Social Psychology 320 Lecture 1 Gabriela Ilie Fall 2006 Department of Psychology University of Toronto Attitude change video clip Outline of today’s lecture • What is an attitude – definition • Measurement of Attitudes – Research methods and designs – Implicit vs. explicit attitudes (a brief introduction) What is an attitude? • A mental disposition to favor (pleasurepain) or oppose (approach-avoidance) certain objects, such as individuals, groups of people or social policies. • Thurstone (1931) “Attitude is the affect for or against a psychological object” (p.261) Attitude Object Anything we have an attitude about: • • • • • Individual objects (i.e., ice cream), Categories (e.g., ice cream flavors), Individuals (e.g., me), Groups (e.g., students), or Abstract ideas (e.g., psychology). We build up models of how we view the world, based upon our experiences based upon what is happening in the world. Attitude Object +/Attitude Attitude: “Gay marriages are good” Response: “I like gay couples” Evaluative Responses Video clip Video clip 2 • Jones (one of your readings this week) • Video clip Both make clear the following point: Values are never completely isolated from the other values of the individual or from those held by the prevalent society. What is an attitude? • A hypothetical construct, an abstraction (Green, 1953). • Attitudes are not directly observable. • Attitudes are inferred from observable responses. The relevant observations here are evaluative responses that are elicited by certain perceived (real or imagined) stimuli, or occur in close conjunction with the perceived (real or imagined) attitude object. • If there is an established tendency to respond in a certain way toward an attitude object, the person has formed an attitude toward this object. “You are far too excited about this… what’s in it for you?” “Look at your life: failure after failure. What do you think this says about you?” “I can’t stand that kind of thinking. Why don’t they go back to their country! “ “You are ugly!” “You have such a beautiful mind!” “You are so happy all the time! How can you be so happy???” How do we know that a person is outgoing or reclusive? • We cannot observe traits and attitudes – they are not a part of a person’s physical characteristics, nor do we have direct access to a person’s thoughts and feelings. • Obvious ways in which values enter • Not-so-obvious ways in which values enter – The subjective aspects of science – Psychological concepts contain hidden values – There is no bridge from “is” to “ought” (the naturalistic fallacy) Evaluative Responding • Attitudes develop on the basis of evaluative responding. • We cannot unequivocally conclude that an individual holds an attitude until he/she responds “evaluatively” to an AO (attitude object). Evaluative Responding Bad Good No No Indifference Yes Positive Yes Negative Ambivalence 1. How do we do define attitudes? 2. Once defined how do we measure them? One difficulty always is our interpretation of the data – bias. Hypothesis “A belief or assertion as to the causal relationship between two or more variables” What do Canadians think of gay marriages? A fundamental assumption in our field: Social problems (such as the one above) can be studied empirically. “Let the data decide” Where do hypotheses come from? • Current debates in our culture • Researcher’s own experiences • Public, puzzling events – E.g. The college shutting in Montréal Methodological choices • The identical social problem can be studied in different ways • Choices reflect fundamental values held by scientist Operational Definitions • Examples Abstract variable operational definition Self esteem Questionnaire Happiness Facial muscles Stereotypes Reaction time Note: some operational definitions are better than others—we shall return to this point. Validity and the experimental method • On the “market value” of experiments • Three types of validity: – External – Internal – Construct 1. External • Are the results generalizable across… – Situations – People (Sears, 1986) • REPLICATE, REPLICATE, REPLICATE! – “One replication is worth a thousand t-tests” 2. Internal Validity • Definition: Confidence in making a causal link between your IV and the DV. • Avoidance of confounds • Random assignment • Absence of demand effects 3. Construct Validity • Two related parts: – Are you measuring what you think you’re measuring? – Are you manipulating what you think you’re manipulating? Construct validity for measurement of variables Abstract variable optimism ? happiness ? stereotypes ? Concrete measure questionnaire Facial muscles Self report; RTs •In this context, CV is defined as the certainty with which the abstract variable is being accurately measured by the concrete variable. •Higher certainty = higher construct validity Construct validity for manipulation of variables Similar as before, but here concerned with link between abstract variable and its manipulation. Abstract variable Concrete manipulation “media violence” Randomly assign participants to watch 1 hour of either “Kill Bill” or Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood “Tricks” (tools of the trade) used by experimental social psychologists • Hard to be completely realistic, but they can try to compensate by… – Use of confederates, “staging”, sometimes deception – Make psychological dynamics as real as possible (even though the setting may be artificial) • Best example: Milgram (1963) study! If the experimental method is so great, why doesn’t everyone use it all the time? Other methodologies • Observational and Archival • Correlational 1. Observational methods – “hidden camera” or “behind the bushes” approaches • Strengths vs. Weaknesses Correlational • Often, through surveys • advantages • Main disadvantage: Correlation does not equal causation – Note: it is not the observation that is being challenged, it is the interpretation • Interpretation of correlational designs are often made more difficult by “third variable” problems X Y Z Some famous goofs in methodology • 1936 presidential race – Franklin Delano Roosevelt vs. Alf Landon - Poll by Literary Digest (based on telephone surveys) predicts Landon will win - Affluent voters tended to be conservative, and affluent voters also more likely to have phones - Non-representative sample History repeats itself in 1948 presidential election Same problem—telephone polling Are social psychologists influenced by their own values? Two “modes” of attitude elicitation Automatic • Fast—rapid processing of information • Relatively effortless • Unintentional • Difficult to “stop” • Slow to change • Often reflects associative connections • Doesn’t necessarily conform to logical, rational thinking Controlled • Relatively slow • Often guided by logical, propositional thought • Effortful • Reason-based Why this distinction is important • On a basic level—tells us something important about the architecture of human processing and the brain • Explains several interesting aspects of attitudes: – 1. Human beings often think of themselves as rational beings largely in control of their own actions, but this view is overly flattering – Automaticity “trumps” control more often than people think – Sometimes our behavior reflects seemingly irrational processes and/or impulses we’d rather avoid, if we could • 2. Automaticity plays a large role when the available information is scarce and/or ambiguous – Role of schemas in information processing • • • • Alan goes to a Christmas party and, even though he has “sworn off chocolate”, eats approximately 1.5 pounds of M & Ms. A baseball player hits three home runs in July. Even though he knows it’s foolish, he wears the same pair of “lucky socks” he wore that day through the end of September. You’ve been sworn to secrecy not to tell anyone about a really juicy gossip about Mary. You see Mary’s best friend at a party, and the next thing you know, you’ve blurted to the friend everything you know about the “secret”. Halfway through a professional magician’s show, the magician appears to show the ability to read other people’s minds. You know that ESP is completely bogus—and still feel that way after the show is over—but for a few minutes you cannot shake the feeling that you’ve just witnessed an act of ESP. • • • Frank doesn’t consider himself to be “biased” against racial minorities. When he meets an African American man on the street, however, he finds himself reacting with more anxiety and fear than he would if the man were White. The CN tower in Toronto has the highest observation deck in the world. One small part of the deck floor is made out of glass. The glass is several feet thick and poses no more danger than any other part of the floor. People readily know it is perfectly safe, but will still walk around it. Jean loves chocolate (and is not on a diet). In an experiment, she is given a piece of chocolate which is shaped to look exactly like dog feces. Jean finds it nearly impossible to eat the chocolate without gagging. Many of the preceding examples illustrate “trumping” of automaticity over control Control Automaticity But this raises a larger (and more complex) question—how exactly do these systems “talk” to one another? And, what are the conditions under which control and automaticity work together, as opposed to in opposition with each other? How do we know if someone has a positive attitude towards gay marriages? Indicators of Attitudes • • • • • Behavior (She eats it) Affective reaction (She likes eating it) Self-Report (She tells us she likes it) Peer-Report (Her mom tells us) Physiological Measures (heart rate) Birth of Attitude Measurement “Attitudes can be measured!” • Louis Thurstone (1928) attitudes can be measured scientifically • Applied methods of psychophysics to attitudes. Behavioral Indicators Head movement • When people listen to messages they agree with, they tend to move their heads vertically (nod) more than horizontally (shake). Behavioral Indicators Eye Contact • Affiliative Conflict Theory - people who like each other are more intimate and engage in more intimate behaviors like eye contact. • Therefore… If two people like each other, (+ attitude) they will make more eye contact than if they do not like each other (- attitude). Behavioral Indicators Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Drop in the resistance of the skin to the passage of a weak electric current indicative of emotion or physiological arousal (usually measured in the palm of the hand). Are emotional responses related to attitudes? Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) • Presentation of pleasant words (e.g., love) -> increase individuals’ GSRs (i.e., greater than to neutral). • Same responses with unpleasant words (e.g., rape). • But, not with neutral words (e.g., chair) were presented to the participants, their GSRs remained neutral. What does it mean? Wink Wink! • Does the size of a person’s pupils reflect an attitude? • Study on the pupillary responses of pedophiles to pictures of nude adult women vs. girls. • Their responses were compared to the pupillary responses of regular criminals. Wink Wink Results • Pedophiles’ eyes dilated more when they viewed the pictures of nude girls compared to nude women. • The control group (other criminals) showed the opposite reaction. But… • Failure to replicate these results. • Pupil responds to other features of stimuli other than positive or negative attitudes (cognitive effort dilation). Facial Electromyographic Recording (EMG) • Electrical recording of muscle activity in the facial region obtained by placing electrodes on the face. • Measurement of the muscles needed to smile (zygomatic) and frown (corrugator). Indirect Methods Indirect Methods • Self-report measures of attitudes vs. other paper-pencil evalutions. • Self-report refers exclusively to direct tests of attitudes when a respondent is aware that his or her attitude is assessed. Indirect Methods • Error-choice method -> attitudes may distort our cognitions (Hammond,1948). • “False consensus effect” - tendency to