9 December Minutes

Councillor N Peters (Chairman)
Mr P Bush (Vice Chairman)
Councillor I Buckland
Councillor R Elkins
Councillor A Gammon
Councillor A Squires
Councillor Dr J Walsh
Councillor D Wensley
In Attendance:
Ms N Jones (Clerk to the Board)
Mr C Braby (Treasurer to the Board)
Mr B Johnson (Harbour Master)
Mr L Harrison (Deputy Harbour Master)
Mrs J Harris (Notes Secretary)
Apologies were received from Mr J O’Flynn.
Mr Bush declared a personal interest in agenda item 4, the Harbour Operational
Report as a member of the Arun Yacht Club and agenda item 7, Budget and Charges
for 2014/15, as the owner of boat moored on the River who pays harbour dues. Cllr
Buckland declared an interest as a member of Littlehampton Town Council. It was
agreed that this would be a standing declaration of interest for future meetings.
489.1 Regarding minute 481.2, the moorings at Bridge Hard, the Harbourmaster confirmed
that under the terms of the lease, sub-letting was not permitted.
489.2 The Minutes of the meeting held on 28th October 2013 (previously circulated)
were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
The Harbour Master presented a report (previously circulated) which detailed the
operational activities undertaken in the harbour since the last meeting. In addition,
the Harbour Master updated the Board on the following matters:
490.1 Commercial Trade
The Harbour Master stated that no further commercial trade was expected this year.
It was noted that Tarmac’s current activities did not require the use of the Harbour.
490.2 Pilotage
The Harbour Master confirmed that the controlling depth at the Bar was 0.7m which
meant that the Harbour was open for 75% of the time and that this was sufficient to
meet the needs of users.
For information on the Harbour visit our web site at: www.littlehampton.org.uk
490.3 Leisure Trade
The Board noted that Town Quay was now closed to users. Whilst there were a
couple of visitors who were not aware of the closure, the Harbour Master was
confident that the closure had been sufficiently publicised.
490.4 Conservancy Duty
The Harbour Master reported that a further survey had been undertaken of the Arun
Yacht Club moorings on 27th November, prior to their dredging exercise.
490.4 Dredging
Regarding the shoal bank, the Harbour Master reported that recent poor weather had
resulted in an increased amount of over topping causing the bank to expand. It was
noted that the Environment Agency shingle recycling effort on the West Bank would
help mitigate the impact on the harbour mouth and that the residue would be dealt
with in the spring. The Board also noted that the Arun Yacht Club had recently
commenced the dredging of the yacht club moorings.
490.5 s43 Consents & MMO Consents
2 s43 Consents had been issued since the last meeting, for the EA East Bank Flood
Defence Scheme and Arun Yacht Club’s dredging. Osborne of Arun had been
granted a variation to a licence issued by MMO allowing them to pile riverward of
Arun Timber Docks. Final arrangements for the placement of piles and pontoons
were to be agreed locally with LHB.
490.6 EA East Bank Flood Defence Scheme
The Harbour Master reported that problems with machinery had resulted in the
project falling five weeks behind. The contractors were working at the weekend to
make up the time and piling had commenced. It was not anticipated that the piling
would affect navigation in the Harbour. In addition, the Harbour Board vessel
Windsong was providing safety boat cover for the duration of the works.
The Board RESOLVED to:
Note the contents of the Harbour Operational Report.
491.1 The Board received the minutes of the PMSC meeting held on 17th October 2013
(previously circulated). The Board noted that the Harbour Master had agreed a move
away from reviewing risk assessments to reviewing standard operating practices. It
was felt there was more benefit to be gained and this had been agreed with the
Board’s Designated Person.
491.2 Regarding the vessel Catch22/Albatross, the Harbour Master reported that
impounding the vessel was proving complex and it was currently berthed in the
Harbour Board’s yard.
491.3 Regarding the new light in the lighthouse, the Harbour Master confirmed that a more
energy efficient LED light had been installed.
The Board RESOLVED to:
Note the contents of the minutes of the PMSC meeting held on 17th October
For information on the Harbour visit our web site at: www.littlehampton.org.uk
492.1 The Board considered a report from the Harbour Master (previously circulated) which
set out proposals regarding the future use of the pontoons at Town Quay. The
Harbour Master explained that the 2014/15 budget assumed moorings at Town Quay
be leased permanently as this was more profitable than retaining them as visitor
berths.. The estimated cost to the Board of retaining visitor moorings was £5Kpa and
would have to be funded through an increase in the 2014/15 Precept.
