Biology I Syllabus Mrs. J. King Phone: 843-326-7538 Room 118 2nd period planning Website: Email: Course Description: Biology I will focus on the six content standards provided by the SC State Department of Education as follows: Scientific Inquiry, Cellular Biology, Biological Energy Flow, Molecular Genetics and Heredity, Evolution and Diversity, and Ecology. Students should be prepared for rigorous work and expectations. This course is designed for students to make connections and think critically. Although most content will be covered/reviewed/practiced in class, it will be absolutely necessary for students to study independently and make certain connections outside of class. This course is reading/writing intensive and clear, concise communication of content learned will be required. COURSE OUTLINE *SEQUENCING / PACING OF CONTENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT TEACHER DISCRETION – STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO STUDY INDEPENDENTLY TO KEEP UP! Fall Semester Weeks 1—4: Unit 1: Inquiry & Measurement Spring Semester Weeks 19--21 Unit 6: Cell Reproduction (divided into 2 sections) Weeks 5—7: Unit 2: Biochemistry & Enzymes Weeks 22—24: Unit 7: Genetics Weeks 8—11: Unit 3: Cellular Structure & Function Weeks 25—27: Unit 8: Diversity of Life and Biological Evolution EOCT Benchmark Units 1-2 (Oct Date TBA) EOCT Benchmark Units 1—7 (Mar Date TBA) Weeks 12—14: Unit 4: Energy (Photosynthesis & Respiration) Weeks 28—31: Unit 9: Ecology Weeks 15—17: Unit 5: Molecular Genetics: DNA Weeks 32—34: Review for State End of Course Test Week 18: Review Biology EOCT EOCT Benchmark Units 1—5 (Midterm Exam) There may be additional independent projects throughout the year. May Date TBA CP Textbook: Prentice Hall: Biology (Miller/Levine) - The Dragonfly book $72.97 Honors Textbook: Biology: Holt, Rinehart and Winston - The Cheetah book $74.60 Materials (required): 3-ringed binder (2 inch or larger), 9 dividers with tabs, blue or black pens, pencils, colored pencils, loose leaf paper, index cards, scientific calculator, jump drive Academic Requirements: (*Passing Biology I is a requirement to receive a SC High School Diploma) Notebooks: Students will maintain a working three-ringed notebook throughout the course. Notebooks will be checked for a grade. Notebooks should contain the course syllabus, safety rules, homework/class work, handouts, quizzes, and other various assignments. Students will be held accountable for keeping their notebooks organized. There will be many handouts given throughout the course and a spiral notebook will be unacceptable for managing those papers. Notebook checks will count as a test grade (not using a 3-ringed binder will lose points on the grade)! Assessments: Students will have tests and quizzes. Quizzes may be scheduled or unscheduled; all tests will be scheduled in advance. All tests are cumulative!! There will also be several benchmark tests given in preparation for the end of course examination in addition to regularly scheduled unit tests. *Warning, tests REQUIRE you to think critically and study at home; 60% of your grade comes from assessments…so, chose not to study = fail. Homework: It is your responsibility as the student to write down your assignments. Late homework and other student work assignments will only be accepted late 1 day and for HALF credit. These assignments are NOT accepted after 1 day late, NO EXCEPTIONS! Lab work will be one letter grade off for each day it is late including weekends; after 5 days it is half credit only. o Several aspects of homework will follow a flip classroom method. This means that many lessons will be learned via video/reading and note taking as homework. This will allow students to learn the lesson at their own pace and in a less distractive environment and then do assignments in class under teacher supervision so that assistance is available. If you do not have access to a computer or Internet at home then you need to get a library pass from me. Students that do not view assigned videos will receive a zero and have to use class time to watch the video and therefore will work independently rather than in their group. They may also be required to complete unfinished assignments as homework in addition to any other homework assignments. So, just watch the short video to make your life easier. There will not be a “redo” of the video in class, but there will be plenty of opportunity for discussions and questions. Make-up work: Make-ups must be completed within the time allotted as per the district rules and it is the student’s responsibility to check for missed work. Make-up tests/quizzes may not be the same as the original although it will fairly cover the same content. I give back assessments immediately and cannot wait days and days to give them back because one person is procrastinating the make-up. So expect a different test/quiz from everyone else. And do not be surprised if you took too long to come back and I pop it on you one day in class to get it done. The class grading weights are as follows: Assignments: homework/class work/etc…: 20% Assessments: tests/quizzes/projects/etc...: 60% Lab Activities: 20% Grading System: (Grades and attendance can be viewed at any time via Parent Portal.) A (93-100) B (85-92) C (77-84) D (70-76) Final Grades will be computed as follows: o 1st Semester 40% (midterm = 10% of 1st semester) 2nd Semester 40% Final Exam 20% (cumulative EOC test) *Grades are a measurement of the student’s effort toward and understanding of the content. If the effort and understanding are minimal, then the expected grades should be low. It is up to the student what grades they EARN. This includes copying of other student’s assignments. If you copy, then you aren’t learning or studying anything, so do not expect to do well on a test/quiz! Although there will be opportunities to work in groups, expect to think critically, on your own. Use group time as an opportunity to help YOURSELF figure out whatever you don’t understand. You will not be allowed to use partners or notes/books on assessments! Classroom Discipline Policy: Each student will be held accountable for his/her conduct. The following is a list of guidelines, consequences and rewards that will be adhered to. Classroom Guidelines: I have the right to teach, you have the right to learn and NO ONE has the right to interfere! