Elections AP Government Unit 3 Functions of Elections Serve to Legitimize governments Fill public offices Allow people with different views/policy agendas to come to power Ensure government remains accountable to people. Allows for political change Functions of Elections Allowed us to avoid: Riots General strikes Coups d'etats Why Don’t Americans Vote? 1. Long and complex ballots 2. Disaffection 3. Confusing to voters People poorly informed Determined by money and special interest support Loss of trust in government Legal barriers--Some not allowed to vote Today: Photo ID Rules 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, and 26th Amendments fixed many legal barriers Why Don’t Americans Vote? 5. Other Legal Requirements Not close and some voters feel it’s not necessary Young people/minorities less likely to vote. Political parties don’t mobilize voters (distant national bureaucracies) No easy universal voter registration. Requires effort (cost) without any cost for nonvoting. 6. 7. 8. 9. Age Requirements Citizenship Requirements Young People 2004: 20.1 million 18-29 year-olds voted, a 4.3 million jump over 2000. 2006: 18-29 year-olds’ turnout grew by nearly 2 million over 2002 levels. Turnout increase among youngest voters more than double that of any other age group. Turnout among youngest voters grew by 3 percentage points over 2002 levels, twice turnout increase of older voters. 2008: 18-29 year-olds turnout grew to almost 50%! Registering To Vote Voter Registration System adopted by states that requires voters to register in advance Motor Voter Act Requires states to permit people to register to vote when they apply for driver’s license. Millions added to electorate but election outcomes not affected Link on how to register in Cobb County http://www.cobbelections.org/Registration.php Efforts to Lower Costs Voting Same day registration Easing of registration regulations No picture ID required in most states Show many forms of ID Expansion of ballot access absentee or mail balloting Early voting (GA) other mechanisms (internet)?? Same Day Registration 70 60 50 Maine Minn. Wisc. N. D. Nation 40 30 20 10 0 Turnout Produces higher turnout At least 30% of American adults change their home address every 2 years ---must reregister! Political Consequences of Turnout Do fewer voters help Republicans or Democrats? Usually Republicans Increasing categories of voters can make a difference in either party Who usually wins elections- challengers or incumbents? Incumbents (90%+ in House and 70%+ in Senate) Who does higher turnout help? Incumbent OR challenger? Generally helps challenger but incumbents usually still win Seven Types of Elections Caucus Primary Elections General Elections Initiatives Referendums Recall elections Run-off elections Caucus Political party gathers to make policy decisions and to select candidates. Straw ballots or nonbinding elections may take place in a caucus Iowa Caucus Most important because it’s 1st Garners disproportionate number of candidate visits and amount of media attention. Better than expected showing on caucus night can boost candidacy Primary Elections Select party nominees for general election Held on different days in different states Most states force voters to vote in only 1 primary (Dem or Rep) Run by parties for benefit of parties In 1-party states, primary election IS only election that matters New Hampshire Most Important Primary Major testing ground for candidates for Rep. and Dem. nominations. Attracts most attention Candidates who do poorly usually have to drop out. Little known, under funded candidates who do well suddenly become contenders Some candidates spend 8-12 months there BEFORE election Primary elections: different types Open primaries Can enter voting booth then decide on party primary in which you will vote Closed primaries Must reveal your party/be registered member of that party to vote Blanket (or love) Primaries Voters may choose from both party Voter might select Dem. for governor and Rep. for senator. Primaries and Delegates (Superdelegates) Each party holds primary/caucus Political elites from parties selected as pledged delegates Delegates must vote as state voted on 1st ballot Both parties have unpledged delegates who not obligated to vote w/state delegates Democrats Currently 4,049 total delegates to DNC: 3,253 pledged, 796 unpledged or superdelegates. Total # of delegate