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1898-1929: From Imperialism to Isolationism

I. Quick Overview of Period





18. The Emergence of America as a World Power


American imperialism: political and economic expansion





War in Europe and American neutrality

The First World War at home and abroad

Treaty of Versailles

Society and economy in the postwar years

19. The New Era: 1920s

A. The business of America and the consumer economy

Republican politics: Harding, Coolidge, Hoover

The culture of Modernism: science, the arts, and entertainment

Responses to Modernism: religious fundamentalism, nativism, and Prohibition

The ongoing struggle for equality: African Americans and women

II. AP US History – Questions to Consider

Imperialism to Isolationism: 1898-1929

American Imperialism

14. For what reasons did America pursue imperialistic policies in the last decade of the 19th century? Why not before?

15. To what extent could Cubans, Filipinos, and Hawaiians find fault with America’s foreign policy?

16. Why was the handling of the Philippines different from any other territory acquired by the United States?

17. What was the logic behind America’s Open Door Policy?

Progressive Era

18. Why was the Progressive Movement successful while the Populist Movement failed?

19. What muckraking literature helped open America’s eyes to injustices? Were “muckrakers” humanitarians?

20. What were the key figures and the key issues involved in the movements for African-American and Women’s equality?

21. What steps were taken to reduce corruption at the city and state level?

22. What role did Presidents take in the Progressive Movement?

Foreign Policy

23. What anti-imperialistic complaints were lodged against the building of the Panama Canal?

24. How did America become involved in World War I? Why did they enter on the side of the British?

25. To what extend were Woodrow Wilson’s idealistic views accepted by Americans and the world?

26. What events helped change American public opinion from one of neutrality to one of intervention?

World War I and the Postwar Period

1. What steps did America take to prepare economically for war?

2. To what extent were civil liberties abused during World War I?

3. To what extent did the techniques and ideologies employed by the Committee on Public Information transfer afterward to the policies employed during the Red Scare?

4. How did World War I affect African-Americans and women?

5. What were Woodrow Wilson’s main goals in his Fourteen Points? What was the public reaction to his ideas?

The Jazz Age/The Roaring Twenties

1. In what ways did the policies of Harding, Coolidge and Hoover reverse the successes of the Progressive Era?

2. What was the effect of the consumer products of the 1920s on social behavior?

3. How did the Harlem Renaissance represent a shift in the role of African-Americans in society?

4. In the conflict of fundamentalism vs. modernism, what organizations and events proved that America was not ready for changes in immigration, race relations, and social change?

III. Key Terms

Rough Riders, San Juan Hill

Treaty of Paris, 1898

American Anti-Imperialist League

Insular cases

Teller Amendment

Platt Amendment

Aguinaldo, Philippine Insurrection

Open Door Policy

Boxer Rebellion

Roosevelt's Big Stick Diplomacy

Panama Canal

Roosevelt Corollary

Gentlemen's Agreement

Great White Fleet


Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives

Margaret Sanger (1883-1966)

Initiative, referendum, recall

Direct Primary

16th, 17th, 18th and 19th Amendments

Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

Anti-Saloon League

Square Deal

Forest Reserve Act, 1891

Mann-Elkins Act, 1910


Meat Inspection Act Palmer raids

IV. Sample Free Response Questions for Period

 Analyze Progressive Era reforms in the period 1880-1929. Focus your essay on TWO of the following. o Work conditions o Urban life o Social conditions

To what extent was economic development an integral part of the Roaring 20’s? Confine your answer to the period 1920-1929.

 Analyze the effects of the Red Scare. Confine your answer to the period 1919-1920.

Analyze the contributions made in two of the following areas in the United States during the period 1920-1929. o Music o Painting o Architecture

Upton Sinclair, The Jungle

Pure Food and Drug Act

Frederick W. Taylor

Robert M. LaFollette (1855-1925)

William Howard Taft

"Dollar Diplomacy"

Taft-Roosevelt split

Bull Moose Party

Woodrow Wilson, New Freedom

Theodore Roosevelt, New Nationalism

Jones Act


Sussex Pledge

Unrestricted submarine warfare

Zimmerman note

Bolshevik Revolution

War Industries Board

Espionage Act, 1917; Sedition Act, 1918

Eugene V. Debs imprisoned

Great Migration

Fourteen Points

Versailles Treaty

League of Nations


Article 231 of the Versailles Treaty

Red Scare

1120. Normalcy

Teapot Dome

Progressive Party

"The Lost Generation"


Volstead Act



Immigration Acts, 1921, 1924, Quota


Sacco and Vanzetti case

Billy Sunday

Scopes trial

Henry Ford


Harlem Renaissance

Charles Lindbergh

Washington Disarmament Conference,


Five Powers Treaty

Dawes Plan

Kellogg-Briand Pact, 1928 ds.php

What role did technological innovation in weaponry play in WWI? Confine your answer to the period 1914-1918

Analyze the role of women in World War I in the United States during the period 1914-1918.

 To what extent did America become a dominant superpower after WWI? Confine your answer to the period 1918-1939.
