ENC 1101 AGENDAS FOR FALL 2015: Daily Objectives

Daily Objectives:
1. Students will understand the expectations for success in a college level
2. Students will work cohesively in a cooperative learning group to achieve a
common goal.
Academic vocabulary for this week: illustrative/exemplification essay
Daily Activities and Assessment:
Reminder: You should turn in your summer reading journal by 11:59 pm
tonight to www.turnitin.com- worth 50 points
Go over syllabus/notebook/journal/Whoops Pass
Assign homework on The Last Lecture (p. 46)
Take summer reading quiz- worth 75 points
Complete “paper clip” cooperative learning activity on The Last Lecture
(described on p. 46)
Note: We will work in-class on an essay on The Last Lecture next class
period. It is described in your Guidebook on p. 53. If time, we will begin
brainstorming ideas today.
Daily Question:
1. Students will understand what makes an effective
2. Students will understand makes a strong
illustrative/exemplification essay.
Academic Vocabulary for Week:
illustrative/exemplification essay
Daily Activities and Assessment:
Hang up and share homework on The Last
Wadsworth: Do ex. 2B on p. 84 and ex. 8 on p. 95
with a partner; do handout on paragraphs on own on
p. 55 of Guidebook
Work on rough draft of Short Essay #1 on The Last
Lecture in Rm. 213
Daily Objective:
Students will understand become comfortable with
speaking in class through informal and formal
Academic vocabulary for this week:
illustrative/exemplification essay
Daily Activities and Assessment:
Reminder: Your rough draft of essay on The Last Lecture
is due August 26 at 11:59 pm; your journal is due August
Watch short excerpt from end of The Last Lecture
Read through articles on The Last Lecture in packet
Begin discussion of The Last Lecture
◦ Daily Objectives:
 To participate fully in a college level classroom discussion
 To successfully complete an illustration/exemplification essay
◦ Daily Activities and Assessments:
Assign books
1B- Share your favorite quote from an article and favorite quote from
The Last Lecture since you did not last class period
First 20 minutes—Self editing and Peer editing of R.D. of The Last
Lecture Essay; I will also conference with you on your draft.
Finish The Last Lecture discussion
Readings for Writers Selections/Assignment/Discussion:
Chapter One: “Reading Critically” 3-12 (in class), Chapter 2:
“Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasion” 18-41; “What—and How—to
Write When You Have No Time to Write,” 42-45; “How to Say
Nothing in 500 Words” 101-111; “Assignment 1: The Research
Paper,” 710-749; Chapter 11: “Illustration and Exemplification”
370-374; “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…” 386-389; “How We Get
Addicted” 392-398; “Drugs” 399-401
Daily Objectives:
◦ Understand how to write a successful
illustration/exemplification essay
◦ Understand how to engage in college-level discussion
Daily Assessments:
◦ Complete final draft of The Last Lecture essay; due Sept.
1 at 11:59 pm; I will conference with Tim, George,
Roman, Kaylee, and Camille in 1B (since I did not get to
your last class period); I will conference with Esteban and
Daniel in 2B
◦ Finish going over Readings for Writers articles andThe
Last Lecture discussion
◦ Bring Wadsworth next class period
Daily Objectives:
Daily Assessments:
◦ Understand how to write outlines
◦ Understand how to engage in college-level discussion
◦ Guidance will talk to you about your senior plans
◦ -The Wadsworth Handbook “Constructing an Informal
Outline,” 48-49; Chapter 54 “Using Semicolons” 686691; In-class we will create an informal outline on our
research paper essay; do ex. 2 (p. 687), ex. 3(p. 688),
ex. 5 (p. 690) on own; do ex. 6 (p. 691-692) with a
◦ Finish discussing The Last Lecture
◦ Read “You Are Not Special” and do activity on it
◦ Bring Readings for Writers next class period!
