Specific Heat Virtual Lab Worksheet

Specific Heat Virtual Lab
Define Specific Heat:
What did you notice about the land and water?
Specific Heat Virtual Lab
1. What can you conclude from these results? (Which material heats and cools the
2. What do these results indicate about the heating of the Earth? (Does the Earth heat
the same way all over?)
3. Think about it: What do you think would happen if the Earth were covered with over
70% land instead of water?
Real World Application Questions:
1. If you walk barefooted in the summer, why does a sidewalk feel hotter than the grass?
2. Why does the sand feel hotter than the ocean water?
3. When night falls on a nice summer day, the air temperature drops by 10 degrees Celsius.
Will the temperature of the water in a lake change by the same amount as the land nearby?
Specific Heat Virtual Lab
Using specific heat information from today, write to explain how the air above land and water
differ? Relate this information to how land and sea breezes form.