votes needed to win: 2,025. Republicans Currently 2,380 total delegates to RNC: 1,917 pledged, 463 unpledged delegates. Primaries and Delegates (Superdelegates) Superdelegates don’t have to indicate candidate preference, compete for position. Typically members of national committee, elected officials like senators or governors, or party leaders General Elections Elect office holders 3 types Off-year elections (2011, 2013, 2015..) Generally odd years. Include mayoral races, school boards, etc.. Presidential election years (2000-2004-2008-2012) Party nominated candidates and independents First Tuesday after first Monday in November Midterm elections (2002-2006-2010) General election but no presidential race Still first Tuesday after first Monday in November Both party-nominated candidates and independents but fewer voters General Election Turnout Voter turnout highest for general elections In presidential years, general election turnout highest In midterm elections, general election turnout decreases in most states Initiatives Allow citizens to propose legislation and submit it to popular vote. Popular in CA and western states Initiative 85 - Parental Notification before Termination of Teen's Pregnancy Initiative 86 - Increase on Cigarette Tax Initiative 87 - Funding for alternative forms of energy Initiative 88 - Property Parcel Tax to fund for Education Referendum Allows legislature to submit proposed legislation for popular approval. Special elections on certain topics or issues State voters approve or disapprove proposed legislation. Often used for constitutional amendments I.E. GA Legislature sponsored “Marriage Amendment” Passed with overwhelming support Georgia Marriage Amendment Constitutional Amendment 1 appeared on the ballot in Georgia as a legislatively-referred amendment on November 2, 2004. The results are shown below. Shall the Constitution be amended so as to provide that this state shall recognize as marriage only the union of man and woman? Question 1 Result Yes No Votes Percentage 2,454,930 76.2% 768,716 23.8% Recall Elections Allow citizens to remove someone from office. Voters decide whether or not to vote out an official CA recalled Governor Gray Davis and elected Arnold Schwarzenegger Runoff Elections Allow citizens to pick from top 2 vote candidates AFTER primary or general election. GA allows run-offs. Many other states do not. Instant Runoff Allows ballot to be recounted if no candidate wins a majority. Voters rank all the candidates (1-2-3…) AKA “Transferable Vote System” Yellow Dog Democrat Staunch loyalist to Dem. Party. Term first occurred in 1928 elections, when Al Smith ran for President against Herbert Hoover. Southerners hated Hoover, popular saying, "I'd vote for a yellow dog if he ran on the Democratic ticket" Blue Dog Democrats Fiscally conservative Democratic Blue Dog Coalition formed in 1995 with goal of representing center of House of Rep. and appealing to mainstream values of public. Dedicated to set of beliefs that transcend partisan politics, including commitment to financial stability/ national security of US Currently 26 members Blue Dog Districts Electoral College Framers wanted president chosen by elite of country Winner-Take-All system gives bigger emphasis to more populated states Electoral College established Except for NE and ME which use divided elector system State parties choose electors Usually party elite The Electoral College How it works: Each state has as many votes as it does Representatives and Senators. Winner of popular vote typically gets ALL the Electoral College votes. Except for NE and ME which divide electoral votes Electors meet in December, votes are reported by the vice president in January. If no candidate gets 270 votes (a majority), the House of Representatives votes for president, with each state getting ONE vote. Electoral College Map (2000) Op-Chart: How Much Is Your Vote Worth? This map shows each state re-sized in proportion to the relative influence of the individual voters who live there. The numbers indicate the total delegates to the Electoral College from each state, and how many eligible voters a single delegate from each state represents. Should We Change the Current Electoral System? Use Popular Vote Instead of E. College Alter Current System Divide electoral votes within states Use popular vote as secondary check Alternative Voting Systems Plurality voting