Copy of Minutes of meeting - TEMPLATE

Date and time: November 19, 2014 9:00am
Location: COHN Building, Room 119
a. Dr. Kendra Schwartz, Dr. Cynthia Lysack, Dr. Farshad Fotouhi, Dr. Forsythe,
Joie West, Don Neal, Tansi Leake, Amanda Horwitz
Advisory Board Meeting
Summary of discussions and detailed decisions
The meeting started at:
New Partners Welcomed
● College of Business; Boy Scouts (staff development, insurance and national
General Program Updates
● Focus on excellence this year
● New org chart
● Introduction and utilization of Site Coordinator committees
● Still looking for part-time staff at several sites; particularly looking for staff that
can keep students engaged
Site Status and Data
● Program year began in July 2013  810 students served; 220 parents
● School year  583 registered and active students (majority female; most 9th
graders); served over 6000 meals
● Diverse group of schools provides an advantage to pipelining to WSU in that it
provides a big mix in types of students to choose from
● All schools have a 50% or higher free/reduced lunch rate
● C2 Pipeline working with students to increase ACT scores during programming
● C2 Pipeline consultant working with principals to meet program goals (Title 1
● Academic/College Portfolio used to track grades/test scores (for all grade
levels) and colleges applied to (12th graders); 12th graders to apply to 4 public/private
and community colleges
● Student Career Interest Survey  real time info; will tell which students are
interested in majors that fall in partner schools; will be administered school wide, not
just to C2 students
● Term Evaluations will be administered the same way as the Career Interest
Survey beginning at the end of term 2
● Website and social media platforms up and running
● Partners to consider using C2 Pipeline calendars as a way to promote school
● C2 Pipeline working to link better to university partners via the web
Student Career Interest Survey results to be sent directly to partner schools via
● Additional data (GPA, grades) can be attached to students enrolled in C2
Pipeline and sent to partner schools; C2 Pipeline staff will have to work with school to
obtain same information for non C2 Pipeline students
● Partner schools welcome to add column to track participation in events/contact
Partner Needs
● If there is anything C2 Pipeline can do to support partner efforts, please let Don
Neal know
● MSU data and Leading Indicators report results will be discussed at next
None to Note
Summer IPE Evaluation
● Costly during first summer of operation largely due to curriculum writing
● No curriculum writing this year  those funds will be used to market program
(Steering Committee decision)
● Currently looking for additional ways to raise money for scholarships
● Diabetes theme recommended by Steering Committee
● Center for Urban Studies completed evaluation of program
● See data in packet for numbers
● This year students will be asked to prioritize their “track choices” on application
● Logic Model developed especially for summer program
● Parent survey results indicated one-quarter of all parents do not feel that their
students are ready to go to college  C2 Pipeline addressing this by developing
invention strategies targeted at parents; C2 Pipeline staff continues to work with
students during programming time to prepare for college
● Student survey results indicated while there was a decrease in students that
indicated WSU was their first choice college, there was an increase in students who
placed WSU in their top three
● C2 Pipeline working to increase this percentage with the use of the College
● C2 Pipeline also pressuring admissions to have app ready by August so
students can actually apply while at IPE program
● C2 Pipeline staff currently following up with students who attended last year
● Summer Follow Ups – same goals and theme?; dates 7/26/15 through 8/6/15
with students leaving after gala on 8/6/15; 5 specialty tracks with 20 students each;
add kinesiology?; not sure if business would like to play a role in IPE or a summer day
camp; process for IPE application to remain same; still utilize sponsors as mentors
● Dr. Fotouhi suggested considering the addition of Food Science/Nutrition
New Logic Model Design – Strategic Plan
● New logic model design  strategic plan  sustainability model
● Not based on grant but “perfect” program
● Each program piece will have its own logic model
● Would like to have all partners/schools well represented, thoughts and opinions
are welcome
● Joie West recommended the addition of F.A.N (Families Against Narcotics) to
the Parent/Family Engagement piece  contact with Judge Linda Davis (founder)
● In order to assess the need, it was suggested that drug usage stats for our
current schools be evaluated
Curriculum Review
● Very heavy in engineering and math currently
● Challenging partners to bring forward/develop curriculums to increase the
number of health/science offerings
● Nurses Aid course considered and approved by Steering Committee  would
allow students to obtain a certificate
● A request for other certificate courses available was made
Summer Programs
● Requests for day program suggestions made
New Partnerships
● Ten80/NSL
● Host site needed for regional competition in January
● Macomb ATEC Building on MCC South Campus suggested  contact Amad
Isatin (Associate VP for Educational Outreach)
Kinesiology would be a good addition to the IPE model in some form; Don Neal
to send Dr. Lysack department contact
C2 Pipeline being highlights in School of Medicine’s MLSCU (?) accreditation process
School of Business – Investment Conference at Cobo Hall March 26th and 27th; Detroit
Economic Club will pay for breakfast and lunch of HS that attend; would like to
incorporate a tour and recruitment effort if possible
None to Note
None to Note
None to Note
MSU data and Leading Indicators Report
Logic Model
None to Note
The meeting ended at: 10:40am
Minutes compiled by: A. Horwitz