KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA 6TH SEM EXAMINATION-2015 POWER ELECTRONICS TIME: 3 HOURS MAX. MARKS: 75 SECTION-A QUESTION NO.1 IS COMPULSORY (5 MARKS). ATTEMPT ANY 3 QUESTIONS (10 MARKS EACH) FROM REMAINING QUESTIONS. 1. Explain the meaning of SCR. 2. What do you mean by SUS? 3. Describe the First Quadrant. 4. Write short note on Buck Converter. 5. Define the Holding Current. SECTION-B ANSWER ANY FOUR QUESTIONS: (10 MARKS EACH) 6. What is the Qualitative Analysis? 7. Explain the Four-Layer diode. 8. Describe the Choppers. 9. What are the meanings of DIAC? 10. Describe the Silicon-Controlled Switch.