THE WELLBEING OF OUR PROFESSION : SOME BIG CHANGES NEED TO HAPPEN ON THE WAY TO OUR FUTURE Professor Roger Collins Australian Graduate School of Management OUR CONFERENCES ARE OUR PRIMARY SACRED SITE WHERE WE : REVIEW OUR ACHIEVEMENTS & PROGRESS CELEBRATE AND REINVIGORATE UPDATE OUR KNOWLEDGE AND NETWORKS STRENGTHEN OUR IDENTITY : what we stand for, what we aspire to become and contribute CHALLENGE AND VALIDATE OUR WORLD VIEW, and if necessary REINVENT OURSELVES TO MAINTAIN OUR CONTINUED RELEVANCE 3 Stages 1. Rites of separation : the importance of sacred sites ! 2. Liminality 3. Re-incorporation 1. Move to a separate location: “sacred sites” 2. Frees up from day to day routines, increases our accessibility to change 3. Fosters disidentification with the past 4. Identifies the actors : the people who are preparing for their future 1. Sacred ceremonies and rituals begin the momentum for change 2. Inject new information to change our “Worldview “ 3. Create opportunities to see visions, new possibilities 4. Create new identities, a new personna who we think we are, what we think is possible Re-entry with: New aspirations New roles New contributions New commitments OUR FOCUS : THIS CONFERENCE IS HRINZ’S SACRED SITE WHERE WE STRENGTHEN OUR IDENTITY AND SENSE OF PURPOSE WE CRITIQUE OUR WELLBEING AND THE STATUS QUO, AND IF APPROPRIATE WE REINVENT OURSELVES AND OUR PROFESSION TO MAINTAIN OUR WELLBEING, RELEVANCE AND SUCCESS AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. What’s our attitude to the future? Discontinuities as opportunities So what might be the signals that we are at a discontinuity ? Implications for Our profession ? The Institute ? Me ? THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT THE FUTURE IS OUR ATTITUDE TO IT ! Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons Popular Mechanics, 1949 Ken Olson, CEO and Founder : DIGITAL 640k ought to be enough for anybody! Bill Gates, 1981 IT MAY BE MORE AND CERTAINLY MORE TO , SHAPE AND INFLUENCE THE FUTURE THAN TO IT. Jules Verne Werner von Braun Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re probably right” Henry Ford SO, WHEN IS IT CRITICAL TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE FUTURE? (hint: it’s always important but not always critical) The Sigmoid Curve and the Road to Davey’s Bar A E G H F D B C (Charles Handy) DISCONTINUITIES “HAPPEN” and can be CREATED. DISCONTINUITIES ARE OUR FRIEND, NOT THE ENEMY. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT and STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP STRATEGIC LEADERS ARE MORE LIKELY TO IDENITFY THE SIGNALS FROM THE NOISE SO WHAT MIGHT BE SOME SIGNALS? 1. NEW SOURCES OF We now have greater opportunities to add value and sources of competitive advantage than ever before ! ! 3 1 2 Low Centrality of Workforce to Organisation Strategy and Performance High Complexity / Sophistication of Workforce Low High 2. ACCELERATING RATE OF KNOWLEDGE CREATION 3. THE SILOS IN OF OUR KNOWLEDGE ARE BREAKING DOWN 4. EMERGENCE OF NEW INDUSTRIES WITH NEW PERFORMANCE DRIVERS, NEW RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Convergence of industries such as Financial Services, Information Technology, Communications, and Retailing 5. NEW DEFINITIONS OF SUCCESS ORGANISATIONS INDIVIDUALS 6. AND WE CAN’T DENY THAT THE CURRENT THINKING AND SOLUTIONS ARE NOT WORKING! SO WHAT ARE SOME IMPLICATIONS FOR Leading and managing people Our profession The Institute Me? Profit Horizon 3 Horizon 2 Horizon 1 Build emerging businesses Extend and defend core businesses Create viable options Time Baghai: The Alchemy of Growth (1999) HORIZON ONE: OUR CORE THE CHALLENGE OF WALKING AND CHEWING GUM CONTINUES PARTNERSHIPS AND PORTFOLIOS THE CHALLENGE 1 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Technical leadership & management Convergent, linear thinking Continuity 10 ORGANISATIONAL RENEWAL Adaptive leadership Divergent, associative thinking Discontinuity “The answer is in the question “ EXECUTIVE TEAM COMPOSITION PERFORMANCE MANAGERS ORGANISATIONAL RENEWERS Emergent Partnerships The individual member Managers External Providers: Transactional Strategic HR Specialists THINK CLUSTERS OR PORTFOLIOS OF HR PRACTICES, NOT SINGLE INITIATIVES HORIZON TWO: THE EMERGENT FUTURE New definitions of success for corporations and individuals Changing our vocabulary ?? “Human Resources” ?? “Employees” and“organisation” Members and Communities Competencies and Capabilities Definition of Capabilities A corporate capability is the capacity of an organisation or a group of people, supported by systems and processes, to make a contribution that enables high performance and potentially competitive advantage. Examples Flight Centre McDonalds Implication! We need greater input from Sociology Anthropology History ! HORIZON THREE: COMING OVER A HORIZON NEAR YOU! HYBRID VIGOR THE POTENTIAL OF HYBRID VIGOR 12 - 15 % faster growth !! SO, WHERE SHOULD WE CREATE HYBRID VIGOR ? Hybrid professional bodies, conferences and events Hybrid occupations / professions Hybrid careers Hybrid departments and teams “The voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes” Marcel Proust The way forward is, paradoxically, to look not ahead, but to look around” It is not the mountain that we need to conquer, but ourselves “ “ Sir Edmund Hillary SO, CHECK YOUR ATTITUDE TO THE FUTURE ROTTER, 1966: “LOCUS OF CONTROL” EXTERNALIST INTERNALIST