Ch 15.1 The New Deal Fights the Depression Main Idea After

Ch 15.1 The New Deal Fights the Depression
Main Idea
After becoming president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) used government programs to combat the
Why did Republicans think Hoover couldn't win?
What was Democrat Roosevelt's background?
What were the results of the 21932 election, in Congress as well as the presidency?
Democrats take all 3
What is the 20th Amendment?
Inauguration to January
" The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of
January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January..."
delete cartoon before printing
What was the "brain trust?"
What was the New Deal?
advisers help set policy
alleviate problems of the Great Depression: relief for the
needy, economic recovery, financial reform 3Rs relief, recovery, reform
What was "The Hundred Days?"
What were the reforms in Banking?
What was the Emergency Banking Relief Act? permits Treasury Dept. to inspect banks
decides which are insolvent, sound, or need loans
public confidence in banks revived
What was the first fireside chat about? Was it successful? yes, many returned their savings
FDR gives fireside chats—radio talks explaining New Deal measures
First chat discusses need for public support of government, banks
What was the Glass-Steagall Act?
establishes Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , $5000
insures individual bank accounts, regulates banking practices
What was the Federal Securities Act?
What is the Securities and Exchange Commission?
FDR gets law allowing some alcoholic beverages, govt. needs the revenue
21st Amendment repeals prohibition by end of 1933
What were the reforms in Agriculture?
Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), raises food prices,
lowers supply, pay to not grow crops
What did the Tennessee Valley Authority(TVA) do?
What was the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)?
What was the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)? money to states for schools, community buildings
Set codes of fair practice, working conditions, wages,
and work hours
labor: rights to organize and bargain collectively
Symbol is the Blue Eagle
What was the Civil Works Administration (CWA)?
What was Home Owners Loan Corporation?
What was the National Housing Act?
Created the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Continues to provide loans for home mortgages and repairs
What was the Federal Emergency Relief Administration(FERA)?
What is deficit spending?
John Maynard Keynes,
How did liberal and conservative critics differ in their opposition to the New Deal?
liberals: ND didn't go far enough to help poor and
reform economic system
conservatives: AAA and NIRA give govt. too much
control over agriculture and industry, interfered with
free-market economy
Supreme Court consists of 9 Members, and serve for life
How did The Supreme Court React to some of the legislation of the New Deal?
What was the reaction to FDR's “Court-packing bill?"
appt. 6 new judges,
Starting in 1937, justices retire; FDR appoints seven new judges in 4 years
What was the American Liberty League?
3 Critics of FDR
Father Charles Coughlin
Dr. Francis Townsend
Huey Long
senator LA, Share-Our-Wealth, wanted to be president, assassinated
“Every Man A King” who would own a house, a car and a radio
every family a minimum annual income of $5,000
Pay by taxing the income, property, and inheritance of the wealthy