Pathos, Ethos, Logos: Analyzing Rhetorical Appeals in Ads

Pathos, Ethos, and Logos
Logos: (LOGIC) Logos refers to any attempt to
appeal to the intellect: the "logical
argument." Yes, these arguments will call
upon the writers' credibility and try to touch the
audience's emotions, but there will more often
than not be logical chains of reasoning
supporting all claims.
Ethos: (Trustworthiness/Credibility)Ethos is
related to the English word ethics and refers to
the trustworthiness of the
speaker/writer. When we believe that the
speaker does not intend to do us harm, we are
more willing to listen to what s/he has to
say. For example, when a trusted doctor gives
you advice, you may not understand all of the
medical reasoning behind the advice, but you
nonetheless follow the directions because you
believe that the doctor knows what s/he is
talking about.
♥ Pathos ♥
Pathos: (EMOTIONS) Pathos is related to the
words pathetic, sympathy and
empathy. Whenever you accept a claim
based on how it makes you feel without fully
analyzing the rationale behind the claim, you
are acting on pathos. Appeals to pathos touch
a nerve and compel people to not only listen,
but to also take the next step and act in the
To Appeal to Logic
*Denotative Meanings
*Literal/Historical Analogies
*Citations from Experts
*Informed Opinions
Evokes a Cognitive, Rationale
To develop ETHOS
*Language Appropriate to
Audience & Subject
*Restrained, Sincere, FairMinded Presentation
*Appropriate Level of
*Correct Grammar
To Appeal to Emotions
*Vivid, Concrete Language
*Emotionally Loaded
*Connotative Meanings
*Emotional Examples
*Vivid Descriptions
*Narratives of Emotional
*Emotional Tone
*Figurative Language
Demonstrates Author’s
Evokes an Emotional
Reliability, Competence, and Response
Respect for the Audiences’
Ideas and Values through
Reliable, Appropriate Support
and General Accuracy
The Purpose
• We will be analyzing advertisements for their
use of the rhetorical appeals.
• Once we can effectively identify the use of the
rhetorical appeals in visuals, we will move to
analyzing the use of the rhetorical appeals in
persuasive texts.
• Once we can effectively identify the use of the
rhetorical appeals in persuasive texts, we will
move to creating our own persuasive
responses that incorporate the rhetorical
Questions to consider:
• Who is the specific target audience (gender,
age group, socioeconomic status) for this
• How successful is this advertisement in
reaching its specific target audience?
• Is this advertisement utilizing one or more of
the rhetorical appeals: pathos, ethos or logos?
Questions for Image One
• 1. Make a claim: Who is
the specific target
audience (gender, age
group, socioeconomic
status) for this
• 2. Complete a C.R.E.W.
statement. Is this
advertisement utilizing
the rhetorical appeal of
• The specific target audience for this Slim Fast
advertisement is 20-35 year old females who
are engaged.
• C- This Slim Fast advertisement is utilizing
pathos to reach its target audience.
• R- Our society places immense pressure on
women to achieve a slim body type.
• E- In this advertisement the female cake
topper has sunk into the cake and it states
"Need to lose a little weight before your
• W- As a result of our society placing immense
pressure on women to achieve a slender body
"We don't have enough donors." Published by National
Association For Organ Transplant.
"The average smoker needs over five thousand cigarettes a
year. Get unhooked." - Published by NHS.
Published by Humane Cosmetics
• Make a claim: Who is
the specific target
audience (gender, age
group, socioeconomic
status) for this
• Complete a C.R.E.W.
statement. Is this
advertisement utilizing
the persuasive appeal of
• The specific target audience for this Humane
Cosmetics advertisement is female animal
lovers who routinely use makeup.
• C- This Humane Cosmetics advertisement is
utilizing pathos to reach its target audience.
• R- Many people have a deep affection for
small animals and feel they need to be
• E- In this advertisement a young woman is
using a small Yorkie dog as a spray bottle and
thus abusing it.
• W- As a result of a small dog being abused
Published by the Drive Safe Campaign
Questions for Image Two
• 5. Make a claim: Who is
the specific target
audience (gender, age
group, socioeconomic
status) for this
• 6. Complete a C.R.E.W.
statement. Is this
advertisement utilizing
one or more of the
rhetorical appeals:
pathos, ethos or logos?
Published by Climate Advocates of Europe
Questions for Image Three
• 7. Make a claim: Who
is the specific target
audience (gender, age
group, socioeconomic
status) for this
• 8. Complete a C.R.E.W.
statement. Is this
advertisement utilizing
one or more of the
rhetorical appeals:
pathos, ethos or logos?
Published by Work Safe
Questions for Image Three
• 9. This advertisement is
effectively utilizing
pathos. Please analyze
this advertisement and
explain what the
publisher Work Safe
could do to incorporate a
stronger appeal to logos?
Provide sound reasoning
to support your claim.
Conclude your statement
with a warrant. (C.R.W.)