ATI Library Annual Report 2011 This annual report serves as a summary of the year, an archival reference of the library, and a blueprint for the future. Written by Library Director, Sharon Holderman. Table of Contents Overview .................................................................................................................................... 2 Mission ...................................................................................................................................... 2 2011 Highlights ......................................................................................................................... 2 Policy Changes ......................................................................................................................... 2 Budget ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Staff............................................................................................................................................ 4 Collection .................................................................................................................................. 4 Archives..................................................................................................................................... 4 Service Statistics .................................................................................................................5-13 Library Patronage / Gate Count ............................................................................................... 5 Circulation .............................................................................................................................. 6 Off-Campus Requests ............................................................................................................ 7 AV Usage ............................................................................................................................... 8 ILL (InterLibrary Loan) ............................................................................................................ 8 Reference Assistance ............................................................................................................. 9 Instruction (In-Class & Online Information Literacy Tutorials) ................................................ 10 Facilities .................................................................................................................................. 14 Technology .............................................................................................................................. 15 Feedback ................................................................................................................................. 15 Campus Involvement / Committees ....................................................................................... 16 Professional Development ..................................................................................................... 16 2010 Planning Results ............................................................................................................ 17 2012 Planning .......................................................................................................................... 17 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 1 Overview The ATI Library continued to improve its facilities, collection, services, and relationships through 2011. This annual report serves as a summary of the year, an archival reference of library activity, and a blueprint for the future. Mission To become the premier information gateway for the ATI community. ATI Library is dedicated to Supporting the missions of ATI and OSU Libraries Facilitating access to information resources Maintaining resources to support ATI's academic programs Collaborating with faculty, staff, and other libraries Promoting information literacy and lifelong learning 2011 Highlights The ATI Library accomplished many things during 2011. The major highlights include: Developed procedural instructions for various staff duties to be better prepared for cross-training and covering absences Redesigned ATI Library website for easier navigation and improved content Created disaster manual, emergency kits, and all staff completed disaster training Continued Information Literacy instruction and assessment program, further demonstrating learning and retention Increased marketing efforts to become more involved with the ATI Community through Visit Days, Welcome Days, plagiarism instruction, and offering wireless assistance Policy Changes Policies are available on the ATI Library website. There were very few policy changes in 2011. Periodical back issues were barcoded so they are checked out through the library computer system. This altered the structure and process for accruing fines so it became automated. The library developed a disaster manual, which includes actions and policies to follow in event of a disaster. More information on this manual is available from the Library Director. The other change was operational: beginning Fall 2011 the library closed one hour earlier Monday through Thursday. After the change, the library’s hours are Monday through Thursday 8am to 8pm and Fridays 8am to 5pm. Traffic statistics were tracked in Winter and Spring quarters of 2011 and revealed that the number of patrons between 8pm and 9pm was so few, it was not cost effective to keep the library open. 