492.2 The Board went on to consider the case for maintaining visitor moorings in the
context of the proposed costs and the aims and objectives of the Harbour. Visitors
were viewed as an intrinsic part of the Harbour’s business and the value of visiting
vessels in terms of the contribution to the local economy was acknowledged. The
Board discussed short-term measures to boost income by offering a mixture of visitor
moorings and longer-term leases during quieter spells. It was also confirmed that
uptake of moorings at Bridge Hard would be kept under review.
492.3 The Treasurer highlighted some constraints within the 2014/15 draft budget, which
limited the availability of funds for investment in the Harbour going forward. This
included the need to make provision for a new mooring agreement with Angmering
Estates (between £5K-£6K) because of the repositioning of the Pier Road Moorings
following the EA flood protection work. This prompted a discussion of some long-term
options to generate income from other areas in the harbour such as the West Bank
and the UMA wharf. The Board was conscious of the need to maximise the income
from its assets but recognised that it was also necessary to continue reducing its
borrowing in order to build a case for significant long-term investment. Members
recognised that the Harbour Board did not possess the expertise needed to take this
forward and other avenues of support were discussed. These included bidding for
pump priming through the Local Enterprise Partnership and seeking the assistance of
the local MEP to explore the availability of funding from Europe.
492.4 The Board recognised that Town Quay was a prime site and as such, the pontoon
was ideally positioned to benefit from the current investment in the flood defences
and enhancements to the river walkway. The creation of visitor berths was therefore
viewed as a continuation of the investment that was already taking place to improve
the Harbour infrastructure. The Board was also mindful of the long-term aim to
promote the Harbour as a leisure port, and Members wished to explore other options
to maximise revenue. It was therefore RESOLVED that:
1) The Harbour Board increase its precept by £5,000 to cover the cost of
providing visitor moorings at Town Quay and that the 2014/15 Budget
and Precept be amended accordingly.
2) Officers pursue other options as set out in paragraph 492.3 above and
that the findings are reported to the Board at a future meeting.
Cllr Dr Walsh and Cllr Peters declared personal interests regarding the discussion on
employment costs as Trustees of the West Sussex County Council Pension Scheme.
493.1 The Treasurer presented details of the predicted outcome for the current financial
year and the proposed budget and schedule of charges for 2014/15 (previously
circulated). Regarding the current year, the Treasurer reported that the year-end
deficit was expected to be only marginally worse than budget. As predicted, income
remained stubbornly below budget largely due to reduced income from Harbour Dues
and the former UMA Wharf being unoccupied. However, by reallocating funds from
2012/13 the Board had achieved a significant investment in capital, maintenance and
For information on the Harbour visit our web site at: www.littlehampton.org.uk
repairs to the harbour infrastructure that had increased capability and improved the
amenities in the harbour.
493.2 The Treasurer stated that the priority was to break even operationally and the Board
went on to consider the draft budget for 2014/15. He explained that it was already
apparent that 2014/15 would be a challenging year in terms of trying to contain costs
and highlighted some of the issues that had put pressure on the Budget. These
included a significant increase in employment costs owing to potential changes as a
result of the actuarial review of WSCC’s Pension Fund and the advent of auto
enrolment. A direct increase in costs was also seen as a result of the instigation of
the infrastructure maintenance regime. Regarding income, the budget assumed that
the former UMA Wharf would remain unoccupied, an increase in charges of 2.7%
and that visitor spaces at the Pier Road Moorings would be surrendered in favour of
permanent moorings.
493.3 Concerning the proposed increase in charges, the Treasurer explained that the rate
of increase was in line with inflation but would not apply to harbour dues for dinghies
<5m in club compounds and the daily visitor charges which were frozen for one year.
The Harbour Master stated that having undertaken a bench marking exercise,
Officers were confident that the proposed increases hit the right balance and would
preserve custom. Regarding the former UMA Wharf, Members noted that it was
proving difficult to find a suitable tenant and that the resources required to do a
feasibility study on the future of the site were not readily available. The consensus
among Members was that the costs could be mitigated by utilising the network of
Local Authority contacts via the Board. It was agreed that the Harbour Master and
Treasurer would investigate establishing links with the Local Authorities to take this
forward. The Board also noted that the West Sussex Cabinet Member for Finance
and Resources planned to visit the Harbour in the New Year. Concluding the debate
on this item and having agreed earlier in the meeting to retain visitor moorings at
Town Quay rather than opt for permanent moorings envisaged in the draft budget,
Members noted that an uplift in the proposed level of Precept from £204,642 to
£209,642 would be required to cover the cost of providing the visitor moorings. The
Board therefore RESOLVED:
1) To note the revised forecast for 2013/14.
