I Need A - Mr. Huntley's History Page

Sutherlin High School
College Credit US History Course Syllabus
(HST 201, 202 & 203)
Instructor: Mr. Justin Huntley
Email Address: justin.huntley@sutherlin.k12.or.us
Phone: 541-459-9551
Course Description:
This year-long introductory college-level course in United States history is designed to provide a
comprehensive overview of United States History. Students study the social, political, and economic
history of the United States chronologically from the period just prior to European contact to the 21 st
century. Students refine their critical thinking skills through note-taking, discussion, and extensive
reading and writing assignments. The analytical skills of interpretation, evaluation, and synthesis are
emphasized in the context of historical scholarship and evidence.
This course is taught as a college-level course; consequently, students should expect reading and
writing homework almost every night. A high level of commitment is necessary to enjoy and succeed in
this course.
Classroom Rules:
1. Be Safe
2. Be Respectful
3. Be Responsible
Much of this course cannot be duplicated outside of regular class time. Consequently, daily
attendance, promptness, preparedness, and readiness to learn are necessities. Attendance is
extremely important. A student should not be absent from class unless absolutely necessary. If an
absence does occur, please see make-up assignments below. Absences must be excused to make up
Homework is used to supplement and enhance regular classroom activities. As it unites the
environment of school and home, it emphasizes the importance of education. Homework will be
collected and graded on an intermittent basis to ensure that it is being done.
1. The most important homework in CC History is the reading assignments! Students will be
expected to read 10-20+ pages per class period. Success in this course is based on a sound
knowledge of the material and the ability to analyze and evaluate that material. Classroom
instruction will focus on understanding, analyzing, and evaluating History. Students are
expected to come to class "prepared" to discuss assigned topics. Prepared means they have
read and taken notes on the topics to be discussed.
2. Each student will keep daily reading and class notes on loose-leaf college ruled paper in his or
her class binder, which will be a valuable tool to be used in preparing for tests, essays, and the
AP Examinations.
3. All homework must be turned in at the beginning of class after the attendance is taken. Any
assignment turned in after the teacher has completed the attendance is LATE (see late work
policy below).
Make-up Assignments
1. The responsibility for make-up work lies with the student. If your absence from class is
excused, you have two class periods to complete all make-up work for each day that you miss.
It is your responsibility to schedule the make-up time for all test and quizzes within the two-day
time frame.
2. If you are tardy to school or have an early dismissal that results in missing this class, you
should pick up your work on that day. You should also turn in any assignments due that day.
3. All assignments turned in after the roll is complete are late.
4. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED! (Except in cases of illness, in accordance with the SHS
attendance policy, family emergencies, etc.)
5. If you are absent from a class you will be held responsible for any and all lecture notes you
might have missed. It is up to you to obtain the missed material from one of your fellow
Grading Policy:
Each marking period grades will be calculated based on the total number of points earned divided by
the number of points possible. Adding the number of points earned each marking period and dividing
by the total number of points possible calculates the cumulative grade.
Grading Scale:
100 % - 90 %
89 % - 80 %
79 % - 70 %
69 % - 60%
59 % and below
Detailed information related to preparation for tests and quizzes and other course assignments will be
provided in class. If applicable, particular grading standards, point values, and rubrics will accompany
the particular assignment. Test and Quizzes will be worth more points than homework.
Current Events:
Current Events will be given daily with a quiz every Friday. If you have an absence it is your
responsibility to get the notes from another student(s) or to attend the review on Friday Morning that
will start at 7:40. The Make-up policy will be followed if you are gone on the day of a quiz.
Oregon State Standards covered in College Credit US History:
Historical Knowledge
HS.1. Evaluate continuity and change over the course of world and United States history.
HS.2. Analyze the complexity and investigate causes and effects of significant events in world, U.S.
and Oregon history.
HS.3. Explain the historical development and impact of major world religions and philosophies.
HS.4. Investigate the historical development and impact of major scientific and technological
innovations; political thought, theory and actions; and art and literature on culture and thought.
HS.5. Examine and evaluate the origins of fundamental political debates and how conflict,
compromise, and cooperation have shaped national unity and diversity in world, U.S., and Oregon
HS.6. Analyze ideas critical to the understanding of history, including, but not limited to: populism,
progressivism, isolationism, imperialism, communism, environmentalism, liberalism, fundamentalism,
racism, ageism, classism, conservatism, cultural diversity, feminism, and sustainability.