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 2 Budget All budget information in this section is for Fiscal Year (FY) 11, which is 7/1/10 through 6/30/11. The budget was $45,790, excluding payroll. The library also had an income of $1428.94 from library fines, book sales, and the annual equipment auction. Therefore, the total available budget was $47,218.94. The library spent $44,126.74, which was $3092.20 under budget. Some significant one-time purchases of the library budget in FY10 included: Library front/circulation desk Couch for main area Shelving for the popular collection Additional barcodes for processing library collection items Library computer lab memory upgrade to improve speed The charts below illustrate expenditures and income: FY 11 Areas of Expenditure $1,867.68 items for library collection periodicals/OhioLINK $14,587.41 $13,974.12 computer equipment office supplies $6,866.65 $3,652.98 furniture travel/prof development $2,072.61 FY 11 Areas of Income $735.38 $550.50 library fines book sales equipment auction $143.06 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 3 Staff The duties of the library are broken down as follows: Rachel Doepker (Reference Librarian) manages student employees, circulation functions, ILL, OhioLINK, periodicals, and assists with reference and instruction. Sharon Holderman (Library Director) supervises the entire library and directly manages collection development, instruction, reference, eReserves, the library website, and the ATI Archives. She also serves as the campus Carmen Affiliate. Kris Purdy (Manager, Purchasing, Technical Services, AV) manages purchasing, budget, cataloging, reserves, processing/technical services, and audio-visual (AV) equipment. The library employs three to five student workers during the year when classes are in session. Students perform front desk duties in the evening from 5 pm to 8 pm when the full-time staff has left for the day. Students also assist with projects including book processing, document scanning, inventory, periodical processing, and shelving. Collection At the end of 2011, there were 9490 total items in the ATI Library collection: 4993 items (53% of the collection) are in the circulating collection, which means anyone at ATI, OSU, or an OhioLINK institution can check them out 225 items (2% of the collection) are in reference, which means they can only be used in the library The remaining items (45% of the collection) only circulate on the ATI campus and consists of AV equipment, reserves, the popular collection items, and periodicals. Archives ATI Library began collecting ATI historical items in 2009. Items were in the basement storage of Skou Hall, various faculty offices, and in library storage areas. The Historical Archives plan includes digitizing paper items into the Knowledge Bank ( and keeping items with physical value in the library’s archive area. Digitizing began in April 2010. Documents are digitized as PDF files, converted with OCR (meaning they are converted to text, which allows searching of the text), and made accessible for the visually impaired by ATI Library staff members. At the end of 2011, 1126 files had been digitized and uploaded into the Knowledge Bank, which are freely available on the web to the public. The archives collection is linked from the library website: 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 4 Service Statistics Library Patronage The closest way to estimate library usage is to monitor the gate count for patrons coming in and out of the library. Although this also captures the library staff members going in and out, it is the best way to measure patronage trends. The chart below indicates the total people entering the library by quarter. Note: there are approximately 650-700 students enrolled at ATI each quarter. Total Patrons by Quarter 12000 10000 8000 14918 14082 15389 14000 11092 12123 12444 14407 15161 14515 16000 2009 2010 6000 3922 5317 4827 2011 4000 2000 0 Winter Spring Summer Fall The chart below indicates the average number of patrons per day entering the library by quarter. Average Patrons Per Day 300 261 225 230 205 200 266 281 267 250 275 274 2009 150 2010 100 2011 82 79 58 50 0 Winter Spring Summer 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 5 Fall Circulation Statistics It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of a library collection and how much it is used. The most relevant statistics are the circulation numbers for collection items. The chart below details how often the main library collection and the popular collection have circulated (periodicals, reserve items, and AV are not included). Overall Circulation 80% 72.80% 70% % of collection 60% 46.91% 50% 2008 40% 2009 27.20% 30% 20% 2010 2011 19.18% 6.70% 10% 0% circulated only once circulated 2-10 times circulated 11+ times have circulated not yet circulated Although the percentage of items that have circulated increased in 2011 compared to previous years, it remains fairly consistent. This information should be reviewed for trends only because many factors affect these statistics including when new items are purchased to allow time for circulation before the end of the year. 