Bug 50 Summary: AIM-I-2008-004 - Add the Developing Authorities functionality that is contained in the TCCD Module. Product: LO Module The LO Module does not contain the Developing Authorities functionality that is contained in the TCCD Module. This functionality would provide the same advantages (e.g., more granular levels of permissions; locking out unauthorized users from making modifications) in the LO Module that is currently in the TCCD Module; therefore, I recommend adding this functionality to the LO Module. Bug 135 Summary: ECGs should be selectable in the LOM Product: LO Module If "Instructor Led" is selected in the CPM as a Delivery Method for a Lesson or Section, once the course is imported into the LOM, the user should be able to select/create ECGs for that Lesson/Section (once the ECG module is added in AIM I/II V5.0). Bug 136 Summary: Add capability to suggest a new KSATR Product: CPM While in the Projects tab, the user has the capability to "Suggest a new Subtask." The user should be able to suggest a new supporting knowledge for the selected Task/Subtask/Step. The user should also be able to "Suggest a new Step" for the selected Subtask. Bug 137 Summary: Help menu needs help Product: CPM I have two specific comments concerning the Help menu and one general comment. Specific comment #1: In the Index tree in the Help menu, the word "Projects" is spelled "Projetcs." Specific comment #2: I created a new Project to test a bug. When I completed my testing, I attempted to delete this project, but I was unable to figure out how to delete it. I accessed the Help menu, and it said, under Projects, that I could delete the project by clicking on the Delete (X) icon, but there was no Delete icon on the screen. I asked Jamie Stewart how to do this, and he said that I first had to "deactivate" the project. Once I deactivated the project, the Delete icon appeared, and I was able to delete the project. The Projects section of the Help menu should be updated to state that a Project must be deactivated before it can be deleted. (I do not know if this also applies to Modules, Lessons, and Sections, but if it does, the Help menu should be updated for these elements as well.) General comment #1: I found the CPM Help menu to be woefully inadequate. Each time I accessed it, I was unable to find the information that I was looking for. Clicking on items in the menu tree in the Index took me to screens that had nothing to do with what I was looking for except that the "word" I was looking for was used in that screen; however, there was no amplifying information about that "word." I am quite satisfied with the AIM I Help menu, but the CPM Help menu needs a lot of work. Bug 146 Summary: Add "Author" field to learning objectives Product: CPM I received the following enhancement request from Joe Lawlis (NGES-MS). I would like to suggest that a field be added to identify the contractor responsible for each learning objective. Speaking with Dr. Durham of LSI, she agreed that such a feature would be most helpful for her team in identifying who to contact should questions arise. Gerry Cullison (SP-20563) added the following modification. I think this would be helpful, but we are the only ones using Contractors as SMEs to develop these objectives I believe, so it would not be a field for contractor -- perhaps "Author" instead. Then a guy like Joe could enter "Joe Lawlis (NGES-MS)." Bug 147 Summary: Report naming Product: CPM Attachments: TCCD report name, TPP report name I received the following CPM enhancement request from Mike Lueken (LMSSC). In the CPM Project Tab, Report filename assignment is not consistent or optimal. Please refer to the attached files for representative screen shots. In CPM Report0.jpg, you can see that CP assigns a very descriptive filename to TCCD Reports – it includes the type of report (TCCD) the Project Name, and the date. However, CPM Report1.jpg shows an identical report pull for a TPP, and the assigned filename fails to include the Project Name. This will prevent clear self-identification of report files after they have been generated, unless the operator knows that he/she needs to take action. Recommend appending the Project Name to all the Project report files, along with the type of report and date. Bug 148 Summary: Lesson Length does not update properly Product: CPM Attachments: Screen prints of lesson length errors File 2 of screen prints of lesson length errors It was reported to me that the "Facilitate simulator training sessions" lesson in the MT Continuum Technician course did not update properly when the Length was inserted and saved in the subordinate section. (There is only one section under this lesson.) The attached Word document shows six screen prints that show the problem. Figure 1 is a screen print of the section, which shows a length of 20 minutes. Figure 2 is a screen print of the lesson, which shows a lesson length of 0:00. It should have been 0:20. Figure 3 is a screen print of the section where I changed the length to 15 minutes and saved it. Figure 4 is a screen print of the lesson, which shows a lesson length of 0:-05. The time is wrong, and it also contains a minus sign. Figure 5 is a screen print of the section where I changed