3Rs – International Perspective Dr. Prasad Modak Executive President Environmental Management Centre LLP, India Mulund, Mumbai Dumping Ground 2000 Mulund, Mumbai Dumping Ground 2012 Reduce !! Taming consumption • Twenty top cities in India accounted for 60% of the surplus income. • Annual household income growth in these 20 cities averaged at 11.2% between 2005-08. • Spending gets a 52% boost as house holds move into the middle class • Requires major awareness programm es, Life cycle considerations, Green Public Procurement Picture source: http://revista-amauta.org/2009/07/consumption-the-root-cause-of-climate-change/ Newer Waste Streams – E-Waste • In 2005, 20 to 50 million tonnes of e-waste were generated worldwide • By 2020, e-waste from used computers in emerging economies like South Africa, China and India will ha ve increased by 200-500% over 2007 levels • E-wastes contain metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead, that may leach into the environment and pose a health hazard to human beings, unless handled with care. • Informal sector workers are engaged in dismantling used electrical and electronic equipment in order to recover metals, plastics and other materials for recycling, often without proper protection, exposing them to severe health risks Source: UNEP (2005). E-waste, the hidden side of IT equipment’s manufacturing and use, Environmental Alert Bulletin, http://www.grid.unep.ch/product/publication/download/ew_ewaste.en.pdf Newer Waste Streams – C&D and EoLV • About 10-15 % of waste generat ed in developed countries is due to construction and demolition a ctivity • Discarded vehicles generated in Germany, UK, France, Spain and Italy are responsible for approxi mately 7-5 % of waste generate d in the EU-25. Source: Bournay E. (2006). Vital waste graphic 2, Volume 2, Basel Convention, UNEP and GRIDArendal, Second edition, http://www.grida.no/_res/site/File/publications/vitalwaste2/VWG2_p32and33.pdf Eurostat (2010). End-of-life vehicles (ELVs), Reuse and Recovery rate, last updated on 16.04.2010, http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/portal/page/portal/waste/data/wastestreams/elvs Wastes Not Being Viewed as “Resources” Need for fundamental change in our mindset and attitudes Link between “waste” and “resource” is not well understood Type of waste Recycled products Recycling potential Biomass Composts Future of compost depends on its environmental and agronomic quality and the dynamism of its market. Paper and cardboard Recovered paper (recycled paper) Increasing demand in Asia, particularly in PRC. Plastics Recovered plastics Increasingly stringent regulations and growing demand for recovered plastics in Asia, favoring development and internationalization of this market. Cost of collection system and volatile prices are limiting factors. Ferrous Metals Steel In 2004, world production of scrap metal rose to 450Mt and consumption reached 405.5Mt. Can be recovered from MSW, construction waste, etc. E-wastes Recoverable materials Estimated that 10million computers contain 135,000 metric tons of recoverable materials, such as base metals, silicon, glass, plastic, and precious metals. Source: Adapted from ADB and IGES (2008). Toward Resource-Efficient Economics in Asia and the Pacific: Reduce Reuse Recycle, Asian Development Bank, Manila Wastes Not Being Viewed as “Resources” Need for fundamental change in our mindset and attitudes Valuable Metals That Could be Recovered from a Mobile Phone ferrite Nd Ag, Pd, Ti, Ba, Pb, Ni, Zr Fe, Ag, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb Cu In, Sn Cu, Ni,Au Cu, SiO2, (Br) Pb, Sn Si, Cu, Ni Ta, Ag, Mn Au, Ag, Cu, Si Sb Ag Au Fe, Ni, Cr, Au Source: http://www.coden.jp/rare-metal/use.html Quantity of Non-ferrous Metals Included in One Mobile Phone (Unit: g) Gold 0.028 Silver 0.189 Copper 13.71 Palladium 0.014 Source: http://www.rieti.go.jp/jp/events/bbl/05060701.html