HS.7. Analyze the history, culture, tribal sovereignty, and historical and current issues of the
American Indian tribes and bands in Oregon and the United States.
HS.8. Explain how the American labor movement influenced events and thinking in the United States
and Oregon over time.
HS.9. Identify historical and current events, issues, and problems when national interests and global
interest have been in conflict, and analyze the values and arguments on both sides of the conflict.
Historical Thinking
HS.10. Evaluate an historical source for point of view and historical context.
HS.11. Gather and analyze historical information, including contradictory data, from a variety of
primary and secondary sources, including sources located on the Internet, to support or reject
HS.12. Construct and defend a written historical argument using relevant primary and secondary
sources as evidence.
HS.13. Differentiate between facts and historical interpretations, recognizing that a historian’s
narrative reflects his or her judgment about the significance of particular facts.
Social Science Analysis
HS.57. Define, research, and explain an event, issue, problem, or phenomenon and its significance to
HS.58. Gather, analyze, use, and document information from various sources, distinguishing facts,
opinions, inferences, biases, stereotypes, and persuasive appeals.
HS.59. Demonstrate the skills and dispositions needed to be a critical consumer of information.
HS.60. Analyze an event, issue, problem, or phenomenon from varied or opposing perspectives or
points of view.
HS.61. Analyze an event, issue, problem, or phenomenon, identifying characteristics, influences,
causes, and both shorthand long term effects.
HS.62. Propose, compare, and judge multiple responses, alternatives, or solutions to issues or
problems; then reach an informed, defensible, supported conclusion.
HS.63. Engage in informed and respectful deliberation and discussion of issues, events, and ideas
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 1
Sept 3-5
I. UNIT NAME: Defining History and the Importance of Studying It
Definition of History, Relevance of History in our own lives, Perspectives in History
 Why Study History?
 http://www.historians.org/about-aha-and-membership/aha-history-andarchives/archives/why-study-history-%281985%29
 What is History? by Edward Hallet Carr – 1 page essay: What is History?
 Abraham Lincoln Quotes:
 Identify personal opinion
 Historical Tweets
 Analyze important events in your own life that have shaped you into who you
are today, creating a timeline of cause and effect.
Week 2
Sept 8-12
II. UNIT NAME: Worlds Apart Chapter 1
Native Americans before 1492, Spanish Empire in the New World, Black Legend,
Native and African Slavery foundations
Western Europe
 Was Columbus a Hero?
 Analyze primary and secondary sources about Columbus
 Interpret these sources in order to form an opinion based on historical evidence
 “Cortez the Killer” Neil Young Lyrics
 Bartolome De Las Casas writings and Theodore de Bry art
 Create Thesis argument essay:
Video Clips:
Week 3-6
Sept 15th-Oct 10th
III. UNIT NAME: Colonial America, Ch. 2-4
British Empire in the New World, specifically by region (Southern, New England,
Middle),Regional Economic differences, Regional Religious differences, Population
growth and ethnic diversity, Colonial society through the eyes of status, class and gender
and Colonial conflict with Native Americans
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
 Bound for America – Documents for America’s History Yazawa - 1635
 Richard Frethorne on Indentured Servitude – 1623 – Voices - Howard Zinn
 History as a Weapon by Howard Zinn, Ch. 3 Person of a Mean and Vile
 The Mayflower Compact
 John Winthrop’s A Modell of Christian Charity
 Massachusetts Bay Colony letter- 1631
John Smith vs. John Rolfe Venn Diagram partner activity
 http://www.powhatan.org/pocc.html
Concepts and Major Assignments
Women’s Roles: Pocahontas Myth, Puritan women
Native Conflict: King Philip’s War
Colonial Slavery
 A People’s History by Howard Zinn, Ch. 2 The First Slaves
 History as a Weapon by Howard Zinn, Ch. 2 Drawing the Color Line
Multiple Choice Unit Test
Essay Options from FRQ(s)
Video Clips:
Black Robe:
New World:
Pure History:
The Middle Passage:
Week 7-9
Oct-13th – 31st
IV. UNIT NAME: Imperial Breakdown and Revolution, Ch. 5-6
French and Indian War, British Mercantilism, Imperial Acts/Taxation, “Virtual
Representation”,Boston Massacre, Lexington and Concord, Declaration of
Independence, American Revolution
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
 The Albany Plan of Union
 Boston Massacre perspectives: Captain Thomas Preston’s account vs. The
Committee of the Town of Boston
 Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
 Declaration of Independence
Creation of a Propaganda
 Examine and Present Imperial Acts – Sugar, Stamp, Townshend, Intolerable,
etc. and present in the form of revolutionary propaganda
Analyze and interpret the Declaration of Independence
• Role of African-Americans in the War: Would the Declaration of
Independence apply to them?