the length to 44 minutes and saved it. Figure 6 is a screen print of the lesson, which shows a lesson length of 0:24. It does not contain a minus sign, but the time is wrong. I was not able to enter any time into the section where it was accurately reflected in the lesson. Comment 1 Jamie Swaim 2010-08-14 15:21:11 EDT While reviewing CPM lessons and section, I came across another lesson that did not indicate the correct lesson length. Refer to the screen print in attachment "CPM Bug Report - Lesson Length Errors - File 2.doc." In it you will see that the lesson length is indicated as 1:00; however, there are four sections to this lesson, and each one has a length of 20 minutes, so the lesson should indicate 1:20. Bug 171 Summary: User Notifications When Course Section is Modified in CITRIX Product: LO Module There is no transparency between users modifying sections of the course. Any user given the edit privilege can modify the sections they have access to without the other users’ knowledge. Recommendations: Add some kind of notification to other users of the course of the sections that are modified. Comment 1 Ron Zinnato Here's some amplification from Orlando Ferase: There have been cases at one site that documents have been updated without the knowledge of the main developers particularly sections that do not get flagged and therefore we don't know who touched them last. The ACR was generated with one purpose: to generate a notification of some sort to all the assigned permissions (users) to a course of what document and section was modified. I believe that the site is anticipating notifications via email. You might have other easier ideas to accomplish the task. Bug 183 Summary: Most recently used items Product: CPM In the past, conditions, standards, and task source items displayed in a complete system list containing elements from all Centers. While this type of display is effective, the users would benefit from having a shorter list which displays only the top ten recently used items with an option to ‘see all’ when desired to speed up the selection of such items during the JDTA process. In order to do this effectively: 1. Allow sorting of most recently used conditions, standards, and task source for JDTA process. 2. System will determine which items were most recently entered by the user for display of top 10 most recently used items 3. Create drop-down lists of top 10 most recently used items in the JDTA process (to be displayed in selection screen if the user is only viewing the top 10 most recently used items). 4. Allow user to select multiple items (condition, standard, or task source) from most recently used items list for linking to JDTA elements (ability to highlight one or multiple items for selection). 5. Allow user to select a check box to ‘show all’ to display items in a given area (condition, standard, or task source) to link to JDTA elements where applicable. 6. The most recently used items will display at the top of selection screen, right after the selected entries if the user selects ‘show all’. Bug 188 Summary: Period is not inserted automatically at end of RIA Product: LO Module For RIAs in a Section, the program does not automatically insert a period at the end as it does for RIAs in the LP Module. The user can insert a period at the end of the text in the after text, but this doesn't work unless there is preceding text. If there is no preceding text, the program will insert a space before the period. Please add the same functionality for automatically inserting a period at the end of a Section RIA in the LO Module that currently exists in the LP Module. Bug 189 Summary: Cannot select superscript or subscript for Section elements Product: LO Module A DP for a Section is listed as CO2. When I accessed this element, I found that I could not make the "2" subscript, which is how it should be listed. Please add the ability to select a superscript or subscript font for Section elements in the LO Module. Comment 1 Jamie Swaim 2011-08-07 22:33:56 EDT This functionality should be added anywhere in a Section where the user can type in text. Bug 190 Summary: Sheets are not numbered correctly in LO Module Product: LO Module I had to correct a graphic in a diagram sheet in MT Continuum, Phase 6, Module 1, Lesson 8, Section 1. When I finished with my modifications, I previewed the diagram sheet. The preview showed that the diagram sheet was identified as “Diagram Sheet 1.” It is very likely that ILT curricula in the LO Module will be printed to PDF or paper because the curricula would be used in the lab, which doesn't currently have Elite installed in it. If a sheet is subsequently separated from the rest of the curriculum, no one, except perhaps the developer, that looks at the sheet would be able to tell which Course, Module, Lesson, or Section that it belonged to. Instruction sheets in the TG module in traditional AIM I are numbered in a manner that always allows the user to determine where they belong (CIN-Part #-Section #-Topic #-Sequence #). Sheets in the LO Module should be numbered in a similar manner. My suggestion is to number them as follows: Title of Course-Module Number-Lesson Number-Section Number-Sequence Number. Using this numbering scheme, the