Sample Speaker Talking Points -week 2

West Michigan Conference Camp & Retreat Ministries
CHANGING LIVES: The Fund for Christian Camping
CAMPAIGN WEEK 2: Information Sunday
Provide Information that MOVES people to care
Tell Your Story – See storytelling tool to help craft your message on website under Resources
The most important thing is to talk with passion and conviction.
Speak from your heart on how camp has transformed your life or the life of someone
you love.
Share how you witnessed God working through the camps.
It does not need to be a “perfect” story; it just needs to be a personal one.
Last week we introduced Our Changing Lives Campaign: The Fund for Christian Camping.
Today, you will have an opportunity to hear just one of the many stories that exist of
how our camps change lives. Please welcome ________________________.
GENERAL INFORMATIN to share about the Campaign:
Funds raised from the campaign will primarily support:
o Scholarships – We are grateful to the many generous donors who step forward
each year to underwrite camp scholarships. Unfortunately, the need far exceeds
our annual gifts leaving many children who would love to attend camp, unable to
come. Money raised from this campaign will support our scholarship program.
o Full Time Directors – It is our people who really set the stage for the spiritual
climate of our camps. Only one of our five camps has a full-time director. Funds
raised would support bringing others to full-time status.
Each of our five camps has its own unique ministry, and those ministries have major needs that
we will begin addressing in the near future. While this is not the focus of our campaign right
now, we welcome donor support to help meet these larger capital needs any time.
We believe that our camps provide one of the best opportunities to make disciples of
Jesus Christ.
We believe that they are a worthy investment in our faith and our church community.
Next week is “Commitment Sunday.”
We ask you to please take some time this week to discern at what level you can support
this campaign, and come prepared to make your commitment next week.
We ask you to consider a gift of $50 ($10 for each of the 5 camps), a three year pledge
of support, or joining our “Campfire Circle” (a monthly giving option).
We ask for your prayers for this campaign and our camps.