The Moon and Earth


The Moon and Earth

By: Riley, Emily, and Logan

Miss. Wilson’s class


(A moon is any natural body that revolves around a planet)


• The moon is only ¼ the size of the Earth

• If you put them next to each other, they’d look like a basketball next to a tennis ball

• The moon is 3,474 km in diameter

Landforms & Craters

• The moon has mountains, valleys ,soil , rocks, and dust

• If you were standing in a crater, you wouldn’t be able to tell that you were in one – they’re so big!

• The moon has so many craters because it doesn’t have an atmosphere to protect it


• The moon has 1/6 gravity

• Gravity depends on 2 things:

• #1- the size

• #2- distance between objects

Weather & Atmosphere

• The moon has no atmosphere

• Because it doesn’t have an atmosphere, it has no weather

• The moon does have ice


• The moon has little water, about 25 gallons

• Only recently scientists made the discovery of the little bit of water

Weathering & Erosion

• There is no weathering on the moon because there is no rain, wind, or water to do the erosion.

Time to rotate on its axis

•It takes 27 days to rotate once on its axis

•In 29 ½ days it will go around the earth once



• The Earth is 12,756 km in diameter

• It is the 5 th largest planet in our solar system

Landforms & Craters

• The Earth has craters, but not many

• The earth doesn’t have many because it has an atmosphere to protect it. Usually, it will burn up when it hits our atmosphere

• Some landforms on earth are: mountains, valleys, plains, etc.


• Earth’s gravity is 6 times larger than the moon’s

• The Earth applies to the 2 gravity rules:

• It is large in size (compared to the moon)

• It is far from the moon

Weather & Atmosphere

• Unlike the moon the earth has an atmosphere

• It is made of 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen,

9% argon, and 3% carbon dioxide with very small percentages of other elements

• Weather we have on Earth is: rain, snow, sleet, thunder/lightning, wind storms, etc.


• The Earth is made up of 75% of water.

That is more than half!

• There is very little fresh water on the

Earth; there is mostly salt water

Weathering & Erosion

• The earth has many kinds of weathering and erosion:

• Water

• Ice

• Wind

• And more!!!!



• Tides are the gravitational pull of the moon on the Earth’s ocean

• Every day there is 2 tides: low tide, and high tide.


• Mars is Earth’s closest friend

• It is 6,792 km in diameter

• Because Mars is our closest planet, we think of aliens being on Mars more than any planet. That is where we get the name






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