Cell Growth and Reproduction


Cell Growth and


Cell Size Limitations

 Most cells are 2-200 µm (micrometer) in diameter

1) Diffusion limits cell size

 If larger, cell can not diffuse substances in & out efficiently

2) DNA limits cell size

 Only so much protein can be made at one time from DNA

 3) Surface Area to Volume Ratio limits size

 If cell size increases, cell membrane can not keep up with needs

Cell Division

 “All cells are made from preexisting cells through cell division” (Cell Theory)

 Cell division results in 2 new cells, identical to the original

 Helps organisms grow larger, develop, change, heal, etc


 DNA:



 In nucleus of eukaryotes

 Contains genetic info

 Composed of nucleotides



 When cells divide, chromosomes develop from DNA

 Chromosome: DNA & protein in a coiled, rod-shaped form

 Histones: proteins that help DNA form chromosomes

 Together, DNA & a histone form a unit called a


Nucleosome Structure

Chromosome Structure

 Chromosomes have

2 identical parts called sister chromatids

Chromatid →

 Connected by a centromere



The Cell Cycle

 Cell Cycle: the repeating set of events that make up the life of a cell

 Interphase: time between divisions



, S, G

2 phases)

 M phase: when division occurs


Phases of Cell Cycle

 Interphase: most of cell’s lifetime

1) G


: cell growth

2) S: DNA replication (copied)

 3) G


: centrioles form & cell prepares to divide

 Mitosis: division of nucleus

 1) Prophase

 2) Metaphase

 3) Anaphase

 4) Telophase

 5)Cytokinesis

Pre-Mitosis Cell


Phases of Mitosis

 1) Prophase

 Chromosomes form

 Nuclear membrane breaks down

 Centrioles and spindle fibers appear

 Prophase

The arrow is pointing to the dark region, which is condensing chromatin

Phases of Mitosis

 2) Metaphase

 Spindle fibers move chromosomes to the center of the cell

 Fibers attach to each sister chromatid at the centromere

 Metaphase

Ch = chromosome,

S = spindle

Phases of Mitosis

 3) Anaphase

 Sister chromatids separate and move to opposite sides of cell

 once apart, are considered individual chromosomes

 Anaphase

Cell in mid anaphase

Phases of Mitosis

 4) Telophase

 Spindle fibers dissolve and nuclear membrane reforms

 Chromosomes unwind back into chromatin

 Telophase

Cell in early telophase. The arrow points to the formation of a cell plate.

Phases of Mitosis

 5) Cytokinesis

 division of the cytoplasm

Cleavage Furrow: area that pinches in to form 2 separate cells in animals

Cell Plate: forms cell walls around each new cell

The arrow is pointing to the cell plate, which divides the cell into two new cells.

Live Mitosis!!

 Mitosis

 http://www.phschool.com/science/biology_pla ce/biocoach/mitosisisg/process.html

Control of the Cell Cycle

 Cell cycle is controlled by genes (DNA)

 If genes become damaged, cells undergo mitosis uncontrollably!!

 Sudden growth & reproduction of cells creates tumors

 Benign Tumor: non-harmful; stays in place

 Malignant Tumor: harmful b/c spreads throughout body

Causes of Cancer

 1) Genetics: inherit from parents

 2) Chemicals: cigarette tar, food preservatives, pollution

 3) UV Radiation: overexposure to sunlight

 4) Viruses: herpes, HIV

Skin Cancer

 Most common form

 Caused by overexposure to UV rays

 Types:

 1) Basal Cell: most common form; easy to treat

 2) Squamous: affects upper layers of skin

 3) Malignant: most deadly and fastspreading; found in moles


Chapter 8


 “Sexual reproduction”

 Produces Gametes : human reproductive cells (sperm/egg)

 Cells begin with 2 sets of chromosomes

 Must divide twice to become 4 single cells

 Occurs in 2 stages:

 1) Meiosis I

 2) Meiosis II

Types of Chromosomes

 2 Types:

 Sex Chromosomes: determine sex of organism (male/female)

Male: XY

Female: XX

Humans have 1 pair

 Autosomes: all others

Humans have 22 pairs

Homologous Chromosomes

 Organisms produced by sexual reproduction

(2 parents) have

2 copies of each autosome

 Homologous Chromosomes: carry genes for same traits

 1 from each parent

 same size & shape


 Karyotype: a picture of an individual’s chromosomes

 May be used to identify genetic disorders

 Humans:

22 autosome pairs

1 sex chromosome pair



Sex Chromosomes

↑ ↑

Phases of Meiosis I

 1) Prophase I Prophase I

 Same as Mitosis, except …

 Homologous chromosomes pair up to form a tetrad

 Chromatids twist around each other & exchange info

 Crossing-over: creates new mixture of genetic material

Maternal & Paternal DNA exchanged

Crossing Over

Tetrad →

Phases of Meiosis I

 2) Metaphase I

 Tetrads line up randomly along center of cell

 Metaphase I

Phases of Meiosis I

 3) Anaphase I

 Each homologous chromosome moves to either side of cell

 Independent Assortment: random separation of homologous chromosomes to opposite sides of cell

Creates genetic variation

Anaphase I

Phases of Meiosis I

 4) Telophase I & Cytokinesis I

Same as Mitosis, except…

 New cells contain 1 chromosome from each homologous pair

Different genetic material than original

Telophase I & Cytokinesis I

Phases of Meiosis II

 1) Prophase II

 Chromosomes form and spindles attach

 Prophase II

Phases of Meiosis II

 2) Metaphase II

 Chromosomes move to center of cell

 Metaphase II

Phases of Meiosis II

 3) Anaphase II

 Chromatids separate and move to either side of cell

 Anaphase II

Phases of Meiosis II

 4) Telophase II & Cytokinesis II

 Nuclear membrane reforms

 4 new cells form (gametes)

 Telophase II & Cytokinesis II

Results of Meiosis

 After meiosis has occurred, 4 new cells are created

 All genetically different

 Will become 4 new sperm or 1 new egg

Eukaryotic Cell Division

 Mitosis: results in new cells with identical genetic material as original

 Used for growth, repair, etc.

 Meiosis: cuts chromosome # in half (to 23)

 2 different cells must later join to form 1 whole cell

“sexual reproduction”

Diploid & Haploid Cells

 Diploid Cells: cells with 2 sets of chromosomes - Mitosis

Describes all human cells except sperm & egg

Abbreviated “2n”

 i.e.: Human 2n = 46

 Haploid Cells: cells with 1 set of chromosomes - Meiosis

Describes human sperm & egg cells

Abbreviated “1n”

 i.e. Human 1n = 23

Binary Fission

 Binary Fission: division of a prokaryotic cell into 2 identical offspring cells

 Steps:

 1) Cells makes copy of DNA

2) Cell grows to 2x’s normal size

 3) Cell wall forms, splitting into 2 cells, each with own copy of DNA

Binary Fission (con’t)

Chromosome #’s

 Different species have different #’s of chromosomes inside their nucleus

 Humans have 46

 Lettuce only has 18

 But, dogs have 78!!

 (more chromosomes ≠ more complex!!)