Multiple Choice Unit Test
Film Clips:
The History Channel: Bloody Boston
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 10-12
Nov 3rd-21st
V. UNIT NAME: The First Republic and the Rise of the Parties Ch. 7-8
Iroquois League, Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordinance, Shay’s Rebellion,
Constitutional Convention, Ratification of the Constitution, Bill of Rights
 Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
• Iroquois Constitution
• Daniel Gray Explains the Shaysites’ Greivances (1786)
• The Constitution of the United States
• Federalist #10
• A Farmer Favors the Constitution (1788)
• A Delegate Fears for the Little People (1788)
 Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist In-class Debate:
 Should the Constitution be ratified?
• Role-play key players in the ratification of the Constitution
• Examining the Primary Sources above, students will represent the
Federalist or Anti Federalist argument.
 Multiple Choice Unit Test
 Essay Options
• Compare and Contrast the Articles of Confederation with the
Argue and/or defend the major arguments of both a Federalist and an
Week 13-15
Nov 24th- Dec 12th
VI. UNIT NAME: The Triumph and Collapse of Jeffersonian
Republicanism Ch. 10-11
Hamilton v. Jefferson (Vision for America), Hamilton’s Economic Policies, Washington
as President, Election of 1800, Jefferson Presidency, States’ Rights Debate, John
Marshall and the Supreme Court, The Louisiana Purchase, Madison and Monroe
presidencies, War of 1812, Missouri Compromise of 1820, Era of Good Feelings,
Monroe Doctrine
Students Project: Students will create an informative project that includes historical
topics from1790 to 1825.
Students must research and present information on a minimum of 2 topics of interest
under each of the 5 large themes listed below.
1. The Washington Administration (Foreign Policy and Economics)
a. George Washington as 1st President
Executive and Judiciary establishments and Policies of
b. John Adams as V.P. and 2nd President
Conflict and Peace with France
John Marshall and Judicial Review
c. Alexander Hamilton as Treasury Secretary
“Father of the National Debt”
2. Emergence of Political Parties
d. Federalists (Hamilton) vs. Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson) ideas
Economy (Manufacturing vs. Agriculture)
Power of Government (Aristocrats vs. Common
Concepts and Major Assignments
Foreign Policy (Pro-British vs. Pro-French)
Thomas Jefferson and the Jeffersonian Republic
e. Two-Party Election of 1800
f. Peaceful Coercion and the Embargo Act of 1807
g. Lewis and Clark Expedition/Sacagawea
h. Louisiana Purchase
4. James Madison and the “Warhawks”
i. Native conflict and Tecumseh the Prophet
j. War of 1812 with the British
Star Spangled Banner
5. James Monroe
k. The so-called “Era of Good Feelings”
l. Moving West and Sectionalism (Free states vs. Slave states)
Missouri Compromise
6. Foreign policy and the Monroe Doctrine
Week 16
Dec 15-19
VII. UNIT NAME: The Jackson Era, Ch. 12
Election of 1824, Expansion West and the transportation revolution, Indian removal,
Trail of Tears, Bank Wars, Manifest Destiny, Compromise of 1850, Fugitive Slave Act,
Kansas-Nebraska Act and Popular Sovereignty, Sectionalism, The Dred Scott case, The
Lincoln-Douglasdebates, Election of Lincoln
 Digital History Explorations: Indian Removal
 http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/active_learning/explorations/indian_removal/r
 Examine presidential papers (from Jefferson to Jackson) and Congressional acts
 Trail of Tears experience
 Geography of Westward expansion, Sectionalism and Compromise (1820-1854)
 Map analysis, political cartoon & quote analysis
 Texas, Oregon Territory, Conflict with Mexico and Negotiations with Britain,
 Free vs. Slave States, Sumner Beating in Congress, “Bleeding Kansas”
 Expansion under Polk and the War with Mexico
 Economics and migration patterns: Gold and Connecting the WestTranscontinental Railroad
 Multiple Choice Unit Test
 Essay Options:
 Even though slavery was flourishing, argue whether or not the United States
was becoming more democratic in the 1820s and 1830s.
