Slide 1 - Louisiana State University

Duties of the Faculty Senate
Exercise of all powers vested in the Faculty Council by
the Board of Supervisors of the LSU system
Stewardship over and guidance of the educational
functions, programs, and missions of the University
The making of inquiries and the provision of good
counsel to the LSU campus administration concerning all
aspects of University life, including issues of academic
freedom, conditions of work, grievances, evaluations,
promotions, tenure, retirement, salaries, benefits,
buildings and facilities, equipment, student life and
affairs, major administrative and executive appointments
including those at the LSU System office, and,
inclusively, any matter brought to attention by members
of the Faculty Council
Composition of the Faculty Senate
Delegations from colleges or similar units or clusters of units
One Senate seat for every 25 faculty members, the count to be established by annual
An Executive Committee composed of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Former
President, and three Members-at-Large, one of which Members-at-large is elected
from the “freshman” Senators
Corresponding, Contributing Faculty
Governance Organizations
College Policy Committees
College Senates
The Faculty Senate is assisted in
its work by an array of elected
and appointed committees. In
order to encourage nimbleness,
speed, and efficiency, the
committee structure has
recently been streamlined.
Applications and nominations
for committee service are
managed by the Committee on
The Chancellor-Senate Forum
A Faculty Senate Invention, A New LSU Tradition
Pictured: LSU Chancellor Michael V. Martin genially fielding a probing question from a concerned faculty
Faculty Senate Media
Projects and Resources
 Direct mailing of white papers to faculty
 Web site: News, documents, archives
 Senate video library (currently houses
two of four forums and the football ticket
raffle; soon to include Senate meetings)
 In development: Clickable online guide
to the Faculty handbook and the “PS” and
“PM” policy statements
Recent Faculty Senate Topics and Initiatives:
A Sampler
Technology, infrastructure, and services:
Restricted night-time parking for faculty members
Tracking systems for the performance of University services
Salary data posting
Dissertation standard compliance screening times
Academic resources:
The library as well as databases
Administration and planning:
Updating the Graduate School
A governance organization for graduate students
University reorganization
Interdisciplinary and interdepartmental initiatives
Emergency and special situations or opportunities:
Procedures and criteria for financial exigency
Procedures for and criteria for furloughs
Budget challenges
Memorials for deceased faculty members
Commemorations for colleagues or service units
Emergency resolutions of support (to aid the legislative delegation)
Curriculum and pedagogy:
Course-management software and training
Academic progress tracking systems
Course credits for international study
Classroom assignment software and procedures
Class time scheduling
The dates of holidays
Inactive courses “bulletin” accuracy
Teacher education program admissions standards
Comprehensive review of benefits package
Ad hoc committee on bargaining and representation
Presentations from Campus Federal Credit Union
Spousal hires and other equity issues
Online clickable guide to the Faculty Handbook
Sick leave and paid time off recalibration
Championship, Leadership,
and Flagship-Quality
The Faculty Senate
Football Ticket Raffle
A pilot program undertaken with the
assistance of Athletic Director Joe Alleva,
to be followed by more and larger
opportunities to enjoy LSU sports and
other recreational opportunities, all the
while increasing the “friendliness factor”
in the LSU community.
The LSU Faculty Senate
and the LSU System
LSU System President John Lombardi
Naturalist John James Audubon worked midway
between LSU (Baton Rouge) and LSU Alexandria
LSU belongs to an eleven-campus system, with which
its destiny is more tightly entwined than is commonly
recognized. The President of the LSU Faculty Senate
also serves as the Chair of the LSU System Council of
Faculty Advisers, a System-wide faculty governance
body comprised of campus faculty spokespersons who
represent the interests of all LSU System faculty on all
LSU System campuses and who advise the LSU System
Consultation: The Eleven LSU Campuses
The LSU Faculty Senate has drawn widespread acclaim for its outreach to faculty governance bodies
at other LSU System institutions. Last year, the LSU Faculty Senate sent delegations to LSU in
Alexandria, LSU in Eunice, LSU in Shreveport, and the LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport
(shown above: LSU Faculty Senate officers with counterparts in Shreveport)
Affiliations and Collaborations
Louisiana is rich in faculty governance associations, many of which look to the
state Flagship institution, LSU, for leadership. Associations with which the LSU
Faculty Senate cooperates include:
ALFS (The Association of Louisiana Faculty Senates)
CLCU (Consortium of Louisiana Colleges and Universities)
AAUP (American Association of University Professors, Baton Rouge Chapter).
Additionally, the LSU Faculty Senate is deeply engaged in the development of
“articulation” agreements for the transfer of course credit, including general
education credit, between Louisiana institutions.
LSU Faculty
Inspiring an
Educated Nation
Faculty governance organizations across America are joining together to enhance
and improve stewardship of the world’s intellectual, cultural, and scientific legacies.
The LSU Faculty Senate has led the way in the formation of SECAFL (the Southeast
Conference Association of Faculty Leaders), a bold cooperative venture supported
in part by the Southeastern Conference.