system Hare System (Similar to Transferable Vote System but with different rounds) The Borda Count Sequential Pair-Wise Voting Alternative Voting Systems Voting System #1 Voting System #2 Plurality The Hare System (Similar to Transferable Vote System) A common method of voting This method involves taking is called plurality. In this an initial poll in which each system, each person casts person casts one vote for one vote for a choice and his or her favorite option. the option with the option The option receiving the with the most votes wins. least number of first place votes is eliminated, and then another poll is taken. Those who originally voted for the eliminated option vote for their second choice. Continually eliminate the least popular option until a single winner emerges. Alternative Voting Systems Voting System #3The Borda Count This is a voting method that takes into account each voter’s first, second, and third choices. Each first-choice vote is awarded two points, each second choice vote is awarded one point, and no point is awarded for a third choice. This way, each choice is assigned a point-value. Example: For Al Gore has seventeen first-choice votes and five second-choice votes, for a total of 2(17) + 1(15) = 39 points. Voting System #4 Sequential Pair-Wise Voting This method involves a sequence of head-to-head contests. First, the group votes on any one of two of the options and then the preferred option is matched with the next option, while the ‘loser’ is eliminated. Continue eliminating the less popular option of a pairing, until one remains. A History of American Elections From George Washington’s Farewell Address Warned about dangers of political parties “…the spirit of Party are sufficient to make it the interest and the duty of a wise People to discourage and restrain it.” Thanks but “NO THANKS” George Political Parties immediately formed 1800 Federalists v Anti-Federalists Big Government v Small Government Hamilton v Jefferson 4 instances where winner of popular vote didn’t get presidency: 1824: House selects John Quincy Adams (loser: Andrew Jackson) 1876: Samuel Tilden wins popular vote, Rutherford Hayes wins presidency. 1888: Benjamin Harrison edged in popular vote by Grover Cleveland, but Harrison wins in electoral college. 2000: Gore wins popular vote, Bush takes presidency after US Supreme Court decides Florida dispute. Important Elections to Know *Critical/Realigning Elections on Test 1800* 1828* 1860* 1896* 1932* 1952 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1994** 1996 2000 2004 2006** 2008 2010** **Important Midterm Election on Test Who ran? Who won? Why did they win? Who voted for them? Where did they live? What party? What were their political beliefs? Party Realignment/Critical Elections Occurs when new voting coalition appears in election year Often after long period of little party change Critical or realigning elections 1800 (Republican Democrats) 1828 (Jacksonian Democrats) 1860 (Republicans- abolitionists) 1896 (Democrats-Populists and farmers; Republicans-City and business interests) 1932 (New Deal Coalition Democrats) Election of 1800* Thomas Jefferson (RD) (Republican Democrats) Jeffersonians- states’ rights John Adams (F) Election of 1828 Andrew Jackson (D) “Common man” voters No land requirements John Quincy Adams (F) Election of 1860* Abraham Lincoln (R) Anti-slavery Stephen Douglas No. Democrat John C. Breckenridge So. Democrat Bell Constitutional Unionist Election of 1896* William McKinley (R) Pro business and city dwellers William Jennings Bryan (D) Election of 1932* Franklin Delano Roosevelt (D) The powerful New Deal Coalition was born Labor Unions, farmers, Populists, African-Americans, Southern whites, and socially-conscious individuals Much of this coalition still votes for Democrats today Herbert Hoover (R) Election of 1948 Harry S Truman (D) Unpopular yet politically savvy Thomas Dewey (R) Election of 1952 Adlai Stevenson(D) Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) The first political commercial to air on television I Like Ike!! And the nation did, too! Election of 1956 Adlai Stevenson(D) Dwight D. Eisenhower (R) His heart attack in the summer of ‘56 did not take away the support of the American people Bigger win than first time! Election of 1960 John F. Kennedy (D) Television Richard Nixon (R) Election of 1964 Lyndon B. Johnson (D) Daisy commercial Barry Goldwater (R) Election of 1968 Richard Nixon (R) Humphrey (D)- 1968 Silent majority Southern strategy Democrats are splintered after violence at 1968 Chicago Convention Wallace (I)-1968 Takes away votes in South from Dems Election of 1972 1972 Nixon (R) “Nixon Now”! George McGovern (D) 1972 Unpopular with political and party elite Selected as nominee at DNC because no one else was front runner and he had grassroots support from primaries Election of 1976 Jimmy Carter (D) Washington outsider Gerald Ford (R) Why did you pardon Nixon?? Election of 1980 1980 Ronald Reagan (R) “Anyone but Carter” mindset Conservative strategy will fix economy Christian Coalition and Moral Majority joined forces to elect Republicans (Pro-life) Jimmy Carter (D) Iranian Hostage crisis and sinking economy hurt Carter’s chance for reelection Election of 1984 Ronald “Landslide” Reagan (R) Walter Mondale (D) Election of 1988 George H.W. Bush (R) Reagan’s VP Was able to use the Reagan successes to get elected Used negative ads to his advantage Michael Dukakis (D) Governor of MA Debate question and “Tank” commercial hurt image Election of 1992 Bill Clinton (D) George HW Bush (R) “It’s the economy, stupid” Used Bush’s promise of “Read my lips, no new taxes” brilliantly (James Carville) Perot took away some of the votes that would have gone to Bush Out of touch with Americans Ross Perot (Reform) 19% of popular vote- WOW!! Election of 1994** Midterm election Ushered in the “Conservative Revolution” headed by Newt Gingrich AKA…the “Devolution Revolution” Gingrich and his fellow Conservative Republicans offered Americans a “Contract with America” 1994 House Midterms 1-2 Democratic seat pickup 1-2 Republican seat pickup 3-5 Republican seat pickup 6 Republican seat pickup Election of 1996 Bill Clinton (D) Bob Dole (R) Ran on successes and economic upswing Ineffective campaign strategies Ross Perot (Reform Party) Did not run as an effective campaign as in 1992 Election of 2000 George W. Bush (R) Squeaker election Thrown in to Supreme Ct. VP AL Gore v Governor Jeb Bush Al Gore (D) Florida was swing state If had he won his own home state of TN he would have not needed FL! Ralph Nader (Green) Green’s took away some of the natural base of Democrats The “Butterfly” Ballot The “Hanging Chads” from 2000 Election of 2004 George W. Bush (R) 9-11 War on terror Character issues John Kerry (D) Was “swiftboated” by Vietnam war vets •286 Red -Bush/Cheney •251 Blue -Kerry/Edwards •1 Light blue -John Edwards. Election of 2006** Midterm election Brought Democrats back to power in both Houses of Congress for 1st time in over 10 years War in Iraq was factor President Bush’s unpopularity was also a factor Summary of the November 7, 2006 United States House of Representatives election results Seats Party Popular Vote 2004 2006 +/− % Vote % +/− Democratic Party 202 233 +31 53.6% 42,082,311 52.0% +5.4% Republican Party 232 202 −30 46.4% 35,674,808 44.1% –5.1% Independents 1 0 −1 0 220,842 0.3% -0.3% Others 0 0 0 0 2,997,576 3.6% +0.0% 435 435 0 100.0% 80,975,537 100.0% 0 Total Voter turnout: 36.8 % Source: Election Statistics - Office of the Clerk Summary of the November 7, 2006 United States Senate election results Party1 Breakdown Seats Popular Vote Up Elected Not Up 2004 2006 +/− Vote % Democratic Party 17 22 27 44 49 +5 33,929,202 53.91 % Republican Party 15 9 40 55 49 −6 26,674,169 42.38 % Independents 1 2 0 1 2 +1 879,032 1.40% Libertarian Party 0 0 0 0 0 0 614,629 0.98% Green Party 0 0 0 0 0 0 414,660 0.66% Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 141,074 0.22% 33 33 67 100 100 0 62,938,294 100% Total Voter turnout: 29.7 % Sources: Dave Leip's Atlas of U.S. Elections, United States Elections Project at George Mason University Election of 2008 Barack Obama (Dem) Message of change resonated with voters Young people! John McCain (Rep) Too old?? Not conservative enough for right wing Republicans and not liberal enough for Dems to cross over http://elections.nytimes.com/2008/results/presi dent/exit-polls.html Sources: Gallup, AP, WSJ.com research NOTES: Plotted points are the averages of all approval polls taken by Gallup in each three-month period of each presidency. The first two points for Johnson and Ford are for polls taken in their first two months. Key dates are marked next to the poll results for the three-month period in which they took place Election of 2010** Midterm election Brought