Distracted Driving
Florida Panther/manatees
Standardized testing
Cutting high school sports/arts/band
Budget cuts that are detrimental to students
Daily Objective/s:
Daily Assignments:
◦ To add to a classroom discussion
◦ To understand what a causal analysis essay is
◦ 1A,1B—It turns out guidance does need that blue sheet with your
credit history, so please give it to me.
◦ Assign causal analysis essay (p. 54); we will work on the rough
draft next period
◦ Go over Readings for Writers selections, including:
 On own during first half of class—”Causal Analysis,” p. 555-559 (which
you should pay particular attention to as your next essay is a causal
analysis); “Chapter 5: “The Writer’s Thesis” 133-143; Chapter 6:
“Organizing Ideas” 171-181; “The Editing Booth” p. 695-718
 Together during second half of class (it is homework what you do not
finish)—”Rules for Aging” p. 188-190; “The New Feminism” p. 594-597;
“Bricklayer’s Boy” p. 573-577
Finish discussion of The Last Lecture as well!
Daily Objective/s:
◦ To write a causal analysis essay
Daily Assignments:
◦ Gerig—Take quiz you missed!
◦ 1A—Watch Key Club Powerpoint
◦ Work on rough draft of causal analysis essay; it is
due September 10 at 11:59 pm
 We will work on rough draft in class in Room 213 all
period; you will also be able to view my comments on
your previous final draft at that time
 We will work on peer editing in Room 213 on Sept
 We will work on the final draft next week
Daily Objective/s:
◦ To effectively peer edit a causal analysis essay
◦ To analyze a great work on English literature
Daily Assignments:
◦ B Day—Pass out literacy cards
◦ Assign The Canterbury Tales Prologue Reading and
Index Assignment—due October 6 at 11:59 pm to
Turnitin; Quiz on Prologue is October 7 (A)/October 8 (B)
◦ Complete peer editing of causal analysis essay; due Sept.
14 at 11:59 pm; in Room
◦ Read “The Life and Times of Chaucer” p. 271 in The
Canterbury Tales and write a list of Top 10 Reasons You
Are Happy You Did Not Live in Chaucer’s Time, using
examples from article to back up the points you make
Daily Objective:
Daily Assignments:
◦ Understand what makes for an effective tone
◦ Understand what makes for a strong division/classification essay
◦ A Day—Pass out literacy cards, then
◦ Clarify index assignment on The Canterbury Tales
◦ Warm Up Tone Activity: “What are you doing?” and “Well, that’s
◦ Readings for Writers selections:
◦ Read to skim: “What is a Writer’s Voice?”; “Tone: The Writer’s
Voice in the Reader’s Mind”; Division/Classification;
◦ Read on own in-depth: “The Waltz”
◦ Read together: “Move Over Teams”; “Incidents with White People”;
“Warriors Don’t Cry”
◦ When finished, you might have time to read from The Canterbury
Daily Objective:
◦ Understand how to write a causal analysis essay
Daily Assignments:
◦ Pass out Midmidterm Study Guide; test will be Sept.
23 (A)/24 (B); we will study in-class on
◦ Work on final draft of Causal Analysis essay; due on
Sept. 18 at 11:59 pm
◦ If you finish early, work on The Canterbury Tales
Daily Objectives:
◦ Students will learn what makes an effective causal
analysis essay.
Daily Assignment:
◦ 2B—I have your progress reports
◦ Complete Reflection on final draft of Causal
Analysis essay during first part of class
◦ Study time with partner/group for midmidterm test
Daily Objectives:
◦ Students will be successful taking a collegiate test.
Daily Assignment:
◦ Midmidterm Test
◦ If time is left, you may work on your Canterbury
Tales index
◦ Bring Wadsworth next class period
Daily Objectives:
◦ Students will learn how to write an effective
research paper.
Daily Assignment:
◦ Wadsworth: Work on assignments on writing a
research paper and evaluating sources; be sure you
can get onto database through Panther Central at
some point during the period; turn in pages 60, 61,
and 62 in Guidebook by the end of the period.
