Rain Child

The Rain Child
Margaret Laurence
Introduction (Stephanie)
◎ Margaret Laurence
1926 Born in Neepawa, Manitoba on July 18
1944 took a scholarship at Winnipeg’s United College
1947 married Jack Lawrence
1950 move to Africa
1957 Gold Coast received its independence as the State of Ghana
◎ Margaret Laurence
*Her early work revolved around her African experience
E.g. 1945 A Tree For Poverty
1960 This Side Jordan
1963 The Tomorrow Tamer
1963 The Prophet’s Camel Bell
*1964 The first Book of the Manawaka series was published
*Recurrent themes in Lawrence’s earlier African stories:
1. Recognizing the power of tradition
2. Examining the nature of change
◎ Ghana
*The major ethnic groups in Ghana include the Akan, Ewe,
Mole-Dagbane, Gune, and Ga-Adangbe. The shared attributes
contributed to state formation in the precolonial period.
*Ethnicity is one of the most potent factors affecting political
behavior In Ghana.
*No part of Ghana is ethnically homogeneous.
a. Urban centers-ethnically mixed
b. Rural areas-traditional population distribution
South: Money economy Western education , Christianity
North: Islamic influence
Theme (Phyllis)
◎ Migration
* Differences in culture, language, identity
* Rain Child
1. Origin
2. Meaning
First Generation (I) (Karina)
◎ Hilda Povey
* Contrast to Nedden
Fail to adapt herself to Africa, remains English-centered
in her mind→ Outsider
-- African parents unenlightened to her (273)
-- angry about Nedden’s turning to teach Akan poetry (274)
-- growing zinnia in her garden (276)
-- not allow students join Odwira (284)
◎ Violet Nedden
* More open-minded than Povey in some way
-- give up teaching Daffodils and turn to teach Akan poetry (274)
-- growing jungle lily in her garden (276)
-- go along with the girls to join Odwira (284)
*Her English-identity does not disappear from her mind
-- the garden chair→ sign of Sceptre→ King / Queen
-- sense of superiority over Africans
*Her relation with the Children
-- Ruth
-- Kwaale
-- Ayesha & Yindo
First Generation (II) (Lynx)
◎ Clare Mackie vs. Miss Nedden
* Physical difference
Quick / efficient (282) vs. Slow / lame
* Position difference
Manager vs. Missionary
* Psychological difference
Colonizer vs. Diaspora
◎ Dr. Quansah
* Double (split) identity
Western — food, dress (274), language (279~280)
African — resents Europeans’ racism (283)
* Diaspora
1. In London (283)
2. Returning home (284)
3. Anywhere hereafter (288)
Second Generation (I) (Sheena)
◎ Ruth
-- In class
-- Her relationship with classmates
-- The transfer of power (ex: toffee)
-- Ruth’s changes from the beginning to the end
-- Ruth in Bible
◎ Yindo
-- Background
-- Chameleon (280)
-- Helpless (287)
Second Generation (II) (Cicily)
◎ David
David – Ruth (relationship) (282~283)
David – first person
David’s denial (286)
◎ Ayesha
-- Diaspora (in Africa)
-- Experience (279)
-- Self –protection (278)
-- Ayesha & Yindo (language) (280)
-- The search of Ruth (286~287)
◎ Kwaale
-- influence from first generation  father (277)
-- ritual (285)
Conclusion (Dana)
Compare Abeng and “Sugar Cane Alley” with
The Rain Child.
What does the last sentence
“…I think of that island of grey rain where I must go
as a stranger, when the time comes, while others
much remain as strangers here.”