- Bumperon

Drive The Light Ltd.
Generating Green Energy
Road Bumps
For more information please contact:
Tel: +972 52 5673388
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Drive the Light Ltd – Project Plan Summary
Table of Contents
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................... 3
OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 3
2. OUR OFFERING ................................................................................................................ 4
Bumper-On© ..................................................................................................................... 4
ENERGY PRODUCED ...................................................................................................... 5
POTENTIAL ROAD LOCATIONS ...................................................................................... 5
RAILROADS ....................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
VALUE PROPOSITION ..................................................................................................... 6
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ............................................................................................ 6
3. MARKET OPPORTUNITY ................................................................................................. 7
4. BUSINESS ......................................................................................................................... 8
STRATEGY FOR GROWTH .............................................................................................. 8
COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO COMMERCIALIZATION .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. MANAGEMENT TEAM ...................................................................................................... 9
OUR TEAM ........................................................................................................................ 9
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Drive the Light Ltd – Project Plan Summary
Commercializing clean energy technologies can be a profitable enterprise and is
moving steadily into mainstream business to become the next engine of economic
As a vehicle slow or come to a stop at toll plazas, traffic calming areas, and countless
other roadway points, the motion energy, derived from the burning of fossil fuels, is
dissipated in brakes and lost as heat to the environment. We have developed a
proprietary, innovative solution, Bumper-On©, to capture this kinetic energy to generate
The key benefit of the system is that it harnesses energy that would otherwise be lost,
and does this without interfering with the thousands of cars and trucks that will pass
over every day.
Drive the Light Ltd, is a privately owned company, founded December 2007. We have
developed a proprietary, innovative solution, Bumper-On©, for generating electricity by
converting kinetic energy (the energy of motion) from a vehicle as it passes over a road bump.
Bumper-On© is designed to be used in driving environments where small bumps on
the road do not interfere with normal traffic flow, for example replacing existing speed
bumps or at entrances to large car parks or shopping centres.
Bumper-On© is relatively unobtrusive, smoother than current speed bumps, and safe
for all road users. The system is designed around standard materials and
components to reduce costs, and will require minimum ongoing maintenance. We
have already filed for patent protection under PCT application.
Our system offers a clear value proposition to all the key stakeholders - investors, city
authorities and road operators, with strong economic and environmental benefits:
Generates local “green” electricity at a very competitive price
Road users generate the electricity used to power road lightening and traffic
signals as well as supply other local and global electricity needs
The system is installed where it does not interfere with normal traffic flow.
Our company provides an excellent solution for renewable energy production, to be
used at requestor's facility.
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Drive the Light Ltd – Project Plan Summary
We have developed an innovative and patented solution for generating clean electricity by
converting the kinetic energy (the energy of motion) from a vehicle as it passes over road
Our system, Bumper-On©, helps a vehicle slow down, capturing and converting part of the
vehicle’s wasted kinetic energy into useful electricity rather than wasted brake heat.
All vehicles in motion possess kinetic energy. The amount of this kinetic energy is based upon
the vehicle’s speed and weight. The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the amount of
energy in the universe is constant. Energy cannot be added or taken away, created or destroyed.
It can only change from one form to another, like heat to light, chemical energy to electrical
energy, or chemical energy to mechanical motion.
When a moving vehicle slows down, it wastes some of its kinetic energy in the process of
braking. Bumper-On©, helps a vehicle slow down and so captures and converts part of the
vehicle’s wasted kinetic energy into useful electricity rather than wasted brake heat.
Bumper-On©, consists of a number of consecutive flaps placed in the road. The flaps will be
covered in a flexible, non-metal sheet to avoid any problems with vehicles skidding and to protect
against dirt or moisture that may harm the mechanism, as illustrated in Figure 1.
The flaps are pushed down
when a vehicle passes over it.
mechanism rotates a flywheel
connected to an alternator to
produce AC or DC current. The
electricity generated can be
consumption, like to power
users' lighting, traffic lights etc.
This electricity can also be sold
to the electric company’s power
Figure 1:
grid or replace the need for
connecting the voltage output to power meter and a synchronization device, the operator can
measure the exact output produced by the apparatus.