 Analyze the “Corrupt Bargain” of 1824, the election of 1828 and the writings of
John C. Calhoun.
 Did Manifest Destiny exist, or was it just a land grab? Examine maps of the
United States from 1846 to 1860 Examine both the American and Mexican
points of view
UCC Final Exam History 201
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 17-18 (19)
Jan 5th-23rd
VII. UNIT NAME: Invisible Rights in a Growing Nation, Ch. 11-13
Slave Trade and the Middle Passage, Slavery and the economy, Life as a slave,
Immigration and the increase of Nativism, Women in the workplace, the Abolitionist
movement, Women’s Rights
 Art analysis: The Middle Passage by Tom Feelings
 The Interesting Life of Ouladah Equiano (Gustavas Vassa) Middle Passage
 Chart analysis of Cotton culture, Whitney’s Gin and the Southern economy
 Amistad case example
 Library of Congress Slave Narratives Volumes
 NightJohn by Gary Paulsen
 Compare and Contrast Abolitionist methods
 Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass as “conductors”
 Ain’t I a Woman speech by Sojourner Truth
 William Lloyd Garrison’s The Liberator
 Political Cartoon analysis: The Irish, The Know-Nothings
 Digital History Exploration: Female Pioneers
• Examine experiences and primary sources connected to: Elizabeth
Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Mary Lyon, Emma
Willard, Catherine Beecher
Essay Options:
 Was John Brown a murderer or martyr?
• Imagery of John Brown, his personal letters, newspaper accounts,
 article: John Brown and his Raid, view PBS documentary “John Brown”
 Describe women’s participation and experiences in areas such as the
Abolitionist Movement, the
 workplace, and in higher education. How were these events the catalyst to the
Seneca Falls
 Convention of 1848?
• Lucretia Mott at the Anti-Slavery Convention of 1831, Oberlin
experiences, Declaration of Sentiments
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 20-22
Jan 26th-Feb13th
IX. UNIT NAME: Civil War and Reconstruction, Ch. 14-16
Secession and the Confederate States of America, Emancipation Proclamation, AfricanAmerican participation in the War, Politics of the war, Assassination of Lincoln, Radical
Republican platform, Impeachment of Johnson, Rise of the Klan, Grant administration
and its impact on the failure of Reconstruction
 Civil War Timeline
 Politics of the Emancipation Proclamation: Did it “free” the slaves?
 Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
• Support of/Resistance to the use of African-American troops in the
Civil War letters and editorials
 54th Massachusetts Regiment example (Glory)
 Advantages and Disadvantages comparison
 Rich North vs. Devastated South
 How to treat the South?
 Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address
 Rights to newly freed slaves
 African-Americans Talk About Their Personal Experiences of Newfound
 Freedom, c. 1865
• Excerpts from Margaret Walker’s Jubilee
• Recent Scholarship: A&E documentary Secrets of the Klan in America
Justin Townes Earle - Lone Pine Hill Lyrics
Steve Earle – Ben McCullough - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_0h1StPJBM
Ted ED - http://ed.ted.com/lessons/a-digital-reimagining-of-gettysburg-anne-knowles
Multiple Choice Unit Test
Was Reconstruction a success or failure?
• Examine Federal legislation such as the13-15th Amendments, Freedmen’s Bureau,
Civil Rights Act, and Sharecropping theory of economics vs. State laws/Black codes,
Johnson Administration, Resistance groups and the reality of Sharecropping.
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 23-25
Feb 17th-March 5th
X. UNIT NAME: An Industrial Revolution: Change in the City and on
the Farm, Ch. 17-19
Captains of Industry vs. Robber Barons, Role of Business in politics, Laissez-Faire,
Monopolies and Trusts, Working class and factory conditions, Child Labor, Strikes and
the growth of National Unions, Immigration, Urbanization, Settlement Houses,
Industrialization of Agriculture, Political dissent among farmers, Populism, Silver v.
