article i objectives

Hunt The Front Rod & Gun Club By-Laws
The name of this organization shall be Hunt The Front Rod & Gun Club A NJ Nonprofit
Corporation (“HTFR&G Club” or “Club”) and at no time will its business be conducted for private
or personal gain. Club was established by its Board of Trustees as a NJ nonprofit corporation on
March 26, 2015. Its initial Board of Trustees consisted of Anthony Angotti, Anthony Bullaro,
Tonino Roman and Eugene Mackowiak.
Hunt The Front Rod & Gun Club A NJ Nonprofit Corporation was formed by a dedicated group of
sports men and women who are looking to pass on the tradition of hunting and fishing here in New
Jersey. We hunt and fish state and federal lands as well as private lands in compliance with the NJ
Fish & Game regulations. We promote sportsmanlike methods of hunting, fishing, trapping, and
outdoor living with proper respect to landowners and the property of others. We intend to acquire
and protect an area of land so that members of the Club may use it as set forth in these by laws.
Members are obligated to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the Club's function as a
sports club and an educational organization. Members agree to represent the Club in a way that
upholds the reputation of the Club, to act respectfully individually and as a Club, and to display
good sportsmanship.
1) Adult members 18 years of age paying dues of $100.00 annually & junior members 10 -17
years of age paying dues of $25.00 annually. Members must possess a current New Jersey
hunting & fishing license in order to be acceptable to the membership as hereinafter
2) Each member who has paid the required dues shall be issued a membership card.
3) Annual dues must be paid every year by January 31. All dues shall be payable to “Hunt The
Front Rod & Gun Club A NJ Corporation” and given to the Secretary of the Club.
4) Any increase or decrease in membership rates will be recommended by the officers of the
Club and approved by a majority vote of the membership.
5) Failure to pay dues by January 31 will cause an existing member’s name to be deleted from
the roster. Dues paid by an existing member after January 31 are subject to a $20.00 late fee.
6) New members that join during the year are expected to pay full-year membership dues.
7) Any and all pictures or videos of the HTFR&G Club activities can be used to promote the
Club without the express written consent of any individual visible in the images.
8) Each member in good standing shall be entitled to invite the immediate members of his/her
family or guests to Club events and/or to hunt, fish, or otherwise participate in Club
activities without paying membership dues provided the following terms and conditions are
a. Any guest of a current member must carry identification. The member will
accept full responsibility for their guest(s) and their actions. Any guest who
participates in Club activities must act in compliance with the New Jersey Fish &
Game regulations. Children under the age of ten (10) will be required to have
adult supervision at all times.
b. Each guest and potential HTFR&GC member must possess and display a current
New Jersey hunting and fishing license in order to be eligible for taking of fish
and/or game provided such action is not over and beyond the season regulations
as set by the NJ Fish &Game.
Violations of bylaws by any member, family member or guest(s) shall be acted upon by the officers
of this organization and can enforce disciplinary action if deemed appropriate. The officers may
recommend the cancellation of an individual membership or may specify other penalty with the
approval of such recommendation approved by a majority vote of the membership. If a membership
is cancelled, no portion of the annual dues shall be returned.
Upon request of any identified Club member, game warden, officer, director, caretaker or
employee, an individual shall at any time show his/her identification such as license and permits.
Failure to do so will be regarded as a membership violation.
Membership may be withdrawn at any time, but such action must be in the form of a written
notification to the Secretary who shall keep same, and drop the individual from the membership
roster as of that date. No refund of dues or fees shall be made in this event.
The sole purpose of its Trustees was to establish the Club as a NJ nonprofit corporation and to appoint the
initial Board of Directors for the Club. The initial Board of Directors appointed by the Trustees are Anthony
Angotti, Anthony Bullaro, Tonino Roman and Eugene Mackowiak.
The purpose of the Board of Directors is to be the oversight governance of the Club and may step in if any or
all of the elected Officers are found negligent in their duties.
The Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members, to be elected by the general
membership at the annual meeting. All Directors shall be nominated and elected by the membership at the
general meeting thereof each year as hereinafter provided. Any member in good standing is eligible for election
as Director. Spouses of members are not allowed to serve as Officers or Directors. All Directors shall serve
until their successors are elected and qualified. The general membership shall choose one Board member as
their president.
The Board shall be and is hereby authorized to adopt such rules and regulations by resolution as may be deemed
advisable for the government of the Board; the proper conduct of the year terms except of the first Board elected
after the adoption of these By-laws, who will serve one year. All Board members will rotate off the Board every
years. No member will succeed himself on the Board. Business of the Club guidance and conduct of all
committees, officers, employees, caretakers, overseers, and members, and generally the Board shall be
empowered to do whatever in its judgment may be necessary to preserve the best interest of the Club or
calculated to increase the efficiency of the Club and to carry the main purpose of the organization.
The Board shall meet at least once a year and the Secretary shall notify the general membership of the time and
The Board shall have the power to appoint one or more advisors to the Board and these advisors shall be
present at all Board meetings, but shall not have a vote in the decisions that come before the board. Said
advisors shall not receive pay from the club for their services.
The Board shall have the power to appoint by resolution any and all committees and shall authorize and define
the powers and duties of such committees.
The Board may call membership meetings whenever it may consider it necessary or advisable. Timely notice of
any such meeting shall be given each member whose name appears in the membership roster, by phone, mail,
text, email or any other electronic means advising time, place and purpose of such meeting. Under any and all
subjects not covered by these bylaws, the Board shall be empowered to act in the best interest of the club as
voted by the membership.
The officers shall consist of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Sargent at
The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and perform all duties pertaining to this
office. The President will oversee and report all findings of all committees to the membership
and the officers accordingly. The President will act as the director of operations of the club.
The Vice President shall act in the absence of the President. In the absence of both President and
Vice President, a member of the Board shall be chosen to act temporarily.
The Secretary shall conduct official correspondence, preserve and keep and manage all books,
membership roster, documents, communications, account books, sign all membership cards, and
keep and maintain generally the records of the club, and record and keep a record the minutes of
the meetings. The Secretary will provide an agenda at all meetings.
The Treasurer shall receive, keep and disburse the funds of the club. No disbursement of funds
over $500.00 shall be made unless authorized by the Officers and the majority of members have
voted and/or agree. All disbursements shall be made by check, which shall be signed by the
Secretary and countersigned by the Treasurer. At annual membership meetings, the Treasurer
shall make a financial expense report to the members of this organization.
The Sargent at Arms is an officer of this organization who preserves order and executes
There shall be a mandatory membership meeting held annually in January of each year (weather
permitting). Notice of such a meeting shall be giving in advance to each member whose name
appears on the membership roster via phone, mail, e-mail, text message or posting on the
HTFR&GC web page.
A fifty percent majority of the membership, shall be sufficient to constitute a quorum at any such
meeting, unless otherwise specified in relation to Special Meetings for special purposes as set
out in other articles and section of these Bylaws.
The Officers and/or the Board of Directors may call a Special Meeting of the members upon
being presented with a petition signed by a majority of the members of the club. The petition for
said meeting shall state the purpose for said meeting and no other purpose or other subject matter
shall be considered at said meeting.
Nominations and election of officers will be held at the annual meeting in January. All nominations will be
voted in by active members in good standing. All elections will need a majority vote by the attending
membership to pass.
A notice of by-law changes or amendments must be sent to the membership prior to the annual
meeting in January. Any by-law change needs a majority vote by the attending membership to pass.
Roll call of membership
Reading of minutes from previous meeting
Treasurer’s annual report
Report of committees and unfinished business
New business, good and welfare of Hunt The Front Rod & Gun Club
Hunt The Front Rod & Gun Club Secretary Gene Mackowiak 3/30/2015