Republicans back to power in Houses of Representatives since 2006 Economy and recession major factors President Obama’s unpopularity also factor Important Cases Concerning Elections Baker v Carr Shaw v Reno Miller v Johnson Buckley v Valeo Citizens United v FEC Reapportionment and Redistricting Reapportionment: Seats in House reallocated after each census EX: GA gained 2 seats after 2000 census States then redistrict seats according to pop. growth within state. Done by state legislatures Redistricting in Georgia After 2000 Census From 11 Seats to 13 Seats Supreme Court Rules for Redistricting and Gerrymandering Congressional districts must be apportioned on basis of pop. Congressional districts must be contiguous (no broken lines) Using gerrymandering to dilute minority strength illegal under 1965 Voting Rights Act Redrawing boundaries SOLELY based on race unconstitutional according Shaw v Reno Baker v Carr 1961 Facts of Case Charles W. Baker and other Tennessee citizens alleged that 1901 law designed to apportion seats for state's General Assembly was ignored. Baker's suit detailed how Tennessee's reapportionment efforts ignored economic growth and pop. shifts within state. Question Did the Supreme Court have jurisdiction over questions of legislative apportionment? Baker v Carr 1961 Conclusion Yes! Court held that no such questions were to be answered in case and legislative apportionment was justifiable issue. One man, one vote Justice Brennan provided past examples where Court intervened to correct constitutional violations in matters pertaining to state administration and officers through whom state affairs are conducted. Brennan concluded that 14th Amendment equal protection issues which Baker and others raised in this case merited judicial evaluation. Shaw v. Reno- 1993 Case concerned reapportionment and civil rights NC created congressional district which was no wider than interstate road along which it stretched in order to create black-majority district AKA “Majority-minority district” 5 NC residents challenged constitutionality of unusually shaped district, alleging its only purpose was to secure election of additional black representatives. Was this gerrymandering case constitutional? North Carolina District under scrutiny in Shaw v Reno Ruling and Importance Court said NO! Ruled although NC’s reapportionment plan racially neutral on its face, resulting district shape bizarre enough to suggest it constituted an effort to separate voters into different districts based on race. Districts cannot be based on 1 factor alone- race Unusual district seemed to exceed what was reasonably necessary to avoid racial imbalances. Left door open for some instances in future. Miller v Johnson 1995 Facts of the Case 1980-1990: only 1 of GA’s 10 congressional districts majorityblack. 1990 census: GA’s black population of 27% entitled blacks to additional 11th congressional seat, prompting GA’s General Assembly to re-draw state's congressional districts. Assembly finally successful in creating additional majorityblack district District called "geographic monstrosity,” extended 6,784.2 square miles from Atlanta to Atlantic Ocean. Gerrymandered district went from Stone Mountain to Savannah!! Question Is racial gerrymandering of the congressional redistricting process a violation of the Equal Protection Clause? Example of Gerrymandering in Georgia 11th District-1992 -Attempt to Create a “Majority- Minority” District Miller v Johnson 1995 Conclusion Yes. In some instances, reapportionment plan may be so highly irregular and bizarre in shape that it rationally cannot be understood as anything other than effort to segregate voters based on race. GA case that reaffirmed Shaw Using race only to draw Congressional district was unconstitutional Applying rule laid down in Shaw v. Reno requires strict scrutiny whenever race is "overriding, predominant force" in redistricting process. Money and Politics Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (FECA) Broad Comprehensive Change in Election Law 1. Defined elections to include primaries, caucuses and conventions, & general/special elections. 2. Defined expenditures and contributions. 3. Prohibited promises of patronage. 4. Prohibited contracts between candidate and any Federal department or agency. 5. Exempted from regulation contributions and expenditures for non-partisan or non-candidate based get out vote and voter registration drives by unions and corporations. Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (FECA) Continued… 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Exempted from regulation contributions and expenditures for voluntary fundraising and administration by unions and corporations. Established caps on amount individuals could contribute to own campaign: Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, $50,000 each; Senatorial candidates, $35,000 each; and House candidates, $25,000 each. Established caps on TV ads at 10 cents per voter in last election or $50,000, whichever was higher. Established disclosure guidelines for contributions of $100 or higher. Expenditure and contribution reports made due by March 10 of each year. Amendments to the FECA (1974) After Watergate, distrust of public officials was at peak. Reformers in Congress pushed for campaign finance reform. 1974 Amendments to FECA passed quickly, signed by Ford. Legitimated Political Action Committees, changed contribution limits, and established Federal Election Commission (FEC). Amendments to the FECA (1974) Continued… Public Funding for Presidential Races Defined "major party" as 1 received at least 25% of vote in last federal election. Set up system where private gifts to presidential candidate would be matched by funds raised through Long Act. Disclosure and Enforcement Treated loans as contributions. Fines for not reporting could be as high as $50,000. Violators could be prevented from running for federal office for the length of the term of the office sought, plus one year. Gave FEC power of advisory opinions. Required full reports of contributions and expenditures to be filed 10 days before and 30 days after each election. Required candidates to set up 1 campaign banking headquarters for easy research and accountability. Creation of the FEC 1975: Congress created Federal Election Commission (FEC) to administer/enforce FECA statute that governs financing of federal elections. Duties of FEC: Disclose campaign finance info, enforce law (limits/prohibitions on contributions), oversee public funding of Pres. elections. Buckley v Valeo (1976) Facts Issue of campaign contributions came under scrutiny after Watergate FEC set guidelines and limits on money given to campaigns Was this constitutional?? Court had to decide whether or not you can be limited by amount you can spend on your OWN personal campaign Was this constitutional?? Importance Yes! Case upheld limits on campaign spending set by FEC Today it is $2500 per election per candidate No! Spending own money on campaign was found to be free speech right. Mitt Romney, Ross Perot, and other wealthy Americans have taken advantage of personal wealth in quest for office. Hard Money/ Individual Contributions Given directly to candidates: Limited by law Individual Limits (FEC) limits individuals to contributions of $2,500 per election, per candidate Could contribute $2,500 in primary and another $2,500 in general election $30,400 to party committees $10,000 to state, district, and local party $115,000 TOTAL every 2 years Soft Money / Individual Contributions Contributed to political parties with no limits or rules Contributed to campaigns but NOT directly from donor Banned by BCRA due to abuses by parties Soft money raised and spent outside of federal election guidelines before BCRA. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Passed in 2002 AKA McCain-Feingold Act Banned national political party committees from accepting/ spending soft money contributions Original intent lost in loopholes Other parts declared unconstitutional by Supreme Ct. in Citizens United v FEC 527’s Groups that developed from loopholes in McCain-Feingold Act Many run by special interest groups, used to raise unlimited amounts of $ to spend on issue advocacy and voter mobilization. Don’t give money to any particular campaign/candidate NOT regulated by FEC The 527 Loophole Form of soft money used to pay for 527 ads that don’t expressly advocate election/defeat of particular candidate. Can’t use words "vote for", "elect", "vote against“… these ads can’t be paid for with unregulated soft money. Many argue that huge infusion of unregulated soft money has “destroyed the federal campaign laws”. ‘Swiftboating” May 5, 2004: RNC accused MoveOn.org and others 527’s of coordinating efforts with Kerry campaign http://www.moveon.org/ Aug. 20, 2004: Kerry campaign accused “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” of coordinating efforts with Bush campaign http://www.livingroomcandidate.org/co mmercials/2004/any-questions/ Political Action Committees (PAC’s) Private groups organized to elect/defeat government officials, promote legislation Must register 6 months in advance, have at least 50 contributors, and give to at least 5 candidates. Over 4,000 PACs registered with FEC PACs may donate $5,000 per candidate, per election $15,000 to national party chairman $5000 to local, state, and district committees $5000 to other PAC’s Money from PACS May receive up to $5,000 from any 1 individual, PAC/party committee per calendar year. Can give $5,000 to candidate committee per election (primary, general or special). Can give up to $15,000 annually to any national party committee, and $5,000 annually to any other PAC. Support candidates with campaign $$ ½ sponsored by corporations; 1/10 by unions 1/3 liberal and 2/3 conservative (2001) Incumbents get most PAC money!! Money Limits and Money Needs Individuals can give up to $2500 to candidate per election cycle but PACS can give $5,000 to candidate Fed. money will match money raised for presidential campaigns if legitimate candidate requests it but…. Parties need at least 5% of vote in previous year for presidential candidate to receive funds If that doesn’t happen you need PAC’s!!! Top PAC’s in 2009-10 PAC Name Total Amount Dem Pct Repub Pct Honeywell International $2,760,600 55% 45% AT&T Inc $2,597,375 50% 50% Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $2,561,123 98% 2% National Beer Wholesalers Assn $2,244,500 56% 44% American Assn for Justice $2,202,500 97% 3% Operating Engineers Union $2,109,300 89% 11% American Bankers Assn $1,981,430 39% 61% American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees $1,869,500 100% 0% International Assn of Fire Fighters $1,843,500 83% 17% National Assn of Realtors $1,818,298 58% 41% Boeing Co $1,765,000 59% 41% Teamsters Union $1,732,910 98% 2% American Crystal Sugar $1,729,500 68% 32% American Federation of Teachers $1,682,250 100% 0% Laborers Union $1,670,000 96% 4% Lockheed Martin $1,657,950 58% 42% Machinists/Aerospace Workers Union $1,646,500 98% 2% Credit Union National Assn $1,598,446 58% 42% National Air Traffic Controllers Assn $1,594,900 83% 17% Plumbers/Pipefitters Union $1,554,075 96% 3% Citizens United v FEC (2010) Facts of Case Citizens United sought injunction against FEC to prevent application of BCRA to its film Hillary: The Movie. In attempt to regulate "big money" campaign contributions, BCRA applied variety of restrictions to "electioneering communications.” Movie expressed opinions about whether Senator Hilary Rodham Clinton would make good president. BCRA (McCain-Feingold Act) prevents corporations/labor unions from funding such communication from general funds and require disclosure of donors disclaimer when communication not authorized by candidate it intends to support. Citizens United argued its 1st Amendment rights violated. Importance Rules Left in Place Court further held that BCRA's disclosure requirements as applied to The Movie were constitutional. Held that political speech may be banned based on speaker's corporate identity. Reasoned revealing identity of ad’s sponsor justified by "governmental interest" in providing "electorate with information" about election-related spending resources. Rules that were Changed Government may not limit corporate independent expenditures. 1st Amendment doesn’t allow government to impose restrictions on certain corporations/labor unions. Political speech "indispensable" to democracy, which is no less true because speech comes from corporation. Super PACs New kind of political action committee created in July 2010 following of Citizens United Known as “independent expenditure-only committees” http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbertreport-videos/382014/april-14-2011/colbertsuper-pac---trevor-potter Super PACs May raise unlimited sums of money from Corporations Unions Associations and individuals Spend unlimited sums to overtly advocate for or against political candidates. Unlike traditional PACs, Super PACs prohibited from donating money directly to political candidates. Super PACs must report donors to FEC on monthly/quarterly basis -- Super PAC's choice -as traditional PAC would