Each flap, shown in Figure 2, returns to its upright position by a spring until the next vehicle
passes over it. Two versions will be available, one for traffic travelling in a single direction, and
another version for traffic going in either direction.
The energy generated by this device actually comes from the fossil fuels burned inside the
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Drive the Light Ltd – Project Plan Summary
engine of the passing vehicle. The benefits of the system is that it harnesses energy that would
otherwise be lost, without interfering with the thousands of cars and trucks that will pass over it
every day.
Bumper-On© is silent in operation, causes no
discomfort to the vehicles occupants, and is entirely
safe for all road users.
Figure 2: Single Flap
Bumper-On© is designed for low installation and
maintenance costs. The system will be in a selfcontained box ready to be inserted into a pre-dug hole
in the road for installation. It can also be easily
removed for ongoing maintenance and repairs.
The amount of kinetic energy a vehicle possesses is based on the vehicle’s speed and weight.
The faster the vehicle is moving and the heavier it is, the more kinetic energy it possesses. The
actual electricity generated by Bumper-On© will depend on the frequency and weight of traffic.
Example 1
Estimated 1000 trucks weigh 10T-20T will pass through 3 inbound and outbound gates every
day. Thus, 80 trucks will pass the system every hour, generating 2.1kWh per single system of 10
This traffic volume would result a non relevant ROI for this system.
Example 2
Estimated 9000 cars weigh 0.8T-1.5T will pass through 2 inbound and outbound gates during 9
hours every day. Thus, 2000 cars will pass the system every hour, generating 6.6kWh per single
system of 10 flaps. In average, 50 systems would produce estimated 3.3MW per hour, if installed
in such facility.
This traffic volume would result an attractive ROI.
Bumper-On© is designed to be used in low to medium speed environments, where it does not
interfere with the normal flow of traffic. There will also be markings to alert drivers to its presence.
Bumper-On© can also be installed on highways which are crowded during rush-hours. The
system will protrude above the surface when traffic is slow, and will be flush with the road surface
when traffic is fast moving.
Examples of suitable locations include:
Replacing existing speed bumps,
Entrances to large car parking areas,
Approach entrance to toll-booth on highway,
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Drive the Light Ltd – Project Plan Summary
Traffic roundabouts,
Large truck and warehouse depots,
City streets with reduced speed limit,
Our system offers a clear value proposition to all the key stakeholders - investors, city authorities
and road operators with strong economic and environmental benefits:
Generates local “green” electricity at a very attractive price. We estimate the cost per Khw
will in line with grid-generated electricity and far more competitive than other green
sources of energy. Bumper-On© also needs a relatively low up-front investment compared
to other green technologies such as solar panels, wind farms etc.
The system is installed where it does not interfere with normal traffic flow, for example
replacing existing speed bumps or at entrances to large car parks or shopping centres.
Road users generate the electricity used to power road lightening and traffic signals as
well as supply other local electricity needs. Our technology functions as an energy
harvester and converts the vehicle’s wasted kinetic energy into useful electricity rather
than allowing that energy be wasted as brake heat.
Our success is dependent upon our proprietary technologies. We rely on a combination of
patents, trade secrets and know-how including the skills, knowledge and experience of personnel
for competitive advantage. To protect our proprietary technologies, we have been granted patent
protection worldwide, including PCT, USA, Europe, Canada, Mexico, South Africa and Israel.
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Drive the Light Ltd – Project Plan Summary
“The world faces many challenges, but none more important than taking immediate and
decisive action to develop new, inexpensive clean-energy sources that avoid the negative
effects of climate change.” Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft. Corp.1
Green energy is the term used to describe environmentally friendly sources of power and energy.
In particular, green energy must have these two characteristics: be renewable, and non-polluting.
The market for clean, renewable alternative energy sources is driven by global population growth,
rising demand for electricity, soaring prices for fossil fuels, and concerns about carbon dioxide
emissions contributing to global warming.