◦ If you finish early, work on your Canterbury Tales
Daily Objective:
◦ Students will learn to analyze a work from the Middle
Ages in England.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Daniel S—Your name is now fixed with SFSC so your
transcript will be accurate; they cannot change your
email, however
◦ Note: Guest Speaker Sherry Hong will be with us next
class period; she is a foreign state diplomat and will talk
about what SHS did for her and how she ended up in her
◦ Pass out College Application Worksheets
◦ Work on your Canterbury Tales index
Daily Objective:
Daily Assignments:
◦ Students will learn to analyze a work from the Middle Ages in England.
◦ Students will learn what makes an effective argument essay.
◦ 1A—Announcement about essay
◦ Special Guest Speaker: Alumni Sherry Hong from SHS
◦ Readings for Writers:
 Together: “Why Don’t We Complain?” p. 616 and “A Nation in Need of a
Vacation” p. 630
 On own (to skim): Annotated Student Research Paper p. 731-749; Chapter
15 “Argument and Persuasion” p. 609-616
◦ Rest of time: Work on The Canterbury Tales index; we will be playing
Canterbury Tales Bingo and taking notes on it next class period to prepare
for our quiz on The Canterbury Tales pilgrims next class period.
◦ Warning: We will be having a Chaucerian Food Celebration on October
7/8. Plan accordingly as you will be given a grade for bringing in food; if
bringing food is a problem, let me know and I will give you an alternate
writing assignment.
Daily Objectives:
Daily Assignments:
◦ To understand a major work from the Middle Ages.
◦ I have an apple for Book Recommendations if you would like one
◦ Go over notes on each pilgrim
◦ Work on index for The Canterbury Tales; due Oct. 6 at 11:59 pm;
if you have already completed it feel free to work on journals; if
you have already completed them, feel free to work on journals
for next semester; if you have already completed them, please get
a life.
◦ Play Canterbury Pilgrims Bingo in groups to review for next
period’s quiz. If your group wins bingo each person gets a sticker!
◦ Warning: Your quiz will literally be a list of all of the pilgrims in
order. You will need to write a brief description of the pilgrim on
the quiz. It will be worth 50 points.
◦ Double Warning: On our midterm test, you will have to match the
pilgrim with a description I give you.
Daily Objectives:
Daily Assignments:
◦ To understand a major work from the Middle Ages
◦ Quiz on The Canterbury Tales Pilgrims
◦ Eat food as we do the rest of today’s activities-◦ Summarize Those Tales! Assignment: Now that we have
read the Prologue, you will be assigned the task of
summarizing one of the Tales. (You can use your phone or
a laptop to find the summary. Credit the source where you
find it—please avoid wikipedia and Sparknotes—and put
the summary into your own words.)
◦ When finished, we will read “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” and
discuss it
◦ Warning again: Next class period we will do a creative
assignment on The Canterbury Tales; I am changing what is
in the Guidebook, so DO NOT DO IT ahead of time.
Daily Objectives:
To understand a major work from the Middle
Daily Assignments:
A Day Students: We will not be meeting next
class period due to PSAT Administration, so we
will be doing today’s and October 14th agenda
We will work today on College Applications,
Turn in your favorite Journal for this nine
weeks to Discussion Board of
www.turnitin.com; comment on one other
person’s Journal onto the Discussion Board of
www.turnitin.com; this is due October 16 at
11:59 pm.
Remember your notebook is due Oct. 19 or
Oct. 20 in-class
Work on Creative Assignment on The
Canterbury Tales on p. 79. Your project must
be complete in 35 minutes. Be ready to share
when you are finished.
Read “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” “The
Summoner’s Tale” and discuss when finished.
