Research Process Frame Your Research Question Around the topic (relationships) With exploratory language (doesn’t suggest you already have an answer) Simple straight-forward matter-of-fact manner. 1. What is my real personal interest in the topic? 2. What do I specifically want to learn about my topic? (Don't overwhelm yourself with too many things. Two or three are plenty.) Start your Statement of Purpose with words like "I want to learn about..." Around the Topic Relationships… Types sibling love frienemies professional mentor/tee rivalry Business Cultural comparison marriage/countries gays out/countries family loyalty/countries caste systems/slavery being single as a choice international adoption body language Effects of X on divorce death distance poverty age differences success education Exploratory Language How does _____ affect the ____ of relationships? Is there a difference in how ______ conduct ________ relationships? Why do people…. What reasons are there for…. In comparing ____ and ____, what common traits and distinct differences about _____ emerge? What? How? Why? Does/Do? Simple, Straightforward A) If so many people believe in monogamy, then why does poligamy persist in some places in the United States and in other places in the world? B) Why is poligamy still around? C) Since poligamy is unfair to women, how can it be constitutional and legal? Key Word - Synonym List Why is polygamy still around? Marriage history polygamist culture Mormon religion African marriage rites History polygamy multiple wives Multiple husbands marriage laws Muslim religion harem (?) Modern polygamy HBO’s “Big Love” (?) Types of Information Statistics, The facts numbers photographs Are Video, film, Hidden… audio Poems addressing your topic Data comparisons Artistic representations Newspaper First person articles about accounts or recent events on interviews your topic Historical summaries Articles by vested experts Encyclopedia summaries of your topic Quotes from experts who’ve studied it Historical narratives Articles by nonvested journalists Op-ed articles and columns in newspapers Recent findings as reported in magazines What Types of Information do I Want? My question: Why is polygamy still around? First person accounts It’s history - where was it, where it died out Numbers - % of polygamists around world and where they are Interviews, opinion pieces about why people choose polygamy. Court cases, findings, changes in laws? I’m Ready to Start Researching (Oh wait, all that other stuff was researching too) This is the part where I will do exactly what Mr. Lundholm tells me. (Await thunderous applause and rays of sunshine cascading down upon your shoulders) I Found It (Okay, I found over 500 Its…kinda scary) First result was an article about South Africa President marrying a third wife. Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, has taken himself a wife.(The Week)(Brief article).National Reviewハ62.1ハ(Jan 25, 2010):ハp.12.ハ(114ハwords)ハShow detailsFull Text :COPYRIGHT 2010 National Review, Inc.Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, has taken himself a wife. That makes three: Polygamy is traditional among Mr. Zuma's people, the Zulus, and is legal in South Africa. There have also been two former wives (suicide, divorced). In addition to the three current wives, Mr. Zuma has a fiancee, Gloria Bongi Ngema, age unknown. Estimates of the number of Mr. Zuma's children range from 10 to 19, either two or three of them by the lady he has just wed, and one by the aforementioned fiancee. Mr. Zuma is 67 years old. His supporters are wont to describe him as a "Zulu traditionalist." A conservative, then? We have alerted our Subscriptions Department.Source Citation"Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, has taken himself a wife." National Review 25 Jan. 2010: 12. Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 3 Feb. 2010. <>. Don’t Go to a New Source Yet Open a Word doc. Paste the link to the article. Copy and paste the citation. email to yourself. Use note cards. Note Cards Write only one source on a note card “Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, has taken himself a wife.” National Review 25 Jan. 2010: 12 Student Resource Center Source Citation - Gale. 3 February 2010. About …polygamy of South Af Pres…Zulu tribe in Africa …b/c maybe too specific About Notes Note Cards Write only one main point on a note card “Jacob Zuma, the president of South Africa, has taken himself a wife.” National Review 25 Jan. 2010: 12 Student Resource Center Source Citation - Gale. 3 February 2010. About …polygamy of South Af Pres…Zulu tribe in Africa …b/c maybe too specific About Notes Writing your Thesis Statement You will develop a thesis statement about your research topic after you have done some actual research into the topic. You will then present your thesis statement in your introduction, prove it with evidence in the body of your paper, project, or presentation, and finally restate it along with a summary of your evidence in your conclusion. Congratulations! You’re on your way!