diagram sheet I modified would be numbered “Diagram Sheet Missile Technician Continuum Phase 6 - Manager CPO Common Core-M1-L8-S1-1.” Comment 1 Steve Wicinski 2012-03-27 18:59:35 EDT This is a complicated problem, because (a) sheets do print that way, except we don’t have a CIN) and (b) it prints the way described when you print the sheet itself. Since a Sheet belongs to a Section, which can belong to many Lessons, it isn’t always possible to know what Sheet number the user wants to use. Bug 193 Summary: Alphabetize Glossary Product: LO Module The Glossary in the LO Module does not have the ability to alphabetize so in the process of developing a section to input data in the glossary it is very time consuming to manage the entries which shouldn’t take that much effort. This functionality should be added to the LO Module. Bug 202 Summary: Can't add sub-elements to Self Paced Instruction Product: LO Module In the LO Module, You cannot add sub-elements to the “Self-Paced” Instruction Type. It is necessary for outlining the flow of instruction in the self-paced content, just as it is for Instructor-Led. This subelement functionality should be added to “Self-Paced” Option in the LO Module to the same level as Instructor-led Instruction Type. Bug 205 Summary: Default names for saving print previews to PDF should be standardized Product: LO Module In the LO Module in Central Site AIM I, I print previewed a Developer’s copy of Course MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core, Module 1, Lesson 8, Section 1. When I saved it to PDF, the default name given was: M__Temp Files_~aim0004_~aim0001_External Inspections and.pdf. I then print previewed the LP for this section, and when I saved it to PDF, there was no default name shown. To minimize naming problems (many people just use the default names), there has to be a better way of assigning default names in the LO Module than this. The default names assigned to print previews, exports, and archives in traditional AIM I work quite well, so I suggest that some kind of common naming scheme be developed for the LO Module. (The would also apply to the CPM.) Here’s what I suggest. When any element in the LO Module is print previewed and then saved to PDF, the default name would consist of the following elements: (1) Course name; (2) Module number; (3) Lesson number; (4) Section number; (5) type of print preview (e.g., Web, Developer, Student, Storyboard, LP, Sheets); and (6) Version number. For the section I just print previewed, the default name would be: "Course MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-M1-L8-S1-Developer-V1.pdf." If I print previewed the LP for this section and saved it to PDF, the only thing that would change in the default name would be that “Developer” would change to “LP.” If a Lesson is print previewed and saved to PDF, the default name would be the same, except that the section number would be left off of the default filename. This would work the same for print previewing Modules and Courses—the lower-level portions would be left out of the default filenames. (E.g., Course PDF = MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-Developer-V1.pdf; Module = MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-M1-Developer-V1.pdf; Lesson = MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-M1-L8-Developer-V1.pdf; Section = MT Continuum Phase 6 – Manager CPO Common Core-M1-L8-S1-Developer-V1.pdf.) This same type of filenaming scheme should also apply to exports in the LO Module. It might not apply to the CPM, though, because it exports directly to the EDE, and no default name is even shown. I’m not sure how this would apply to archives. I also have no idea how an archive would work, and I don’t even know if there is such a function in the LO Module or in the CPM, but there should be. Bug 206 Summary: Thumbnail images of Word or PDF files linked to IMI items do not appear in the LO Module Product: LO Module Attachments: The image does not display if selected in the Section area, This screen is what appears after “Add Resource” has been selected and IMI “test_sample” has been added, A thumbnail image will display when you select View RRL as shown in the above screen print This screen is what appears after “Add Resource” has been selected and IMI “test_sample” has been added A thumbnail image will display when you select View RRL as shown in the above screen print Word and PDF documents linked to IMI items do not display in the LO Module. (Refer to Figures 1 through 3.) The Word (or PDF) document will display if the user selects View RRL, but it will not display anywhere else in the LO Module. (There is no thumbnail image displayed.) Bug 209 Summary: Assigned slide should open using PPS IMI Product: LO Module I received the following from Robert Opall (BAE Systems). In the LO Module RRL IMI section, there is now a box to reference a specific or multiple slide numbers in a PPS, however, the PPS does not advance to the slide(s) when the slide numbers are selected in the box as they do in traditional AIM I. The functionality to select individual slide numbers of a PPS for subelements and the PPS advancing to the slide listed should be added to the LO Module to view the properly