume templates
Quick reasons NOT to use resume
Mix and match fonts
Takes up more space
Don’t include sections YOU need
They’re not unique
No Need to Include…
Height, weight, eye/hair color
Marital status
Political and religious preferences
High school activities and honors
The Basics
 Length: one page
 Margins: start with one inch
all the way around
 Font: Arial, Times, Palatino,
Book Antiqua-easy to read!
 Font size: start with 12; no
smaller than 10
Contact Info
Full name
School and/or home address
Phone number(s)
E-mail (no offensive or cutesy e-mails
Objective Statements
Use one if…
 You have space
 You have a specific job
or type of job in mind
 You’re not sending a
cover letter
Don’t bother if…
 You don’t have space
 You don’t have a
specific job in mind
 You’re sending a cover
 State University of New York at Fredonia
 Write out your degree (Bachelor of Arts,
not BA) and date of graduation
Bachelor of Science in Accounting, May 2012
 Then your minor if any
 Honors (scholarships, honor societies,
Dean’s List, etc.)
 Related courses?
 GPA > 3.0
What qualifies as “Related
Research projects in your field
Leadership Program?
Some summer/part-time jobs
Some clubs or organizations
 Were you a student leader? A team
 Four pieces of information:
 Your title and dates (month and year are
sufficient – usually first line)
 Employer/organization, and City and
State (usually second line)
 Then describe what you do.
Job Descriptions
 Use bullet format
 First word usually a verb (watch your
 Accomplishments
 Related, “impressive” aspects of the
 Thorough and descriptive
 Details
Other Sections
Computer Skills
Activities or Athletics
Language Skills
Use descriptive section titles!
Samples and Questions
SUNY Fredonia Accounting Society, 2009-present
Treasurer, 2010
Managed a budget of approximately $3000
As part of the executive board, arranged for professionals and alumni to present
on career and industry issues.
SUNY Fredonia NCAA Division III Women’s Basketball, 2008-present
Captain, 2011-12
Set single-game scoring record, Fall 2009
Four-year starter; led team to SUNYAC finals, 2010
SUNYAC All-Academic Team, three years
Sigma Kappa International Sorority, 2009-present
Public Relations Chair, 2011
Promoted all organizational events both internally and to the campus and public
Coordinated annual formal dinner, including invitations, site arrangements,
decorations, and program
More Samples
IBM Corporation, Endicott, NY
Intern, Fall 20xx
Processed two Signature invoices for three newly acquired
companies, verified information and resolved problems
Processed Canadian UCD Lab check requests
Worked payment exception reports on a daily and weekly basis
Ran cost of money query and canceled and reposted invoices
Helped with internal “Quest” audit of credit memos for
Created and tabulated a 10-question survey of approximately
200 clients regarding customer service
More Samples
SUNY Fredonia Office of Residence Life
Resident Assistant, Fall 2010-Present
Supervised a floor of 35 students within a residence hall community of 275
Developed educational and social programming, including a successful buildingwide psychic fair which attracted more than 100 participants
Enforced University policy and reported violations
Mediated interpersonal conflicts between residents; referred students to
appropriate University offices (counseling, career development, etc) as needed
Attended the Resident Assistant Conference at SUNY Cortland, March 2005
Responded to emergency situations and worked closely with University Police
Worked as part of a team of 10 and collaborated with other RAs on programs,
rules enforcement and campus-wide activities
Now get it looked at!
 CDO Hours: 8:30-5, M-F
 Appointments by appointment