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 6 Off-Campus Requests A total of 2586 items were sent from the ATI Library to other locations. This number has been increasing since 2008 when it was 1102. Items are sent to one of two locations: other OSU campuses or other OhioLINK libraries. The chart below illustrates where the items were sent: Total Items Sent by Location 1800 1679 1590 1600 # of requested items 1400 1200 1053 993 1000 800 786 816 791 2008 2009 2010 600 365 400 200 0 OhioLINK institutions OSU campuses 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 7 2011 AV Usage All AV items are on a first-come, first-served basis to prevent the library from being unable to honor a reservation because a previous user neglected to return it on time. AV items are only available to faculty and staff except for the three items students can check out: headphones, flash drives, and calculators. The table below illustrates the number of times AV items have been used. headphones video camera (digital) flash drive easel lcd projector conference phone tripod cart digital camera flipchart tripod (mini) cd player digital voice recorder calculator* screen laser pointer overhead projector tv/vcr/dvd cart wireless presenter 227* 17 16* 11 9 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 (upgraded in 2011) (upgraded in 2011) (new in 2011) (new in 2011) (new in 2011) * students can check out The library uses this circulation information for improving the AV collection including purchasing, eliminating, upgrading, etc. ILL (InterLibrary Loan) ILL is a process allowing patrons to request books and articles that are not available to them through OSU and OhioLINK. ATI students do not request materials through ILL very often, which are known as outgoing requests. In 2011 there were three outgoing requests. Outgoing requests are tracked online via the OARDC ILL request system. Faculty members make their own outgoing requests directly, not through the library. The library also receives requests for ILL of ATI items, known as incoming requests. These items are digitally scanned in the library and then emailed to the OSU ILL office for their processing. Incoming requests are tracked on a private ATI Library ILL blog for statistics. ATI Library had 13 incoming requests in 2011. 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 8 Reference Assistance Reference interactions are documented on a private staff reference blog to track statistics and refer to previous reference questions as needed (student returns, another staff member gets the same question, multiple students with the same class assignment, etc.). Reference interactions include topics like finding sources, demonstrating database searching, citation assistance, and many other questions. The types of questions not included are directions to other offices, hours of operation, how to print, etc. Reference interactions are also tracked by the initial method of contact: in person, email, phone, or IM (Instant Messenger). The chart below illustrates the number of reference interactions and their initial type of contact. Reference Interactions by Type 300 200 295 195 180 280 260 160 # of interactions 140 120 120 100 2011 60 45 37 40 0 2009 2010 80 20 2008 44 1 0 22 1 1 6 phone email 11 33 30 0 14 IM in person ATI Library experienced another dramatic increase in reference interactions in 2011. The total number of reference interactions for 2011 was 388, which is a large increase from previous years. This year saw 113% more reference interactions than 2010, which is also a 1009% increase from 2008 when there were 35 reference interactions. This can be attributed to a number of reasons including library marketing, additional librarian, more repeat customers, etc. 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 9 Instruction There are two major elements to ATI Library instruction. The first is library classroom visits as requested by the professor. The majority of these visits consist of a librarian teaching students how to search databases related to a specific class assignment. Whenever possible that session is held in a computer lab so students can practice searching while a librarian is there. The chart below shows how many students received library classroom visits from 2008-2011. # of students Students Receiving Library Instruction in Class 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 190 80 87 169 269 74 2008 239 2009 188 Fall Spring Winter 25 85 46 75 2010 2011 Instruction has been slowly declining since the implementation of the online Information Literacy tutorials. Since all students in orientation courses take these tutorials, they are better prepared for research in other courses like English and speech. The second major element of library instruction is the online Information Literacy tutorials required in every orientation course at ATI. Most students must take either T201 (for Associate of Applied Science Students) or FAES100 (for Associate of Science Students or those transitioning to Columbus) as their orientation course. The only students exempt from orientation are certain transfer and non-traditional students. The entire tutorial assignment is available as a library class via Carmen. There is a 31-question pretest that measures students’ Information Literacy knowledge before they receive any instruction from ATI. Then they take six tutorials as follows: Types of sources & reliability (6.5 minutes) General search processes & tips (8 minutes) Finding a book (9 minutes) Searching a library database (8.5 minutes) Internet sources and searching (8 minutes) Copyright & plagiarism (8 minutes) 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 10 These self-paced tutorials are interactive PowerPoint presentations with search demonstrations and voiceovers. After each tutorial is a post-quiz of six questions pulled directly from each tutorial’s content. The purpose of the post-quizzes is to reinforce the important points of the tutorial as well as test students’ immediate knowledge retention. The pretest had a completion rate of 98% in Fall 2011. The pretest also asked students’ confidence in various searching venues. 