2) That the Treasurer be authorised to vire funds between 2013/14
budget income and expense headings as appropriate.
3) That the 2014/15 Budget be approved.
4) The amount of the 2014/15 Precept be set at £209,642 to be
shared equally between Arun District Council and West Sussex
County Council.
5) That the 2014/15 Schedule of Charges be approved.
494.1 The Board received and considered a revised version of the Constitution that had
been updated to bring it in line with current working practices (previously circulated).
1) To adopt the revised document dated 9th December 2013 as its new
2) That the Clerk be authorised to produce A5 copies for Members and
Officers and place a copy on the Harbour Board website.
For information on the Harbour visit our web site at: www.littlehampton.org.uk
495.1 The Board received and considered a meeting schedule for 2014/15 (previously
circulated). Members asked that the 2014 away day be added to the schedule and it
was RESOLVED that:
Subject to the inclusion of the date of the 2014 away day, the schedule of
meetings for 2014/15 be approved.
496.1 Mr Warren asked why income from using the Harbour Board’s vessel Windsong as a
safety boat for the works being carried out by the EA on the East Bank was not
included in the budget.
496.2 The Treasurer explained that the arrangement to use Windsong as a safety boat had
been agreed after the budget had been prepared.
496.3 Regarding visitor moorings, Mr Boyce asked if Members were aware that Marine
South East and SEEDA had undertaken a national survey of the impact of visiting
vessels on maritime economies and he recommended that the Board review the
contents of the study.
496.4 The Board noted this information and thanked Mr Boyce for bringing it to their
496.5 Referring to Minute 481.11of the previous meeting, Mr Boyce asked why the a
comment that the Board was “in litigation” had not been included in the minutes and
asked if the revised Constitution would be published on the Harbour Board website.
496.6 The Chairman stated that the Board would consider if Mr Boyce’s comments were
appropriate when Members came to discuss the Exempt Business. The Clerk
confirmed that the revised Constitution would be published on the Harbour Board
496.7 In view of the fact that the Board sought additional sources of income, Mr Boyce
questioned what in his view was the Board’s confrontational approach in respect of
Osborne of Arun’s requests to discuss their proposals to increase visitor moorings.
He also sought confirmation that Osborne of Arun’s proposals would be taken into
496.8 In response, the Chairman gave an assurance that the Board’s stance in this matter
was not confrontational. He explained that discussions of this nature were part of a
phased approach adopted by the Board to secure the long-term future of the
Harbour. The Board would therefore consider all proposals as part of this process at
the appropriate time.
496.9 Referring to a recent attempt to report an out of hours incident to the Harbour
Master’s office, Mr Parker asked why he had received a poor response.
496.10The Deputy Harbour Master confirmed he was aware of this matter. He stated that
whilst the incident was dealt with, Officers had been unable to reply to Mr Warren
because they did not have a contact number. A discussion of the out of hours contact
procedures ensued and it became apparent that the way that Harbour Board’s
telephone worked did not provide the facility to record incoming numbers. The Board
noted that the duty telephone numbers were displayed but asked that Officers review
the procedure for handling out of hours calls and ensure that contact details for
regular harbour users were up to date.
For information on the Harbour visit our web site at: www.littlehampton.org.uk
It was RESOLVED that:
Due to the confidential nature of the following items to be considered, that the
public and accredited representatives of the press and other media be
excluded from the meeting on the grounds that they involve the likely
disclosure of business of personal information relating to an individual, the
business of third parties and/or legal proceedings.
498.1 The Board considered Mr Boyce’s request concerning the accuracy of the minutes of
the meeting held on 28th October 2013. It was not felt appropriate to amend the minutes
to reflect his comments.
The Board therefore RESOLVED to:
Take no further action in connection with the comments made by Mr Boyce.
498.2 Regarding Minute 486.3, the Clerk gave a broad outline of the procedure being
followed as a result of advice received in connection with Ballast Wharf. It was
The Exempt Minutes of the meeting held on 28th October 2013 (previously
circulated) were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair.
499.1 The Board received and considered a report from the Clerk that set out the current
position regarding leasing the unlet part of the former UMA Wharf (previously
circulated to Members only). The Board discussed the complexities of the
negotiations of a commercial lease of this nature in some detail and RESOLVED
The Board would continue negotiations for the lease of the remaining land at
former UMA Wharf through it’s appointed Commercial Agent and its legal
The meeting closed at 11.35am.
For information on the Harbour visit our web site at: www.littlehampton.org.uk