Personality Project Worksheet

All About Me!
1. Brainstorm at least 4 of your Personality Traits- (What you are like)
2. List at least 4 things you are good at or enjoy doing.
3. Next, figure out how you became the person you are today.
a. Was it environment, heredity, behavior, or adult influence?
b. For each factor, tell in a sentence or two how it helped make you the person
you are today. Be sure to talk about the traits and activities you listed
4. Use pictures to highlight the great things about you!
5. Design and construct your final product
All About Me!
1. Brainstorm your Personality Traits- (What you are like)
2. List things you are good at or enjoy doing
3. Next, figure out how you became the person you are today
a. Was it environment, heredity, behavior, or adult influence?
b. For each factor, tell in a sentence or two how it helped make you the person
you are today. Be sure to talk about the traits and activities you listed
4. Use pictures to highlight the great things about you!
5. Design and construct your final product