Name: Answer Key Biology Exam Chapter 4 Part 1 Answer

Answer Key
Biology Exam Chapter 4 Part 1
Answer Questions 1-3 based on the following equations:
Equation A: _________ + H2O + _________→ _________ + O2↑
Equation B: _________ + O2 → H2O + _________ + __________
1. What substance belongs in the two blanks on the reactant side of Equation A?
a. CO2 and light
b. Oxygen and light
c. Chlrophyll and light
d. Cholorphyll and glucose
2. Equation A produces
a. Stored energy in the form of ATP.
b. Kinetic energy in the form of glucose.
c. Stored chemical energy in the form of C6H12O6.
3. What would happen if oxygen were not available as a reactant for Equation B?
a. Carbon dioxide would take its place.
b. The process would not be able to continue
c. An overabundance of energy would be produced.
d. Oxygen from split water would be used instead.
4. Which of the following are heterotrophic? (Select all that apply)
a. Plants
b. Most bacteria
c. Algae
d. Animals
e. Fungi
f. Humans
5. In aerobic cellular respiration, most of the energy is produced during
a. The electron transport chain.
b. The Krebs cycle.
c. Glycolysis
d. Photolysis
6. A certain plant’s rate of photosynthesis is very high. Do you predict that this plant has
lost much water recently?
a. Yes, because as a plant loses water, its rate of photosynthesis increases.
b. Yes, because as a plant loses water, its rate of photosynthesis decreases.
c. No, because as a plant loses water, its rate of photosynthesis increases.
d. No, because as a plant loses water, its rate of photosynthesis decreases.
e. It is impossible to predict.
Identify which cellular process each statement belongs with.
A. Light-dependent phase
B. Calvin cycle
C. Glycolysis
D. Krebs cycle
E. Electron transport chain
F. Anaerobic cellular respiration
7. ___A__Chlorophyll capturing light energy
8. ___F__Alcoholic fermentation
9. ___B__Synthesis of glucose
10. ___E__Produces a net of 32 ATP
11. Cellular respiration that requires oxygen is called
a. Anaerobic
b. Aerobic
c. Photosynthetic
d. Chemosynthetic
12. Which process takes chemical energy and makes it usable?
a. Photosynthesis
b. Cellular respiration
c. Dehydration synthesis
d. Osmosis
13. The initial step of breaking glucose down into pyruvic acid is called
a. The Krebs cycle
b. Glycolysis
c. Fermentation
d. The electron transport chain
14. During cellular fermentation, ATP is produced by glycolysis only
a. True
b. False
15. Aerobic cellular respiration produces a net total of ________ molecules of ATP
a. 2
b. 4
c. 32
d. 36
16. Photosynthesis is the process that converts _________ energy into _________ energy
a. Chemical, light
b. Light, chemical
c. Chemical, stored
d. Usable, unusable
17. In general, which of the following conditions helps photosynthesis function properly:
a. Adequate levels of oxygen are available.
b. Temperatures remain below 0°C
c. The available light has wavelengths below those absorbed by chlorophyll a.
d. Adequate levels of carbon dioxide are available.
18. The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis take place in
a. The presence of light only.
b. The presence of darkness only.
c. The presence of either darkness or light.
d. The thylakoid membrane.
19. The Calvin cycle depends on which two products from the light-dependent reactions?
a. ATP and NADPH
b. ADP and NAD+
c. CO2 and O2
d. RuBP and PGA
20. During the light-dependent phase, a water molecule is split into hydrogen ions, electrons,
and oxygen. This is called:
a. Plasmolysis
b. Photolysis
c. Hydrolysis
d. Chemosynthesis
21. The primary catalyst of photosynthesis is
a. PGA
b. Chlorophyll a
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Glucose
22. All of the following are heterotrophs except
a. Oak trees
b. Most bacteria
c. Humans
d. Fungi
23. All of the following are true regarding ATP except
a. It is a rechargeable molecule
b. It is the energy “currency” for cellular functions
c. The bonds between the phosphate groups are stable, high energy bonds
d. The molecule is very unstable.
24. When ATP becomes ADP, energy will be
a. Released for use
b. Destroyed
c. Captured and stored
d. Created
25. Breaking the chemical bonds that hold the phosphate groups together in ATP results in
a. Usable energy being released
b. Potential energy being stored
c. Kinetic energy being converted to potential energy
d. The release of carbon dioxide
26. Why must the cell constantly manufacture ATP from ADP?
a. The ATP molecule is so stable it will store energy for long period of time
b. The ATP molecule is only a temporary, unstable energy-storage molecule.
c. The cell can use only ATP energy.
27. What happens to the rate of photosynthesis as light intensity increases?
a. It increases indefinitely.
b. It increases to a certain point and then begins to level off.
c. It decreases.
d. There is no relationship between light intensity and rate of photosynthesis.
28. A certain plant’s rate of photosynthesis is very high. Do you predict that this plant has
lost much water recently?
a. Yes, because as a plant loses water, its rate of photosynthesis increases.
b. Yes, because as a plant loses water, its rate of photosynthesis decreases.
c. No, because as a plant loses water, its rate of photosynthesis increases.
d. No, because as a plant loses water, its rate of photosynthesis decreases.
e. It is impossible to predict.
29. The light trapping molecule found in plants is called ___Chlorophyll___.
30. Discuss light reactions and dark reaction. Be sure to include the following information:
How are they different? Where does each take place? What are the required reactants
and products of each? What are the scientific terms for each? For extra credit, you may
draw a diagram below.
Not on Final
Extra Credit: What is the name of the energy storage molecule created by plants in
photosynthesis? Glucose