Example of effective utilization of waste and byproduct leveraging a cement factory Automobile 自動車業界 industry Waste tire, molding sand 廃タイヤ、鋳物砂 Steel 鉄鋼業界 industry 高炉スラグ、製鋼スラグ steelmaking slag Paper 製紙業界 製紙汚泥、焼却灰 incineration ash Sewage sludge, 下水汚泥、浄水汚泥 water purification sludge Municipal waste 都市ごみ焼却灰 incineration ash 塗料残留物 Paint residue Blast-furnace slag, Distilled liquor residue, 蒸留酒残渣、廃ガラス waste glass Fly ash 集塵灰 Paper-making sludge, industry Cement factory Meat and bone meal, 肉骨粉、プラスチック plastic Soil put out in 建設発生土 construction 建設廃材 and Construction demolition waste Local government 地方自治体 Food industry 食品業界 Construction 建設業界 industry Coal ash, Electricity 電力業界 industry 石炭灰、排煙脱硫石こう flue-gas gypsum Waste disposal 廃棄物処理業界 industry 焼却灰、廃プラスチック waste plastic Housing industry 住宅業界 Waste oil, waste catalyst 廃油、廃触媒 汚泥 Sludge Incineration ash, Refining 精錬業界 industry セメント工場 Waste solvent, 廃溶剤、廃触媒 waste catalyst 廃プラスチック Waste plastic 非鉄鉱さい Nonferrous slag Incineration ash, waste solvent 焼却灰、廃溶剤 Chemical 化学業界 industry Printing industry 印刷業界 廃プラスチック Waste plastic Waste tatami mat 古畳 Petroleum 石油業界 industry 廃プラスチック Waste plastic Agriculture 農業 Source: Adapted from Sameshima (2009), presented at the Inaugural Meeting of the Regional 3R Forum in Asia in November 2009 in Tokyo. Wastes Not Being Viewed as “Resources” Need for fundamental change in our mindset and attitudes Resource efficiency and circular economy The Closed Loop Economy By reducing production of wastes, and by maximising the use of reusable and recyclable materials, a city can achieve greater resource efficiency • Closed-Loop Economy • Recycle Based Society • Sound Material-Cycle Society • Green Growth and Circular Economy Source: ADB and IGES (2008). Toward Resource-Efficient Economics in Asia and the Pacific: Reduce Reuse Recycle. Asian Development Bank, Manila PPP Model for Centralized Community Based Composting in Dhaka PPP MODEL: CASE FOR COMMUNITY BASED COMPOSTING IN BANGLADESH Donor WC provides technical support and facilitation for community based SWM and composting Providing Seed Money Coordinating the Program MoEF Waste Concern DCC & PWD Providing Land and other logistics WC ensures the quality of compost Private Fertilizer Communities Fertilizer companies buy all the compost Communities participate in door-todoor waste collection program & contribute towards its cost. Companies. PUBLIC PRIVATE COMMUNITY Other Related Examples from the World Methane Capture in Gorai Dump, Mumbai • Closure of 25-year-old dumping ground and development of landfill gas recovery at the Gorai creek in Borivli has earned the BMC, the city authority of Mumbai, India US$ 5.7 million by trading of an estimated 31,000 CERs a year • The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been purchasing the carbon credits from the civic body as per market prices when the trading takes place • City’s Gorai dumping ground closure and landfill gas project can be seen as a forerunner in dumpsite methane capture projects. Wongpanich Private Waste Recycling, Thailand: South- South TT ● Recognized as a model for recycling business in Thailand and neighboring countries ● Provides important benefits such as − poverty reduction − create job opportunities − market value for waste − educate people Wongpanich Waste Recycling − and increase awareness within community Factory, Thailand Factory Building Storage of Separated & Cleaned Plastic Containers Recyclable transportation Wongpanich Low Cost Technology Plastic Scrap Management Zinc/Zinc Can Management Wongpanich Low Cost Technology Aluminum Management Glass Bottle/Glass scrap Management Resource recovery – recycling rates Minimu m % Highincome Middleincome Lowincome Maximu Average m % % 30 72 54 6 39 22 6 85 27 Resource recovery - formal vs informal Highincome Middleincome Lowincome Average % Formal % Informal % 54 54 0 22 8 13 27 3 24 Quezon City, Philippines 10 year increase in