Gold standard, Panic and depression Era of Innovation and Invention affects on everyday
useful items Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan bio comparison- background, industry,
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
 Gospel of Wealth: Carnegie on Wealth
 Political cartoons: Modern Prometheus, Oil Octopus, Robber Barons and
 How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis
 Lewis Hines photojournalism- expose of child labor and newspaper editorial
 William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold speech
 Ellis Island vs. Angel Island: geography, culture, systematic processes
 Immigrant Narratives
 Chinese Exclusion Act
 Nativist reactions: Reverend Josiah Strong Our Country and Yale University
 Francis A. Walker article in Atlantic Monthly, 1896
 NLU vs. Knights of Labor vs. AFL comparison
 Cover in detail one of the major incidents when labor and capital clashed.
 Urban Problems
 American History article and History Channel: Secrets of the Underworld, NY:
 Sandhogs example
 Women influence social, economic and political development in the cities and
out West:
 Victoria Woodhill, Jane Addams, Lillian Wald, Charlotte Perkins Gilman,
Frontier & mining town women
Woody Guthrie
IWW Songs Various – Wobblies
Multiple Choice Unit Test
Document Based Essay Question
Using selected in-class primary sources (cartoons, quotes and excerpts) explain the
positive and negative affects the Industrial Revolution had on the development of the
United States socially, politically, and economically.
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 26-27
March 9th-20th
XI. UNIT NAME: The Progressive Era & Theodore Roosevelt, Ch. 21
Progressives, Muckrakers, Direct primary elections, 17th Amendment, Women and the
battle for the vote/Suffrage, Square Deal, Anti-trust legislation/Trust-busting, Teddy
Roosevelt, Conservation, Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, WCTU and Frances Willard, William
Taft, Republican party split
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s)
 John Spargo’s The Bitter Cry of the Children excerpts
 Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle excerpts
 Cosmopolitan article excerpts
 Lincoln Steffens’ Shame of the Cities
 Ida Tarbell’s expose Standard Oil
 Digital History Exploration: Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
 Explore/examine photos, letters, newspaper accounts, primary documentation.
 Who were the Progressives? Areas of Reform?
 African-American equality not a focus.
 Federal level Progressivism: Theodore Roosevelt’s Contributions Report
 The New Freedom vs. The New Nationalism
UCC Final Exam History 202
Week 28
March 30th-April 3rd
XII. UNIT NAME: American Imperialism: The Path to Empire, Ch.22
Yellow Journalism, Hawaii, Spanish-American War, Rough Riders, Open Door Policy,
Big Stick Diplomacy, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary, Great White Fleet
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
 Alfred T. Mahan “The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783”
 William Randolph Hearst vs. Joseph Pulitzer
 “Remember the Maine”
 America on the World Stage: Maps and political cartoon analysis
 Imperial Menu, Civilization Begins at Home, Big Stick in the Caribbean
 Roosevelt Corollary interpretation
 Historical impersonation in-class debate
 Pros and Cons of Annexing the Philippines?
 Examine and apply arguments from Commodore Dewey, William Jennings
Bryan, Congressmen Raynor and Beverage, Emilio Aguinaldo, Reverend Josiah
 Rough Riders
Multiple Choice Unit Test
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 29
April 6th-10th
XIII. UNIT NAME : The Great War, Ch. 23
The War to End all Wars, Wilson’s diplomacy, Mechanization of War, The Homefront:
Propaganda, Civil Liberties, Workers, blacks, and women, Wilson ‘s idealism and the
Fourteen Points, Doughboys, Versailles Treaty, the League of Nations and the Senate
 Forming Alliances simulation
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
 Propaganda posters – “The Great Adventure”
 Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917 and 1918
 Great Migration of African-Americans to the North
 Woodrow Wilson’s Message to Congress
The Lost Battalion
Multiple Choice Unit Test
Essay Question:
Identify and explain President Woodrow Wilson’s efforts and contributions in the Peace
Process of the Great War, and analyze his success, or lack thereof. Include his idealism,
14 point specifics with an emphasis on the League of Nations, involvement in the
Versailles Treaty, and his relationship with American Congress.