80% of students are confident searching a library catalog 71% are confident searching a library database 96% are confident searching the internet (which is traditionally one of the lowest-scoring areas of the pretest) The breakdown of pretest and post-quiz scores by topic are as follows: pretest 2011 Pretest vs. 2011 Post Quiz Topics post quiz 93.45% 84.34% 52.78% 74.60% 77.40% 54.73% 53.43% 20% 73.97% 40% 70.35% 60% 73.00% 87.51% 80% 83.32% 100% 0% sources/ quiz 1 reliability general quiz 2 searching quiz 3 books periodicals quiz 4 & databases quiz 5 internet copyright quiz 6 / plagiarism Post-quiz scores were higher in all categories. sources/reliability increased 13.5% general searching increased 19.5% books increased 13% periodicals & databases increased 22.5% internet increased 22% copyright/plagiarism increased 9% This could be due to learning from the pretest (viewing missed questions and answers), learning from the tutorials, learning the information elsewhere, or looking up the answers while taking the post-quizzes. 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 11 One of the questions on each post-quiz asked them to agree or disagree with this statement: “This tutorial had useful information to help me find information for research.” Students overwhelmingly agreed with this statement: sources/reliability: 95% agreed general searching: 96% agreed books: 94% agreed periodicals & databases: 94% agreed internet: 93% agreed copyright/plagiarism: 92% agreed The final piece of the online tutorials is a long-term follow-up test. This test was administered in Fall 2010, Winter 2011, and Spring 2011 to measure the retention of students’ Information Literacy tutorial skills over time. The follow-up test is 35 questions. The chart below shows students’ average scores for the pretest, post-quizzes, and long-term follow-up test. These averages include all data collected since Fall 2008. Students learned from the tutorials as evidenced by the increase of over 17% between the pretest and post-quizzes. Students lost some of that knowledge over time as evidenced by the decrease between the post-quizzes and long-term follow-up. Overall, students did retain some tutorial information since the long-term follow-up average is higher than the pretest average. Overall Information Literacy Assessment Averages 90% 79.97% 80% 70% 64.86% 62.85% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% pretest post-quizzes 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 12 long-term follow-up The chart below shows students’ average scores for the pretest, post-quizzes, and long-term follow-up test by topic area. These averages include all data collected since Fall 2008. The long-term follow-up averages of four topics, sources/reliability, searching, books, and internet, are at least 6% higher than the original pretest, indicating retention. The periodicals/databases average demonstrates the largest decrease in retention from post-quizzes to long-term follow up. This may be due to the lack of library database use by students. A question on the long-term follow-up asked how often they use the library catalog and/or databases; 47% of students said never and 46% said 1-2 times a quarter. The copyright/plagiarism long-term follow-up average is lower than the original pretest scores. A possible cause for this decrease is that this section saw the most questions changed to scenarios, which asks them to apply their knowledge in specific situations. These questions may be more difficult than the standard multiple choice questions that were previously on the pretest and post-quizzes. Information Literacy Assessment Averages by Topic 20% 68.71% 50.99% 78.58% pretest postquizzes long-term follow-up 43.08% 30% 57.97% 40% 57.37% 50% 71.28% 54.21% 60% 48.28% 70% 62.75% 73.33% 69.37% 80% 72.22% 87.39% 79.84% 90% 86.97% 90.62% 81.11% 100% 10% 0% sources/ reliability searching books periodicals/ internet databases copyright/ plagiarism Overall, the assessments illustrate students do retain information literacy skills over time, and the amount of retention varies by topic. The library will continue to collaborate with faculty to incorporate information literacy activities into the classroom. Reinforcement of these skills in ATI courses should help students retain what they learned in the library tutorials. More detailed reports are available on the IL tutorials and assessments. Please contact the Library Director for more information. 