referenced slide the same way it is in AIM I. Bug 214 Summary: Need ability to add IMI/IMM as resource for practice/assessment question Product: LO Module Attachment: Assessment_Practice enhancement.ppt I received the following from Christine Roughley (GDAIS). Assessment_Practice enhancement.ppt (attached) documents the possible issue and inquiry of why we can only enter resources and graphics to the practice and assessment questions, but in order to add an IMI/IMM to the question, we need to do that within the storyboard tab of that practice/assessment question. It also notes a possible issue with the print preview function of not having a link to the IMI/IMM. Bug 237 Summary: Copy Occupation Product: CPM Add capability copy an Occupation. Should be able to save in same Center with a new name or another Center. Bug 242 Summary: CPM Data Retention Product: CPM CPM Data Retention Introduction In recent weeks we’ve had several requests from users with regards to CPM. These include: • Recover an incorrectly (or inadvertently) deleted Occupation. • Get a log of who made certain changes to data in the COI. In addition, during the discussion of versioning in CPM, has been the request/requirement of seeing what data was active/approved at any particular point in time. Currently CPM has some built-in capability to track usage/changes within the database; however the current implementation is limited. Coding is required to handle tracking ‘link’ changes; that is, changes to links between one set of data and another. For example, CPM currently can track that a user record was modified, but we have no tracking if the links between that user and any Centers were modified. Secondly, CPM has no current capability at all to track what exactly was changed at any particular point in time. So while CPM can tell that user Fred modified a Center record, it cannot tell if the change was to the Center Name, it’s Short Name, or it’s address. Note: The term revision is used to differentiate different modifications of an item. It should not be confused with versioning, which is the process of modifying an approved object (think revision/change in traditional AIM). Proposed Change Overview With these subjects in mind, we propose the following changes to the CPM. 1. When (any) data is added, the record(s) are created. 2. If the user goes to a screen and saves a modification, CPM will create a new record in the database for the modification. It will be given a new ‘revision’ number (set and tracked internally by CPM on a system-wide basis). The previous entry will be left in the database. 3. If the user deletes an entry in CPM, the software will create a new record in the database identical to the previous one, but marked as deleted and with the current revision number. 4. The revision number will be save-specific. This means if a JDTA Task is modified by having its title and some conditions changed (which affect multiple tables in the database), the whole set of changes share the same revision number. These changes will allow the user to perform any of the following actions: 1. Restore any data that was deleted, since no data is ever really deleted. 2. Track all changes to any data, including when it was made and who made it. 3. See all changes that were made at a particular save action (so, again, rather than seeing that a Skill item was changed, we could see that the particular action changed the Skill information, the Condition/Standard links, the Source links, and the TTA data). 4. Compare the current iteration of an object to its previous revision. 5. On a grander scale, compare any particular revision of data with any previous revision of the data. For example, from action 1, you could see from the change log that a Task was modified 23 times over the course of 2 months, but 15 times in the last two days. You may want to see what was changed over that entire two day span, so you could select item 14 (the Task before it was changed two days ago) and compare it to the current revision to see what was changed throughout the entire two day span. Or you might want to compare change 17 to change 12 just to see what was changed in that time period. 6. Save time on software development in the long run, as the only tasks being performed in the database are additions and perhaps some modifications. No need to perform a multitude of deletion and modification coding, let alone validating relationships within the database before making changes. The proposal here is to work on making the under-the-hood changes to the database to foster the above capabilities, but not necessarily provide these capabilities unless requested. The general idea has been discussed in-house and seems feasible. THE FOLLOWING ARE ISSUES WITH THIS CONCEPT THAT WOULD NEED TO BE WORKED OUT. 1. Update the code to make sure that changes were made before saving data to the database (we don’t do this currently). Not a major issue, most of the required coding has already been done. 2. Some functionality currently within CPM aggregates information to make retrieval of said data easier for display (for example, Lesson times are tracked in the database and updated automatically when Section times change, which, in turn, causes module times to update). These types of activities would need to be changed so that the historical data isn’t corrupted on parental objects. This would be done by either moving this information out of the tables, or by making revisions of the associated parental objects. 