AP United States History - Terms and People – Unit 1, Chapter 2 (12th Ed.) HONOR PLEDGE: I strive to uphold the vision of the North Penn School District, which is to inspire each student to reach his or her highest potential and become a responsible citizen. Therefore, on my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work. The Planting of English America: 1500 - 1733 Before studying Chapter 2, read over these “Themes”: Theme: After a late start, a proud, nationalistic England joined the race for colonies and successfully established five colonies along the southeastern seacoast of North America. Although varying somewhat in origins and character, all these colonies exhibited plantation agriculture, indentured and slave labor, a tendency toward strong economic and social hierarchies, and a pattern of widely scattered, institutionally weak settlements. Theme: The English hoped to follow Spain's example of finding great wealth in the New World, and that influenced the financing and founding of the early southern colonies. The focus on making the southern colonies profitable shaped colonial decisions, including choice of crops and the use of indentured and slave labor. This same focus also helped create economic and cultural ties between the early southern colonies and English settlements in the West Indies. Theme: The early southern colonies encounters with Indians and African slaves established the patterns of race relations that would shape the North American experience; in particular, warfare and reservations for the Indians and lifelong slave codes for African Americans. After studying Chapter 2 in your textbook, you should be able to: 1. State the factors that led England to begin colonization. 2. Describe the development of Jamestown, from its disastrous beginnings to its later apparent prosperity. 3. Describe the cultural and social changes that Native American communities underwent in response to European colonization. 4. Describe the different ways the Spanish, British and French interacted with Native Americans. 5. Describe changes in the economy and labor system in Virginia and other southern colonies. 6. Indicate the similarities and differences among the southern colonies of Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Know the following people and terms. Consider the historical significance of each term or person. Also note the dates of the event if that is pertinent. A. People Lord De La Ware Pocahontas John Smith Powhatan Handsome Lake John Rolfe Lord Baltimore Walter Raleigh James Oglethorpe Humphrey Gilbert Oliver Cromwell B. Terms: nationalism nation-state joint-stock company slavery slave codes House of Burgesses Royal colony Proprietary colony yeoman AP United States History - Terms and People – Unit 1, Chapter 2 (12th Ed.) HONOR PLEDGE: I strive to uphold the vision of the North Penn School District, which is to inspire each student to reach his or her highest potential and become a responsible citizen. Therefore, on my honor, I pledge that I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this work. longhouse Spanish Armada primogeniture indentured servitude starving time First Anglo-Powhatan War Second Anglo-Powhatan War Act of Toleration Barbados slave code Virginia Company Restoration Act of Toleration Savannah Indians Iroquois Confederacy Ireland C. Map Work: Using the numbers on the map, identify the places listed below: 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________ 7. ___________________________ 8. ___________________________ 9. ___________________________ 10.___________________________ 11.___________________________ 12. ___________________________ 13. ___________________________ 14. ___________________________