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 30-31
April 13th-24th
XIV. UNIT NAME: Between the Wars, Ch. 24-25
Return to Normalcy, Isolationism, Jazz Age and Harlem Renaissance, The “red scare”,
Immigration policies, Prohibition, Emergence of mass consumption economy, Rise of
the automobile, Radio and the movies, Economic boom and bust, Policies of Herbert
Hoover, The Great Depression and the New Deal
 Powerpoint project: Differentiated topic choice: Minimum of 2 major areas of
 Prejudice – Red Scare, KKK, Immigration Quotas
 Pop Culture – Jazz Age, Baseball, Charleston, Movies (silent to talkies), Harlem
 Prosperity - Mass consumption, automobiles, foreign tariff, Installment plans,
 speculation
 Politics – Harding, Tea Pot Dome scandal, Silent Cal, Herbert Hoover
 Stock Market Crash simulation
 Causes of the Great Depression
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
 Dorothea Lange Photography
 Election of 1932: FDR Inaugural Address
 Political Cartoon analysis – FDR the Doctor
 Letters to Eleanor from Depression Era women
 Dust Bowl Farmer – The Grapes of Wrath
 FDR’s Approach: 3 R’s and Alphabet Soup
Political Cartoons
 Conduct an interview with a survivor of the Great Depression. Focus on their
personal experiences and struggles.
Multiple Choice Unit Test
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 32
April 27th-May 1st
XV. UNIT NAME: World War II, Ch. 26
Appeasement and Neutrality Acts, Lend-Lease Act, The Atlantic Charter, Pearl Harbor,
Homefront: Internment of Japanese-Americans, Women in the War (Rosie’s), AfricanAmericans during war, European Theater, D-day, Pacific Theater, Manhattan Project and
the Bomb, Rise of the CIA, Yalta Conference
Digital History Exploration: World War II experiences
 Examine and explore photos, letters, journals, newspaper articles, and maps
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
 Munich Agreement and speeches of Charles Lindbergh
 The Atlantic Charter
 U.S. Government propaganda posters - “Join the War” and “Homefront
 Japanese Internment Letters
 Executive Order 1066 and Korematsu vs. U.S.
 Segregation of African-American troops documents
 Internal migration maps
 Analyze the economic situation of the United States (GNP, unemployment
rates, etc.) in the late 1930’s and discuss the “bust to boom” concept that
occurred in the economy and the workforce by 1944. What factors led to
American productivity? How did the war contribute to pulling America out of
the Great Depression? What role did the Government play? In your report
examine the economic policies with foreign countries and the changing role of
women and minorities in the wartime industries during WWII.
 Should America have dropped the Atomic Bomb?
 Pro/Con debate using primary source documents of the time, including Truman
letters, scientist opposition and support, Oppenheimer’s views, casualty
numbers (comparing Berlin and Tokyo fire-bombings with A-bomb), accounts
from survivors, Russia’s role and the future aftermath.
Multiple Choice Unit Test
Document Based Question Essay:
Should the Allies have prevented the Cold War by destroying the Soviet Union
immediately after Germany’s surrender?
 analyze the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences
 examine Soviet polices
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 33
May 4th-8th
XVI. UNIT NAME: Cold War Beginnings & the Eisenhower Era, Ch.
Origins of the Cold War, Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan, Potsdam Conference,
Anticommunism, Korean War, Eisenhower Administration, McCarthyism, Rise of
Suburbia, Baby Boomers, Consumer culture.
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
 Marshall Plan and foreign response (democratic vs. communist)
 Truman Doctrine and policies of containment
 George Kennan, Sources of Soviet Conduct
 Cold War, Anti-Communism political cartoon analysis
 McCarthy the “ruthless red-hunter”
 See-saw of Korea
 Containment or expansion?
 MacArthur the insubordinate.
 Eisenhower’s Farewell Address
America in the 1950’s – Analyze and discuss the Economic and Social Culture of the
decade. Include a minimum of 2 major economic and 3 social issues such as postwar
prosperity, GI Bill, suburbia, easy credit and technological advertisement, Television,
NASA and the Space race, Disneyland, Dr. Spock, the “cult of domesticity”, Fast food,
“The King” and emergence of rock and roll, movies, literature.
