Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Aviation Weather for Scanners and Observers Wake Turbulence High Altitude and Terrain Considerations Minnesota Wing Aircrew Training: Tasks P-2020, P-2023, P-2024 (scanner) P-2008, P-2009, P-2010, P-2011 (observer) Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Aviation Weather Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Weather The most important aspect of weather is its impact on flight conditions Safety is paramount Navigation — Visual verses Instruments Effects on Search – – – Prevailing visibility Search visibility Search patterns and altitudes Information — National Weather Service, Flight Service Stations, Pilot Reports Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Weather — Circulation Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Weather — Circulation The earth rotates Air moving north is pulled toward the east This builds a high pressure belt about 30 degrees latitude The northerly air flow cools and starts southward These large circulations are responsible for mixing the air and most weather Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Circulation Around a High H Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Circulation Around a Low L Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Upward Convection Currents Terrain which heats up creates updrafts Updrafts tend to keep you from descending Normally where there are updrafts there are also downdrafts EFFECT OF CONVECTION CURRENTS NORMAL GLIDE PATH ROCKY TERRAIN PLOUGHED GROUND PAVED ROAD Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Downward Convection Currents Terrain which remains cool up creates downdrafts Downdrafts cause you to descend GLIDE PATH DUE TO CONVECTION CURRENTS NORMAL GLIDE PATH RIVER GROWING FIELDS LANDING FIELD Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Terms As altitude increases the temperature decreases at a fairly uniform rate of 3.6 degrees F per 1000 feet; this is known as lapse rate – Use this on hot days to determine how high you should climb to get to a comfortable temperature At some altitude the air temperature reaches the freezing temperature of water; the freezing level Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Icing Frost Snow Icing – – Effects of icing Airframe Carburetor Lift Decreases Drag Increases Thrust Decreases Weight Increases May form in clear air at temperatures substantially above freezing Rime ice is rougher Glaze ice is clearer Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Warm Front WARM AIR Cirrus Cirrostratus Altostratus COLD AIR Nimbostratus St Louis Indianapolis Columbus Pittsburgh Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Characteristics of Warm Stable Air Masses Stratus and Stratocumulus clouds Generally low ceilings Poor visibility (fog, haze, smoke and dust held at low levels) Smooth, stable air with little or no turbulence Slow steady precipitation or drizzle Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Cold Front COLD AIR St Louis Cumulonimbus Indianapolis WARM AIR Columbus Pittsburgh Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Characteristics of Cold Unstable Air Masses Cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds Unlimited ceilings (except during precipitation) Excellent visibility (except during precipitation) Unstable air resulting in pronounced turbulence in lower levels Occasional local thunderstorms or showers - hail, sleet, snow flurries Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Occluded Front Cirrus Cumulonimbus WARM AIR Nimbostratus Cirrostratus Altostratus COLD AIR COLD AIR St Louis Indianapolis Columbus Pittsburgh Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Reduced Visibility Under almost all circumstances, VFR daytime flight requires: – – – At least three miles visibility When clouds cover more than one-half the sky, cloud bases must be no lower than 1,000 ft. AGL Search aircraft must usually remain at least 500 ft. below the cloud deck There are exceptions: ask your PIC Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Reduced Visibility Fog Haze Snow White out Blowing dust Affected by sun angle and direction Aircrew must increase vigilance during these conditions Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Turbulence Can reduce scanning effectiveness – – Increases fatigue Interferes with scan Planning flight around high terrain requires special care Plan flights around high terrain carefully Wind currents on the downwind side can be very strong Ridges and peaks should be cleared by at least 2000 feet Flight Path 2000 ft. Wind Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Flight Precautions Each member of the aircrew must be vigilant during all phases of flight – Characterize visibility in the search area to establish the proper scanning range – Assign each an area to watch May be different than assumed Visibility conditions or turbulence may increase fatigue Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Wind Shear - Appears as a change in wind direction and/or speed within a very short distance in the atmosphere Thunderstorms