Photo Credit: Justin Smith
Daily Objective:
Daily Assignments:
◦ To understand how to effectively write a classification/division
◦ Read “The Pardoner’s Tale,” “The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” and “The
Summoner’s Tale” if done with Wadsworth activities early
◦ Wadsworth:
 Chapter 15: “Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting Sources” p. 212221; do Ex. 2 on p. 217 and write 5 tips that are important to remember
from this chapter
 Chapter 16: “Synthesizing Sources” p. 222-235—skim this chapter
 Chapter 9: “Using Logic” p. 109-120—skim this chapter
 Chapter 53: “Using Commas” p. 672-685—skim this chapter CAREFULLY
as no one will ever teach you how to properly use commas again! Pick
TWO exercises to complete on your own over issues you have.
 When finished with this, get with a partner and complete p. 57 and 59 in
Daily Objectives:
Daily Assignments:
◦ To understand how to summarize, paraphrase, and quote
◦ To understand how to use logic in one’s writing
◦ To understand how to correctly use commas
◦ Wadsworth:
 B Day: Pass back papers and turn in notebook
 Begin work on rough draft of division/classification essay in
classroom on laptops; please check my comments on previous
essay so you do not make the same mistakes again. IN FACT, I
 \
Daily Objective: To understand how to write an effective classification/division essay
Daily Assignments:
◦ Pass back papers and turn in notebook
◦ I need volunteers for the Scarevenger Hunt, which will be:
 Oct. 29—
 Oct. 30◦ Work on peer editing of classification/division essay in classroom—due October 21;
so you know, you f.d. will be due on November 4 due to Scarevenger Hunt and
Midterm test (Next Period you will be given your review guide for your “Midterm” test)
◦ Read and do activity on “The Pardoner’s Tale,” “The Wife of Bath’s Tale,” and “The
Summoner’s Tale”; for each story divide a piece of printer paper into four and do the
following (and it is homework if you do not finish):
Picture of the most important image in the
tale (with a one sentence explanation of it
at the bottom)
A three sentence summary of the story
A Haiku summing up something
entertaining about the story (Warning: If
you cannot use one haiku, make it into two)
A “tweet” on the moral of the story
Daily Objective: To understand how to
successfully take a midterm collegiate-level test
Daily Assignments:
◦ Turn in Pic, Tweet, Haiku, Summary of EACH of the three
tales you were required to read, then:
◦ Go over due dates for research paper (p. 86)
◦ Pass out Review Guide for you midterm on and begin to
work on it; test will be Oct. 26(A)/27(B); due to this and
Scarevenger Hunt your final draft will be due on
November 4
◦ Read Anglo-Saxon Riddles (p. 101-102) and write a
◦ Play Jeopardy to review
◦ Work on review guide
Daily Objective: To be successful taking a
college-level test.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Take Midterm Test (be sure to have a pen and five
different crayons)
◦ Reminder: Remember to bring a bag of candy for
the Scarevenger Hunt (or write a story about your
scariest memory that is 300-350 words and bring it
in) on October 29/30.
◦ For Real Reminder: Bring Readings for Writers next
class period (for A Day) and Nov. 2 (for B Day)
Daily Objective: To be successful writing an
argument research paper.
Daily Assignments:
◦ On laptops work on researching, paper proposal for
research paper—due November 4 at 11:59 pm; you
can also work on final draft of
classification/division essay, which is due
November 4 (and we will have more time for this
next period)
◦ Discuss “The View from Eighty” and articles on
Daily Objective: To realize that every once in
a while school can be fun.
Daily Assignments:
Daily Objective: Students will understand MLA
Documentation Style.
