Informative Speech Specification

Informative Speech Specification
The Informative Speech is your first major presentation of the semester. It requires
you to think about a variety of theoretical concepts you’ve been exposed to through
text readings and course lectures.
The structure of your speech should resemble the one presented during class, with
all of the appropriate headings represented (Attention Statement, Documentation,
Illustration, etc.). The nature of the content, however, is completely an issue of your
personal choices.
Your speech manuscripts must be composed in a “full-text” fashion, and is due on
the day you deliver your speech. You will be required to give your instructor a copy
of the outline prior to delivering your presentation.
The Informative Speech must be between 5-7 minutes in length. Two points will be
deducted from your final assignment grade for every 30 seconds over/under your
presentation runs (with a maximum deduction of 6 points). Please ensure that you
adequately time yourself during your rehearsals. You will be graded on issues
related to the content of your outline as well as the delivery of the speech. The
assignment is worth 100 points toward your overall course grade.
You are required to consult and document four different source materials for this
presentation. Please ensure that these sources are cited orally in the body of your
speech, as well as documented in a “References” page at the end of your document.
Please consult your instructor if you have questions on matters not discussed in this
Note: Although students are required to hand their instructor a printed copy
of their speech outline, it is strongly suggested that you use notecards during
your performance.