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 13 Facilities The library did not have any physical changes to the layout. The only facility change was upgrading the HVAC/univent system as part of an ATI capital improvement project. This graphic depicts the floor plan at the end of 2011: 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 14 Technology Some AV items available for checkout were upgraded in 2011. New AV purchases included: Digital voice recorders Tripods Flash drives Digital video cameras Calculators The library also created a facebook page to help connect to users. At the end of 2011, 71 people “liked” the library’s facebook page, which means they receive the updates and news. The library made 100 posts during 2011 as well as uploaded photos and videos. There were 135 incidents of feedback by either commenting on a post or liking a post. For the year, there were over 31,000 views of the facebook page, which included unique and repeat visitors. Feedback In an effort to continue obtaining feedback from the ATI community, the library began using two additional feedback methods: the ATI website feedback form and a comment box at the front of the library. In 2011 one comment came in from the ATI website feedback form from a student: The library should have a scanner so we can scan pages from books and notes and stuff The library will create a scanning station in the library for all patrons to use in 2012. In 2011, two comments came in the comment box at the front of the library. Both were from students and gave the library a 4 (out of a possible 4) rating. The comments included: Keep up the good work. Don’t change a thing. I love talking to the girls here at night – they are always very helpful. 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 15 Campus Involvement/Committees In 2011, the library was involved across campus as follows: SOAR (Student Orientation And Registration): Sharon helped students sign in for the day’s events and for course registration Regional Campus Meetings: ATI Library staff participated in monthly meetings in Columbus or other regional campuses to facilitate collaboration between OSU Libraries and the regional campus libraries Staff Council: Sharon was President of Staff Council, which included attending Executive Committee meetings ATI Outstanding Staff Award Committee: Kris served on this committee to help review nominations to select a recipient Family Day: Sharon served on the Family Day committee, which planned a visit day for students’ families to visit and participate in various activities Campus Campaign Committee: Kris served on this committee to help plan the kick-off event and solicit contributions to the ATI Library Fund AQIP (Academic Quality Improvement Process): Sharon and Rachel participated in three AQIP committees covering retention, student satisfaction, and student leadership Wireless Setup: All library staff assisted new and returning students with setting up wireless on their laptops Visit Days: Sharon spoke to visiting high school students who were considering ATI for their college career Welcome Days: Sharon and Kris coordinated a game show event at Welcome Days for new students before classes began Teaching Committee: Sharon was a member of the Teaching Committee Professional Development The Library staff works hard to stay current in the library field. In 2011, various library staff attended the following professional development opportunities: Disaster training Institutional Data Policy training PechaKucha Conference: ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) 2011 Virtual Conference Clickers training OCLC training for adding table of contents to catalog records Workshop: Using Web 2.0 Principles to Become a Librarian and Educator 2.0 WorldCat tutorial CITI training for IRB Carmen Affiliate training Course: Developing a Research Agenda for Academic Librarians Workshop: But I Didn’t Mean Anything By It (intent versus impact of language) 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 16 Planning from 2010 Annual Report: The following projects were planned for 2011 and the comments in red indicate the status of those projects at the close of 2011: Review usage of AV equipment to withdraw and update technology accordingly o New AV items were purchased to replace outdated technology including digital video cameras, digital voice recorders, tripods, and flash drives. Develop a disaster plan for the library including emergency procedures o The disaster plan was completed in September 2011 and all staff and student workers were trained how to respond during and after a disaster. Review and expand current website content, organization, and navigation o The website’s navigation was reorganized and additional content was added in Summer 2011. Process periodicals for electronic checkout, matching all other library items o Periodicals were completely barcoded by Spring 2011 so that patrons can check them out and renew them just like any other library item. Update/improve library signage o A few of the library signs were updated in terms of verbiage. However, the overall look and design of the signs were priced by a vendor but then not updated in 2011 due to budgetary constraints. Review operating hours for efficiency and cost-saving measures o Statistics of patron traffic were kept for Winter and Spring quarters in 2011. The low usage numbers prompted a change in the library hours beginning Fall 2011. The library began closing at 8pm Monday through Thursday instead of 9pm, which reduced the student worker salary expenditures. 2012 Planning Many library activities are ongoing and happen on a regular basis. There are also some special projects planned for 2012: Reorganize the back issue periodical shelving to create a more inviting study space Create a scanning station with easy to follow instructions for patron use Plan a physical area for archival storage and display Enhance ATI’s catalog records by including table of contents where appropriate Host a special event to highlight a traveling exhibit on Chinese calligraphy 2011 ATI Library Annual Report page 17