3. Flagging (which has conceptualized but not implemented as of yet, and is a form of aggregation in some areas) would need to designed to work with the concept. 4. Database size can grow immensely if not careful in handling certain types of large data (Sheet content, ISD Considerations, TPP/TCCD texts, etc.) 5. The existing database tables would need to be converted to the new scheme without losing data and understanding that any data prior to this implementation will not have any revision tracking. It is not believed that any of these items are show-stoppers, or even large issues. They are pointed out just as a matter of. Note: It would be beneficial to put these suggestions in place before LO Module Webification work begins, to reduce efforts in that area. Bug 243 Summary: LO Module Lesson Plan Glossary Printing Product: LO Module In LO Module, when printing or previewing LP the glossary is printed with each section. Please change the print routine so that the glossary items from each section are printed once at the end of the lesson. The glossary items of all the sections should be merged into a single Lesson-wide glossary. The items should be sorted alphabetically by the contents of the first column. This is a print issue only. The glossary items should still be created and maintained at the section level just rolled up for ILT printing. Bug 252 Summary: Need "Delete Unused Exercises" option in ECG Product: AIM I If you delete the only LP Module RIA linked to a particular exercise in the ECG Module, the exercise is deleted from the AIM I database. It doesn't work this way for TG sheets. If you delete the only LP Module RIA linked to a particular TG sheet, the sheet is retained in the database for selection elsewhere, but it does not print with the TG until it is linked to another RIA. If a user isn't aware of this, they may delete an RIA linked to an exercise in preparation for selecting it in another RIA. If they do this, the exercise will be deleted, and they will have to completely regenerate the exercise. This could be very time-consuming and should be unnecessary. I request that the functionality for deleting RIAs linked to exercises be made the same as for TG sheets so that the exercise is not deleted from the AIM I database and is available for selection in another RIA. Also, a new option should be added to the ECG Module similar to the option in the TG Module: "Delete Unused TG Sheets." The new option in the ECG Module should be named "Delete Unused Exercises." Comment 1 Jamie Swaim 2012-04-25 08:45:27 EDT I just discovered that I was incorrect when I reported that exercises are deleted from the AIM I database when the last RIA linked to the exercise is deleted. The exercise is still in the database--it just doesn't show up anywhere except in the LP RIA when the user selects RRL Type "Exercises." However, I don't want to cancel this "bug" because I would still like the "Delete Unused Exercises" option added to the ECG Module. Bug 255 Summary: Add numbering to Module/Lesson/Section titles in project tree Product: CPM Attachment: screenshots Location: AIM I V5.0 LO Module; CPM Narrative of problem: While working in the CPM to locate a particular section (see attached) (as an example, MT Continuum Phase 3B, Lesson 17, Section 10), I will run out of screen to locate the section in a timely manner. To a user who does a large amount of work in the CPM, this can get tedious. The figure below (to the right) shows the same location in the AIM I LO Module. Request the AIM SSO consider modifying the CPM to reflect the numbering scheme in the LOM. Bug 256 Summary: Long-term OCCSTD Capabilities Product: CPM Long-term modifications will be needed to CPM to support the functional capabilities for OCCSTDS development, validation, approval, management, publishing, etc. that are being developed in the NPRST 6.5 prototype project. Bug 257 Summary: Bookmark feature Product: LO Module The issue is that there is no Bookmarking Function or the ability to enter the LOM at the Course, Lesson, or Section level where the user was last working. (Legacy AIM-I has this functionality.) Bug 258 Summary: Change Project Editor role to include Export Product: CPM For the Project Editor role under Project Roles in Admin. please add "Export To EDE" option similar to the "Curriculum Outline of Instruction" and "Objectives" ones. Bug 259 Summary: Allow Multiple Courses to Be Covered in the Same Project Product: CPM Attachments: Sample TPP from Dr. Rich Payne NNSY On the main screen of the Projects tab, when the New icon is selected, populate the "scope" field through a combo box with two options: course (which would be the default) and curriculum. The second option would allow you to enter multiple courses under the same project. An illustration of why this would be useful is the attached documents (created in CPM for these two courses). I don't think anything would change except the TPP (in this case, the milestones apply to both