Global demand for electric power is expected to increase from 14.8 trillion kilowatt hours in 2003
to 30.1 trillion kilowatt hours by 2030, according to the Energy Information Administration, (EIA).
To meet this demand, the IEA estimates that investments in new generating capacity will exceed
$4 trillion in the period from 2003 to 2030, of which $1.6 trillion will be for new renewable energy.
Sustainable energy worldwide continues to attract strong capital investment at all stages of the
financing lifecycle. Total global investments in renewable energies were $100 billion in 2006, and
reached an estimated $120 billion in 20082.
Recent investment trends:
Renewable energy markets are growing more global and enjoying easier access to capital
Capital is coming from the venture investment community, the stock markets and internal
financings, showing the sector's a shift to a more mainstream status;
Many investors are looking to reduce risk and uncertainty through diversification across
technologies and geography.
Many countries have introduced incentives to encourage production of green energy, including
subsidizing each KWh generated. In 2009, policy targets existed in at least 73 countries,
including 45 countries with feed-in tariffs.
In the United States, for example, 18 states have issued rules known as “Renewable Portfolio
Standards” as incentives for renewable energy. These require as much as 20% - 25% of the
power used in the state in the future to come from clean energy sources.
The UK introduced Renewables Obligation (RO) in 2002. The RO places an obligation on
licensed electricity suppliers to source an increasing proportion of electricity from renewable
sources. In 2007, RO reached 6.7% of all electricity generated and is expected to rise to 10.4%
by the period 2011-12, and then by 1% annually for the next five years.
Energy Innovation Council, A Business Plan for America’s Energy Future. June 2010
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Another interesting example is Google, the Internet search engine giant. Google announced in
November 2007 a new strategic initiative known as RE<C, (renewable energy cheaper than coal)
where the company will invest hundreds of millions of dollars in breakthrough renewable energy
projects that generate positive returns.
There are very strong market opportunities for green energy from road traffic. There are
estimated to be over 250 million registered vehicles in the United States alone. According
to the Environmental Protection Agency, these vehicles drive more than 6 billion miles
every day.
4. Location and Specific Design
Estimated 9000 cars weigh 0.8T-1.5T will pass through 2 inbound and outbound gates during 9
hours every day. Thus, 2000 cars will pass the system every hour, generating 6.6kWh per single
system of 10 flaps. In average, 50 systems would produce estimated 3.3MW per hour, if installed
in such facility.
To install 50 systems, road length of approximately 150m is needed. It can be divided to 3-5
sections, probably both at inbound and outbound lanes. Detailed design of system installation
would require sound understanding of site location, foundations (concrete/asphalt, power grid
connections etc). Installation plan would include minimizing civil works time and interference,
labor, in and out lanes available for diverted traffic.
Bumper-On© is designed to minimize maintenance effort and time. Each system is installed in a
pre-dug hole, so the whole system can be taken off for maintenance, while a temporary system is
installed in the meantime. We estimate such replacement to be made during night hours, and to
take 1-2 hours (including testing and commissioning).
System is built of metallic welded frame, moving and rotating parts, electrical wiring and storage
device and power production monitoring. Local manufacturing facilities can be used for units'
production, installation and maintenance.
System is designed for high reliability, including surface plate, moving and rotating parts. System
is designed and will be tested for environmental conditions (temperatures, shock and vibration,
splash etc).
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Drive the Light Ltd – Project Plan Summary
Our management team has the proven entrepreneurial, managerial, and technical skills
and experience to succeed in expanding this innovative company. We combine business
savvy as well as industry experience and expertise in the field of engineering. As our
business grows, we plan to recruit additional experienced professionals to complement
our management team.
Ron Chen –Founder, President
Mr. Chen is the inventor of Bumper-On and founder of the company. He is experienced senior
manager. His positions include CEO of Netanya Science Center, and CEO of Innovative Patents
Mr. Chen has a LL.M in Law.
Ben-Tsur Joseph – CEO
Mr. Joseph brings valuable experience in management and international business development.
His positions include General Manager of D.I.G. Ltd, Director of Marlaz Ltd (both are public
companies developing high-tech products), and Chairman of Elad Hotels.
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