Mental Health

Mental Health
Grade 10 Health
Mr. Hager
What is Mental Health?
Mental Health-Having a _____outlook,
being comfortable with yourself and
others, and being able to meet life’s
challenges and demands.
 Adaptation to_______________________
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
The lack of one or
more of these needs
could lead to poor
mental health.
Physical Needs
Need to satisfy hunger, thirst, sleep, etc….
 _______________________________
Emotional needs
 Need to ______ and to be recognized.
Aesthetic Needs
Aesthetic means________
 It is the need to know, to explore, and to
Need for self-actualization.
 Striving to be the best that you can be.
 __________________________________
Signals that tell your mind and body how
to react.
 -Empathy
 -Fear
 -Anger
 -Guilt
Coping with Stress
A ________ or _______ disruptive or
upsetting condition occurring in response
to __________________ and capable of
affecting physical health, usually
characterized by__________, _________,
________, _______, and depression.
Distress Eustress
What does it take???
Stress researchers believe that people
who choose a ______, get plenty of ____,
and exercise regularly are better able to
cope with stress.
 Be sure to identify your personality type.
 Two types of personality…Type __ and
Type ___.
Complex set of characteristics that make
you unique and distinguishes you from
everyone else.
 Modeling Make sure that only positive behaviors are
modeled after.
Before we were even born our
personalities had begun taking shape
through _________.
 After ______ our personality is formed
through ________ and behavior.
Type A Personality
Are more competitive, rushed and time
 Ask yourself: Do I get anxious when
waiting in line at the store? (Counting
items of other people when a the express
Type B Personality
Are more flexible and less rushed. (It
really would not bother you if your plans
weren’t accomplished for the day.)
 Neither Type A or Type B re better than the
 Both are a matter of _______________.
 Being aware of your personality type can
help eliminate some stress in your life.
Time Managment
Effective ways of arranging your time.
 There are good ways and bad ways of
managing your time.
 Make the choices that help you do the
tasks you must do in order to achieve
your goals.
 Mange your own life.
Defense Mechanisms
These are strategies to deal with stressful
 DENIAL –______________________.
 Escape or Fantasy –________________–
dreams, books, and excessive sleep.
 Rationalization – An attempt to justify
one’s actions with an excuse rather than
by admitting one’s failure, guilt, or mistake.
Defense Mechanisms (Cont.)
PROJECTION –_____________________
 REPRESSION –____________________
 IDENTIFICATION - Acting like or
modeling one’s behavior after a person
one likes or looks up to.
Defense Mechanisms
DISPLACEMENT – Expressing feelings
toward someone or something not
associated with the source of the feelings.
 Regression – _______________________
 COMPENSATION – _________________
Defense Mechanisms (Cont.)
Mental Disorders
What is a Mental Illness?
Mental Illness- ______________________
Types of Disorders
Phobia- an unreasonable fear
 Obsession- _______________________
 Compulsion- ______________________
Types (Cont.)
Hypochondria Schizophrenia- meaning split mind, the
most serious illness characterized by
 Depression
Types (Cont.)
Manic (bipolar) depression-
Deals with mental, emotional, and
behavioral disorders of the mind.
 _____________________________.
 Types of therapy: psychoanalysis,
psychotherapy, medical therapy,
Specializes in the study of abnormal
human behavior in the clinical setting
 ____________________________.
5 stages of loss
Denial Anger Bargaining Grief Resolution
Teen Suicide
“A Permanent Solution to a
Temporary Problem”
Teen Suicide
Each year 500,000
attempts with 5,000
Incidence has tripled
in the last 20 years.
3rd leading cause of
death for ages 15-24
4 males for every
female commit
Females attempt 4-8
times as frequently as
2 of 3 suicides involve
alcohol or drugs.
½ of ll teen suicide
have a close relative
who has committed
Reasons for increase in suicide
Break up of the nuclear family.
 ______________________.
 Increase in geographic mobility.
 _______________________________.
 ____________________________.
Feelings prior to Attempts
 ___________
 ___________
 ___________
Precipitating Factors
Loss of a loved one –
parent, friend,
boyfriend or girlfriend.
Lack of stable family
life – divorce, parental
conflicts, alcohol. or
Poor communication
– about unhappiness,
fears of failure, etc.
Major embarrassment
- real or imagined
Warning Signs
Suicidal threats or talking about death
and/or suicide.
 __________________________.
 ____________________.
 _____________________.
 Giving away treasured personal
 ___________________.