I was in prison, and you visited me.

Rediscovering the Corporal Works of Mercy
Ransom the Captive/Visit the Imprisoned
“I was in prison, and you visited me.” Matthew 25:36
Prison can seem like a remote place not connected with our real lives until we learn about
someone’s son, daughter or other family member who is behind bars. No matter where we live
or how much we earn, we probably know someone with a family member in prison. That’s
when it becomes more real.
If we have a family member who
is incarcerated, visit as often as
possible. The person convicted of
a crime still needs support and
love from home, and receiving
mail or visits when possible, are a
key to that support.
We might support a prison
ministry in our area with
donations of our time, money
and/or needed supplies. I could offer a gift subscription to a prison library or organize a book
drive for it. Offer support to retreat programs held in prisons.
If I speak another language, I can check out prison visitation programs for immigration detainees
and visit those people who isolated from their families and countries.
Discovering the Human Person
Sr. Helen Prejean who ministers to those in jail as well as their victims has said, “People are
more than the worst thing they have ever done in their lives.”
The US Bishops released a statement Responsibility, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: A Catholic
Perspective on Crime and Criminal Justice, writing, “A Catholic approach begins with the
recognition that the dignity of the human person applies to both victim and offender.”
Studying this subject could prompt me to become informed about prison issues in my own area,
nationally or internationally. I can respond to Pope Francis’ call to support the “abolition of the
death penalty.”