Brain Development Notes

Brain Development
Brain Development:
Brain has ________________________ neurons, or nerve cells, that ________________
_____________________________: space between the neurons.
Neurons send messages to one another by ____________________________________________
________________, which cross the _______________________________________.
Sensitive Periods of Brain Development
Neurons that are ___________________________________ continue to establish synapses.
Neurons that are ______________________________________________________ (their
ability to communicate through a process called ___________________________________.
Molding a Live Sculpture:
In order for brain development to move forward _____________________________________
_____________________________________ is vital during periods in which the formation
of synapses is at its peak.
At birth, the brain is nearly _________ of its adult weight, by age 2, it reaches
____________ and at 6 years __________.
Development of Cerebral Cortex:
Surrounds the __________________________.
Accounts for ____________ of brain weight.
Contains greatest amount of _______________________________________________.
More sensitive to __________________________________________ than any other part of
the brain.
Frontal Lobe ______________________________________________________.
Frontal Lobe:
The functions and memories of the cerebral cortex _________________________________,
all learning of knowledge and skills being ________________________________________.
Other Advances:
 Cerebellum: located at the
_________________________, aids
in ___________________ and
control of _____________________.
o _____________________
 Hopscotch
 Throwing a Ball
Print Letters
Corpus Callosum:
bundle of fibers that _______________________________________________________.
The more complex the task, the more critical ________________________________.
Right side: _________________________________________________________________
Left side: __________________________________________________________________
Sensitive Periods in Brain Development:
Experience Expectant Brain Growth – Young brains rapidly __________________________.
 Depends on ____________________________________________.
Opportunities to __________________ to hear____________________ and
other sounds.
The brain of all infants/toddlers/young children ____________________ to
encounter these experiences for _______________________________.
Dependent Brain Growth – Extends throughout ___________________________.
Consists of ____________________________ of established brain.
Young brains __________________ in many ways, let them ________________.