recycling Year Total IWBs 1997 6% 4% 2006 25% 16% 2009 37% 24% • Started with ‘Linis Ganda’ Linkages across supply chain Recognition & respectability uniforms, ID, access politically connected Organise co-operatives Facilitate affordable credit Photo credits: Embassy of Japan in the Philippines; Government of the Philippines, 2006 Muncipality supports informal collectors of recyclables in Lima, Peru City of Diadema, Brazil contracts the informal sector to collect recyclables • Brazilian President Lula shows his support to the informal sector and enco urages decision makers t o recognise their value a nd use their professional expertise (2005) PPPs in Reuse, Recycling, Composting 2010 Decentralized Integrated Eco-system Weigh bridge Inert Storage Sorting Organic storage Biomethanation or Composting plants Waste Generators/ Waste Sorting Centre Innovation centre Waste Sorting Centres Street lights Material Recovery Centre Gardens Methane gas for street lights and to fuel transport vehicles Processed materials for users Compost to gardens 4R Policy & 4E Goal Zero Waste Reduce → Reuse → Recycle → Recovery CO2 Reduction Reduce Reuse CO2 emission reduction and ‘Zero Waste’ by converting 3R to 4R Recycle Energy Recovery Safe Treatment A new paradigm covering energy and employment along with economy and the environment Energy Environment Economy Environment Economy Employ 9 ①Energy-efficient Production, Distribution, Consumption Natural Resources Volume based waste fee system Nature Reduce the use of disposable items Waste and packaging Materials Recyclable Resources Waste charge system ④Advanced treatment for pollution prevention ②Material recycling to reduce raw materials Online waste disposal verification system Promote the recycling of construction (Allbaro) wastes and used metal scrap Asbestos disposal measures EPR system(24 items) Follow-up management performance Eco-Assurance system for WEEE and deposit for waste disposal facility vehicles ③Energy recovery from waste resources WtE and biomass Eco-energy complex towns Low-carbon green villages 환경부 자원순환국 10 Sudokwon Eco-Energy Complex Town Construction Waste-to-Fuel (4,000ton/day) Testing complex Organic Waste-to-Biogas (1,500ton/day) Other energy plants Sludge-to-Solid Fuel (2,700ton/day) Combustible WtE plant (2,000ton/day) RDF-dedicated Boiler (600ton/day) Sludge solidification plant (1,000ton/day, Dec. 2008) RDF plant (200ton/day, Apr. 2010) 21 Landfill Gas Recovery Project “GHG Reduction Effect” “Oil Substitution Effect” “Economic Benefits” 22 The 1st National Resource Recirculation Master Plan(2011~2015) Direction for master plan on national resource recirculation Set new targets ○ Resources productivity ○ Resources recirculation ratio Impose sector-specific roles and tasks ○ Establish sector-specific roles and tasks ○ Sector-specific policy task at ○ Reduction of ultimate the stage of production, disposal transaction, consumption, and disposal Implementation and assessment ○ Reduce the ultimate volume of disposal and set recycling goals for individual industry and product ○ Create yearly implementation plans, execute and evaluate the achievements Future Plan Discussion on each task via forum(2010) - (Topic) the influence of master plan on resource recirculation and correlation to the relevant plans - Developing the new index for improving resource recirculation - Optimizing measures on the investment in national waste treatment facilities - Maintaining the proper level of material recycling and waste to energy 25 Urban Metabolism and Flows CITIES source: Mathews et al. (2000) The Weight of Nations: material outflows from industrial economies. World Resources Institute, Washington DC: pg. 14 Policy making decision tool: design tool for community leaders, city officials and others Key Points • Decentralized & Participatory Solutions • 3R Policy Framework • Business Models • Waste-Resource Flows - Metabolism