Islam Submission to the one God, Allah The world’s fastest-growing and second-largest religion Central teachings are derived from the Quran, the primary sacred text and Islam’s earthly center. Muhammad, the final prophet,. exemplifies human perfection. Muhammad Muhammad was born about 570 c.e. into the leading tribe of Mecca.. Muhammad was an orphan and was raised by his uncle. He was a hard-working boy, honest and dependable who began his life as a shepherd and later went into the trading business. He was a caravan manager for a wealthy widow, Khadija, whom he eventually married. Muhammad was 25 and Khadija was about 40! They had at least 6 children and a long and happy marriage. Muhammad as a prophet The angel Gabriel commanded Muhammad to “recite”! Citizens of Mecca were hostile to the message. Muhammad fled north to Yathrib, (Medina) This was known as the Hijra, an event on which the Muslims base their calendar. Most of Arabia were converted to Islam by the time of Muhammad’s death in 632. Allah Muslims have 99 names for Allah or God. Prophets are the link between people and Allah. Abraham is the father of the Arab people. Moses and Jesus are also revered. Muhammad is the last and the “seal” of the prophets. Muslims consider human nature as essentially good, sin occurs when people forget their natural goodness. Th e Five Pillars of Islam Confession of faith in one God and acknowledgment of Muhammad as a unique prophet. Prayer 5 times a day. Fasting during Ramadan Wealth sharing - 2.5 percent of their gross income. Pilgrimage to Mecca once in a person’s life.. Social Teachings Shariah Law - Divine law governing most Islamic countries. Islam regards men and women as equals but with different roles. Jihad represents the struggle of individuals and society to act in accordance with shariah law. Mecca The Hajj Expansion and Varieties of Islam Within one century after Muhammad’s death, Islamic civilization spread throughout the Middle East, Persia, North Africa, and almost all of Spain. Currently, the greatest concentration of Muslims is across the northern half of Africa, all of the Middle East, southwestern and South Asia, and the islands of Malaysia and Indonesia. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States. Sunni and Shi/ism The majority of Muslims are Sunni. They follow the established custom, or sunnah, meaning the Sunnah of the prophet, Muhammad. Shi/ism believes in Imams. They are religious leaders who are direct descendants of Muhammad. Iran and Iraq are Shi’ites. Sufi’s The term comes from the Islam’s word, suf -the coarse wool garment that is worn by Sufis. Sufism strives to experience Allah as immanent dwelling within each worshipper. The Sufi experiences oneness with Allah and gains spiritual fortitude. Sufis are not necessarily popular among Muslims. Sufis live monastic lives with a shaykh as their head.