courses, even though I've just done a TPP for the longer course). Bug 260 Summary: Expand Project Role Capability to Support Training Site Specific Data Entry Product: CPM Added for Dr. Payne NNSY: Request adding functionality to Project Role to allow edit privilege specific for training site information. This is to allow individual at the sites to enter/edit their own data without impacting other sites. This may be done through an approach similar to what was done for MTC in support of COI, Learning Objective and ISD Considerations specific restrictions. "I just went through the roles, and if you look at the TPP, you can see why I think it would be useful to create a role like "Training Site Administrator," who would have edit privileges limited to data on his own training site. I have no idea about historical student flow at the four shipyards, but the individual training departments do, and it would be useful to allow them to edit it." Bug 261 Summary: Need ability to preview front/back matter at lesson/section level Product: LO Module Attachments: AIM I and LO Module Printing I received this from Jim Montgomery (LMSSC). The preview/print options of the LO Module are extremely limited. We were attempting to verify back matter at a section level and could not do it because there was no option available in the LO Module print selection. We did finally determine that you can print front and back matter if a whole MT Continuum Course were printed. This caused a problem because of the time involved for the LO Module to produce the preview and then there was the inability to save the preview as a PDF file because it was too large. Please see the attached document that has a recommendation to incorporate the same options in the LO Module for printing that are available in AIM I. Comment 1 Steve Wicinski 2012-09-05 19:13:25 EDT Technically speaking, AIM I does not have the ability to generate a Front or Back matter at any level but the entire Course. Subject implies adding at whatever level is being printed, but content implies adding ability to just print front or back matter like is available in AIM I. Needs clarification. Bug 263 Summary: IMI should be IMM in Site RRL Product: AIM I Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI), by definition in the ILE requirements, is self-paced instruction; however, this acronym is not used to indicate this in AIM I. IMI in AIM I pertains to media files in the Site RRL. This category of the Site RRL should be changed to “IMM” (Instructional Media Material) to conform to ILE requirements. Bug 265 Summary: Software inserts extraneous spaces at end of text in Instructor Activity Product: LO Module When text is typed into Instructor Activity in a section in the LO Module, the AIM I software automatically inserts a space at the end of each line of text, sometimes more than one space. If the user deletes these extraneous spaces, the program reinserts them when the user saves his modi-fications. There have been times when the program has inserted a space between the end of the text in a sentence and the period at the end of the sentence. When I deleted this extraneous space and saved my modifications, the program reinserted the space between the period and the end of the text in the sentence. I’ve tried this multiple times with the same results each time. Please correct this problem. Bug 267 Summary: AIM II RRL Database Import Product: CPM LCs have a tremendous amount of resources required to support current delivery identified in the AIM II database. Recommend adding an import feature so that as we migrate curriculum developed using AIM II into CPM we will not have to reenter all the the resources (i.e. publications, tools, consumables, IMI, etc...) required to support the currciulum. Bug 268 Summary: Update from EDE does not update all changes made to COI. Product: LO Module When updateing a curriculum package in LOM from an updated export from CPM, changes made to the section types in CPM are not updated in the LOM course. Other changes made to the section (name, length, Objective statement) are updated on LOM but the type of section is not changed from the orginial import. Feature is needed since the type of section cannot be edited in LOM and is a feature of the import from CPM. If a determination is made to change a section type, the course needs to be deleted from LOM and re-imported to reflect the change resulting in a loss of all data. Bug 269 Summary: Selecting existing exercises from ECG Product: LO Module When the ECG module becomes operational, users should have the ability to generate exercises in the LO Module and the ability to select existing exercises from the LP/TG side of AIM I in the LO Module. This would also be critical for ILT courses in the LO Module. (This was originally part of ACR 191 and was split from it). Bug 270 Summary: Change class hours to date/time format Product: CPM From Richard Payne: On the Training Sites screens, the input mask requires you to enter class hours as integers. Neither fractions nor decimals works. The format for the corresponding information in LOM is correct (it's formatted as a date/time field, so you can enter minutes, which are entered for each section and rolled up into lessons