Calcium: How Much is Enough?

Calcium: How Much Is Enough?
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Most of it is found in the bones, but it is also
found in the soft tissue and the blood. In addition to being necessary for healthy bone development,
calcium plays a role in many body processes, including muscle contraction, nerve transmission, blood
clotting and activities at the cellular level.
How the Body Stores Calcium
The bones act as a storage area for calcium. It is removed from the bones as needed to maintain a
steady level of calcium circulating in the blood. The bones might be thought of as a calcium "bank,"
where calcium is deposited and withdrawn as needed.
Researchers have found that the most effective time to make calcium "deposits" is during puberty and
young adulthood. By age 35 the bones are beginning to lose calcium faster than it can be replaced.
Those who have had adequate calcium intake throughout their lives have a larger "account" to draw on.
Inadequate calcium storage can lead to osteoporosis and fragile bones.
Sources of Calcium
The recommended intake of calcium is 1,000 milligrams a day, the amount of calcium in approximately
three cups of lowfat milk. Teenagers, pregnant and nursing women and seniors may need more calcium.
Milk products are by far the largest natural source of calcium. However, other rich sources are canned
fish with edible bones, spinach, broccoli, citrus fruits and dried peas and beans. Calcium supplements
also work well for most people.
When choosing a calcium supplement, avoid those containing dolomite or bone meal; they may be
contaminated with lead. Calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate supply the most calcium. It is not
necessary to buy expensive fortified supplements. Ordinary antacids supply 200 to 300 milligrams of
calcium per tablet and have the advantage of dissolving quickly in the stomach. Take supplements with
meals and drink plenty of fluids for good absorption. Calcium is certainly an essential nutrient,
particularly in the early and later years and especially for older women. Try to get sufficient calcium
every day.