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please be seated and prepared when the bell rings. Respect the rights, space, and property of others and yourself. Be accountable for your actions and behaviors. Do not enter the laboratory area with out permission. Please follow all other school and district rules. Classroom Consequences: 1. 2. 3. First time - a warning. Second time - a detention and/or parent contact. Third time - an office referral. *I reserve the right to skip any steps deemed appropriate based on the severity/frequency of the infraction. Rewards: * Good news letters and phone calls to parents * Class fun activities such as review games, videos (relative to class lessons of course) and lab explorations * Stickers, candy, school supplies * Star student board - for making A's on tests; unit test rewards for class with highest class average * Displayed work Classroom Procedures: 1. Assignments: a. All homework assignments should be completed before coming to class and students will be instructed how to turn those assignments in daily. b. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in severe consequences. You will inform your parents of the cheating yourself, so be prepared to fess up if you get caught. Don’t argue with me if I catch you; I either saw it or have physical evidence so there is no need to further disrupt 2. Bell Work/Writing Assignments: Students are expected to come into the classroom and to begin the posted bell work or writing assignments immediately. Students not completing the assignment at the beginning of class will receive consequences. Bell work is not optional or to be completed as homework or at other times. It may be graded on the spot at any time and without prior notice. 3. When you enter the room before the bell, be seated and begin working immediately. If you aren’t ready to sit, stay out of the classroom! 4. Ask for help if you need it! Don’t wait until the day before a test to ask for help, tell me immediately and we will work out a schedule for tutoring. 5. Absences, Tardiness, and Hall Passes: School policies will be followed with respect to these procedures. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are tardy! 6. Restroom procedures: school hall pass procedures apply; once all hall passes are used, a referral from the office is required to return to class. 7. Be prepared for class. If you need something (ie: a pencil, paper, whiteout) take care of it before the bell. 8. Do not interrupt discussion/lecture to sharpen a pencil or throw away trash. Students that leave trash will spend time in after school detention learning how to be respectful of a clean classroom. This can be really gross, so dress for the occasion that you signed up for. 9. Do not go into the lab and/or touch any lab equipment/materials unless told to do so. 10. When working in groups, keep voices at a minimum and all group members are required to participate. Any group members that choose not to participate in group activities, assignments, labs, etc…will not receive credit for the assignment. Lazy students that make group members do all the work will end up in groups together, so you have been warned. 11. Do your OWN work. Copying is cheating and it won’t help you pass my class. Your assignments are opportunities to practice/study so just do it. 12. Use of iPads is a privilege not a right. My classes will be a part of a district study examining the use of iPads in the classroom. Students will be assigned an iPad for certain assignments throughout the year. Improper use of the equipment/internet/apps could result in losing the privilege of use. It is to my discretion so be warned, because even a slight reason will result in loss of your iPad privileges. Improper use and/or handling of the iPads could also result in fines to be paid; students may get a stop card as a result of damage to equipment. 13. Constant complaining/whining about assignments/procedures, will not be tolerated. There will be many times in life that you will be asked to do things you don’t really want to do. An employer is not likely to keep an employee that complains about everything. The complaining and whining makes employers think you don’t like the job so they are inclined to replace you with someone that does like it. Complaining/whining disrupts class and will be considered disrespectful. *Do not blame your teachers for YOUR shortcomings…if YOU choose not to study/do your own work, then YOU choose to have a bad grade! **Good writing provides evidence of your understanding! Always write your best, not your minimal! o What kind of student will you be? An “A” student completes and turns in all assignments on time. Also takes all notes and keeps an organized notebook and studies for test and completes review assignments. o A “B” student completes all assignments but may be late occasionally. Also takes all notes and keeps an organized notebook and studies for test and completes review assignments. o A “C” student completes the majority of assignments and most often turns them in on time. Also takes all notes and keeps an organized notebook. * Students should strive for better than “just passing” or making D’s. Doing poorly on the end of course examination could cause a student who is “just passing” to “just miss it”!