Defensive open market operations


Chapter 18

The Tools Of Federal

Reserve Policy

©Thomson/South-Western 2006 1

The Federal Reserve Goals and


 Goals

 influence greater output

 lower the unemployment rate

 prices level stability

 tools of monetary policy or instruments of monetary policy

 open market operations

 discount window policy

 reserve requirement policy

 intermediate target variables

 short-term interest rates

 monetary aggregates (M1, M2, M3)


Open Market Operations:

Fundamental Considerations

 Open market operations

 Buying and selling of securities in the open market

 The Fed is empowered to buy or sell

 U.S. Treasury securities

 federal agency securities

 banker's acceptances

 other securities

 If the Fed sells $225 million in U.S. Treasury bills to a government securities dealer


Discovery Of Open Market Operations

And The Banking Act Of 1935

 Discovery

 Prior to 1920,the discount window was the only Fed policy tool,

 The Fed's revenues were only the interest received on the

Fed's discounts loans.

 An early 1920s recession led to a drop in revenue, so individual Fed banks bought U.S. government securities.

 When banks purchased securities, interest rates fell, and credit conditions eased.

 The Banking Act of 1935:

 eliminated individual Fed banks’ power to conduct separate policies, and

 shifted a significant amount of power to the Board of

Governors in Washington, D.C.


Domain of the Fed's Open

Market Activity

 Federal Reserve's open market operations could be carried out in any asset.

 To avoid favoritism, politics, and unintentional signals, the Fed only buys U.S. government and agency securities and banker's acceptances.

 When the Fed buys $400 million in Treasury bonds and bills from banks,

 reserves and the monetary base expand dollar-for-dollar, but

 the money supply is not directly or immediately affected.

 This happens when banks initiate the multiple deposit-expansion process by making loans and buying securities.


The Effectiveness Of Open

Market Operations

 Impacts of Open Market Operations

 Impact on Bank Reserves, the Monetary Base, and the

Monetary Aggregates:

 The Fed can exert relatively accurate control over bank reserves and the monetary base by manipulating its security portfolio.

 Impact on Security Prices and Interest Rates (Yields):

 When the Fed buys government securities in the open market, it bids up security prices and therefore reduces their yields.

 Marketable securities are substitutable, so a decline in government security yields spills over to yields on other assets.


Advantages of Open Market


 Precision:

 firm and accurate control over aggregate bank reserves and the monetary base, while

 a high degree of accuracy cannot be achieved through changes in the discount rate or reserve requirements.

 Flexibility:

 in the market each day, buying and selling large quantities of securities

 very easy for the Fed to alter course

 Source of Initiative:

 The Fed is able to dominate aggregate bank reserves and the monetary base.


Early Disadvantages of Open

Market Operations

 Signaling:

 Changes in the discount rate and reserve requirements are superior to open market operations in signaling policy changes to the public.

 Regional Bias:

 Prior to well-developed financial markets, a regional bias operated in open market operations, because the effects were concentrated in select urban areas where security dealers were located; open market operations did not disperse across the nation.


Open Market Operations and the

Federal Funds Rate

 The effects of the Fed's open market operations transmit very quickly throughout the nation through the federal funds market.

 The supply of reserves is determined by

Federal Reserve policy.

 When the Fed purchases securities, bank reserves are boosted dollar-for-dollar.

 When the Fed sells securities, bank reserves decline dollar-for-dollar.


Figure 18-1

Purchase of Securities










Technical Aspects Of Open

Market Operations

 Defensive Operations versus Dynamic


 Defensive open market operations

 open market operations made for the purpose of

"defending" bank reserves and the monetary base against the influence of outside forces

 Dynamic open market operations

 open market operations made to deliberately change the course of economic activity


Outright Transactions versus

Repurchase Agreements

 Outright transactions

 The Fed uses outright purchases to bring about long-run or permanent growth in reserves and the monetary aggregates.