Daily Assignments:
◦ 1B- Turn in 5 questions on “The View from Eighty”
◦ Get into groups and compete on the MLA Documentation Quiz
Game; winning group gets candy; you will get a copy of the game
when we are finished, but it will not be available on my website;
quiz on this will be November 9 (A)/ November 10 (B); your
individual results on the quiz will be given to SFSC
◦ Work on paper proposal/response to paper proposal—due
November 4 at 11:59 pm to Discussion Board of www.turnitin.com
◦ Work on final draft of classification/division essay
◦ If done early, work on listing hyperlinks and finding source from
Panther Central
Daily Objective: Students will understand MLA style and how to use other
punctuation marks.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Wadsworth activities: Do skimming activities on own for first half hour; do exercises
with a partner
◦ Chapter 10 “Writing Argumentative Essays,” 121-137; Chapter 41 “Revising Runons,” 576-580; Chapter 57 “Using Other Punctuation Marks” 707-715; Chapter 17
“Avoiding Plagiarism,” 236-248; Chapter 18 “MLA Documentation Style” 254-298
or 5
Chapter 10 Argumentation Essays (p. 121-137) and do Ex. 1 (p. 124); pick 1,2,3,4,
and do Ex. 2 p. 579
and do Ex. 5 p. 715
and do Ex. 1 on p. 246
(will be questions on this on MLA Documentation quiz)
◦ When finished, work on posting hyperlinks (due Nov. 6 at 11:59 pm), and get started
on Works Cited and Formal Brainstorming (due Nov. 13 at 11:59 pm
◦ Bring Readings for Writers next class period
I would like to take this
moment to publicly
acknowledge the
greatness of Tejal
(since apparently I
neglected to say hi to
her after I ran my 5k
last week). Tejal thank
you for being you and
for being awesome!
Daily Objective: Students will understand MLA
Daily Assignments:
◦ Quiz on MLA Documentation Style
◦ When finished, read the article in Readings for
Writers you are responsible for your Jigsaw Review
◦ Last 20 minutes: Meet with group and fill out Jigsaw
Review article you were assigned on p. 97-100;
turn in to me when finished and I will photocopy for
the class
Do whatever page that your
article review is on IN PEN
so I can make a photocopy
of it when you are done
In addition, create a poster
for your article with a
picture of the most
important message plus a
tweet (with a hashtag) of
what is significant to take
away from the article
When you present, share
your review in the
guidebook first, then your
Daily Objective:
Students will
understand how to
create works cited
Daily Assignments:
◦ Work on
and Works Cited; due
November 13 at 11:59
And speaking of
Daily Objective:
Students will
understand how to
write a research paper.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Work on rough draft of
research paper in Mrs.
Cooper’s Room on Nov.
13 and Rm. 213 on Nov.
16—due November 18 at
11:59 pm
Daily Objective: Students will understand how
to write a research paper.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Work on rough draft of research paper; due at
11:59 pm on November 18
◦ Bring Wadsworth Book next class period
Daily Objective: Students will understand how
to peer and self-edit a research paper.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Do peer/self editing of rough draft; due November
20 at 11:59 pm
◦ Wadsworth Book:
 Skim Chapter 49 “Using Verbs” 636-649; Chapter 50
“Revising Agreement Errors,” 650-658
 p. 604-616; p. 617-625 on own
 Do ex. 2 p. 640; ex. 3 p. 645; ex. 5 p. 649; ex. 2 p.
655 (1-5 only); ex. 3 p. 657 (1-5 only) with a partner
Daily Objective: Students will appreciate the
works of Shakespeare.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Students will watch The Reduced Shakespeare
◦ Warning: A Review Guide for the ¾ Term Test will
be given out next period; we will take the test
December 4/7.
Daily Objective/s: Students will work on using verbs,
pronoun/antecedent agreement, subject/verb agreement AND analyzing
Daily Assignments:
◦ Pass out review guide to Friday’s/Monday’s test
◦ Readings for Writers: Go over “Terrorism,” 633-; “Body Image” 636-; Ageism,” 639-;
“Status of Women,” 655-photos with a partner/group; pick one question on each
photo to complete
◦ On your own—pick ONE of the photos and tell the story behind it (as a narrative or
descriptive paragraph)
◦ With your group again—come up with 10 original sentences that need a verb
corrected, the subject/verb agreement corrected, the pronoun/antecedent corrected,
or a dash, bracket, colon, parentheses, slash added to make it correct. Put it onto
large white paper. You will then teach your sentences to the class for review.