overestimate the number of people who share your beliefs and attitudes (Fabrigar & Krosnick,1995). Indirect Methods • Thistlewaite (1950) used content-driven errors in syllogistic reasoning to study attitudes (syllogism -> conclusion based on 2 premises). Example: – All white people are dumb. – All dumb people should be sterilized. – Therefore, all white people should be sterilized. Indirect Methods • People are less critical to accept conclusions that are consistent with their attitudes - They expect that the reasoning is correct (because congruent with their position). Indirect Methods Example: • If students are intrinsically motivated to learn, then testing can be abandoned. • If students are intrinsically motivated, then learning will increase. • Therefore, learning will increase when testing is abandoned. Indirect Methods • People like others who share similar attitudes (Hendrick and Seyfried,1974). • Questionnaires allegedly completed by other people, and asked respondents how much they liked this individual. The Lost Letter Technique • Milgram dispersed stamped and addressed envelopes in public places (i.e., appeared to have been ‘lost’ by someone). • The letters were addressed to different organizations including UNICEF and Nazi groups. • Rationale: Mailing rates (how many letters were mailed) is indicative of positive attitude. Scales & Self-Reports Scaling • Scales focus on a continuum from very negative to very positive attitudes. Determine where on the continuum the attitudes of individuals fall. • Core assumption – one can measure phenomena by assigning numbers /value on the basis of rules/guidelines. • Measures can have up to 20-30 questions on one attitude object. One-Item Scale • Question that asks how positively or negatively one feels about the AO. • Used in surveys and in experiments because they: 1. Do a sufficiently good job of measuring certain attitudes, 2. Avoid redundancy 3. Are extremely brief (cost-efficient) One-Item Scale Thermometer scale - how “warmly” one feels towards the attitude object. Construction of an Attitude Scale 1. Creating a set of items (statements about the attitude object). 2. Determine the location of the items on an evaluative dimension. 3. Administer the scale to a sample of respondents and verify that respondents interpreted the items as intended. Creation of “good” items 1. Clarity of Attitude Object (i.e., ice cream vs. eating ice cream). 2. Clarity about the Attitude Component (e.g., evaluation, beliefs, affect). 3. Clarity of statement (e.g., avoid double negatives, use simple language). 4. Check clarity using Belson’ (1968) “rewriting method”. Thurstone’s Method of Equal-Appearing Intervals 1.Panel of judges sort possible items into groups (positive, negative, neutral) - theorized to be equidistant. 2.Items used in the final scale are those with the highest level of agreement among the judges. 3.Respondents are then asked to state if they agree with each of the statements. Attitude scores consist of the average value of the items agreed with. Bogardus’s Social Distance Scale • Attitudes towards members of social or ethnic groups. • Rationale - one’s liking for a group is reflected in the social distance deemed acceptable (in relationship with members of the group). • Respondent’s score = closest distance at which the relationship is seen as acceptable. Continuum of Social Distance 1. 2. 3. 4. Would exclude from my country. Would accept as visitor only to my country. Would accept to citizenship to my country. Would accept for employment in my occupation in my country. 5. Would accept to my street as neighbors. 6. Would accept to my club as personal chums. 7. Would accept close kinship by marriage. Likert’s Method of Summated Ratings • Items based on theoretical understanding of the construct (attitude toward the Attitude Object) Does not require pre-sorting/evaluation by a panel of judges. • Respondents indicate the extent to which they endorse the statements (e.g., agree / disagree). • Each response option is assigned a value (e.g., -2 to +2; 1 to 7). Individuals score is the sum of answers across all items. • Scale homogeneity – items-items and items-global score correlations (not necessarily + correlations). Osgood’s Semantic Differential • Measures the connotative meaning of the attitude object. • Bipolar scales – good ________________________ bad • Score - average of the ratings. Osgood’s Semantic Differential Three elements of meaning to all concepts: 1.Evaluation (good/bad)*, 2.Potency (strong/weak) 3.Activity (active/passive). * most relevant to attitudes. Osgood’s Semantic Differential • Advantage: ability to compare attitudes towards different objects because it uses identical items. • Disadvantage: Bipolar response format (all or nothing). • Solution?? …. – An interview face to face? Problems with verbal report 1. Participants may be unwilling to report their “real” attitudes because they are socially unacceptable (i.e., social desirability). 2. We may have some attitudes of which we are unaware – and over focus on a single instance/situation. 3. Participants’ response styles can affect their answers (acquiescence or polarization). Problems of Self-Report Measures How to control validity (response sets)? • Social Desirability Scales • Bogus Pipeline Paradigm • Anonymous vs. non-anonymous reports. • The bogus-pipeline procedure is effective in obtaining more honest responses. Number of Items • Important to realize that the more items on a scale, the more reliable (replicable) the measurement. • Many items reduce the chances that the attitude score is due to error or chance. • On the other hand, multiple items can focus on different aspects of the attitude (i.e., lack of homogeneity - scale no longer measures one concept, but two or more. • Even when the scale is homogeneous, the instrument can be fastidious, time consuming and/or redundant. • Researchers usually use multiple indicators when inferring attitudes – i.e., Reduce measurement “error” and increase objectivity. See you next week!