and courses). My immediate problem is that I've got a short course consisting of one lesson, and it breaks down (in minutes) as follows: Classroom 25; Lab 30; Practical Application 10. I think this is a simple fix (reformat the information as a date/time field). Note that this is the screen that I'd like to have a special role for so that the local training site manager can enter the data. Bug 271 Summary: Need more test item types Product: LO Module Attachment: Full ACR description attached Location: AIM I>LO Module>Section>Assessment Narrative of change request: We need the ability to create (1) multiple choice, multiple answer, (2) hot spot, and (3) drag and drop test items in LO Module. The Instructional Media Design Package (IMDP) currently contains guidance concerning the use of the types of test items listed above. These test items are now being used in self-paced training (IMI) contained in the LO Module. However, since the LO Module does not have the capability to create these test items, they are being added to the IMI in Venus as a workaround. All assessment items should be generated, tracked, and maintained in the LO Module, so we recommend that the ability to generate and maintain these types of test items be added to the LO Module software. The amplifying information and examples contained on the following pages for the three types of test items listed above was “gleaned” from the IMDP, Appendix E, CH. 5 (Draft). I also added comments for clarification. Bug 272 Summary: Add special periods to CMS Product: CPM Location: CPM, Projects tab, TCCD, Training Sites, CMS Currently periods are added to the Course Master Schedule (CMS) from the Sections of the Curriculum Development module, those being ILT-Class, ILT-Lab, ILT-Onboard, Blended, and EPSS. There is no functionality for a "special" or non-instructional period such as testing or graduation. This will ensure accurate course durations are reflected. Request the capability to add non-instructional periods to the CMS module of CPM. This ACR will bring CPM into compliance with NAVEDTRA 130(series) and NETCINST 1510.1. Bug 273 Summary: Can't create Rev/Chg/Canx TPP in CPM Product: CPM Location: CPM, Projects tab, TPP Upon submission of a TPP in CPM only a “New” TPP can be created. The field is not editable to allow for a Revision, Change or Cancellation TPP. Currently in AIM II once a “New” TPP is selected, you have the option to add a Revision Status, Change Number, or from the pull down menu the automatic default “New” status can be changed to “Cancellation”. CPM Training Project Plans should reflect the same capabilities as AIM II currently does. This ACR will bring CPM into compliance with NAVEDTRA 130(series) and NETCINST 1510.10. Bug 274 Summary: Add equipment to Task Attribute pull down Product: CPM Attachment: Image I am entering data in CPM Job Duty Task Analysis under the Task Attributes pull down menu. The choices are: platform, system, subsystem, component, non-equipment. In the submarine training community we train utilizing the system down approach ( systems are made up of subsystem; subsystems are made up of equipment; equipment is made up of components). Once the trainee is taught what equipment is included in the subsystem, he is then taken through the corrective maintenance of each piece of equipment and then there is a subsystem lab at the end of the course to tie it all together. This approach was requested by the fleet years ago. Need to be able to support the example in the attached diagram Bug 275 Summary: Allow global change of references Product: CPM In CPM, JDTA, Task Attributes, you are required to entered the Source(s). In the submarine community we operator under the Technical Insertion / Advanced Processor Build (TI/APB) upgrades. The hardware does not always change from one TI to the next; however, the manual does change. Therefore, I can use the same task from one TI to the next, but I will need to go into the CPM data base and manually change the manual for each task. Would like a way to make a global change or will it be acceptable to type “applicable AN/BYG-1 IETM” as the source? Bug 276 Summary: Simpler and Printable Comprehension Check Practice Element Test Type Product: LO Module Change the functionality of the Practice element so that it is less time consuming for the developer and better supports the intended purpose of this element of the template. Specifically, add a new Practice item test type called 'Comprehension Check' and make it free form (like the 'Performance' type). Add an option to include the Practice element for LP printing for ILT sections. Currently the Practice items do not print so the use of them as a comprehension check within the flow of the course is not possible. In coordination with Dr. Richard Payne NNSY. On the sheet below, please rate the ACRs, using the following scale: Ratings: (1-5) 1 – Critical, highest priority 2 – Important but not critical 3 – Nice to have 4 – Low priority 5 – Invalid, or trivial ACR Rating (1-5) 50 135 136 137 146 147 148 171 183 188 189 190 193 202 205 206 209 214 237 242 243 252* 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 263* 265 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 * AIM ACR Comments