MAY BE TIME TO READ IT IN-CLASS EVERYDAY (which means you would have nothing
to worry about over Winter Break to do); if you are not staying 2nd semester you can
bring in a book of your choosing to read. SINCE SOME OF YOU MAY NOT NEED TO
Daily Objective/s: Students will be successful
taking a college-level test.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Take ¾ Term Test
◦ If you finish early, begin reading Old School
Daily Objective/s: Students will understand
how to write an argument research paper.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Work on the final draft of your research paper,
which is due December 11th AND/OR your
powerpoint presentation on your research paper,
which is presented Dec. 16(A) or 17 (B)
◦ As you work, I will call you up to conference on it
◦ You can also read Old School if you finish early
Daily Objective/s: Students will understand
how to write an argument research paper.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Work on the final draft of your research paper,
which is due December 11th
◦ You can also read Old School if you finish early
◦ Warning: Bring Wadsworth next class period
Daily Objective/s: Students will understand how to use quotation
marks and how to use APA style.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Wadsworth:
◦ On your own (using laptops or your phone)--Using APA style—skim
through Chapter 19 (p. 299-327); then, write a descriptive paragraph on
one of the Canterbury pilgrims that contains a quote from our version of
The Canterbury Tales (I have copies of it) cited in APA style PLUS a quote
from the Middle English version of The Canterbury Tales (which can be
found at http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/CT-prolog-para.html);
then make a APA style Works Cited page using the book’s ISBN and the
website name on www.bibme.com; submit this to www.turnitin.com under
APA Style Canterbury Tales Pilgrim Paragraph.
◦ With a partner--On Quotation Marks--Do ex. 1 on p. 701; ex. 2 on p.
703-704; ex. 4 p. 707
◦ Powerpoints presented next class period; be sure your powerpoint is
submitted to www.turnitin.com by the time class has started
Daily Objective/s: Students will be
comfortable making a presentation in front of
the class.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Powerpoint presentation of Research Paper; it
should have already been submitted to turnitin AND
I need the print out of it at the beginning of the
◦ Bring Old School (or another book if you will not be
here next semester) next class period; if the
weather is nice, we will read outside; if it is not, we
will read by the fire (DVD in my classroom)
Daily Objective/s: Students will read a work of
modern literature.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Finish powerpoint presentations
◦ Sign up for my ENC 1102 class via Remind and via
www.turnitin.com by looking at the Guidebook on my
◦ Read Old School (outside if nice; inside by the fire if not
◦ Remember notebook is due January 7(B)/January 8 (A);
remember posting of favorite Journal is due January
8/comment on someone’s journal is due January 8
◦ Begin watching Dead Poets Society to get us in the mood
for Old School
Daily Objective/s: Students will view a film
dealing with themes that are relatable to
young adults.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Finish watching Dead Poets Society and do
assignment on it
Daily Objective/s: Students will be successful
in studying for a test.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Work on argumentation techniques activities, since
reflection assignment for exam will be an argument
◦ Read Old School
◦ Remember your Old School journal assignment is
due on January 21 at 11:59 pm; you will have a quiz
on this book on January 20 (A)/ 21 (B)
Daily Objective/s: Students will be successful
in studying for a test.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Continue work on argumentation techniques
activities, since reflection assignment for exam will
be an argument
◦ Read Old School
Daily Objective/s: Students will be successful
taking an exam for a college-level class.
Daily Assignments:
◦ Complete Reflection assignment for exam, which is
an argument essay
◦ Remember your Old School journal assignment is
due on January 19 at 11:59 pm; you will have a quiz
on this book on January 18 (A)/ 19 (B)