 Research should include books, film, documentaries, articles, essays,
photographs, and interviews.
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 34
May 11th-15th
XVII. UNIT NAME: The Sixties and the Transformation of America,
Ch. 39
Civil Rights Movement, Kennedy Administration, Pay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis,
Vietnam War and the Peace Movement, Race riots, LBJ and the Great Society, Rise of
the Counter Culture, Feminist Movement
Group Research, Presentation and Critique Assignment
Each small group will be assigned to one of the following four major topics of the
1960’s, dividing the sub-topics between students. Groups will organize presentation of
the large topic, each student responsible for a small component of the presentation.
Hand-outs, notes, visuals (political cartoons, maps, photos, film footage) should be
provided for your peers.
1) Civil Right Movement
 Brown vs. Board of Education
 Montgomery Bus Boycott, Rosa Parks, SCLC
 Little Rock 9- Craig Raines and Melba Patillo accounts
 Civil Rights songs and poetry analysis
 I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Freedom Riders Then and Now article
 Eyes on the Prize documentary film footage
 Bullets not Ballots – Malcolm X
 Black Panthers document
2) Women’s Liberation
 NOW Mission Statement
 Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique excerpts
 Gloria Steinem Ms. Magazine (magazine Analysis of old editions 60’s-70’s)
 Equal Pay for Equal Work
 Title IX
 Equal Rights Amendment- ERA
 Roe v. Wade – 1973
3) Domestic Politics and Cold War Foreign Policy Conflict
 John F. Kennedy, Inaugural Address
 Peace Corps Mission Statement
 Berlin Wall
 Vietnam
 Bay of Pigs
 Cuban Missile Crisis
 JFK Assassination
 Lyndon Johnson, The Great Society Speech
4) Counter Culture and the Sexual Revolution
 Disillusion of the establishment – Stewart Alsop editorial Newsweek 1970
 Free Speech Movement-Berkeley influences
 The Experience of a Commune
 Drugs
 Birth Control
 Sexual tolerance movement
 Students for a Democratic Society & Young Americans for Freedom Manifestos
 “Flower Children”
Document Based Question on each presented topic
Conclusion/Opinion Essay Question:
 Did the movements and developments of the sixties make America better or
Concepts and Major Assignments
Week 35
May 18th-22nd
XVIII. UNIT NAME: Failures and Excesses of the Seventies, Ch. 29
Richard Nixon and conservative America, End of postwar boom, Middle East turmoil
and oil, Fall of Saigon and decline of the United States military, Jimmy Carter, Urban
decay, Drugs, disco, and disrespect of authority, Stagflation, Energy Crisis, Iranian
crisis, Beginning of Aids and the Gay Rights Movement
Primary and/or Secondary source material(s):
 Nixon’s Détente Policy
Great grain deal, ABM, SALT
 Environmentalism – Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring
Politics- EPA, OHSA, Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act
 Watergate – The Undoing of a President
o Political Cartoon analysis
Embargos and Energy Crises under Nixon and Carter – Middle East Crisis and the effect
on the diplomatic and economic policies in the 1980’s to today’s current history.
Multiple Choice Unit Test
Week 36
May 26th-June
XIX. UNIT NAME: The Resurgence of Conservatism and the last
decades of the 20th Century, Ch. 30
The “New Right” and Ronald Reagan, Economics of the ‘80s and ‘90s, End of the Cold
War, Persian Gulf War, Rise of Newt Gingrich, Republican Revolution, and the Contract
with America, Clinton years, Election of George W. Bush
Was the Reagan Revolution good for America? Examine speeches by Reagan, Gingrich
and Bush. Explore articles from the Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, The National
Review, Institute for Policy Studies, and The New Republic
Was the impeachment of Bill Clinton politically or socially motivated? In what ways can
this event be compared to historical presidential scandals?
 Research past political presidential scandals. (Jefferson, Harding, Kennedy,
 Examine Clinton Impeachment trial – Official Transcripts from the House
Judiciary Committee
 Analyze the role of technological mass media and its effects on the role of the
presidency in the 21st century.
UCC Final Exam History 201
- Selected readings from Person: The American Journey
- Selected readings from Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States
- Documents for American’s History Volume 1+2 Melvin Yazawa
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