Industrialization Spreads

Industrialization Spreads
Industrialization in the U.S.
I. The United States possessed many of the same
resources that allowed Great Britain to mechanize its
A. Many natural resources such as coal & iron ore
B. Large supply of laborers
C. Many rivers and streams
II. As in Britain, industrialization in the U.S. began in
the textile industry.
Samuel Slater
A. The British were eager to keep the secrets of
industrialization to itself.
1. Britain forbid any engineers, mechanics, or
toolmakers to leave the country.
2. In 1789, however, a mill worker named Samuel
Slater slipped out of the country to the U.S.
a. In the U.S., he built a spinning machine
from memory.
b. Slater’s machines ended up in the
first factories in the U.S.
Factories in the U.S.
B. Many factories began emerging in the U.S. in the
early 1800’s.
1. Most began in the Northeastern part of the U.S.
C. Following the Civil War, the U.S. began to shift
to a more industrialized country as opposed to
Industrialization in the U.S.
1. Much like Great Britain the U.S. had a wealth of
resources-oil, coal, and iron
2. The U.S. had its own burst of inventions
a. electric light bulb
b. telegraph
c. Telephone
3. A swelling population that consumed the new
manufactured goods.
4. A railroad system also began in the U.S.
The Rise of Corporations
III. During the Industrial Revolution, corporations
A. A corporation is a business owned by stockholders.
1. To raise money entrepreneurs sold shares of
stock (certificates of ownership)
2. People who bought shares of stock became
part owners of the business.
a. Stockholders then share in the profits of
the corporation but are not liable for debts.
b. Corporations are able to raise large amounts of
money needed to invest in industrial equipment.
U.S. Corporations
B. In the late 1800’s the two most powerful
corporations were Standard Oil (founded by John D.
Rockefeller) and Carnegie Steel Company ( founded
by Andrew Carnegie).
1. Corporate leaders made fortunes
2. Stockholders made huge profits
3. Workers earned low wages
Continental Europe Industrializes
IV. The Industrial Revolution spread to
most countries in Europe.
Other Inventions Spur
V. Other inventions spurred industrialization.
A. In 1801, an Italian named Alessandro
Volta invented the electric battery.
1. It produced a steady electric current
B. In 1837, an American named Samuel F.B. Morse
invented the telegraph.
1. Communication could now be sent long
distances by sending electric impulses.
Other Inventions
C. In 1866, the first transatlantic message was
sent by cable.
Other Inventions
D. In 1839, a Frenchman name Louis
Daguerre patented the first method of
taking photographs.
1. Photographs could be completed
in a matter of minutes!
D. In 1876, the American Alexander Graham
Bell harnessed electricity to transmit
sounds over great distances-telephone
1. mass communication begins
E. In 1895, an Italian, Guglielmo Marconi
created the first wireless radio.
2. Mass communication develops even
F. In 8178, the incredible American inventor
Thomas Edison created the first electric
light bulb.
1. Factories could now operate 24/7.
G. In the 1885, German inventors used a
gasoline engine to power a vehicle-the
H. In 1903, American brothers, Orville and
Wilbur Wright, flew a gasoline powered
flying machine at Kitty Hawk, North
1. The longest flight that day lasted 59
2. Airplane travel began.
I. An American mechanic named Henry
Ford decided to make cars that were
affordable for most people
1. Ford used standardized,
interchangeable parts.
2. He built them on an assembly line.
3. The Model T Ford was introduced!
Theory of Evolution
VI. New ideas changed society during the Industrial
A. In 1859, Charles Darwin wrote the book, “On the
Origin of Species”.
1. Darwin challenged the idea of special
2. Darwin theorized that all forms of life,
including human beings, evolved from
earlier forms of life that had existed millions of
years ago.
Germ Theory of Disease
B. A French chemist by the name of Louis Pasteur in
the mid-1800’s developed the Germ Theory of
1. He discovered that bacteria cause diseases and
that heat killed bacteria.
a. This led to surgeons insisting that wounds
be washed with antiseptics or germ-killing
b. Public officials began to make sure their
cities built plumbing and sewer systems and
improved public health.
C. In 1860, an Austrian monk named
Gregor Mendel was able to show how
certain traits are inherited.
1. Led to the science of genetics.
D. Psychology became an important new
social science during the Industrial Rev.
1. It was focused on understanding human
behavior in a scientific way.
a. An Austrian doctor named Sigmund
Freud theorized that many of our
behaviors can be explained by
unconscious forces – memories,
desires, and impulses.
The Impact of Industrialization
VII. The impact of industrialization
A. Industrialized nations began to compete against
each other
B. Poverty increased in less-developed nations.
C. European countries began to exploit overseas
colonies for resources and markets
VIII. Imperialism began!