International Baccalaureate

What is IB?
What is IB?
 The International Baccalaureate is an organization
dedicated to high quality education throughout the world.
 It is comprised of three programs – the Primary Years
Program (PYP), the Middle Years Program (MYP), and the
Diploma Program (DP).
IB mission statement
IB learner profile
Programme standards and practices
Lakeland Elementary
Humble High School
Ross Sterling MS
and Humble HS
Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring,
knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a
better and more peaceful world through intercultural
understanding and respect.
To this end, the IB works with schools, governments and
international organizations to develop challenging programmes
of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become
active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that
other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Learner Profile
 The attributes and descriptors
of the learner profile define the
type of learner the IB hopes to
develop through its
programmes. It originated in
the PYP where it was called the
“PYP student profile”, but
practitioners from all three
programmes identified it as a
set of qualities that could also
enhance learning in the MYP
and the Diploma Programme—
learning that should not come
to a stop at the age of 11, but
should carry through to the
completion of the Diploma
Programme. It is now called the
“IB learner profile” to make it
applicable to all students and
adults involved in the
implementation of IB
programmes, that is, to the IB
community of learners.
Program Models
 The IB Diploma Programme
(DP) is an academically
challenging and balanced
programme of education
with final examinations that
prepares students, aged 16
to 19, for success at
university and life beyond. It
has been designed to
address the intellectual,
social, emotional and
physical well-being of
students. The programme,
has gained recognition and
respect from the world’s
leading universities.
What is IBDP?
 IBDP is an internationally focused college-level
program comprised of six mandatory fields of study:
Equivalent programs
of study:
•A full course load of
AP classes
•About 5 British Alevels
What is IBDP?
 The outer part of the circle
represents the required
classes (top to bottom):
1 – Language & Literature
2 – Language Acquisition
3 – Individuals & Societies
4 – Sciences
5 – Mathematics
6 – The Arts
What is IBDP?
 The next part of the circle
represents the three core
 1 – Theory of Knowledge
 2 – Extended Essay
 3 – Creativity, Action,
The Center of the Circle
 The very center represents the Learner.
 IB pushes a holistic view of education – that education
isn’t just about the attainment of knowledge, but at
producing successful individuals and lifelong learners.
 The IB students are:
The Inner Circle
 1 – Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a required class in
the branch of philosophy called epistemology – How
do we know what we know?
 2 – The Extended Essay (EE) is a required
undergraduate level thesis paper written on any topic
of the author’s choosing.
 3 – Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) is analogous to
NHS points: to become a well rounded person, you
must partake in a variety of activities.
The Outer Circle
 1 – IB English incorporates the elements of a World
Literature class without forgetting the classics.
 2 – Foreign Language is required. We offer French and
Spanish. By learning another language, you gain insight
into your own, and after all, the limits of your language are
the limits of your world.
 3 – History of the Americas covers not only U.S. History,
but also South America, Canada, and the Caribbean,
Government, and Economics over two years.
The Outer Circle (cont…)
 4 – Science must also be taken at IB level. Throughout the 2
years you will be required to design and implement your
own labs.
 5 – Mathematics covers pieces from every domain: algebra,
trigonometry, calculus, statistics, and geometry without
sacrificing depth of study.
 6 – The Fine Arts are also required. Even if you don’t play
an instrument or are not good at art, you can still excel at
these classes. You can also, if necessary, substitute another
class from groups 2, 3 or 4.
IB Classes – HL and SL
 HL and SL classes mean Higher Level and Standard
 Both levels of classes are generally two year courses.
 Every student must take 3 HL classes (and sometimes
4 can be taken.)
 The HL/SL difference is essentially the same as an onlevel who takes honors classes he/she is strong in or an
Honors student who takes AP classes he/she is strong
in. However, SL courses are still college-level.
Why all this work?
 IB requires classes in every subject for one reason – to
allow a student to excel in subjects he/she is good at
and to strengthen classes the student may be weak in.
 You cannot just take one or two classes for the
Diploma for this reason.
 On the other hand, achieving the IB Diploma not only
means the student has excelled in school but also that
he/she has excelled in ALL areas of study.
What’s in it for me?
 IB classes are considered equivalent to AP on your GPA.
Therefore, both classes are weighted.
 As a college level program, students with the IB Diploma can be
awarded college credit – varying from college to college, of
 The amount of credit depends on the obtainment of the Diploma
and the individual exam scores. On a class-to-class basis,
colleges generally accept a 4 (out of 7) and up for college credit.
 In addition to gaining college credit (up to two years) your credit
will also transfer across national boundaries – and not just to
Getting the Diploma
 Just as in AP, taking the course does not mean you get
the credit. And getting a good score does not
guarantee the Diploma.
 In order to get the Diploma, a student must reach a
total of 24/45 points on his/her exams to even qualify.
 Each exam is graded on a 1-7 scale. With an additional
3 points coming from the inside of the hexagon. This
comes to a total of 42 + 3 for a perfect score of 45.
Getting the Diploma - Exams
 IB exams are not just a test at the end of the year. Many
examinations are done within the school year.
 However, you still take end-of year IB exams.
Anywhere from 2-4 exams at the completion of each
 On these exams, a 3 out of 7 is considered passing.
 Note, however, that six 3’s will not grant you the
diploma. Students who are awarded the Diploma do
not do so by barely scraping by in their classes.
Is IB right for me?
 IB is not right for everyone. Some students do better in AP
than in IB. IB, unfortunately, is only offered at HHS.
Transportation may be an issue, but buses are provided.
 IB does attract certain types of students, however:
 Those willing to explore different ideas and cultures
 Those that are highly motivated and self-driven
 Those that prefer a holistic education
 And those that like to be challenged – even in courses they’re
not “good” at.
Further Information
 If you are interested in the IB Diploma Program, or think
that it is the program for you, you can find information on
the IB website at or you can check out the
Humble HS IBDP website at
 Those who desire a more in-depth discussion on what the
classes and school life are like, are encouraged to set up a
meeting with the IB Diploma Coordinator. You can even
shadow an IB Diploma student for a day!
 Any questions can be emailed to (IBDP Coordinator)