Taking your ideas and making them permanent….. Drafting is the Language of Technology 3.40 BTS There are just a few different kinds of drawings to learn about. Lets learn about Drafting! Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Artist Scientist Inventor Philosopher Leonardo Da Vinci Technology Innovator Quite possibly, Leonardo was the most brilliant creator of technology the world has ever known! A glider. One of Leonardo’s flight ideas Leonardo made extensive drawings of his ideas. His drawings and the drawings of others helped standardize the way in which drawings are made. Let’s look at some drawings types and the names of these different drawings. Drawings fall into just a few different groups. The most common drawings are named: Multi-view (Mull-tie v-you) The Sketch Sketches are the first step in making accurate drawings of ideas. They can be done quickly and with a minimum of drafting tools. The Sketch Here is a sketch by Leonardo . Can you guess what he is thinking about? Isometric Drawings Isometric drawings are ones that use the idea that the corner of the item rests on the paper and the sides project back at 30 degrees from horizontal This is a famous drawing by an Artist named Escher. (Es-sherr) Follow the water’s path! This is an example of an Isometric Drawing Surfaces go back in space from the corners. Look at the horizontal line above the corner. The lines which draw the walls project back from that point. Look at the isometric way this drawing is constructed. This complicated drawing is really quite easy to draw! Lets draw a simple Isometric box. Start with a vertical line. It represents the corner of the box that is closest to you in space. A Simple Isometric box. Using the 30-60-90 triangle, draw lines back in space. A Simple Isometric box. Using the 30-60-90 triangle, Now draw back the tops of the sides A Simple Isometric box. Now draw the ends of the left and right front panels A Simple Isometric box. Now close the top. Erase the extra part of the lines…. A completed, simple Isometric box. Three sides can be viewed at the same time in… Top This Leonardo crossbow is drawn in the oblique style The size of the man on the right gives this drawing a sense of scale. Oblique Drawings... are drawn as if one side of the item is flat on the paper and the depth is shown by projecting lines back at a 45 degree angle. An Oblique Drawing A Horizontal Line An Oblique Drawing One surface is drawn flat on the paper. In this case it is the rear end of the crossbow Oblique (Oh-Bleek) Drawings Here is a drawing of front surface of a block. It is drawn as if it is flat on the paper. Oblique Drawings Lines which show the depth of the item extend back at a 45 degree angle. Oblique Drawings Add the lines which show the end of the surfaces Completed Oblique Drawing Leonardo is still at it…. He is putting his ideas into drawings. What is the subject of this drawing ? This is a Multi-view or Orthographic Drawing Top view and front view of a Bridge Can you spot the top view of the boat? Can you see the boat under the bridge? This is a multi-view Drawing. It is also known as an Orthographic drawing. It shows two different views of the same thing on the same drawing. The different views in orthographic drawings have common sense names. Top View Front View The other views in orthographic drawings are called: Top View Left Side View Right Side View Bottom View And the Back View! Front View Lets make a multi-view drawing of the letter “T” (for technology) Multi-view drawings commonly consist of the front and right side. More complicated drawings include more drawings. Front/top and right side drawings are common also. A common view to do first is the “front” view. Here is the front view of our “T” Project lines to the right. We will use these to draw the Right View. 1 The right side view shows what the T looks like from the right side of the letter. The right side view is rotated 90 degrees from the front view. Now lets show the top view. Dashed lines must be added to indicate hidden features, like the bottom of the T where the bottom joins the top. The top view shows what the T looks like from the top of the letter. The three views in this Orthographic Projection: Front View Right View Top View This type makes drawings the way the human eyes sees images. This kind of drawing is named “Perspective”. There are three types of perspective drawings, but we are only going to look at 1. It is called a 1 point perspective. Perspective Drawings are drawings the way the eye sees things. Here is another Leonardo work: The Last Supper. It is an example of a 1 point perspective. In 1 point Perspective Drawings… lines that are parallel in real life cross at 1 location. Lets look at how One Point Perspectives can be easily understood. In the painting, look at the top of the inside room and top of the hanging tapestries... Notice that the tops of these tapestries line up as they go back in space. If we connect the other tops and the ceiling corner lines…. They converge (cross) at one point. This painting is a 1 point perspective. Perspective The place where the lines converge is known as a vanishing point. Perspective Lets use the perspective technique to draw the letter “T”. We start with the point where the lines converge, or cross. This is known as the vanishing point. We are going to draw a one point perspective of the letter T. Perspective Draw lines which start from the vanishing point. Perspective Perspective Its beginning to look like something now… Its all about a little connecting and erasing! Perspective There it is, a perspective letter T. Drawing styles that can be used to draw the letter “T” 1 point perspective Oblique Orthographic Projection or Multi-View Isometric Coming up is a drawing activity. On the “B” size gridded paper, you are going to select a letter or number and draw it in each of the drawing styles. orthographic oblique isometric perspective From Leonardo to today: different drawings help all of us communicate and understand ideas. Remember the different kind of drawings and choose the ones that best communicate your ideas!