Fronts - wind shear may advance as far as 15 nm Air flow around obstacles Windward Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Wind Shear Two potentially hazardous situations, dangerous mainly during landing: – – Tailwind turns calm or to a headwind Headwind turns calm or to a tailwind Pilot must adjust quickly Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Wake turbulence Caused by aircraft moving through the air generating lift (proportional to weight) Settle 500 to 800 feet below the flight path Drift out slowly (5 mph) on the ground Takeoff before, land after other aircraft Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Wake turbulence Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Weather — Thunderstorms Remain clear of thunderstorm activity by at least 20 miles Cumulus Stage Mature Stage Dissipating Stage Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 High Altitude and Terrain Considerations Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Atmospheric Pressure A barometer is used to register changes in pressure; measured in inches of mercury Standard sea-level pressure and temperature: – – 29.92 inches of mercury 59 degrees F (15 degrees C) A change of 1000 feet in elevation makes a change of about one inch To correct for local elevation, set altimeter to latest reading (ATIS/AWOS/ASOS/FSS) or enter field elevation 18,000 ft = 7.5 lbs per sq in 10,000 ft = 10 lbs per sq in Sea Level = 15 lbs per sq in Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Density Altitude Three factors: – – – Pressure Temperature Humidity Altitude and pressure combined to determine pressure altitude Add non-standard temperature to get density altitude Pilots calculate (next slides) or can get on ASOS – Affects takeoff, climb, true air speed Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Flight Computer Circular slide rule – – – – Density altitude Nautical to statute miles True airspeed Other stuff Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Aircraft Performance Density altitude and aircraft weight have a tremendous effect on aircraft performance Both must be accurately calculated, especially for mountain flying missions Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Pressure vs. Performance As altitude increases pressure decreases; this decrease can have a pronounced effect on flight: – – Engine (hp) and prop are less efficient Take off distance, climb rate, and landing distance effected Take off distance almost doubles with a 5000 foot elevation increase Rate of climb slows with higher elevation Landing distance increases with higher elevation Higher Humidity, Heat or Height result in reduced aircraft performance Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Effects of Density Altitude Takeoff Roll at Sea Level Takeoff Roll at 5,000 ft Density Altitude Climb at LOWER Density Altitude Climb at HIGHER Density Altitude Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Strategies Don’t fly at high elevation during the hottest part of the day Carefully calculate DA and weight Reduce load: – – – Less fuel Crew of three instead of four Less baggage Remember “High to Low, Look out Below” (update altimeter setting hourly) If you fly in the mountains, take the Mountain Fury Course Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Flight Near Mountainous Terrain Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Flight Near Mountainous Terrain Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Flight Near Mountainous Terrain Flight Path 2000 ft. Wind Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Dehydration The loss of water through the skin, lungs and kidneys never ceases – Loss increases as the humidity drops with increasing altitude Symptoms are dryness of the tissues and resulting irritation of the eyes, nose and throat Minimize intake of coffee, tea, cola or cocoa since they contain caffeine and other chemicals Strategies – – – Drink plenty of fluids Increase air flow (vents and windows) If the search objective allows, reduce temperature by climbing to higher altitude Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Effects of Altitude on Crew Member Performance Ear Block – – Sinus Block – – Congestion around the Eustachian tube makes pressure equalization difficult Can produce severe pain and a loss of hearing that can last from several hours to several days (can rupture eardrum) Sinus congestion makes pressure equalization difficult, particularly during descent Can produce severe pain Hypoxia (Lack of oxygen to the brain) – – – – Loss of night vision as low as 5,000 feet For most people altitudes above 12,000 feet result in a loss of judgment , coordination, memory, and alertness Normally not a concern for non-mountainous CAP operations (usually below 12,000 MSL) Body has no built-in warning system against hypoxia Scanner Course #5/Mission Pilot Course #2 Strategies Ear Block – – Sinus Block – – Yawn, swallow, tense muscles in throat Valsalva maneuver Don’t fly if you’re not well Medication usually not effective and has side effects Hypoxia – – Avoid smoking, alcohol and depressants Supplemental oxygen