Beowulf Study Guide Lines 1 - 1048 1. Why does the narrator, or scop, admire Shield Sheafson and think he was “one good king” (stanza 2)? 2. Give an example of a compound noun in stanza 2 and a kenning. Explain the difference between the two examples: why is one a compound and the other a kenning? 3. What did Shield’s son, Beow, do to garner admiration while his father was still alive and he lived in his father’s fort? What does the scop think the people’s admiration of Beow will lead to? 4. Describe the bountiful aspect of Shield’s funeral rites. Why do you think no expense seemed to be spared? What do the riches bestowed on the dead king and laden in his funerary ship suggest about Anglo-Saxon gift culture? 5. How doe Hrothgar plan to make his mark as a gift-giving king—as a ring-giver? (65-76) 6. Is there a hint in line 85 that Hrothgar underwent a devastating fight with in-laws? 7. What goings-on vex and harrow the powerful demon to the point of lustful murder? It might be a bit early in the text to begin thinking about this but what threat, nemesis, or “demonized other,” might he represent to the Danes who regularly attend the mead-hall? Or another way of thinking about this is, In what way is he a possible scapegoat figure or sacrificial victim that purges the kingdom? and what concepts or emotions are being purged? 8. According the scop, Grendel is the offspring of what biblical event? Were any others besides Grendel spawned? 9. How long did it take for news of the sorrow and suffering undergone by the Shieldings at Heorot at the hands of Grendel take to reach Beowulf? According to the scop it got so bad that they swore oaths to whom to come to their aid? 10. “He announced his [Beowulf’s] plan to sail the swan’s road and search out the king,/the famous prince who needed defenders”(199-201): explain the meaning of “swan’s road.” 11. Why is the Danish coast-guard impressed with Beowulf and his men? 12. In explaining to King Hrothgar his former exploits is Beowulf bragging (416ff)? Why does Beowulf choose to fight Grendel naked and unarmed? 13. Explain how Beowulf’s father, Ecgtheow, benefited from the largesse of King Hrothgar? Did the King pay wergild? 14. Whose story about Beowulf and Breca’s swimming contest is more believable—Unferth’s or Beowulf’s? How does Beowulf manage to return Breca’s insult? 15. To what extent is Beowulf’s formal boast arrogance or braggadocio or proper heroic etiquette? (632ff) 16. Discuss the poetics alliteration in the lines below: In off the moors, down through the mist bands God-curse Grendel came greedily loping. The bane of the race of men roamed forth, Hunting for a prey in the high hall. (710-713) 17. What rewards or “worldly goods” does Hrothgar shower Beowulf with for ridding the Danes of the fiend Grendel. (940-1048