 Repurchase agreements (and reverse repurchase agreements )

 The Fed uses repurchase agreements (repos) and reverse repurchase agreements to neutralize the impact on reserves and the monetary base of transitory changes.

 Recall a repurchase agreement is a money market instrument wherein one party sells securities with an explicit agreement to buy them back at a specified future date and price.


Table 18-1


The Policy Directive

 Arriving at the Policy Directive

 Eight times annually, FOMC meets in Washington to formulate monetary policy.

 It issues a policy directive to the manager of the System Open

Market Account.

 Implementation of the Policy Directive

 The manager of the System Open Market Account will:

 9:00 a.m.: contact dealers in government securities to get expectations of conditions during the day

 10:00 a.m.: receive a report from the Fed staff on the expected movement of several important factors that influence bank reserves

 10:30 a.m.: phone the U.S. Treasury for forecast on deposits

 mid-morning: get approval from reps from the Board of Governors and the FOMC

 Implement purchases or sales through TRAPS (Trading Room Automated

Trading System)


Discount Window Policy

 The discount window is a facility through which the Federal

Reserve district banks lend reserves directly to depository institutions.

 Discount policy is the set of conditions under which banks are permitted to borrow reserves and the interest rate charged

( discount rate ).

 Categories of Conditions:

 Primary credit--

 granted to banks in good condition who are permitted to borrow as much as they want

 discount rate > fed funds rate

 Secondary credit

 provided to troubled banks that are experiencing liquidity problems

 ½ percentage point higher rate

 Seasonal credit

 provided to banks subject to seasonal fluctuations in loan demand —like agricultural activity


The 2003 Federal Reserve Change in Discount Window Policy

 Prior to 2003,

 discount rate < fed funds;

 the Fed had to create policies to discourage overuse of the discount window, and

 Use was a “privilege” not a “right.”

 After 2003,

 Lombard system

 discount rate > fed funds rate;

 use became a right rather than a privilege, so

 So relatively high discount rate naturally discouraged overuse of the discount window.


Figure 18-2


The Reserve Requirement


 Since 1935, the Fed has had the authority to set and change reserve requirements or required reserve ratios that banks must maintain.

 Before 1980, reserve requirements only existed for member banks, now enforced for all banks.


Institutional Aspects of Reserve


 The Monetary Control Act of 1980 established a new structure of reserve requirements for all banks and thrift institutions.


Table 18-2


Institutional Aspects of Bank

Reserve Management

 Reserve Averaging

 Banks must meet the required reserve ratio (on a daily average) over the settlement period.

 Carryover Allowance

 2% leeway may be carried over one settlement period.


The Economic Effects Of Changes In

The Reserve Requirement

 Influence on the Money Supply and Interest Rates m


 r r


 k

 r e

 k

 A change in r

 Let r r

 Let r r r has an impact on m


=.1, k=.9, r

=.09, k=.9, r

 Change in m

1 e

=.005, then m

1 e

=.005, then m




is not as large as it was when we used naïve multiplier in chapter 14.


Advantages of the Reserve

Requirement Tool

 Speed of Impact:

 When the Fed changes reserve requirements, all institutions experience an immediate change in their excess-reserve position.

 Neutrality:

 Unlike open market operations and discount rate changes, the impact of reserve requirement changes is spread across all banks and thrift institutions uniformly.

 Potential Use in an Emergency:

 At rare times when other tools cannot do the job, changes in reserve requirements may be needed to neutralize major changes in the monetary base.


Disadvantages of the Reserve

Requirement Tool

 Bluntness:

 A one percentage point reduction (increase) in the reserve requirement would release (absorb) $7 billion of excess reserves.

 Such large changes make this tool too clumsy to be used regularly.

 Lack of Flexibility:

 Unlike other tools, an early reversal of a previous position would constitute the Fed making a significant and obvious admission of error.

 Frequent changes in reserve requirements create uncertainty for banks.

 Raising the reserve requirement level can trigger liquidity problems for many banks.

